Madden NFL 07

Madden NFL 07

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SS Career - 25 Interceptions

SS Career - 25 Interceptions

Get 25 interceptions in a career in Superstar Mode.


How to unlock the SS Career - 25 Interceptions achievement in Madden NFL 07 - Definitive Guide

If you followed my guide for the 7 int in one season you should have a 7-8 ints after the first season, if not start here:

When you create a new superstar keep shuffling the options until it says your father was a Hall of Fame CB. This is key because you will start with a very high rating (85+) as a CB and should be a starter. Sim the season and check your stats, as long as you get 4-6 ints a year you should be fine. Create a new save at the start of each year and sim the next. Should take 4-5 years. If you happen to get zero or only 2 or 3 ints in a season it is probably faster to reload your save and re-sim that season.

02 Sep 2009 18:23

how can you check your stats? i can only get the QB stats - very frustrating
By se7ense7ensR49 on 31 Dec 2011 10:05
Hit RT i believe then you can select the different categorys on the left right up and down options.

as for the simming is there a way to sim more than just one day at a time?
By NickHawkeye on 05 Mar 2012 14:49
Wow this took forever. It took me around 18 seasons. Also if this doesn't work with your "SS," you can always move them around to say a "CB" and try running a season. I was at 21 INTs and changed the position to get a total of 27 INTs that season. Other than that thanks for the great information!
By stevezep19 on 06 Apr 2012 06:20
I just finished. This took me 9 years of simming. It would have taken me a lot longer if it weren't for some insanely lucky years that happened. Father was a Pro Bowl CB, set my college to Stanford and was 6'11". I guess being on the Raiders really did not help lol. They are definitely one of the worst teams you can get. The number of interceptions you get really feels super random. Here were my numbers:
2006-07: 10 INT (+10)
07-08: 10 INT (+0)
08-09: 12 INT (+2)
09-10: 14 INT (+2)
10-11: 15 INT (+1)
11-12: 22 INT (+7)
12-13: 24 INT (+2)
13-14: 24 INT (+0)
14-15: 28 INT (+4) Achievement unlocked!
By KinectKid333 on 06 Oct 2021 16:54
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For this achievement, create a Superstar and play through a career to unlock the record. 25 interceptions took me about 7 years playing as a Strong Safety (SS). Other options are to play as a Cornerback, as they can easily net you this achievement... I just happened to have a lot of luck with the SS! Keep shuffling through the player options until you get to this choice, then simply sim through the career. Takes some time, but I found that it was easy to do while working, talking online, etc. Just look over, tap A, then go back to what you are doing... Very easy!

Any questions or corrections, just PM me or leave a comment. Thanks!. :)

27 Feb 2009 03:49

I agree with the above about getting a hallf of fame dad as a corner back or safety. But also make your created player as tall as possible. 6'11" is the tallest I think!

26 Mar 2010 10:49

Alright, this is probably the most time consuming part of the entire game. I personally hated doing this because it was extremely annoying and I could not enjoy playing this through.

For the easy way out like I did, make sure you simulate to the IQ test and score 80-100. Once that’s done go to the NFL combine and do really well/mediocre. Believe it or not I don’t think it has any effect on your character. I ran a 4.7, benched 33 times and scored 2000 points with my WR and he ended up being 88 with some really amazing statistics in speed, catching, awareness, etc. Once that’s done, simulate all the way through.

After 2 years your character should almost be 99 and once your character hits 99 its smooth sailings with huge numbers each year. It’ll be rough around the edges for the defensive ones because defense is obviously a lot more inconsistent than offense. The offensive achievement will be the easiest by far but the defensive ones will be the most time consuming. Also, always make sure at the end of the season or the beginning if your character is starting first string.

There’s not much else I can say other than simulate and simulate a lot unless you really enjoy playing this mode.