Madden NFL Arcade

Madden NFL Arcade

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Play Them Out Keyboard Cat

Play Them Out Keyboard Cat

Hold your opponent to 0 points, Points To Win 30, Number of Downs 4, Start On Own 20


How to unlock the Play Them Out Keyboard Cat achievement in Madden NFL Arcade - Definitive Guide

I did this legit by using the new york jets vs buffalo bills. Turn off the gamebreakers or whatever they are called, and just do medium pass defense on every play. They shouldn't be able to get anything going because they have a terrible offense and your defense is good. Make sure the rosters are updated though.

02 Jan 2011 23:59

Start a game using "Play Now" and leave the settings as is. As the description states, don't let the opponent score. You must complete the game to unlock this achievement.

Two Controller Method:
As controller one (main profile,) score all of the points and on the second controller don't score any. Simply run plays with the first controller and move the defenders away with the second controller.