Magic Castle

Magic Castle

56 Achievements


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Magic Masterpiece

Magic Masterpiece

Watch the entire promotional video for the original game

1 50.62%
Lost & Found

Lost & Found

Beat the original 1998 beta version of the game

10 6.17%
Take Up Your Arms

Take Up Your Arms

Clear training without skipping a section

5 48.15%
Find the Treasure

Find the Treasure

Clear the Find the Treasure task

10 34.57%
Hunt a Ghost

Hunt a Ghost

Clear the Hunt a Ghost task

10 27.16%
Defeat the Black Golem

Defeat the Black Golem

Clear the Defeat the Black Golem task

10 9.88%
Release the Fairies

Release the Fairies

Clear the Release the Fairies task

10 8.64%
Holy Knight

Holy Knight

Clear the Class Promotion task as the Knight

10 17.28%


Clear the Class Promotion task as the Wizard

10 8.64%


Clear the Class Promotion task as the Fighter

10 7.41%


Clear the Class Promotion task as the Archer

10 11.11%
Help Your Allies

Help Your Allies

Clear the Help Your Allies task

25 6.17%
Heal the Rat Queen

Heal the Rat Queen

Clear the Heal the Rat Queen task

25 4.94%
Defeat the Doppelgangers

Defeat the Doppelgangers

Clear the Defeat the Doppelgangers task

25 4.94%
Dopamine Deposition

Dopamine Deposition

Level up to 20

10 19.75%


Open the locked chest in the treasure room

5 11.11%
Drink of Choice

Drink of Choice

Obtain Tea

10 6.17%
Prelude of Light

Prelude of Light

Obtain a Blue Charm

10 2.47%
Weight Loss Supplement

Weight Loss Supplement

Obtain a Feather as the Knight

10 4.94%
Catch This

Catch This

Obtain a Magic Ball as the Wizard

10 3.7%
Hidden Blade

Hidden Blade

Obtain a Shuriken as the Fighter

10 4.94%
Trigger Finger

Trigger Finger

Obtain a Forbidden Bow as the Archer

10 3.7%
Icha Icha Paradise

Icha Icha Paradise

Read romantic novels

5 48.15%
Student of the Arts

Student of the Arts

Read art books

5 46.91%
Drawn to Life

Drawn to Life

Read mangas

5 28.4%
History Buff

History Buff

Read history books

5 18.52%
Natural Law

Natural Law

Read science books

5 16.05%
Imaginary Instantiation

Imaginary Instantiation

Read fantasy novels

5 19.75%
Hello World

Hello World

Read computer programming books

5 13.58%
What Could Have Been

What Could Have Been

Read science fiction novels

5 11.11%
One and the Same

One and the Same

Read politics and humor books

5 8.64%
Renaissance Man

Renaissance Man

Read assorted books

5 11.11%
Light the Way

Light the Way

Read A Wizardry Book

10 7.41%
Make a Wish

Make a Wish

Take a shortcut to floor 100

10 2.47%
Well Done

Well Done

Beat the game

25 20.99%


Beat the game as the Knight on normal difficulty

10 8.64%


Beat the game as the Wizard on normal difficulty

10 9.88%


Beat the game as the Fighter on normal difficulty

10 6.17%


Beat the game as the Archer on normal difficulty

10 11.11%
Conquer the Hoard

Conquer the Hoard

Beat the game on hard difficulty

25 2.47%


Beat the game with an AAA+ rank

50 4.94%


Find the secret ending

100 3.7%
Professional Plunderer

Professional Plunderer

Beat the game with a five-star skill rating

50 6.17%
Ward for the Hoard

Ward for the Hoard

Beat the game on extra normal difficulty

25 4.94%
Breeding Bulwark

Breeding Bulwark

Beat the game on extra hard difficulty

25 2.47%
Escape the Blaze

Escape the Blaze

Clear the Escape the Blaze unlockable

10 3.7%
Raid at Night

Raid at Night

Clear the Raid at Night unlockable

10 3.7%
Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt

Clear the Treasure Hunt unlockable

10 2.47%
Dark Knight

Dark Knight

Clear the Black Knight unlockable on normal difficulty

10 6.17%
Azure Knight

Azure Knight

Clear the Black Knight unlockable on hard difficulty

10 1.23%
Kage Bunshin No Jutsu

Kage Bunshin No Jutsu

Get help from another knight in the Black Knight unlockable

5 1.23%


Clear the Cursed unlockable

10 1.23%
Self-Portrait From Ninety-Eight

Self-Portrait From Ninety-Eight

Find a hidden art gallery

1 7.41%
Hosoi Hymns

Hosoi Hymns

Find a hidden BGM player

1 8.64%
Soshi Sounds

Soshi Sounds

Find a hidden SFX player

1 7.41%
Enjoy the View

Enjoy the View

Find a hidden texture viewer

1 8.64%