Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers

Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers

21 Achievements


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How to unlock the Planeswalker achievement in Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers - Definitive Guide

This achievement requires you to completely finish this game. In order to do that, there are several things you have to do. They are:

1. Play through and complete the single player campaign.
2. Play through and complete the co-op player campaign.
3. Complete all the puzzles.
4. Unlock every add-on card for every deck.

Add on content, if you downloaded it, will add a couple more decks, along with a couple more cards for all the previous decks. It also will add a couple more puzzles for you to do, along with an addition to the single player campaign AND a second (4 matches) co-op campaign.

Most of the puzzles are fairly straight forward, but for detailed videos, go look at the solutions posted for the Puzzling Master and Magic: The Puzzling achievements.

Unlocking the cards for all the decks is as described before, you can have a friend quit out, or rig a custom game with the CPU and smash your way to victory. This portion is by far the most time consuming.

The single player campaign is fairly straight forward. In general, use the green deck to smash everything until you unlock the black deck, then use that to finish the single player.

The co-op campaign, however, is more frustrating. Generally, it would be best to have your friend come over and play with you, but not all of us have that luxury (friends that play, or even friends that come over). I honestly didn't even START this portion until a couple days ago, and of course it is easier to do when your deck is maxed out. This is the method I've been using to make slow yet steady progress:

I used a second account, which only had access to the solid green deck, and not maxed out. With my main account, I just have been trying to choose the best deck to counter the two decks I'm playing against. For example, when I'm versing the Black deck, I either go with the Blue (counter spells) or Artifact (prevents terror's and fear's from running the game). Playing against the Scales of fury deck, I would use the Elf (overpower with trample and numbers) or the Fire deck (haste and direct damage) to just blitz attack them. Using the green deck to augment my army, such as Blanchwood Armor and Giant Growth to help my creatures survive or rule. Best part about the co-op, you can share abilities (like putting blanchwood armor on the Flameblast Dragon, etc).

So far, up to the time I'm writing this, I am only missing 2 battles (expansion co-op) from obtaining this achievement (98% complete), which I plan on finishing tonight.

Also of note: If you have the expansion pack, and have NOT completed the co-op campaign, you will notice that the final match in the co-op campaign (the first one) changes. It is no longer between Tezzerete and Tezzerete, but between Tezzerete and the guy with the dragon deck (forget the name right now). But when you do defeat them, it still will pop the achievement for completing the co-op campaign, and when you check the achievement in your list, the text description will reflect the player swap.

Edit: It is now the next day, and I was able to manage to beat the final two battles, but some advice for the final battle: I gave up using other decks and went with my solid white deck. Reason? The computer has to be cheating. They will get EXACTLY what they need to defeat you almost every single time. Both decks you are versing have 3+ Terror's (by my count) in them, which they LOVE to use in BULK to destroy EVERYTHING on the field, they also have Terminates, they both have a Platinum Angel, the dragons, artifacts, and strong black and red spells make fighting these decks a pain in the behind.

Artifact deck loves to boost the Glaze Fiend, the other deck just screws you up. They have a creature that takes your creatures when they die unless you pay 3 life to prevent it. Serious pain in the @$$

My game of goof.. They have 9 life, I have 4, they only had 1 blocker (5/5 Flameblast Dragon), I had 3 creatures, 2/2 bears, 2/2 civic elf, 11/11 regenerating troll (blanchwood armor, holy strength), all their creatures are tapped (deathtouch owl, glaze fiend, and something else i forget) except the dragon they just summoned. Accidentally placed second blanchwood on troll instead of other creature. Of course i lost next turn.

Winning Game.. no white creatures on field (got terrorized to hell again) Regen troll with blanchwood, kept killing things on attack, out comes Platinum Angel, they have just ground walking creatures and no flying (well, the ones they had i pacified) played my +3/+3 +Flying until end of turn on troll, made them negative life, then reached into my white hand and pulled out my...

Mass Calcify FTW

Quite easily the hardest match up in the entire game.

Edit: 6/9/10
With the addition of an additional expansion pack (expansion 2), more cards (3) are added to each previous deck, and 3 more decks with 15 cards unlockable apiece dropped my completion percentage down into the 70%'s. More grinding out wins against a handicapped CPU or more time your friends need to quit games to boost you to full 100% completion.

Achievement suggestion: attain your "Plainswalker" achievement before downloading expansion content. Will reduce the amount of time you need to grind out wins. Of course, then you wouldn't have to unlock the additional cards, which would be sinful, as most are awesome.

15 Apr 2010 01:24

I have confirmed as of 7/10/2012, that deleting the DLC does work.
By Ulfsang on 11 Jul 2012 01:43
Did anyone else delete their DLC, do the Co-op part last, and get their Planeswalker achievement early? I think it had something to do with me having DLC Cards unlocked in a couple decks so I got it early. I got it one Co-op game early before doing the last one. So I got the Co-op achievement last, and it is kind of annoying. Anyway deleting the DLC definitely worked for me as of 8/16/12.
By Hexa Fox on 17 Aug 2012 01:30
I jus finished that final co-op match, and actually finished it in one try, in only a couple turns. But, I have to agree, those computer stack their decks, or at least it seems like it half the time...
By Fire Hawk D on 25 Apr 2010 06:08
Maybe my game just hated me, but I swear it went like this.. Terror, Terror, Terror, Terror, Terminate, Skeletonize. I got land starved most games, and they just poured out the pain on me. Good job tho on your victory :)
By Daddys Wrath on 25 Apr 2010 17:54
Wow, thanks for the negative without a comment as to why.
By Daddys Wrath on 22 Jul 2010 03:56
Dude.. best guide for this achievement!.. It actually tells me what I need to get to 100% AND strategies that I can use to get to the goal. Thumbs up.
By deutschZuid on 08 Dec 2010 10:50
if you have the DLC packs already, can you just delete them and still get 100%?
By STBenC on 20 Aug 2011 17:51
@OzarkSavage: I BELIEVE so, but I'm not 100% on that. I've heard people try it and it's worked though. Give it a go. Worst case scenario is just having to re download the DLC.
By Daddys Wrath on 09 Sep 2011 21:23
Will it work if I start playing DLCs and delete them just before earning last card for base decks?
By Siguardius on 08 Feb 2014 22:07
you only get cards for the currently selected deck so make sure to change it after you fill it and don't waste time like me...
By Failure Online on 10 Jun 2018 15:30
19.07.2020 Deleting the DLCs still works for me, but great guide my dude :) +1
By A CopyCat174 on 19 Jul 2020 09:30
So, recently this game was downloaded to my Xbox one, so I played it for the first time without any of the DLC, I had previously played it a ton on 360.

As soon as I opened it, I got the achievements.
By o iTz Hummel on 07 Oct 2020 21:31
Never played coop, after I delete the dlcs I got the Achievement.
I have all Base cards, challenges (include all from the dlcs) and the Main Story.
By Grobanite on 10 Nov 2022 19:55
Just went for this at a mates house. We both had the whole game done except for some co op campaign duels. Both of us had done 8 and had a few more to go. We started it up on his account and I joined but when we finished i got my beat Tezzerete and Tezzerete cheevo but my 100% progress hadnt worked while his had. Not sure if it was just a problem in my situation or if you join your progress does not get saved all the time if your the second account. I'd recommend sticking to 2 controllers and doing it yourself.
By Phantom Ninjar on 14 Feb 2011 01:02
>Did anyone else delete their DLC, do the Co-op part last, and get their Planeswalker achievement early?

I got the same yesterday.
By PrismSub7 on 24 Mar 2013 00:09
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Most of the time to get this achievement will be spent unlocking cards. The fastest way to unlock cards is to do the following:

Go to "Custom Game". Change your starting life to 40 and the computer's starting life to 20. Change your starting cards to 9 and the computer's to 5.

Play against Garruk Wildspeaker (green deck). Play creatures/damage cards as faster as possible and ignore his creatures attacks. Just try to win as fast as possible. Make sure your starting hand has creatures you can play quickly (1 cost, 2 cost, 3 cost). If you get bad cards even after a few mulligans, restart. You can almost always win by turn 10, usually faster (I often won on turn 5). Each game this way should take ~5 min.

24 Jun 2009 16:04

Do the above but you must also finish both single and co-op campaign. I also think you must get all the other achievements i.e. Spellslinger andthe online wins but this is unconfirmed from me.
By xBruce Almighty on 24 Jun 2009 20:27
The option is called "Custom Duel", press X for Advanced Options and there you set your starting life at 40 and the Computer's starting hand at 5 ... if you dislike to discard cards don't put your starting hand at 9, try it at 8 maximum, since you'll not get always the chance to drop a land and play a spell of one mana cost
By Chino Skeleton on 07 Jul 2009 18:53
The custom duel with 40 life and 9 cards doesn't unlock new cards when I do it. Only campaign does (both co-op and normal)
By Armistan Banes on 09 Jul 2009 00:36
You unlock cards, but the game doesn´t tell you, you have to administrate your deck to see the new unlocked cards!
By KMetalmind on 20 Jul 2009 20:45
This solution is really good, however, if you played the co-op campaign with a second player on the same console, the player signed into controller one will be the only one who gets credit for beating all the campaigns. You will still get the two headed achievement, but it will show that you haven't beaten the co-op yet. Kinda unfair, but easily enough fixed! Good Luck!
By Jessica0630 on 21 Aug 2009 12:58
I agree that the 2nd player should be able to unlock the co-op achievement at the same time as the 1st. Very unfair. In conjunction with the fact that the 2nd player has to unlock cards to get a decent deck to play with also makes it unfair. One way or the other dudes!

I am able to unlock cards using the custom duel method...

Now I just have to unlock a whole deck on my 2nd account and then probably beat co-op by myself lol....
By MrARMBARS TV on 30 Sep 2009 23:15
i'm doing custom duel, but i'm doing the co-op duel. That way i'm unlocking cards with my 2nd controller also. i think its faster this way
By lucas1987 on 14 Oct 2009 00:43
Does anyone know if I have to unlock the cards from the new decks from Duel the Dragon if I downloaded it before getting this achievement?
By EclecticBoogalu on 07 Dec 2009 13:17
Just a warning. In order to get this achievement it needs to say 100% in the game, so if you buy the expansion before getting this achievement there is more to do in order to get it.

That said, I wouldn't discourage buying it since the decks are really good.
By EclecticBoogalu on 17 Dec 2009 10:14
Co-op custom duel unlocks cards for both profiles. Now I just need a good deck for player 2. Has anyone in co-op campaign been able to play with the same deck for both characters? Message me if it's possible.
By CAG Doomed on 27 Feb 2010 05:20
Vortex's solution was definitely the easiest / quickest way for me to build up cards in decks. Garruk's deck is nice to face in that there's no real tricks and it takes a while to gather momentum. Just watch out for that troll + blanchwood + warhammer combo he likes to do. -.-

Also writing here to confirm that as of 3-25-2010 you don't need the online achievements for this. Just 100% every deck and beat campaign / co-op campaign.
By EdgeZephyr on 28 Mar 2010 21:52
I play for fun. Enough said!
By Toxic Antidote on 08 Jul 2010 20:37
If you buy some/all of the full decks as add-ons, will it still be possible to unlock the achievement?
By joe jirachi fan on 05 Oct 2010 17:12
of course, that is the fastest way! no way boosting is faster than 2 minutes downloading all decks
By lord verh on 30 Oct 2010 08:00
Does this still work?.....ive recently gotten addicted to this game. =P
By lRX7 on 05 Nov 2010 17:20
if you don't download the add-ons at 400MS each, do you still unlock it?
By Oakleyishere on 03 Dec 2010 12:00
if you don't download the add-ons at 400MS each, do you still unlock it?
By Oakleyishere on 03 Dec 2010 12:23
Hmm dude. I still don't know what 100% unlock means after reading your guide...
By deutschZuid on 08 Dec 2010 10:48
Your method is very cheap and makes the game no fun
By lopuski on 11 Jul 2011 00:47
I think the patch the other day took care of this option... I cannot get it to work. (Though I hadn't tried before hand.)I think the patch the other day took care of this option... I cannot get it to work. (Though I hadn't tried before hand.)

I was on default (archmage) difficulty if it matters.
By INMATEofARKHAM on 25 Jun 2009 14:28
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There is even a better way to do this achievement, if you have someone willing to do it with you.

Just create a player match and let your friend join you, then as soon as the game starts, simply let your friend quit the game and you win.

It shouldnt take more then 10 min to unlock all cards for one deck.

12 Jan 2010 14:09

1 Comment
It should be noted in this solution that the player who is to be winning must hit "A" before the other person concedes or it won't count.
By JMJimmy on 02 Dec 2010 16:37
If having to unlock this achievement with the expansion is driving you crazy, try deleting the expansion pack from your hard drive (after unlocking the achievements on it, of course). You have to unlock a lot fewer cards if you do this. You can also re download the expansion pack afterward.
Of course, you can also just get this before you download the expansion pack.

01 Feb 2010 05:59

Another way to get this achievement easy with the expansions, you have to complete the basis game though:

Create a ranked match and forbid the expansion cards and decks by pressing Y in the create-screen. Now you have to end (win or lose) this match without the enemy conceding (!). The game now just calculates the percentage of the basis game, so you have to complete at least that (decks and all cards, campaign, coop-campaign, puzzles). If you did this, the achievement should pop after the match.

11 May 2011 14:22

To unlock this achievement, you need to complete both the single player, and co-op campaign. You will unlock a lot of cards this way, but not all of them. You will need to either play custom games, or play with a friend online and have him quit. This way worked a while ago, not sure if they patched it yet, but its quicker than playing through a game and you still unlock cards