Make A Game Clicker
29 Achievements
29,000 XP
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Make A Game Clicker achievements progress.
Earn first career point in the design phase.
Earn first career point in the selling phase.
Earn first career point in the Jumperman game testing phase.
Hit 10 000 downloads in the selling phase.
Hit 1 000 000 downloads in the selling phase.
Ultra Rare
4,000 XP
Hard work bonus 10 times.
Destroy 5000 enemy ships in the Space shooter game.
Ultra Rare
1,000 XP
Finished all the Jumperman game phases.
Hit hard work bonus up to 10%.
Hit hard work bonus up to 20%.
Destroy 1000 enemy ships in the Space shooter game.
Reach level 10 in the Jumperman game
Reach level 20 in the Jumperman game
Ultra Rare
1,000 XP
Reach level 40 in the Space shooter game.
Earn first career point in the testing phase.
Fix 5000 bugs.
Ultra Rare
2,000 XP
Earn first career point in the Jumperman game design phase.
Hit 50 000 downloads in the selling phase.
Earn first career point in the Jumperman game implementation phase.
Earn first career point in the Jumperman game selling phase.
Finished all the Space shooter game phases.
Hit 500 000 downloads in the selling phase.
Ultra Rare
2,000 XP
Earn first career point in the implementation phase.
Hit 100 000 downloads in the selling phase.
Reach level 30 in the Jumperman game.
Ultra Rare
2,000 XP