Marvel vs Capcom 2

Marvel vs Capcom 2

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Get Out Of Here!!!

Get Out Of Here!!!

Perform 10 snapbacks within 20 unique teams. (Ranked Match)


How to unlock the Get Out Of Here!!! achievement in Marvel vs Capcom 2 - Definitive Guide

For those who don't know, a snapback is an attack that forces the opponent to switch their character, it is performed by doing a quarter circle motion plus one of the assist buttons, it costs one stock of your hyper meter. The achievement should unlock upon your 10th when you use it online successfully.

30 Jul 2009 19:46

the within 20 unique teams requirement refers to the stat tracking on the MvC2 community site,, if you go to your personal profile, it track the previous 20 teams that you used, now the tracking for the achievement, among others, is based on these 20 teams. So if you switch up your teams often without going for the achievement, you will lose some progress, but its only 10 snapbacks within 20 teams, so unless you are really experimenting and not keeping track of the achievement, you really shouldn't worry about it.
By CDiggi7y on 12 Jan 2010 03:15
what buttons are they assists?
By BigSalad87 on 28 Nov 2010 00:18
Y+B or A+X
By Baxterstopman on 14 Dec 2010 19:08
Character assists are RB and LB......A+X and B+Y are to switch characters.
By MattyOHC TTV on 06 Feb 2011 22:42
Okay, so I misread that entirely then. I thought it meant "10 snapbacks with 20 teams". This makes it far more doable. Thanks!
By Torhu Hybrid on 03 Jan 2013 16:49
whats a quarter circle motion?
By A 0 UB3RLOZ3R on 16 Feb 2017 19:14
can you give the buttons needed to do this i have no idea it and it makes me want to quit gaming forever because i cant comprehend this stuff its like learning a new language
By A 0 UB3RLOZ3R on 16 Feb 2017 19:33
Face your opponent and then Down Forward RB, bros.
By its whateva on 22 Jul 2022 07:19
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A snapback is when you force the opponent to switch characters. Snapbacks can be performed with ( + or ) when you have 1 special bar. A snapback will freeze the battle for a second, dimming the background and showing a yellow light from the tip of your characters attack. You can do the 10 snapbacks with just one character and one team as long as it's done within 20 unique teams. For more details on the "within 20 unique teams" please refer to the PSN step in the roadmap.

A snapback is when you force the opponent to switch characters. Snapbacks can be performed with + / when you have 1 special bar. A snapback will freeze the battle for a second, diming the background and showing a yellow light from the tip of your characters attack

Do this 10 times with your last 20 unique teams of your choice.

You can do this in just one match as long as you performed the 10 snapbacks. You must be close to the enemy to land a snapback so i don't recommend trying this against very skilled or cheap players.