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Last Stand

Last Stand

Survive all five waves in the battle for Object Rho ("Arrival" downloadable content)


How to unlock the Last Stand achievement in Mass Effect 2 - Definitive Guide


Survive all five waves in the battle for Object Rho.

This one is missable, because you can get knocked down but won't actually die, and the story will go on. So if you don't want the achievement, just let yourself get iced immediately. But we aren't here for that, are we ?

You have to survive 5 waves of attackers, so if you get downed, immediately DASHBOARD OUT.

Luckily, I found an exploit to win the fight easily. At the start of the fight, do not stay there but go to the right, up the little stairs and take cover behind the side of the console here. You should be behind the console's left side if you look at it, and have some glass cover on the left, then the stairs. Now you will hardly ever be attacked from the left, and all attacks towards you will finish in your little console wall. And the best part is ? You can shoot THROUGH it, without getting out of cover. The same goes for the left side of the room according to Baihu1983 and some classes find hiding behind the "L" shaped console better for the YMIR fight because the Mech doesn't rush you there, so try both !

For those who want to play fair, beware of grenades that will knock you out of cover, and here are my tips :

Wave 1 : regular Soldiers with regular weapons. Just go hide in the corner I previously talked about. Even if there is a passage on your left, the enemy will hardly ever take it unless you come out of cover for an ammo run (they will hide behind the 2 columns instead), making it the best cover in the room. Same goes for the left side of this symmetrical room.
Wave 2 : regular Soldiers with 2 Heavy's with Flamethrowers. Theses guys can rape you, so again, use "my" cover and you will be safe. You can even detonate one guy's tank when the other is next to him and take the 2 down in 1 shot on Casual.
Wave 3 : regular Soldiers with 1 Heavy Vanguard and 1 Heavy Flamethrower. The first is a pushover and won't rush you, so eat away his armor, and ice him. Be careful with the Flamethrower Heavy because he WILL rush you.
Wave 4 : regular Soldiers with 1 Heavy Engineer and 1 Heavy Flamethrower. The first is a pushover and won't rush you, so eat away his shields, and ice him. Be careful with the Flamethrower Heavy because he WILL rush you.
Wave 5 : same, plus an YMIR Mech. Yeah. In close quarters. Yeah... If you're playing a maxed-out Infiltrator like me that can do 1000 points of damage in one shot, go into Tactical Cloak and headshot the Mech twice with your Widow and it will go nuclear, so move your ass out of cover after that ! If you're playing another class, use Power Armor or Heavy Geth Shield Boost with a combo of Heavy Overload, Heavy Incinerate and/or Heavy Warp, the best biotic power in the game. Try to use Warp Ammo as well, again the best ammo in the game. And use your best weapon, of course, depending on your class. Too bad the frag grenades from Mass Effect 1 aren't there anymore.

Author: Asturgis


You have to survive 5 waves of attackers, to survive the waves just go to the left of the room when you start and go in the corner behind an L shaped desk. They wont even come near you.

29 Mar 2011 14:20

I just tried out this spot and it worked great. The only guy who came over to me was the mech nd I put him down fairly quickly with my collector beam.
By Barnsley Pal on 29 Mar 2011 15:05
I went right & right, I was by an L shape, couldn't see a console.. was fine til the mech turned up.. did try to move away without clipping on things when your a vanguard (with the lowest health & range of all classes isn't a good thing) but had to go to the dash
By Mazrael on 30 Mar 2011 03:34
next try, I stood my ground & used the flamer on the mech, it died as my health started going red (everything else was spam shockwave & finish with smg)
By Mazrael on 30 Mar 2011 04:35
Like Mazrael, I went right, and was doing quite well. When the mech showed up, I ran back and forth between the right and left corners (thankful for geth shield boost) taking cover and whittling down the mech. Took a few iterations, but I got it. I think it was my 3rd or 4th try.
By Zatosan on 31 Mar 2011 16:19
this is impossible on insanity- i was wondering if i can turn the difficulty down, do the achievement then reload without it affecting my insaity achievement?
By Holy Murderer5 on 13 Apr 2011 19:19
is there any way to re-do this if u die? i did this on my insanity run and got taken down really fast
By FoxMcFly88 on 14 May 2011 21:30
to Holy Murderer5. You've probably already got this, but make a save right before. Then skip it and finish the game on insane. You can load your save and change it to casual for the achievement.
By DEVILS UMBRA on 06 Jun 2011 03:11
Just did this on insane. The L shaped desk worked like a charm.
By DustyOleChum on 13 Jun 2011 03:35
PLEASE change that AWFUL description. The console is on the left. I kept wondering wtf this was referring to till I went through the xbox360a thread.

A word of advice to ("fellow") Sentinels - don't use Throw on the Mech - twice he glitched and got on TOP of the console right in front of me.
By BloodngunsMrphy on 27 Jul 2011 07:15
K nvm apparently there's a spot on the right? I never found a decent one but the back left works great.
By BloodngunsMrphy on 27 Jul 2011 07:19
Yea make flamethrowers the priority.
By Solario32 on 03 Nov 2011 12:17
People say best spot ect. Maybe infiltrator is just OP but I did it in one try. Things got hairy just stealth and run to the other side of the area heh. Anyway this is a pretty good guide for anyone who isn't over powered.
By FallenLegate on 27 Mar 2012 07:15
I apologize, a couple of extra things I'm noticing as I play it. On insanity difficulty at least, I did have one time a soldier came at me from up the stairs but only on the first wave and only if I completely ignored the enemies over the glass wall. Also this location is all but useless against the mech so id highly recommend moving before the mech comes in. You'll only have a couple seconds before it gets you if you stay.
By Katosepe321 on 01 Apr 2012 00:49
There are TWO YMIRs. Aw man. It's hard on normal too, UNLESS you find a good spot like (seven o'clock behind pillar, high glass to your left.)
By thomaskorat on 10 Apr 2012 16:25
This achievement is fucking ridiculous. The goddamn shitty controls in this game have ended up killing me more than anything else. "Derp. I see you're trying to shift targets. You want me to stand up, right? Naturally, I have to do it right as a huge fucking missile is headed for your face. Good job! Sit through that fucking cutscene AGAIN, loser!".
By Rhyolitic on 10 Sep 2012 09:51
As I recall, my "spot" was exactly where @thomaskorat says, back left corner of that room (7:00), with the pillar in front of me and the glass to the left as cover.
By TheIcemanCometh on 10 Sep 2012 12:09
This CAN be completed on Casual. You can switch the difficulty right before the battle.
By bilb0 tee B46ns on 07 Dec 2012 06:37
L shaped desk and casual difficulty and this achievement is a piece of cake
By ACS Eldres on 30 Dec 2013 17:19
There's no need to dashboard out as he suggests. As long as you have a save point once you land on the asteroid (but before the fight obviously - I had one when she and I went down the elevator), you can reload it whenever you like. They took me down my first try, so I just finished the DLC first and reloaded my save point and re-did the fight.
By TheIcemanCometh on 29 Mar 2011 15:09
I apologize, a couple of extra things I'm noticing as I play it. On insanity difficulty at least, I did have one time a soldier came at me from up the stairs but only on the first wave and only if I completely ignored the enemies over the glass wall. Also this location is all but useless against the mech so id highly recommend moving before the mech comes in. You'll only have a couple seconds before it gets you if you stay.
By Katosepe321 on 31 Mar 2012 22:45
Okay, I found the spot he's talking about and let me make things clearer for those who can't find it. Right when the battle starts go to the right (if you're looking at Object Rho) and up the small flight of stairs. There should be a glass wall facing object rho. Now, up against the glass wall, there should be some small computer console things. Cover on the glass wall right next to the first console. If you stay here, enemies never charge up the stairs behind you, instead choosing to shoot the glass wall. The other enemies won't be able to shoot past the console. The only thing you have to watch out for are the pyros but fortunately, if you're shooting down the hallway, not over the glass wall, you can shoot while remaining in cover. I hope this clears things up for people having trouble understanding his description.
By Katosepe321 on 31 Mar 2012 22:25
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BEST SPOT TO TAKE COVER: Immediately to your left at the start, behind an L-shaped white desk.

Said desk is in the top left of this picture:
External image

If you stay in cover behind this position, your only problems should be enemies with flamethrowers and the YMIR Mech.

Dashboarding is NOT ENTIRELY NECESSARY. If the screen starts to go red/black - meaning you have been downed - immediately press start, then load the second autosave. You get one right before going into this room and the cutscene.

I used a maxed out Sentinel, and though any class should work, Power Armor, Cloak and Adrenaline Rush for Sentinels, Infiltrators and Soldiers respectively will help if you run a bit low on ammo (as well as surviving longer). Lower the difficulty if needed.

When you see a Pyro, kill him immediately. Remember you can save a little ammo by shooting the tank on his back, and damage any nearby enemies in the ensuing explosion.

If you start to run low on ammo, hopefully you've killed some enemies to your left beforehand. Activate Armor, Cloak or Adrenaline, then run on the left side of those pillars in front of you. They will offer a little bit of protection from enemy fire.

When the Mech comes, focus all your attention on him. While he will get almost as close as the Pyros who rush you, he never came around the front of that desk, and I was still safe. WHEN HE DIES, Sentinels need to have Armor activated, and anyone else needs to be as far away as you can without severely compromising yourself. Back up to the wall behind you and the explosion shouldn't kill you.
SENTINELS: DO NOT use Throw when the Mech's protection is gone. Both times I did, he went down for a few seconds but then glitched and was standing on the desk I you should be using for cover. If you got his protection down when he's farther away, more power to you.

I got this on Hardcore (because after beating Insanity, even Veteran feels a little too easy), and it shouldn't be too hard on the lower difficulties, especially Casual. Good luck.

27 Jul 2011 20:40

got myself into this spot when i figured out where it was exactly and it worked so nicely. i barely had any issues at all and when mechs went nuclear i made sure i was ducked. such a good feeling to have this game fully completed
By Alphadrago10 on 27 Nov 2011 20:00
Great find!! Perfect position to tackle a nasty situation!
By Mo the Surfer on 05 Jan 2012 17:13
Pyros die in one hit from overload on Normal.
By on 04 Jun 2016 10:04
Normal's for noobs.
Okay maybe not exactly but even on my first playthrough I bumped it up to Veteran before getting to Horizon...
By BloodngunsMrphy on 06 Jun 2016 01:47
Needs greater depth o where this takes place as I have missed this situation
By FifaRageMaster on 20 Jan 2021 21:26
It’s part of the Arrival mission, which comes up after completing the Horizon mission. It’s the one where you rescue Kenson from the prison.
By XI AlphaMale IX on 06 Nov 2021 04:02
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**If there are any problems/suggestions for this solution, please leave a comment so I can modify it. Thanks!**

I did this without using any "exploits". I was a level 30 soldier with the following weapons:
-Mattock Heavy Rifle
-Carnifex Hand Cannon
-Geth Plasma Shotgun
-Widow Sniper Rifle
-Collector Particle Beam.

I also had the "Squad Warp Ammo" ability, activated throughout most of the battle, and played this on Casual difficulty (it doesn't matter for the achievement, but I assume this strategy would work for all difficulties.)

When you start the fight, take out the guys flanking you on your right (if you're facing the Reaper Artifact). There should be a pillar directly to your right, sort of in a corner. If you take cover behind this pillar so that you are facing the artifact, the door you came in is on your left, and the door the enemies are coming from is across the room to the right you shouldn't have an issue with enemies flanking from the right.

I used the Mattock with Warp ammo on all of the soldiers, trying for headshots and using my Impact shot as much as possible. Target the Pyros first, as sometimes they do come from the right, and once you get hit by one flamethrower your pretty much done for.

There will be an increasing amount of Elite soldiers that have a shield, and they don't provide much of a problem. A few shots to the head will take them down. You will know you are on the last wave when someone radios: "send in the heavy mechs". Now, there is only ONE heavy mech and for me it went around the Artifact and came at me from my left.

I had run out of ammo at this point for the Mattock and used the pistol to take out the Elites that were surrounding it. I then switched to the Particle Beam and let loose on the mech. The pillar provided enough cover so that it's rockets couldn't do much damage. They still made me stumble but because of the mech's position relative to mine behind the pillar, it couldn't damage me very much at all.

Once I got the mech down to the health I used an impact shot and followed up with a shot from the Particle Beam. When the mech dies, it sets off a large explosion, much larger than killing a mech anywhere else in ME2. This instantly kills any enemy that is within about 5-10 feet of it. At this point, there should be 2 or less enemies in the room. For me, the last enemy was an Elite hiding between the pillar and the wall to the left of the door the enemies were coming through.

After everything in the room is dead, the Artifact will explode/EMP and you will be knocked unconscious. The achievement should pop as the screen goes to dark red/black.

29 Mar 2011 23:46

I dont know about you guys but I had not played the game for so long that I got to this point with the worst weapons and my character was not set up for using powers. I found this achievement extremely frustrating and time consuming until I found what I like to call the Jesus Pillar (thanks Left 4 Dead).

When you start out just kill the guy on your right real quick (he is all alone) then behind you are the doors you came through and to your left and back a little ways (if your looking at the back of your head from where you started out) there is a pillar next to stairs leading to a desk with terminals.

I found the desk really hard with no bionic powers because too many enemies have the drop on you so it takes forever to whittle them down when every time you pop up you have four or five guys dropping your shields and putting your health in the red. If you hide behind the pillar at the bottom of the stairs though you will have no difficulties completing this (stick to the pillar and not the wall)

When hiding behind the pillar I took my time and I only had to come out once to get ammo. All your enemy will stay to the left of the room and you will be plenty protected from them so pop out when you can and take them down one at a time. It seemed to me that when I killed the special enemy (the ones with the better shields and weapons) it triggered the next wave so instead I killed the minions first and when I had just one or two enemies left I would run from the pillar to get ammo.

Note: when using the pillar the enemies will cluster in two areas, upstairs to your left which you will be protected from and in front of you on the other side of the pillar. So your ammo will pile up in two areas making it easy to reload quickly and run back to the pillar.

Things to watch out for are the flame thrower dudes so make sure you ALWAYS have some shotgun ammo or they will ruin your day. I tried dropping them as soon as they came out the door because I think there is only like two of them. One in wave 2 and wave 4 but I cant remember.

Another side note is that on the final wave the mech will come out and if you were like me and had awful weapons and powers then start shooting at him as soon as he comes through the door. He never would come past the pillar for me so it was no problem taking care of him but the concern was that if he was too close when he dropped then you will die from the concussion blast so just drop him quickly and then hug the pillar and you should be fine.

Please comment if this helped you, thanks!

26 Jun 2011 18:30

Jesus Pillar FTW!
I tried this fight many times. Sometimes to the right corner or behind the L shaped cover in the left corner.
Then I tried this method and it was an immediate win! =)
By Jonathandlm on 02 Aug 2011 12:07
np! very glad to help because it was a very hard one to get!!!
By rubber1 on 07 Aug 2011 02:02
jesus pillar is awesome!! didn't entirely work but it definitely helped more than the l shaped desk. thanks man!!
By RaTheArchitect on 18 Feb 2012 23:36
wow I was surprised it worked
By Religious Nut on 18 Mar 2012 04:47
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A bit of extra info - this DLC doesn't trigger until you've completed the Horizon mission. This means you need to recruit the first four 'core' squad members (Grunt, Modin, Garrus and Jack), this causes the Horizon mission to trigger and once that is completed you should get a message on your private terminal.

I mention this because I did a run-through on Insanity and didn't realise I'd missed this achievement. Starting on the easy setting, skipping through the dialogue and running through everything quickly it took me 2 hours and 36 minutes to arrive at this point - about another 5 after that to trigger the stealth achievement and another 10 or so to survive 5 waves (took me a couple of tries even on easy.. but as others have said on the far left of the room is a L shaped table, just get behind that and pull out your sniper, then your pistol and finally your combat rifle).

11 Aug 2012 19:09

This is the second part of Arrival. You can make an extra save just after landing at The Project base if you're concerned about not getting the trophy. However, if you get overwhelmed before getting the trophy, then just reload the autosave. It will take you back just before you go through the last door.

Without spoiling anything, you will be ambushed when you reach Object Roh. You have to survive all five waves to get the trophy. If you die at any point with living enemies, you will not get this trophy. Most of them will be standard enemies, but there is very little cover in this room and they can come from both sides of the object. They will throw flashbangs at you, but the only enemies that will approach you are the pyros and the YMIR mech. The other enemies will keep their distance.

The best hiding spot is on either of the sides of the room. When the ambush begins, kill the first enemy to the right or to the left and head in that direction. Go up the short stairway and take cover behind the console. You'll have a short, glass wall to your left (or right if you went to the left side of the room). Most of the enemies will come at you from the opposite side of the platform. They won't come around behind you or flank you. There will be enemies down on the ground floor that attack, but their fire will be blocked by the glass wall. Of course, your last enemy is the YMIR mech. Because of the ambush taking place in such a small area, the CAIN is useless. You'll just end up killing yourself.

Wave #1: Standard guards.
Wave #2: Standard guards, a pyro, and elite guards.
Wave #3: Standard guards and an elite vanguard.
Wave #4: Standard guards, a pyro, and an elite engineer.
Wave #5: Standard guards, a pyro, an elite enginner, and an YMIR mech.

The YMIR mech is undoubtedly the toughest part of this. If you go to the spot detailed above, the mech will approach you and get close, but will stop just in front of you. You can use the particle beam, avalanche, whatever heavy weapon you have available to headshot it into submission. If heavy weapons aren't your thing, then Heavy Overload is an effective choice. If you're playing as an Infiltrator, then get your Widow out and cloak yourself. You won't need more than a few shots on the YMIR. Stay in cover while it's guns are firing and pop out when it stops. Just be aware that shortly after it stops firing it's guns, it will fire a missile that will knock you out of cover. You'll be close enough to quickly get back in cover though.

Even if you survive all five waves, you will be knocked out at the end. This trophy unlocks after you get knocked out by the artifact. If you have trouble getting through this area, then refer to the following video by DrawinBlacLines:

This one is a bit difficult and easy to miss. You have to survive all five waves. If you 'die' you get knocked out and move on to the next part of the story, thus missing the trophy.

I've never used this, but there's a console on the right up the stairs that has some glass around it that's good to hide behind. But that's not the strategy I employ here.

When the battle first starts, I book it over to the top left hand corner. There's an 'L' shaped desk. That's where I hide.

Weapons don't really matter as long as you have weapons that have lots of ammo, or have ammo extending armor equipped. If you're playing as an Engineer, having a Drone helps a ton.

I advise saving your heavy weapons for the YMIR mech and the guys who have flame throwers equipped. I recommended the 'Collector Particle Beam', though shotguns do a good amount of damage.

Good luck!

13 Mar 2014 05:04

While story-based, this achievement is missable.

This may be the most challenging achievement out of the three of them, but if you turn your difficulty down, come here with a strong upgraded character or follow this little guide I decided to use as it worked well for a low level soldier with considerably moderate weapons.

As soon as I gained control of Shepard I made a move to the left and hide behind the "L" shaped console there. This spot worked well for me for a couple of reasons:

  • Enemies never came from my right up the stairs I took. 
  • I was able to keep them all in front of me scanning and watching for potential targets that would rush.
  • Although you are unable to stay in cover if you move from the front to the right (if we are looking at it from behind) snapping back into cover for this is easy.

I tried numerous other methods listed in other guides and found that my character was just too weak and too outgunned to be able to stand any chance. Just to be sure it wasn't a fluke run I loaded an old save and ran my same technique in the "L" shaped console on the left and again nobody came from the stairs I took and the only things that rushed me were the flamethrower guards and the MECH in the last wave. 
Just a quick Wave Breakdown (note that upon killing a certain percentage of the previous wave the next will spawn):

  • Wave 1: Regular soldiers with regular weapons
  • Wave 2: Regular soldiers with 2 flamethrower guards. Both flamethrower enemies will rush you so make sure to keep them at bay.
  • Wave 3: Regular soldiers with 1 flamethrower guard and 1 Vanguard The flamethrower will rush you and if using the technique listed above the vanguard will generally stay back directly in front of you over by the stairs on the far side of the room making him an easy kill.
  • Wave 4: Regular soldiers with 1 Engineer and 1 Flamethrower guard. Remember the flamethrower will charge, and this engineer will rotate between cover behind the pillar directly in front of you and the wall to the far left never rushing. 
  • Wave 5: Mech time. I stuck it out in the spot I talked about previously and as soon as I could see the Mech coming through the door I went into reflex mode and used the collector beam to take him down. It took 2 times in reflex mode to push over the Mech, and he got as far as the stairs in the middle leading up to my cover. 

Just remember if the battle is too tough, or you find yourself unable to use any of the listed guides to beat this--turn down the difficulty to Casual and really hammer away from a spot that has good cover. 

the main thing is to survive. long and tedious battle on difficult levels. As soon as they let us steer near the artifact, we break to the right. there around the columns we hold the defense. It won't work to sit in one place, because... The freaks will not only go through the main exit. the tactic of exhausting you by running around saves you. shoot off the heads of large cans, because the effect of a mini-nuclear explosion in a confined space is amazing. for enemies.

30 Mar 2011 22:14

Instead of the Collector's Particle Emitter, I would recommend using the Arc Emitter . It is very effective against large groups of enemies and deals quite significant damage.

It took me eight shots from the emitter + one clip from the SMG to take down Ymir in Madness. All ordinary enemies were killed by the ricochet.
By Pixelaholic on 27 Mar 2020 18:07
When you save Dr. Kenson and arrive with her on the asteroid, save often while she leads you to the Ro Object. In front of the object itself, you will need to press the "Paint the door" button - it is also very advisable to save in front of it. Well, just in case - before the battle there is an autosave, but what if something happens to it...
From the very beginning of the battle, I ran to the left, where there was a column and high glass - and sat in this corner. He fired exclusively with a machine gun and used time dilation. On the last 5th wave, the Ymirs will trample (2 - in turn). I soaked them from the Collectors Emitter, the energy was just enough for two Ymirs. Then he killed the remaining soldiers and during the scene he received a combat bronze
By Kazuma-2 on 03 Nov 2019 03:19
I went through all 5 waves on Madness... Running straight to the right corner did not help - they often surround you there. But to the left, behind the L-shaped cover - that’s it) The main thing is to have time to take out the damn arsonists at a distance (2 pcs.) before they get to you. I constantly use adrenaline, because the chances of survival with it are much higher. As for Ymir, I don’t know if it’s a glitch or not, but first one or two came to me. As a result, when I ran in a circle, counterclockwise, and tried to shoot only the infantry, this Ymir simply disappeared. When the last soldier was killed, the plot script immediately triggered with a flash, and a trophy was given.

ps when Shepard dies, immediately press start - reload the last auto/save, fortunately there is enough time there, because when he dies, it seems like a script is launched that slows down the picture. I never died completely this way)

27 Dec 2014 02:05