Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

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Battle Scarred

Battle Scarred

Promote a multiplayer character to the Galaxy at War or import an ME3 character.

How to unlock the Battle Scarred achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

There are two ways to get this achievement.

1) Complete the game and load the same Shepard you passed it with.

To do this Complete the game then Go to New game. From there pick Import ME3 Character.

2) Reach level 20 in Multiplayer and import to the Galaxy at War.

After you have reached level 20 in MP go to the Change Character screen and have the cursor over the character.
From here just press X to transfer . ( Once you transfer your character. The rank is reset back to 1)
Reaching Level 20 in this mode will get you the Peak Condition Achievement.
Mass Effect 3Peak ConditionThe Peak Condition achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 38 pointsReach level 20 in multiplayer or level 60 in single-player.

SashaMorning adds: Might want to mention that the achievement won't pop until after the 10 minutes of cutscenes, when you finally control Shepard again.(Campaign)

10 Mar 2012 01:18

probably a stupid question - what does "pass the game" mean (only just bought this)
By Big Dibs theDog on 10 Mar 2012 21:24
Oh sorry. It means complete the game. I will change it right now.
By an7man on 10 Mar 2012 21:43
thank you sir, that deserves another +'ive vote
By Big Dibs theDog on 11 Mar 2012 10:24
Might want to mention that the achievement won't pop until after the 10 minutes of cutscenes, when you finally control Shepard again.
By Sashamorning on 11 Mar 2012 13:47
What all carries over when you import an ME 3 character? Your level obviously. What about weapons and war assets?
By Zacry072 on 12 Mar 2012 16:05
Nice, thanks for the info.
By RareWhiteTRASH on 12 Mar 2012 21:55
Need to mention that the achievement will take 10 minutes to pop only if doing the +new campaign way. The multiplayer way pops instantly.
By Sly Strategist on 13 Mar 2012 00:04
Multiplayer pop is instantaneous. Just got it now and i havent started a second playthrough yet.
By CyberMartyr88 on 15 Mar 2012 23:07
Out of curiousity, what is the benefit to the campaign by promoting galaxy at war characters?
By Gauderio on 10 Apr 2012 15:33
I believe it adds 25 points toward your war assets.. It might be 50 points.. It's not a huge bonus but it's better than nothing?..... Classified under N7 in Human Alliance Category.
By an7man on 10 Apr 2012 22:52
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SP: Importing an ME3 character can obviously not be done if you have yet to finish the game with your ME3 character. This means, you must beat the game and with that save file, you can then import. This is what people will get when starting their 2nd run through of the game if they never imported. Other players must just start a new game and import.

MP: You must play enough to get one of your characters to the max rank (level 20). After doing this, you will be able to promote them.

Let's go through the game.
New game --> Transfer of ME3 character --> We reach the moment when we are given control of the shep.

10 Mar 2012 23:07

1 Comment
Can be obtained on your first playthrough. Go to multiplayer, upgrade your fighter to level 20, then click The fighter was sent to war, and we received The only disadvantage of getting the trophy this way: after sending a fighter, the leveling of this class will be reset to level 1, so you’ll have to level up again.
By Romanoff40 on 28 Mar 2012 22:08
In online mode, when you level up your character to max. At lvl 20, the “promote” button will appear. Click on it and your achievement is complete!

PS Only now you will have to download the character online again (((

29 Mar 2012 10:32