Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements


EA Play
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Complete three multiplayer matches or five N7 missions.



How to unlock the Explorer achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

There are two ways to accomplish this:

The first way is to play three multiplayer matches. This is the easiest way. I don’t believe you need to even be completely successful in the match, just play it until you and your team die or complete it. So win or lose all you have to do is complete.

Otherwise, the single-player way to achieve this is to complete five side missions, specifically side missions that have the “N7? label next to them. You can collect these missions usually by speaking with Specialist Traynor that hangs out near the Galaxy Map, or by reading your e-mails. Here is a list of the entire N7 mission:

1 - N7: Cerberus Labs
2 - N7: Cerberus Attack
3 - N7: Cerberus Abductions
4 - N7: Cerberus Fighter Base
5 - N7: Fuel Reactors
6 - N7: Communication Hub

1 - N7 Cerberus Lab Mission - The Alliance has discovered a new Cerberus laboratory located on Sanctum. Investigate the lab and deal with any potential threat.

You can start Cerberus Lab through the Galaxy Map in the CIC area of your ship. Enter Sigurd’s Cradle System and fly north-west. When you reach Decoris, make sure you scan the area, and recover all assets (2). Now enter Sanctum’s orbit, and land. The objective of this mission is clear. You have to search the Cerberus Lab and retrieve the Reaper Artifacts. When you enter the area, follow the stairs to the left and take out all enemies. Near the entrance, to the left, in a corner you will find the Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope I Mod. Advance and use the Medical Station to the left and the Journal Entry near it (same side). On the right side of the first floor, get the credits on the console near the window. Locate the artifact, but don’t pick it up. Follow the corridor to the right and you will find the Failed Medi-Gel Experiment. Check your journal and notice that the Citadel mission called Alien Medi-Gel Formula was added. Return and grab the Reaper Artifact, then return to your ship. The second artifact will be added your map. Fight the Cerberus forces and get it, then return to the landing pad and wait for Cortez. Hold your position until he arrives, but don’ stay too close to the landing area because the Cerberus will use it to reach your position. Remember to activate your abilities all the time, and stay in cover. When the shuttle lands get out of the lab to complete the mission.

Cerberus Lab Mission Reward: Cerberus Research Data War Asset

2 - N7:Cerberus Attack Mission - Cerberus has taken control of an old military installation on Tuchanka for unknown reasons. Land on Tuchanka and neutralize whatever operation Cerberus has in the area.

To begin the mission, open the Galaxy Map in the CIC. Go back to Milky Way, and travel to Krogan DMZ. Enter the system and travel to Tuchanka. Land on the planet and select your crew, and weapons. After you land, go straight forward until you reach a dead end. To the right should be a Cerberus Trooper and in front of you a large crate. Near it, in a corner is some junk that can be salvaged. Completely clear the area, and make sure now Cerberus unit lives when you finish. You will encounter Assault Troopers, Centurions, Combat Engineers, as well as Guardians and Nemesis. Head towards the Control Console and before going up the ramp, check the right side for another junk pile. Now, go up the ramp and pick up the Old Grid Schematics on the first desk, next to two holograms. You will need these to finish the Citadel mission: Improved Power Grid. Go behind the control console and stick to the right side to get a Med Kit. Advance and go down the ramp to find the Armax Arsenal Gauntlets and some ammo. Go back and activate the console, but get ready because more Cerberus will appear. The position you have, up in the tower, is perfect for taking out the Cerberus. Ask your party to push forward, by sending them down, while you cover them from above. Locate the Power Modules you have to activate, and move forward, killing the remaining Cerberus. The Power Modules are protected by two latches. Shoot them and reactivate the modules by pressing A. Return to the console, but be careful because the Cerberus have the high ground now. Take them out, and activate the Control Console to finish the mission.

Cerberus Attack Mission Reward: First Division War Asset

3 - N7 Cerberus Abductions Mission: Cerberus is attacking civilians on Benning. Land on Benning and provide protection while civilians are evacuated.

Open your Galaxy Map and locate Arcturus Steam (SE from the Citadel). Enter the system and travel to Euler, then to Planet Benning. Enter the orbit and land, to begin your mission. Your objective is to protect the civilians attacked by the Cerberus. When you enter the area, you should see two ramps. First follow the one to the right and when you enter the building check the sinks to the right for a PDA. Continue through the same building and near the exit to the right, salvage the Spare Parts for 2.500 Credits. If you go back and follow the other ramp, you will find a Medical Station, a PDA and some Spare Parts. Push forward towards your objective and eventually you will reach an open area, and in the middle, you will see a turret. Several steps away from the turret, is a Dog Tag, on the ground; and the Capacitor Helmet near several crates, on the ground, next to a mobile unit.

NOTE: It is important to know that you will have to restart the mission if the civilians die. Make sure you complete the objectives first, and explore the area after. Press the Left Thumbstick to locate the civilians, and interact with them. If you are stuck and the Cerberus won’t appear, it means that the civilians died. In this case restart the mission. Get back to the extraction shuttle only after you loot the items mentioned above

N7 Cerberus Abductions Mission Reward: Arcturus First Division War Asset

4 - N7 Cerberus Fighter Base Mission: Admiral Hackett has requested assistance with a Cerberus fighter base on Noveria. Land on Noveria to disable the base’s defenses.

To start Cerberus Fighter Base, locate Horsehead Nebula, east from the Citadel, in the Milky Way. Enter the system, then travel to Planet Noveria. Land and customize your team and weapons to begin. Watch the small cutscene and get ready because the Cerberus troops will wait for you. Swiftly clear the landing area, and you will be asked to reach the command center. On the second floor (where you landed) reach the passage on the left side, and near a ladder which allows you to go down, you will find some spare parts you can salvage for 2.000 Credits. Continue to follow the corridor near the ladder, and advance. Go down the stairs and to the right you should see some chairs. Pick up the Pistol Magazine Upgrade, and open the Medical Station near the chairs. Additionally, examine the Computer Console in the same chamber, then follow the next stairs down, and go right. On a desk to the right, are more Spare Parts you can salvage, and a Datapad on the left side of the Command Center. On a wall, next to a door you will see another Medical Station. While facing the station, turn left, and up on a wall, next to a display, are the Heating Unit Schematics. This important item will help you complete the Heating Unit Stabilizers Citadel Mission. Get them then deactivate the Security Console. Assign one of your crew members to complete this task. Protect your team-mate, then fight your way to the landing pad (starting area). When you reach the extraction point, an Atlas mech will wait for you. Take it out using your favorite strategy, and leave Planet Noveria.

N7 Cerberus Fighter Base Mission Reward: Advanced Fighter Squadron War Asset

5 - N7 Fuel Reactors Mission: A vital depot has gone silent, leaving allied fleets short on desperately needed fuel. Investigate the depot and get it operational again.

To start the mission open the Galaxy Map and in the Milky Way, locate Silean Nebula. Enter the system and land on Planet Cyone. Select your crew and weapons, and don’t forget to use the weapon mods you have acquired so far, to improve your equipment. The mission starts with a dialogue between Admiral Hackett and Shepard. As soon as you assume control over Shepard, head left and on a crate you will find Rosenkov Materials Chestplate. Maintain your current position and head forward, until you reach a platform, at the end of the area. To the right you should see another crate, and on it, a Medical Treatment Plan. This important item allows you to complete the Chemical Treatment Citadel mission. Reach the right side of the area and talk to Captain Riley. During the conversation you will find out that the lower level of the facility is contaminated by a toxic gas.

NOTE: The gas is deadly, and will instantly kill you.

Behind Captain Riley is a crane, and the control panel to activate it, is near it, to the right. Inside, you will also find some Spare Parts (right side) you can salvage for 4,000 Credits. Approach the Crane Display and activate it to move both containers from left to right. Exit the control room and go right, then move forward and active the Vent Sector A1 console to remove the gas. Now, you can go down and activate the fuel rod. Next to it, on the ground, to the right is a PDA. Examine it for 3,000 Credits. After you activate the fuel rod, take cover, because a wave of Husks and Marauders will attack your position. After you kill them, go back up, and follow the ramp to the left which allows you to reach the first tank. Seal it and advance toward the second tank. Repeat the step, then turn around and you should see a console which allows you to restart the reactor. On the left side of the console, on the ground is another PDA (3,000 Credits). Get it then activate the reactor and take cover. Destroy the barrier engines, and then focus on the Reapers. When Riley calls you seeking help you have to make a tough decision. You can send one of your crew-members to save her (Paragon) or you can seal her fate and let her die (Renegade). After you decide, a door will open and a Brute will attack you. Make sure the monster keeps a fair distance from the barrier engines, and then take it out along with the Marauders that spawn near it. Next, go through the door opened by the Brute and use the console to start the reactor. Sprint to the extraction point to complete the mission.

N7 Fuel Reactors Mission Reward: Advanced Starship Fuel War Asset

6 - N7 Communication Hub Mission: Cerberus has attacked a comm facility on Ontarom. Land on Ontarom and prevent Cerberus from gaining control of crucial access points.

The mission starts with an introductory cutscene showing a dialogue between Admiral Hackett, Grace Sato and Shepard. As soon as you land, the Cerberus will attack you. The initial contact is between you and several Troopers accompanied by Engineers. First, you should clear the landing area, focusing on the Engineers. After you accomplish this task, use one of the ramps to reach the ground level and advance towards your objective. You must reach the first Cerberus Hacking Device. In the courtyard, while facing the objective, you should see a round pylon. Near it is a Med Kit. Grab it, then, go left and enter the lowered round zone. Check the crates for some Cerberus Technology you can salvage (4000 credits), then look behind the supporting pillar for the Ariake Technologies Greaves. Now go back and follow the ramp that takes you to the first Cerberus Hacking Device. Deactivate it, but stay sharp because the Cerberus sent more Troopers and several Nemesis units to stop you. To reach the second Cerberus Hacking Device, go back to the courtyard. Eventually you will have to go up on a ramp. In front of you, on the ground is a Med Kit. To the left, on a wall is a very important item: The Cerberus Codes. This item allows you to finish the Cerberus Ciphers Citadel mission. Near the structure where the Hacking Device is located, you should see two red barrels. Salvage the Cerberus Technology on top of the barrels then locate the Device. Next to it is another Med Kit, on the ground. Pick it up, and then deactivate the device. The third Hacking Device is up in the round tower, near your location (the second Hacking Device). Use the ramps on the left side of the platform and take out all Cerberus that attack you. Most of them are inside the tower. After you deactivate it the mission will end.
NOTE: If you can’t find the Cerberus Codes, remember that you can purchase them from the Spectre Requisitions Terminal, but only after you finish the mission. Look for Cerberus Encryption Codes and purchase them for 1000 Credits.

N7 Communication Hub Mission Reward: 10.000 Credits, Reputation

Choosing and completing any 5 of these N7 missions will get you the achievement..

Hope that helps!

Please comment either way if you VOTE!!!

- Garrus said he had to attend to the Normandy's weapon systems. Something about... calibrations. -

27 Feb 2013 21:14

If anyone is doing this for the 12 days of Christmas challenge yes you have to "complete" the online games. Meaning all of the waves and extraction. Otherwise guide is fine
By LolliZombi on 05 Dec 2017 06:51
I've completed way more than 3 multiplayer games and it's still locked...
Update: this randomly popped for me after getting the defender achievement for 100% galactic readiness
By Taro Korya San on 06 Dec 2020 02:01

See "Tour of Duty" achievement description.


Single player: There are six N7 missions in all. You will be given them by the Alliance through emails. Complete five of them for this trophy. See Tour of Duty for the complete list.

Multiplayer: You have to complete all of the waves in one of the co-op missions. These are essentially survival missions where you will face 11 waves of Cerberus, geth, or Reaper enemies. You and your three companions must survive all 11 waves to get credit for this. See Tour of Duty for more details.

Personally, I combined this trophy with the U nwavering / Steadfast trophy

You can, of course, do it in multiplayer, but while you're playing through the game, why not complete these quests. The tasks are all very easy and can be completed easily in madness.

26 Mar 2012 09:06