Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

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Fact Finder

Fact Finder

Discover an enemy's monstrous origin.

How to unlock the Fact Finder achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

After the Cerberus Attack on the Citadel, Liara T'Soni ask you if you check Ardat-Yakshi Base at Planet Lesuss (Nimbus Cluster/Mesana)

You get this for completing the Sidequest (=Achievement is missable) Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery. You also get the the Sixth Asari Fleet (+90 War Assets), when you complete this Quest

07 Mar 2012 12:21

By NmE Se7enx on 08 Mar 2012 01:15
Liara never asked me to do this and this quest isn't in my journal. I've never had it ever. What can i do to get it? I just finished the geth squadron quest and am about to start the launch and orbital strike one the next time i play.
By rangersfan414 on 10 Mar 2012 04:03
Thanks for the guide! I might have missed this...

@rangersfan14: It doesn't appear in my guide either, however it does appear on my map as "Investigate Asari Colony" in the Nimbus Cluster/Mesana.
By RedSVO on 15 Mar 2012 07:16
From what i've been reading, the "side missions" of the Grissom academy school, the ex cerberus scientists, this one, and theres one more i forgot.... if you don't do them within 3 missions of getting them, they become missable or something like that. I think i progressed too far into the story without doing this, and i wasn't aware there was an achievement for this quest til it was too late. I'll do it in my 2nd playthrough.
By rangersfan414 on 17 Mar 2012 04:38
King you may want to change the typo. Nimbus not minbus.
By Nyllon on 20 Mar 2012 00:52
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After the Cerberus Attack on the Citadel, Liara T'Soni ask you if you check Ardat-Yakshi Base at Planet Lesuss (Nimbus Cluster/Mesana)

You get this for completing the Sidequest (=Achievement is missable) Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery. You also get the the Sixth Asari Fleet (+90 War Assets), when you complete this Quest

07 Mar 2012 12:21

King you may want to change the typo. Nimbus not minbus.
By Nyllon on 20 Mar 2012 00:52
By NmE Se7enx on 08 Mar 2012 01:15
Liara never asked me to do this and this quest isn't in my journal. I've never had it ever. What can i do to get it? I just finished the geth squadron quest and am about to start the launch and orbital strike one the next time i play.
By rangersfan414 on 10 Mar 2012 04:03
Thanks for the guide! I might have missed this...

@rangersfan14: It doesn't appear in my guide either, however it does appear on my map as "Investigate Asari Colony" in the Nimbus Cluster/Mesana.
By RedSVO on 15 Mar 2012 07:16
From what i've been reading, the "side missions" of the Grissom academy school, the ex cerberus scientists, this one, and theres one more i forgot.... if you don't do them within 3 missions of getting them, they become missable or something like that. I think i progressed too far into the story without doing this, and i wasn't aware there was an achievement for this quest til it was too late. I'll do it in my 2nd playthrough.
By rangersfan414 on 17 Mar 2012 04:38
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This is a side-quest obtained by speaking with Liara after "Priority: Citadel 2" which is labeled as "Investigate Asari Colony" on the galaxy map.

Obtained: After completing the mission Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery.



Mission – Kallini: Ardat-Yashi Monastery
Acquisition - Automatic after completing Priority: The Citadel II.

Insanity Tips:

  • Meet the banshee. Here’s your strategy, run. The banshee uses a combination of attacks. If she gets near you and grabs you, you’re dead. It will also teleport in your general direction. The other main attack that banshee’s have is a biotic attack that will wipe out your shields and slowly wear down your health.
  • The first meeting with a banshee is one on one. When it teleports your way, run in the other direction. When the teleporting stops, turn and fire. Use warp ammo or disruptor ammo and Liara’s warp power to wear down the banshee’s barrier and then whatever armor piercing powers you have on the armor. When the biotic power is fired at you, roll out of the way and behind some cover.
  • The next banshee fight sees some cannibals added to the mix. Stay on the upper floor and the cannibals won’t go up there and will pretty much ignore you. Focus on the banshee and let your squadmates worry about the cannibals. Use the same tactics as before. The main difference is that sometimes you will have to run at the banshee if she has you cornered.
  • The last fight is a combination of two banshees and husks. Never, ever go into cover here. Always keep moving. Fortunately, the husks go down quickly. Focus your attention on one banshee at a time. From my experience, the banshees always seemed to be right next to each other. That will make things easier since they only come from one direction. Always move and run away often.

Mission – Kallini: Ardat-Yashi Monastery
Acquisition - Automatic after completing Priority: The Citadel II.

Most of this mission will be pretty quiet. It picks up when you meet the banshees. So, they're awful. They're teleporting tanks, with tracking attacks that will bring down your shield in one hit and if they get close enough to grab you, they will instantly kill you. You'll fight two waves of them, one in a large open space, and two in a smaller area.
The trophy will be given after you help Samara find her daughters, the mission is called "Ardat-Yakshi Monastery"

10 Mar 2012 17:34

1 Comment
You don't have to look for daughters. The plot is varied. I got the trophy when I had a mission with a bomb and I only left Adna Ardat-Yakshi alive.
By Lexa25reg on 20 Mar 2012 07:29