Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements

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Freedom Fighter

Freedom Fighter

Find all required intel to help Eden Prime's colonists.

How to unlock the Freedom Fighter achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

This is a collectible achievement and is therefore missable if you're not paying attention.

None of these are hidden in the sense that they're tucked away in awkward corners or anything. Once you're in the building they're located in, sweep your gun around until you target something, just as you would look for any other item.

Intel #1: Regarding the colonists' sons and daughters. Found in a terminal in the only building you can enter prior to summoning the elevator. If you miss this and fail to acquire it before finding the pod, don't despair. You will eventually need to return to the pod only to discover Cerberus has retracted the bridge. A handily placed set of ladders will bring you down near this building; simply head into it before returning to the pod.

Intel #2: Regarding Cerberus troop deployments. Immediately after finding the pod, Cerberus troops will land and start attacking. Defeat the first wave, and head into the first building on your left after the bridge. Head to the end of the room and turn right - the intel will again be in a terminal more or less in front of you. This must be done before you return to the pod.

Intel #3: Regarding a double-agent of Cerberus'. There are two terminals that will give you information about the contents of the pod. One can only be accessed by bypassing a door and the other can be walked into normally. Directly across from that door that needs bypassing will be a building that houses this intel. It will be in a large computer setup with four monitors and is the only thing in that room. This must be done before you return to the pod.

07 Mar 2012 04:52

If you miss one can you go back and get it again?
By PropaneSalesPro on 08 Mar 2012 02:58
If you miss the first one, you can go back and get it again after you've gathered the data for the pod - you'll have to go back that way anyway. However, once you've done that you can't go back for the second or third one. If you miss those, you'll need to restart the mission.
By Scheme in Rhyme on 08 Mar 2012 02:59
Just curious, how do I restart any mission? Is it under the "Save" option in the Pause Menu?
By NasriL11 on 08 Mar 2012 15:25
The "Load" option, but yeah, that's where you do it.
By Scheme in Rhyme on 08 Mar 2012 21:08
By realCreencia on 09 Mar 2012 07:30
Thought I'd had that in there; thanks for the heads-up.
By Scheme in Rhyme on 09 Mar 2012 07:55
I decided to check the locations 2secs after i dropped down towards the ladder, turned out i missed the 3rd one :/ btw those turrets are a pain in the *** , any tips?
By Jerick85 on 09 Mar 2012 09:27
If you're a soldier I'd recommend Inferno Ammo, and if you've got access to Ashley at all her Inferno Grenade is extremely handy. Other than that, just be careful. They might seem like they have an infinite amount of ammo, but they have definite pauses in their firing and that's when it's best for you to take them down. They're a real pain on Insanity; no doubt about it.
By Scheme in Rhyme on 09 Mar 2012 09:52
I found the third terminal description to be a bit hard to follow. An easy description would be to drop down from the second terminal, (drop down through the open space in the wall next to the terminal) and head into the building in front of you with the ladder to the right. The terminal can be found in there!
By Epsilon Theta on 10 Mar 2012 08:46
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There are three main pieces of intel to collect. They're fairly obvious but you may walk past them if you're not much of an explorer. If you manage to complete this mission without collecting the intel from each terminal you will have to either reload a previous save or collect the intel on a new playthrough.

Intel 1: This first one is located in the first building you come to on your right hand side with a "6" marked on the side.

Intel 2: The next is just across the bridge after you raise the lift. The building will be on your left hand side marked with a "5".

Intel 3: The last intel for this achievement is located in a building just across from intel 2 in the building marked with a "2". This last terminal doesn't look like the previous two. It looks more like a research computer over a general terminal.

You can interact with all these terminals as long as you don't return to the pod for the final battle in this area. If you're having difficulty locating these terminals the video below will show you all the locations.

10 Mar 2012 18:30

This solution is flawless. The other ones here were a little vague in their descriptions. But this one is really easy to find everything. I restarted the mission and got the achievement in less than 2 min. Thanks
By boxandthefuzz on 06 Apr 2012 03:34
No problem :), glad it helped.
By Fizzmatix on 06 Apr 2012 20:47
There are 3 terminals you need to access for the achievement. achievement unlocks after you get number 3.
1) The first one is before you cross the bridge.
2) after the 1st encounter with Cerberus check the building on the left for number two.
3) you will find number 3 in the building across from the one containing the pod info.

06 Mar 2012 23:23

if you missed one, could you fly back to eden prime afterwards and grab the one you missed??
By ClaytThaGreat on 07 Mar 2012 23:28
Nope, you can restart the mission, but that is all
By griffey95 on 08 Mar 2012 06:05
This could do with a little more detail, though to be honest the intel packets are pretty hard to miss. As long as you fully explore the base before you leave, you should be ok. To be honest, i'm surprised there were only 3 seeing as this was worth an achievement.
By Han D Maiden on 19 Mar 2012 12:53
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This video shows both the EARLIEST, and EASIEST possible way to grab yourself this Achievement.

Full instructions are given in the video, along with hints and tips.

25 Apr 2012 15:42

There are three pieces of intel that you need to find. They are scattered among the buildings of Eden Prime. None are too hard to find, but they are all just off your main path. Their locations are listed below.

  • When you first enter the colony, go into the building on the right. The building will be L-shaped. Go to the left and the intel will be on a computer console to the left.
  • After Cerberus arrives, head into the first building on the left and go around a corner to the right. The computer you’re looking for will be on the left side.
  • Straight across from the last one, drop down and go into another building. Go around the first corner and then enter a room with lots of computer screens on the left.

There are intel on computers scattered around the area in buildings. Luckily, you only have to find 3. Below is where they are in order as you should get them. Make absolutely sure you have all 3 intel before you open the pod after destroying the Atlas mech.

1. Moments after landing, to your right is a building with a 6 on it. Inside is a terminal with the intel. This is before going down an elevator/lift.

2. After you take a lift/elevator down, you'll fight off some enemies. The first building on your left has a 5 on it. Head inside and find the terminal.

3. From the building intel 2 was in, head into the building that has a 2 on it. Head through the room past the 9s on the walls. Turn left, and you should see the terminal which is different looking than the others. It's a desk looking computer with 3 keyboards. Intel is on the middle keyboard.

In the mission to Eden Prime, when Liara goes with you, according to the plot you need to take her to the team, you need to find three terminals describing the colonists on the planet, as soon as you collect them you will receive a trophy, almost all of them are nearby.

09 Mar 2012 16:12

The above about Eden Prime is incorrect and refers to a different trophy from the original ME3 for PS3.
The trophy is given after completing the task about liberating students from Grissom Academy.
By Drakarus on 06 Jun 2021 18:19
The trophy is easy to miss; you will not be able to return to this mission after recruiting a Prothean. Here is a video with the location of all terminals
By DGenius on 17 Mar 2012 14:26
The trophy is completed when you repel Cerbar's attack on the academy where biotics are trained (if you imported saves from the second part, Jack will also be in the academy).

26 May 2021 19:33