Mass Effect 3

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Upgrade any weapon to level 10.

How to unlock the Gunsmith achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

This Achievement is Gunsmith worth 25 gs.

Mass Effect 3GunsmithThe Gunsmith achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 44 pointsUpgrade any weapon to level 10.

For this achievement you need to level one of your weapons up to level 10. When first going through Mass Effect 3, whether you imported a character or not, you can only upgrade a weapon to level 5. To keep upgrading the weapon, you need to import your saved Mass Effect 3 character that has completed the game already. The game will then allow you to upgrade your weapons to level 10.

To upgrade a weapon head down to the Shuttle Bay and look for the Upgrade Terminal. You can also look for the Upgrade benches throughout the levels. Remember, in your first playthrough, you can only upgrade a weapon 5 times.

Thanks to Deception975, You can achieve this without ever playing Single Player. When playing in Coop, you can use the Credits you earn to purchase boxes. Yes they are random, but if you get the same weapon 10 times over, you will pop this achievement. In this method, you do not have to beat the Single Player campaign.

06 Mar 2012 19:47

You can also obtain this in the Galaxy at War co-op mode.
By Deception975 on 07 Mar 2012 12:27
Do you have to be on your second playthrough to get it in Galaxy at War?
By DJ 0311 on 07 Mar 2012 13:23
Can you upgrade any weapon to lvl 10 in a 2nd playthough, or only one that is already lvl 5?
By ScuzzyBunny on 07 Mar 2012 18:49
Should be any weapon to level 10. The cap for the first playthrough limits you to just 5.
By Sly Strategist on 07 Mar 2012 20:42
so i finished the game imported my lv 48 go to the normandy upgrade place and it only lets me upgrade my guns to the lv 7 version what am i doing wrong here.
By NmE Se7enx on 09 Mar 2012 02:54
got this in multiplayer with the shuriken. recruit-packs will often contain upgrades for rifle and smgs, so you'll get this in no time. :)
By on 09 Mar 2012 09:16
Thanks for the solution by buying boxes in mp. It just popped for me today!
By Erwo the Elder on 09 Mar 2012 10:17
Looks like I'll do this in MP then. Nice guide, thanks.
By RareWhiteTRASH on 13 Mar 2012 00:34
stupid moment - how / where, [IN MULTI-PLAYER] do you know what level a weapon currently is ?
By Big Dibs theDog on 13 Mar 2012 20:22
When you look at your weapons they will have a roman numeral next to it. So they will say I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X. Any one of those will let you know the level of your weapon.
By Sly Strategist on 13 Mar 2012 20:35
Good to know I can only go to 5 the first time I can stop checking to see if the other levels are available yet.
By Xelliz on 13 Mar 2012 21:30
@N0RVY after he mars mission with an imported me3 characer talk to the council and go back to the normandy you can now buy the upgrades
By DemonDuffeh on 18 Mar 2012 14:31
actually as long as u have a lv5 weapon preferably the assault rifle thats laying by the radio in the very first mission when u pick it up again (2nd playthrough) it jumps to lv8 so u just have to buy the last 2 lvs down in the cargo bay of the normandy.
By lowrida1987 on 19 Mar 2012 07:16
Thanks for this. I was wondering that why my Phaeston (?) and Geth Shotgun only upgrade to lvl 7, but now i know thanks to this. Voted positive.
By Demo MCN on 25 Mar 2012 10:01
I can't believe I got all the way through two play-throughs without realising you could upgrade your weapons... I guess I could always play two more :P
By Daemonhunter 7 on 07 Apr 2012 11:03
haha... ya your playthrough's could have been a bit easier.
By Sly Strategist on 07 Apr 2012 12:01
I also didn't know about the upgrading of weapons on the Normandy.. That sort of stuff should be in the games manual that isn't provided with this game. (and don't get me started about the one in the game, I WANT REAL PAPER :O )
By Laminaatplaat on 18 Apr 2012 06:44
how do i import a ME3 player?........This is the first Mass Effect game i have played!?!?
By Iron Man TStark on 24 May 2012 15:38
In order to import an ME3 character, you need to beat the game once already. Then select new game >> import.
By TheAnonymity on 04 Dec 2019 01:48
I was stuck at level 7 on my 2nd playtrough.
No matter what weapon i tried. It appears that you need to find the weapon a second Time in order to reach level 10.

So 2nd playtrough with same character + find the weapon a 2nd Time ( advice : any easy one from the start ) + upgrade to level 10.
By on 19 Dec 2021 02:08
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Here is how I did it, and this is for Single Player: Quickest method???
(For some reason I could not level up the M3 Predator past level 7)

During your first playthrough level up the M-8 Avenger to level 5.

Obviously you have to beat the game, import your ME3 character, go through the beginning (You will acquire the M-8 Avenger during the Prologue), after about 30 minutes of game-play, you will be back on the Normandy, go to the Armory, and finish leveling up the M-8 Avenger to 10.

Note: When importing your ME3 character, you will have all the funds available that you had when you beat the game.

05 Jun 2012 09:59

1 Comment
Good solution, though it is closer to 1 hour gameplay. Earth, Mars, Citadel, dream sequence.
I think it is still faster than MP.
By psybOltOn on 06 Nov 2016 20:26
After completing the game In single player, play a 2nd playthrough with your ME3 character.

Play for 30-45 minutes until you are back at the citadel.

Go to your spectre terminal in the citadel embassies and buy one of the 250,000 credits weapons. e.g. Black Widow.

Go back to the Normandy and go to the shuttle bay weapon bench where you can upgrade this weapon to level 10 (about another 100,000 credits in total).

If you do not have enough credits, you will need to play another mission until you re-find one of the guns you already own, as you will only be able to upgrade them to level 7. I couldn't be bothered to keep playing and had enough credits. Remember you don't have to save after spending the credits!

20 Apr 2012 15:31

There is another way if you don't feel like going out of your way in the Single Player Campaign. Just keep playing the multiplayer, fun as it is, it shouldn't be too hard. And if you keep buying the 5000 point Recruit Pack you will usually get one of the beginner weapons. Just keep buying these while enjoying the multiplayer. This may not be the quickest way, but it is always fun to do it amongst the multiplayer.

13 Aug 2012 18:14

1 Comment
First thing I got to 10 was the Mantis sniper rifle. That thing just kept appearing in those packs.
By Zalsha on 13 Aug 2012 18:15
The maximum level you can upgrade your weapons to during your first playthrough is 5. To get this Trophy just start a new game after you've beaten it once and import your ME3 character. You will keep the upgraded weapons and levels 6-10 will now be unlocked.

Simply purchase them on the Normandy.

31 May 2014 17:32

Upgrading weapons can be done in the Normandy’s armory. The console on the left has the weapon upgrades for purchase. Each gun that you pick up upgraded versions for purchase. Of course, the costs go up as you upgrade and increase by 1000 to 2500 credits per level. Each gun starts at level 1, but you can only upgrade to level 5 on your first playthrough.

You will have to begin a new game and import your ME3 character. Find the gun that you purchased upgrades for in New Game+, then you will upgrade it three more ranks automatically (Any gun found on Earth or Mars is the best choice for this.). Once you’re back on the Normandy, head down to the armory and purchase the last two upgrades. Without finding the gun a second time, you will not be able to upgrade it to level 10. The highest that you will be able to purchase is level 7.

Weapon Locations by Mission

Priority: Mars
  • M-15 Vindicator Assault Rifle
  • M-23 Katana Shotgun
  • M-92 Mantis Sniper Rifle
  • M-4 Shuriken SMG
Priority: The Citadel I
  • M-11 Wraith Shotgun (Purchased from Spectre Outpost.)
  • Black Widow Sniper Rifle (Purchased from Spectre Outpost.)
  • M-77 Paladin Pistol (Purchased from Spectre Outpost.)
Priority: Palaven
  • M-27 Scimitar Shotgun
  • Graal Spike Thrower Shotgun (Can be bought from Cipritine Armory.)
  • M-97 Sniper Rifle
  • M-5 Phalanx Pistol
Priority: Sur'Kesh
  • M-13 Raptor Sniper Rifle (Can be bought from Batarian State Arms.)
  • Scoprion Pistol
Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation
  • M-96 Mattock Assault Rifle
  • M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun (Can be bought from Batarian State Arms.)
Attican Traverse: Krogan Team
  • M-300 Claymore Shotgun
Tuchanka: Turian Platoon
  • Phaeston Assault Rifle
  • M-9 Tempest SMG
Tuchanka: Bomb
  • M-29 Incisor Sniper Rifle (Can be bought from Kassa Fabrications for 7,000 credits.)
Priority: The Citadel II
  • M-76 Revenant Assault Rifle
  • M-25 Hornet SMG (Can be purchased from Batarian State Arms.)
  • M-358 Talon Pistol
Priority: Geth Dreadnought
  • Geth Pulse Rifle
  • Arc Pistol
Rannoch: Admiral Koris
  • Javelin Sniper Rifle
Priority: Rannoch
  • Geth Plasma Shotgun
Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery
  • Disciple Shotgun
Priority: Thessia
  • M-98 Widow Sniper Rifle
Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists
  • M-6 Carnifex Pistol (Can also be purchased from Kassa Fabrications.)
Priority: Horizon
  • M-99 Saber Assault Rifle
  • M-12 Locust SMG (Can also be purchased from Kassa Fabrications.)
Priority: Eden Prime
  • Particle Rifle
Priority: Cerberus Headquarters
  • M-37 Falcon Assault Rifle

SP: In the shuttle bay of the Normandy, there is a weapon upgrades station. Here, you can upgrade any of your weapons for a price. As you purchase upgrades, the cost starts getting higher. The first upgrade choice will be level 2 for each weapon you own and you can get up to level 5 in a single playthrough. To get it to 10, you have to start a New Game+ and find the weapon a second time. This will unlock the final upgrades, allowing you to purchase up to level 10.

MP: Buy the recruit packs consistently and you will have a level 10 weapon fairly quickly. This is probably the quicker/easier of the two options of unlocking this achievement. I got three upgrades for the Mantis sniper rifle in my first five purchases.


Upgrading weapons can be done in the Normandy’s armory. The console on the left has the weapon upgrades for purchase. Each gun that you pick up upgraded versions for purchase. Of course, the costs go up as you upgrade and increase by 1000 to 2500 credits per level. Each gun starts at level 1, but you can only upgrade to level 5 on your first playthrough.

You will have to begin a new game and import your ME3 character. Find the gun that you purchased upgrades for in New Game+, then you will upgrade it three more ranks automatically (Any gun found on Mars is the best choice for this.). Once you’re back on the Normandy, head down to the armory and purchase the last two upgrades. Without finding the gun a second time, you will not be able to upgrade it to level 10. The highest that you will be able to purchase is level 7.

You can also upgrade a weapon to level 10 online as well. This isn't ideal, although it may be essentially faster since you don't have to play through the game once. The weapons that you get in packs from the online store are given at random though.

Weapon Locations by Mission

Priority: Mars

  • M-15 Vindicator Assault Rifle
  • M-23 Katana Shotgun
  • M-92 Mantis Sniper Rifle
  • M-4 Shuriken SMG

Priority: The Citadel I

  • M-11 Wraith Shotgun (Purchased from Spectre Outpost.)
  • Black Widow Sniper Rifle (Purchased from Spectre Outpost.)
  • M-77 Paladin Pistol (Purchased from Spectre Outpost.)

Priority: Palaven

  • M-27 Scimitar Shotgun
  • Graal Spike Thrower Shotgun (Can be bought from Cipritine Armory.)
  • M-97 Sniper Rifle
  • M-5 Phalanx Pistol

Priority: Sur'Kesh

  • M-13 Raptor Sniper Rifle (Can be bought from Batarian State Arms.)
  • Scoprion Pistol

Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation

  • M-96 Mattock Assault Rifle
  • M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun (Can be bought from Batarian State Arms.)

Attican Traverse: Krogan Team

  • M-300 Claymore Shotgun

Tuchanka: Turian Platoon

  • Phaeston Assault Rifle
  • M-9 Tempest SMG

Tuchanka: Bomb

  • M-29 Incisor Sniper Rifle (Can be bought from Kassa Fabrications for 7,000 credits.)

Priority: The Citadel II

  • M-76 Revenant Assault Rifle
  • M-25 Hornet SMG (Can be purchased from Batarian State Arms.)
  • M-358 Talon Pistol

Priority: Geth Dreadnought

  • Geth Pulse Rifle
  • Arc Pistol

Rannoch: Admiral Koris

  • Javelin Sniper Rifle

Priority: Rannoch

  • Geth Plasma Shotgun

Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery

  • Disciple Shotgun

Priority: Thessia

  • M-98 Widow Sniper Rifle

Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists

  • M-6 Carnifex Pistol (Can also be purchased from Kassa Fabrications.)

Priority: Horizon

  • M-99 Saber Assault Rifle
  • M-12 Locust SMG (Can also be purchased from Kassa Fabrications.)

Priority: Eden Prime

  • Particle Rifle

Priority: Cerberus Headquarters

  • M-37 Falcon Assault Rifle
Cannot be obtained in the first playthrough.
Upgrades above the fifth level will only open on the second playthrough.

You can also get it in multiplayer by buying beginner's sets for 5k, there you very often come across upgrades for starting weapons.

10 Mar 2012 10:25

It is necessary to transfer the save when starting a new game from ME3. It is necessary to have incomplete save cells when finishing the ME3 game for the first time, otherwise importing a character from ME3 will not appear when starting a new game.
By ripdiesel29 on 18 Jun 2021 19:27
Second playthrough. On Normandy at the Arsenal.
By Leksich on 13 Jun 2021 19:28
Can be obtained in the first playthrough playing online, the company itself did not pass but the trophy
By EVGEN150R on 23 Mar 2012 13:41
Faster in singles on the second playthrough. It is possible to get your first half hour of play. Everything is very tight in the cartoon...
By xmen-00 on 23 Feb 2015 02:34
In order to get this trophy, you must upgrade your weapon to 5 before the end of the game, i.e. maximum level. The clue is based on the M-8 Avenger weapon, because it is picked up in the prologue on Earth.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Start NG+ with a transferred character from ME3 (a sign pops up telling you that the game has been saved after completing the story).
2. Then you reach the moment when you need to contact Anderson by radio and request help from the Normandy (prologue on the ground) and do not press the radio until you pick up the M-8 Avenger .
3. Picked up, which means the weapon was automatically upgraded from level 5 to level 8. Then you run through Mars, the Citadel, and upon returning to Normandy you go down to the Shuttle Dock and upgrade your weapons to the coveted level 10.
By absolute on 23 Mar 2022 13:52
If you are going to receive in a single, then first of all decide on the gun that you will download. The bottom line is that on the first playthrough, any weapon can only be upgraded to level 5. On the second playthrough you can buy 2 more upgrades, i.e. the maximum level will be 7. To upgrade a weapon to level 10, you must, on the second playthrough, reach a place in the story where you will be given the weapon that you upgraded to level 5, and it will automatically receive level 8. In the first playthrough, I advise you to upgrade to level 5 one of the first weapons that will be in your hands on Mars, and on the second playthrough you will just have to run to the first workbench on the same Mars.

In my case it was a Prothean emitter; I didn’t use any other weapon at all. From the start of the game on my second playthrough, I had to go through the prologue, then Priority: Mars, then a conversation with the Council in the Citadel, returning to Normandy, completing Eden Prime, after which I was given a level 8 emitter.
By So1idus on 10 Sep 2017 15:44
Considering that multiplayer was cut out in the re-release, the only option to get the trophy is solo.
It is impossible to get this trophy on your first playthrough!

The fastest way and procedure:
- Complete the game once, do not forget to upgrade one of the following guns to level 5 in this playthrough, even if you do not use them: “M-8 Avenger”, “M-92 Mantis”, “M-4 Shuriken” or "M-23 Katana".
- Start a “New Game” by importing the ME3 saves of the completed game (will be in the selection of options).
- The first weapon that you will encounter in the game and get access to further upgrades is the “M-8 Avenger”, at the very beginning of the game, when you move with Andersen on a mission to the crash site to activate the radio. It will lie right in front of him, virtually impossible to miss.
- You will only gain access to movement on the Normandy after you complete the mission on Mars and talk to the Council on the Citadel. These events come one after another.
If for some reason you missed the M-8 Avenger, then in the Mars mission you will have the opportunity to find an M-92 Mantis, M-4 Shuriken or M-23 Katana.
- As soon as you find yourself on the Normandy, go to the elevator and move to the cargo compartment (5), where Cortez and Vega usually hang out, go to the machine and pump in the remaining levels.
By NightFurious on 12 Mar 2022 22:58
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After completing the story, go to the menu of Mass effect 3 (not the entire trilogy, namely part 3) and select “New Game”, there will be several options, load the save from ME3, go through several tasks and go down to the hangar on the Normandy, improve the weapons there, and the trophy is yours

15 Jun 2021 14:08