Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

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Hard Target

Hard Target

Call down an orbital strike.

How to unlock the Hard Target achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

Location: Perseus Veil -> Tikkun - > Planet Rannoch
Mission: 8. Priority Mission: Rannoch, Destroy Reaper Base
Achievement missable: no, Story Mission

Hint: if you chose the Quarian you get +615 War Assents, the Geth Fleet will be destroyed and you get Tali as a Squadmember. If you chose the Geth you get +600 war Assets, the Quarians will be completely wiped out and Tali commit suicide.

If you have a ME2 Import: There is also a possibility that both. For that you need to have Tali and Legion loyal, and Tali cant be exiled. Then you need to save Admiral Zal Koris over the crew of his ship, take out the fighters, side with Admiral Han Gerrel when he is arguing with Admiral Ran on the Normandy over the radio about their portions of the fleet, Side with Tali when Admiral Xen wants to use some of the fleet to go through a Geth debris field for tech instead of saving escape pods. With those things done, you'll want to side with Legion and then when given the blue and red options, pick one of those to persuade the Admiral Han Gerrel to stop for a minute.

Misfit119: If you let Legion die then Tali has no real attachment to the VI and you're more or less screwed out of the best end to this. If you didn't complete either of their loyalty missions then you're more or less screwed out of the best end to this. Basically ME3 rewards those who did a 100% perfect run and kind of punishes those who didn't.

1. Video: Playthrough with Geth Ending
2. Video: Quarian Ending

08 Mar 2012 11:01

By King fiShiZ on 12 Mar 2012 10:02
thanks, added
By King fiShiZ on 11 Mar 2012 18:06
did all of this and it didnt work, but didnt import save, maybe thats it.
By Gamer In Denial on 12 Mar 2012 02:41
On my playthrough, I initially chose to support the quarians but then was given an option to [Warn the fleet]. This ended the fighting and gave me +525 Quarian support and +750 Geth support plus Tali as a crewmember.
By ThePigsGoMoo on 09 Mar 2012 17:20
Do you need to have the real Legion for saving both to work? I did everything listed, but had the VI Legion and couldn't save both.
By plethomacademia on 10 Mar 2012 04:03
Hmm, then there is more, what i posted worked for me. I update the Info when i find more
By King fiShiZ on 10 Mar 2012 08:51
You can side with Admiral Raan and still get both fleets. I'll have to check but I think you get more engineers to work on the Crucible instead.

I just wish it hadn't taken me half an hour to take out the Destroyer - I haven't raged that hard for a while >:(
By Hirsute Dave on 10 Mar 2012 14:58
Things from Mass Effect 2 have an impact on this as well. If you let Legion die then Tali has no real attachment to the VI and you're more or less screwed out of the best end to this. If you didn't complete either of their loyalty missions then you're more or less screwed out of the best end to this. Basically ME3 rewards those who did a 100% perfect run and kind of punishes those who didn't.
By misfit119 on 11 Mar 2012 17:27
Yep I sided with Admiral Ran in that argument, and still got the the best outcome.

I had no idea of course, I just picked the Paragon, and the most like Paragon options it gave me, and I got the both.
By EarthboundX on 04 Jan 2015 06:57
So let me get this right: I can get both fleets, because:
1. I did Tali's loyalty mission in ME2
2. I did legions loyalty mission in ME2
3. I've saved Zal Koris.
4. I sided with Gerrel after saving Koris

I'm going to do the fighter base mission next, then I have to side with Tali after that? Then I should be able to get them both, yes?
By Sonic Grunge on 28 Mar 2012 09:52
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This solution covers just the boss fight against the Reaper. I just got passed this on my Insanity run, and have a few tips to share.

For this fight, you need to aim the laser at the Reaper's weak spot (the big red eye) to call down an orbital strike. You'll need to do this while dodging its laser, as the laser will kill you instantly if it touches you.

To aim, hold down the right trigger. No need to use the left trigger to zoom, as this will just slow you down. Keep your laser in the reticle that appears over the Reaper. You'll need to keep aiming for a while to allow the ships to lock onto your target.

To dodge, strafe to the side by pushing on the left stick and pressing A. This will make Shepard roll to the side. You can continue to aim the laser while dodging. You do not need to let up on the right trigger.

What I found worked best, and which is explained in the video (credit to bigphatmsp44), is to start from one of the far sides. The Reaper's laser will come on and work its way from the bottom of the screen up. As soon as the Reaper starts firing it's laser, begin strafing and rolling to the opposite side. When the laser is over Shepard's head, you should be in the clear to stand still and just focus on targetting the weak spot. When the Reaper's laser starts again, resume rolling until the laser is clear, and then stand still and target some more. Do this until the ships lock on and fire on the Reaper.

Now you'll have a few seconds to get to a far side and do this all over again. After three hits (counting from the save point), you'll have a closeup, slow motion shot at the Reaper. No need to dodge anything here; just line up the laser and wait for some destruction to rain down from the sky.

Hope this helps!

02 May 2012 03:47

Story related, can't be missed.

Obtained: After completing the mission Priority: Rannoch.


Story related. If you want more info, continue reading. Otherwise, know that this will unlock through the natural progression of the story.

Mission – Priority: Rannoch
Acquisition - Automatic after rescuing Admiral Koris or disabling the geth fighters.

You can do it before the fighter squadron, but I recommend that you save this mission for the last of the quarian-geth series. Overall, this mission isn’t too difficult, at least until the end when the difficulty spikes.

Insanity Tips:

  • For most of this mission, the usual general tips apply.
  • When you get to the point where you have to get into the facility, I killed the geth troopers and rocket troopers until Tali said that we had to get inside. Then I ran for it. There should only be a couple of geth on the lower level anyway.
  • When you go on the elevator, there are three primes waiting for you. There will be one each coming from the left and right and one straight ahead of you. I moved around to one side to get all of them coming from the same direction and focused all of my fire on one. As soon as one was gone, I started to pull the other two away from the elevator. There’s a heavy weapon sitting right there where you first come in. You can use it when you get all three together, but I saved it until one was gone since there wasn’t enough ammo to destroy all three. Do what works best for you.
  • You may think that you’re done, but you’re not. Now you get to fight a reaper. The reaper itself isn’t hard once you get it’s pattern down. When it fires it’s main laser, it will of course be targeting you. When the laser gets to the edge of the cliff that you’re standing on, roll to either side and start to aim the laser. The reaper will fire again and you’ll have to roll away again, but the targeting progress will be saved. You’ll have to repeat this three more times before you can finally destroy the reaper.
Story related. If you want more info, continue reading. Otherwise, know that this will unlock through the natural progression of the story.

Mission – Priority: Rannoch
Acquisition - Automatic after rescuing Admiral Koris or disabling the geth fighters.

You can do it before the fighter squadron, but I recommend that you save this mission for the last of the quarian-geth series. Overall, this mission isn’t too difficult, at least until the end when the difficulty spikes.