Mass Effect 3

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Hijack an Atlas mech.

How to unlock the Hijacker achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

Lets say you went through the entire game without Hijacking a Mech? well it happens.. and since you cannot do it in multiplayer and you don't want to start a new play through just yet?


Your game automatically brings you back to before the battle at Cerberus HQ. Inside the hanger you start in you will face a group of troopers, Centurions, Nemesis, AND an ATLAS MECH right off the bat.

What i did was order EDI and my other companion to stay behind the shuttle so they wont do any extra damage to the mech and start making pot shots with a Mantis V at the Mech while clearing the troopers and such from flanking you. after aboutt 3-4 shots to the canopy the Canopy will break and you can snipe the Pilot right out just run and press "A" to jump inside!


18 Mar 2012 18:45

Well, this one worked fine for me, first try! thank you, great tip!
By NMN on 19 Mar 2012 23:04
I managed to shatter the canopy with the Vindicator X Assault Rifle just a few minutes ago. The Atlas ended up having 2 bars of Armor left when I killed the pilot.
You MIGHT be able to do it with any weapon as long as all the shots hit the canopy, I can't be 100% sure though.
By TheOtherBarber on 19 Mar 2012 23:25
This worked for me too. I set the difficulty to 'Narrative' (the easiest setting) and then I let both my squadmates die so they wouldn't interfere with the atlas, then I mostly hid upstairs while I took out all the enemies except the atlas, then finally I used the Mantis V to shoot the glass and the pilot. In the past I was attempting it with the Raptor sniper rifle but it always destroyed the atlas before I could hijack it, using the Mantis V (with no attachments) did the job first time. Thanks for this solution, great spot to finally get this done.
By P E Z B Y 7 2 7 on 20 Mar 2012 15:40
Thanks, I finally got it. First try with your method. :) Used the geth pulse rifle to take out the shield and the mantis to break the glass. Shot the driver with the pulse rifle and got in. :)
By schematics on 20 Mar 2012 21:30
I think my sniper rifle was a bit too powerful (or perhaps my companions were more effective than expected), but I changed difficulty level to hardcore and it worked just fine.
By OLph42 on 20 Mar 2012 22:52
Exactly how I did it. The Raptor worked great for breaking the canopy. And my squadmates left the mech alone even though they were right next to me, since there were so many other Cerberus targets. It's even right after a checkpoint, that's awesome.
By Zoku Gojira on 28 Mar 2012 05:40
I did it here as well. When you go up the ladder to use the console you also have a nice autosave to easily get the mailbox achievement as well.
By Jezza69 on 03 Apr 2012 11:27
Thumbs up. The other advantage of this spot is that it's right at the start of the mission, so you can equip a sniper rifle if you don't normally carry one.
By ardlive on 06 Apr 2012 01:06
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What you will need to do is equip a sniper rifle. When fighting an Atlas mech, stay in cover and only fire sniper shots at the glass in front. After a few shots, the glass will break. Once the glass is broken, kill the pilot with your sniper rifle. Once he is dead, run over to the mech and press A to climb in.

Any questions just ask in the comments.

06 Mar 2012 22:42

I can confirm its to snipe the glass as guided, stealing the one Karnul mentioned didn't pop it for me either.
By barider2085 on 07 Mar 2012 18:03
Oh this is difficult. I tried to do it during the Krogan mission early in the game, but every time I think I got the Atlas driver out, the robot blows up.
By ZeroFlame16 on 07 Mar 2012 20:55
Ah thanks for clearing up my confusion! Thumbs up!
By CrimsonGaidin on 07 Mar 2012 21:15
I think I might have to use a weaker sniper rifle. I was using the N7 one and had upgrades on it, by the time I took out the glass the mech only had one bar left. I shot the driver and killed the mech by accident.
By Delta748 on 08 Mar 2012 13:58 cannot be attained on levels like the krogan one, where the atlas is a "boss fight" (no matter the health, it will explode when pilot killed). I did it at the beggining of act 2, when the atlas showed up on the citadel. Also used a weak sniper rifle, just in case.
By ScuzzyBunny on 08 Mar 2012 17:31
As far as I could tell this is impossible to do on Insanity difficulty - can anyone confirm that, or am I doing something wrong?
By Vorpal Smilodon on 08 Mar 2012 23:05
Yeah I keep blowing them up before the glass breaks using the N7 Valiant. Maybe something like a shotgun or SMG would work better at breaking the glass?
By Hirsute Dave on 09 Mar 2012 03:42
I have found 3 of these mechs now - and all three blow up upon the death of the driver >.>
By Elyoh on 09 Mar 2012 12:30
can this be done in multiplayer aswell?
By Razzamatazz Daz on 09 Mar 2012 15:44
^ yeah, same question.
By despondent d on 09 Mar 2012 16:30
no you cant
By King fiShiZ on 09 Mar 2012 17:07
I just did this on Shalmar plaza as well using the N7 Valiant V, it took a good 9-12 shots and the Atlas to be a 2 yellow bars before the glass broke. Took aim, sniped the driver and popped the achievement once I climbed in.
By Prattalmighty on 10 Mar 2012 06:07
I just got mine in the Cerberus base hanger - N7 Valiant (III?) with a level 5 extended barrel did the trick after I overloaded the shields off. Took about four shots and left the thing with one, maybe two, bars of health left. I climbed it, achievement popped, it exploded :)
By Hirsute Dave on 10 Mar 2012 14:53
They keep exploding before i even have a chance to get close
By on 11 Mar 2012 23:33
You guys should feel lucky.
Your Mech just blows up, mine gives me the option to press A that does nothing.

I break the glass and kill the driver but when the option comes up it does nothing. 3 times I have done this and on every occasion I get this glitch. Basically the game max out for me won't happen now.
By Pyro1099 on 12 Mar 2012 20:05
Okay, I figured out why this didn't work for me. Make sure you are away from any crates/boxes/cover. If the Mech is too close to an object it will give you the option the Hijack but it will not do anything.
By Pyro1099 on 12 Mar 2012 20:17
everytime i headshot the driver, the whole thing explodes... guess the black widow sniper is too strong
By Phoenix C64 on 12 Mar 2012 20:21
Use the M-13 Raptor. It has more shots and does less damage. You have a much better chance not to blow it up then.
By Pyro1099 on 12 Mar 2012 20:26
i did this in the dlc mission. its the first atlas you can get to in a new campaign, its fairly quick to run through the mission, especially on narrative setting.

if you've already started on insanity, you could always make a save, drop the difficulty to narrative, and reload the save point after you get the achievement.

i was using a mantis x and it was very quick to break the shield.
By Clamshells on 13 Mar 2012 01:08
I got this on the Citadel invasion mission, using the Valiant 1 sniper.

The first four times I tried this, the mech was too damaged to capture, but the fifth time, I got it, with about 1/4 of the mech's health remaining. As far as I can tell, there's some luck involved, but I think it also helps if you take care to only hit the mech's window—don't shoot the body of the mech if you can help it, and it should have more armor by the time you break the window.

By Mortis Invictus on 13 Mar 2012 01:25
I tried it many times on normal but never managed to destroy the glass. The Atlas always blows up. I tried Sniper and Pistols and loaded about 10 times but its always blowing up. After 2-3 hits with the Sniper in the Cerberus base (near the end where 3 Atlas Mechs are in the hangar) it just blows up. :-/
I hope I can get it in a second playthrough somehow.. maybe my weapons + bonus skills are too strong?
By Bl4ckSh33p on 13 Mar 2012 23:11
That could definitely be why. If I remember correctly, I was still using the a level I or II sniper rifle when I did it. Even then, once I killed the driver the Atlas was at really low health.
By billthepony on 14 Mar 2012 00:00
uff- unlocked this achievement !!! 4 tims Kill the driver mech press a nan nothing...and battle on citadel achive pop..Maybe random /bug/glich/ achievement .Thx for all
ps;sorry for english ;D
By NAGAROT on 14 Mar 2012 19:30
Great solution! Thanks!!!!!
By thebigbadtoph on 08 Apr 2012 05:11
i have finally killed a driver without blowing up the mech and it wont let me in.......push a and the green reticle turns red
By keanosmagic on 18 May 2012 15:55
Got this at the same time as the defend the scientists mission. pretty easy.
By boldfoxrd on 01 May 2013 18:28
Thank you. I reached a point in campaign where the pilot was standing outside his Atlas mech. I killed him and took the mech, but the achievement didn't pop. I guess the achievement means for the player to do as you describe: snipe an enemy out of their Atlas and then steal it.
By Karnul on 07 Mar 2012 15:20
I just got this achievement on Insanity at the "Shalmar Plaza" location as Infiltrator. I removed the shielding via Garrus' Overload and my own Disruptor Ammo. Once shielding was removed, I switched to Mantis V Sniper Rifle and began opening fire on the glass window. Only at about 1-2 yellow bars remaining did the glass break. It took four tries. It is possible yet very difficult.
By Arietta Luna on 08 Mar 2012 23:13
I was having trouble getting the mech to stay intact while killing the pilot, so in the battle with the mech on the Citadel, after breaking the glass, I had my teammates go hide in a corner and I just waited for a while. When I popped back out of cover, the shields on the mech had restored, and I was able to snipe the pilot without exploding the mech.
By Dr Eldarion on 19 Mar 2012 02:34
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Another really easy Atlas to hijack is the Mech that is dropped near the end of the "From Ashes" DLC. When it gets dropped near the life pod, I just hid in the building until it came close, pulled out my shotgun and let loose on the glass and broke the glass. Once the glass was broken, I took out my assault rifle, killed the driver and hijacked it. Just got the achievement! :) Just an alternate way.

08 Mar 2012 01:19

Just wanted to add a variation of this method to make it completely dummy proof.

You can simply climb the ladder there with your squadmates and nothing can hit you there. (It also gives you a great vantage point for when they send reinforcements in via dropship)

The Atlas will even get stuck at the building and allow you to sit in near melee range above it shooting with your weapon of choice.
By Doctor Tiki on 10 Mar 2012 19:04
This worked perfectly for me. Thanks!
By Zacry072 on 08 Mar 2012 23:48
I've cracked the windshield and killed the driver twice now from the roof - both times the mech is too close to the building for me to hop in $%@!#$%@##$%@#$

3rd time's a controller breaker?
By WestsideSxE on 15 Mar 2012 03:19
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Another really easy Atlas to hijack is the Mech that is dropped near the end of the "From Ashes" DLC. When it gets dropped near the life pod, I just hid in the building until it came close, pulled out my shotgun and let loose on the glass and broke the glass. Once the glass was broken, I took out my assault rifle, killed the driver and hijacked it. Just got the achievement! :) Just an alternate way.

08 Mar 2012 01:19

This worked perfectly for me. Thanks!
By Zacry072 on 08 Mar 2012 23:48
I've cracked the windshield and killed the driver twice now from the roof - both times the mech is too close to the building for me to hop in $%@!#$%@##$%@#$

3rd time's a controller breaker?
By WestsideSxE on 15 Mar 2012 03:19
Just wanted to add a variation of this method to make it completely dummy proof.

You can simply climb the ladder there with your squadmates and nothing can hit you there. (It also gives you a great vantage point for when they send reinforcements in via dropship)

The Atlas will even get stuck at the building and allow you to sit in near melee range above it shooting with your weapon of choice.
By Doctor Tiki on 10 Mar 2012 19:04
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tl; dr version:

1. Get the Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation mission from Specialist Traynor after the second priority mission is complete.

2. Go to Petra Nebula and board the Grissom.

3. Fight your way to the end of the mission that takes place in the shuttle bay.

4. Grab the unmanned Atlas before the shuttle bay and use it to take out as many Cerberus footsoldiers as you can.

5. Another Atlas with another wave of Cerberus troops will appear. Kill the troops and exit the Atlas once you've killed everything except the new Atlas under Cerberus control. NOTE: This Atlas will focus MOST of its attention on the students and it will fire MOST of its shots at them. The barrier protecting the students is very strong, but its strength can be viewed at all times in the upper right corner of the screen.

6. While the Atlas is firing at the students, use whatever means necessary to deplete the Atlas' shields, then concentrate on shooting the glass.

7. Once the Atlas is down to just armor and armor is around halfway gone, the glass will break.

8. Use a headshot from a sniper rifle (or possibly Vindicator Assault Rifle) to kill the Atlas pilot.

9. Run up to the Atlas and press A to remove the dead pilot and enter the Atlas.

10. *achievement chime*


If you dismount the first Atlas before killing all the troops or before it being destroyed, a Cerberus Engineer will fix the shields and get in and pilot it. The glass is ALREADY broken on this Atlas. You MIGHT be able to hijack this Atlas without having to break the glass. I didn't get a chance to try, but it might be something worth a shot at trying. If anyone finds out if this method will work, please post in comments and I will place it in the solution (or you can write your own solution).

++More Detailed Solution++

A really easy place to get this achievement is during the Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation mission in the Petra Nebula. I did this between the 2nd and 3rd priority missions. You get this non-priority mission from Specialist Traynor after you complete the Turian Primarch priority mission. You'll know you have the mission when you see Petra Nebula on the galaxy map (there will be a "Rescue Students" tag under the name of the nebula when you hover over it with the galaxy map cursor).

This is the very first place I saw the Atlas mech, though the Atlas may appear sooner if you do other missions before this one.

++Popping the Achievement++

To get this achievement is very simple. Just fight through the mission until you reach the shuttle bay at the end of the mission. Right before you enter the shuttle bay will be a Cerberus Engineer standing with his back to you and next to an unoccupied Atlas. 2 headshots from a Lv5 Viper Sniper rifle will take out the Engineer without him firing on you. Jump into the Atlas and enter the shuttle bay.

Now use this Atlas to kill all the Cerberus troops. Toward the end, another wave of Cerberus troops will appear. Take them out as well.

With this other wave of troops comes another Atlas mech. Once you've destroyed all of Cerberus' foot soldiers, press the Y button to jump out of the Atlas (if it hasn't been destroyed yet). Equip your assault rifle or sniper rifle and use whatever techs you can to drop the Atlas' shields.

Once the Atlas is armor only, start shooting the glass cover that houses the Atlas pilot. About halfway through the armor the glass will break. At this time, pull out your sniper rifle and get a headshot on the Atlas pilot for an instant kill. The Vindicator Assault Rifle may work as well.

Once you kill the pilot, simply walk up to the Atlas and press A when prompted to do so, Shepard will pull the dead pilot out and enter the Atlas and the achievement will pop.

++Note About this Atlas++

Why this Atlas is so easy is that it will focus MOST of its attention on the students (the student barrier strength an be seen at all times in the upper right hand corner of the screen and it will fire most of its shots at the students (don't worry, the barrier is very strong). During this time you're free to unload clean shots at the glass protecting the pilot without having to duck into cover so much. Once the Atlas starts losing armor it will focus more attention toward you, so be careful.

Good luck, enjoy the game and hope this solution was helpful!

10 Mar 2012 06:42

Make sure you have a sniper rifle on you. When you see an atlas mech just start shooting at the glass till it breaks. The glass will break when there's about half of the armor health bar left. Once it breaks take out the driver. then you be able to take control of it an achievement popped. Its might take some practice to get it with out destroy the Atlas.

Also i take no credit for the video below. From IGN

07 Mar 2012 23:19

This is relatively simple, but it's also rather easy to bypass and not earn throughout the campaign. Before you begin you need to make sure you have the Mantis without mods in your load out. I've tried several combinations of rifle, most work, but this one seems to fastest without destroying the Atlas. You can also do this on any difficulty, but for the sake of making this easier use narrative or easy.

Once you're ready, find at Atlas, the video below takes place during the start of the Illusive Man's Base. You need to make sure your squad don't cause any damage to the Atlas, so have them hide off to the side and cover you. From here you can concentrate on the Atlas yourself. You need to shoot the window that protects the driver several times until it breaks. You can then kill the pilot. Once the pilot is dead you can then make your way up to the Atlas and press "A" to pilot it yourself.

You will encounter an Atlas while completing most Cerberus N7/Side Missions, but two areas where you can find the Atlas are the "Grissom Academy", "From Ashes (DLC)", "Citadel Invasion" and the "Illustive Man's Base". If you miss all of these after completing the game you can start the Illusive Man's Base again as you will be placed back on the Normandy just before this mission.

22 Mar 2012 15:45

Using a Scorpion Hand Pistol to break the glass;

External image

Alright I was having lots of trouble with this achievement seemed every time I tried with a sniper rifle the Atlas blows up when shooting the driver out. Here is an Alternative I found using a Scorpion pistol instead of a sniper. Before you start any mission with an Atlas in it equip the Scorpion gun and make sure you bring a second gun with you like a light weight sniper rifle or a regular rifle your choice bring something that doesn't do much damage only going to need a second gun to kill the trooper out of the driver chair. Shoot the and aim towards the glass of the Atlas, it almost like a grenade launcher with stickys so you have to kind of wait for them to explode but it does great damage and its even fun to use in the game, it pretty much blows everything up. Once you see that glass broken and shot out the trooper, you can run up towards it and hop in hitting (A).

Scorpion Location ;
During Priority: Female Krogan rescue mission Sur’Kesh mission, when Mordin asks you to reactivate the elevator power source. Look for it on the floor in the corner next to power switch. You can also do the achievement on this mission since there is an Atlas here on this level just keep in mind your team mates will shoot at the Atlas too.

Follow the video below the mission he did it on is on the DLC content called "From Ashes" you can do this on any difficulty or any mission that has an Atlas in it. I did it on the mission "Illusive Man's Base" also in the DLC content.

Credit for video goes to OmegaRed16 Thank you.

26 Mar 2012 11:47

Using a Scorpion Hand Pistol to break the glass;

External image

Alright I was having lots of trouble with this achievement seemed every time I tried with a sniper rifle the Atlas blows up when shooting the driver out. Here is an Alternative I found using a Scorpion pistol instead of a sniper. Before you start any mission with an Atlas in it equip the Scorpion gun and make sure you bring a second gun with you like a light weight sniper rifle or a regular rifle your choice bring something that doesn't do much damage only going to need a second gun to kill the trooper out of the driver chair. Shoot the and aim towards the glass of the Atlas, it almost like a grenade launcher with stickys so you have to kind of wait for them to explode but it does great damage and its even fun to use in the game, it pretty much blows everything up. Once you see that glass broken and shot out the trooper, you can run up towards it and hop in hitting (A).

Scorpion Location ;
During Priority: Female Krogan rescue mission Sur’Kesh mission, when Mordin asks you to reactivate the elevator power source. Look for it on the floor in the corner next to power switch. You can also do the achievement on this mission since there is an Atlas here on this level just keep in mind your team mates will shoot at the Atlas too.

Follow the video below the mission he did it on is on the DLC content called "From Ashes" you can do this on any difficulty or any mission that has an Atlas in it. I did it on the mission "Illusive Man's Base" also in the DLC content.

Credit for video goes to OmegaRed16 Thank you.

26 Mar 2012 11:47

I had no luck with the sniper rifle. The whole thing blows up before the glass breaks (for me anyway).

I got it done at the biotic/engineer school, where you first see Jack in ME3. After you get in the first Atlas and kill the Cerberus guys in the next room, another Atlas will spawn. After a couple regular Atlas bullets to the glass, it was broken and the operator was dead. I jumped out of mine and into that one, unlocking the achievement.

This was under normal difficulty. The Atlas may blow up in lesser difficulties.

02 Jan 2013 15:49

I had no luck with the sniper rifle. The whole thing blows up before the glass breaks (for me anyway).

I got it done at the biotic/engineer school, where you first see Jack in ME3. After you get in the first Atlas and kill the Cerberus guys in the next room, another Atlas will spawn. After a couple regular Atlas bullets to the glass, it was broken and the operator was dead. I jumped out of mine and into that one, unlocking the achievement.

This was under normal difficulty. The Atlas may blow up in lesser difficulties.

02 Jan 2013 15:49

This video shows both the EARLIEST, and EASIEST possible way to grab yourself this Achievement.

Full instructions are given in the video, along with hints and tips.

25 Apr 2012 15:41

Easiest place in my opinion to get this is the Cerberus Base attack. Start the mission and in the very first area you'll encounter Cerberus soldiers and an Atlas.

Only takes a few shots on the canopy with an upgraded Viper and it's yours to command.

Position your squadmates behind a container and disable their automatic power use to avoid any interference from their side.

In case you played through the game without unlocking this Trophy you can simply load your savegame (the one you completed the game with). This will put you back to before you attacked the base.

31 May 2014 17:19

Best done on Grissom Academy when you have a mech. Just keep shooting R1 at the orange glass until it breaks. Leave your mech, go to the other and press X, and then leave again.

20 May 2014 17:48


You can do this in any mission in which an Atlas appears, except for Priority: Sur'Kesh. Your first opportunities to hijack the mech will be on Eden Prime in From Ashes and on Grissom Academy. You want to focus all of your fire on the cockpit of the mech. Once you have the orange windshield broken, you can shoot the driver of the mech. If you manage to kill him, run up to the mech and hit to take control of it. The easiest way that I've found is to use a powerful sniper rifle and aim at the windshield.

This method in Grissom Academy is suggested by TheJLC:

In the Grissom Academy level, you get an atlas near the end. So, only use the cannon (not the missiles) and shoot at the glass of the enemy atlas that attacks your atlas. You will kill the pilot, and then all you have to do is get off your atlas and get the enemy one for the trophy. (Note: If you don't move quickly enough an enemy trooper will take the atlas)


You can do this in any mission in which an Atlas appears, except for Priority: Sur'Kesh. Your first opportunities to hijack the mech will be on Eden Prime in From Ashes and on Grissom Academy. You want to focus all of your fire on the cockpit of the mech. Once you have the orange windshield broken, you can shoot the driver of the mech. If you manage to kill him, run up to the mech and hit 23fwstepb69ZPaTfHKZcsesou6Xy5Hd7OKJSJHVs8jVNZEzy05HCWWaCYVajImO6_zfOzNiX9YJ5DO3pK1OnVYquhrWA9ma-_ZH_62P6eSTA9lkTEdJq5N14ArfkmBqT5aLZc--F to take control of it. The easiest way that I've found is to use a powerful sniper rifle and aim at the windshield.

This method in Grissom Academy is suggested by TheJLC:
In the Grissom Academy level, you get an atlas near the end. So, only use the cannon (not the missiles) and shoot at the glass of the enemy atlas that attacks your atlas. You will kill the pilot, and then all you have to do is get off your atlas and get the enemy one for the trophy. (Note: If you don't move quickly enough an enemy trooper will take the atlas)


To hijack an atlas, you will need to focus fire on the yellow glass on the front to shatter it and expose the driver. This should take 8-10 shots with a sniper rifle or more with a weaker gun (less on a lower difficulty level than Insanity). From there, kill the driver. Once he is dead, simply run up to the stationary mech and hop in.

I personally got this during the From Ashes DLC in the final battle. Does not count by jumping in an already abandoned mech! You have to personally kill the driver and take over one that was previously attacking you.

Quite a simple trophy. In order to hijack the Atlas, you need to shoot at the glass where the pilot is sitting until you break it. After this, you need to kill the pilot (one or two shots to the head with a sniper will usually kill him). When you kill him, run up to the Atlas, climb (button ) and the trophy is yours

08 Mar 2012 20:13

Grissom Academy Mission: Investigation , Insanity Difficulty:

at the end of the mission, you will need to cover the retreat of the cadets with the help of an ownerless Atlas. The last enemy is also Atlas - we break his glass with a cannon , we change into it, the trophy is taken.
By Maxzah55 on 28 Oct 2012 14:08
Completed in the Supplement about Prothean (DLS From the Ashes) at the third stage of opening the Sarcophagus, Atlas will fly in, run into the house, shoot the glass, kill the driver =) the trophy is ready, Atlas cannot enter the house =) the windows will help you...
By Freenteza on 25 Apr 2016 10:55
Personally, it was most convenient for me to steal it in the Mass Effect 3: Omega DLC. There will be a moment when Atlas will fall in the center of a small room + in that room there is a second tier, from which it is convenient to shoot all the enemies, leave one Atlas and break his glass.
By xmen-00 on 23 Feb 2015 02:42
  • according to the tips above, the atlases stubbornly refused to keep up
  • close to the end of the mission, omega did the first time according to the advice above:
  • On mission omega, save often so you don’t miss a moment
  • there will be a small arena with a balcony - the second floor (there is an autosave right in front of it, which is convenient); the atlas immediately appears, we run to the stairs on the left and go up to the second floor, the atlas will stand under the stairs and you can easily break the glass with a sniper and kill the driver

By skylark on 19 Aug 2021 11:52
Without any problems, he stole the atlas in a mission to “rescue” Javik. During the last wave of enemies, Cerberus sends a robot. We shoot into the cockpit all the time. About halfway through the armor, the glass burst and one sniper shot was enough to kill the driver and take the robot. Made it crazy on the first try. The robot does not enter houses, you can calmly shoot without harm to health.
By Solbadguy891 on 17 Sep 2021 19:52
It was not possible to take Eden Prime and the Citadel, the pilots were killed, Shepard stubbornly did not want to get into the cockpit - the button is active, but nothing happens! I took the trophy in a mission to evacuate scientists who are not with Cerberus, where we meet Jacob.
PS difficulty: Insanity
By IIIyT48 on 14 Mar 2023 16:21
Zoom in and pinch

Here is the video
By der_TiGeR_ on 23 Feb 2013 11:55
Got it almost at the very end of the game. Quest "Kronos Station"
By Asfeo on 17 Jun 2023 23:29 Video

At the Madness level, he blew out his glass with a "Mantis" (sniper) 15-17 shots
By Fortochnik on 19 Mar 2012 15:50
I took it to Grissom Academy, as mentioned above: I climbed into an empty Atlas, which stood without a driver, and in the final battle with a cannon I took out the glass from the enemy Atlas, then killed the carrier and climbed into it. But first I shot all the enemies around, so that only I and the enemy Atlas were left in the Atlas. The partners all died. The difficulty is insane.
By kapitandalnegoP on 08 Jul 2014 00:42
Completed in any mission. Just when you break the glass, shoot the pilot in the head with a sniper rifle. If you shoot at the body, it may not die, the armor strip will decrease and the atlas will explode. One shot to the head will solve everything. I completed it myself in addition to Omega. After defusing the bombs, you will find yourself in a location with an atlas. There will be only one partner with you (Aria). We run to the left and go up the stairs. We wait until Aria dies (so that she doesn’t accidentally kill Atlas). If Cerberus fighters are bothering you, you can shoot them from above first (leave one just in case). Then we simply stand at the top left of the stairs we climbed. Atlas will come close to you, but will not see you. Now you can safely shoot the glass. But from this angle the driver's head is almost invisible. I stood close to the wall with my back so that I could hit his Cerberus firebrand with my rifle. Performed at Insanity level.
By OduHokuiCTpaHHuk on 17 Nov 2014 06:07
In fact, the trophy is not so simple. Basic moments:

- firstly, the difficulty should not be lower than normal

- secondly, the atlas should not be the last enemy in the location, otherwise it will simply explode

- you can shoot him with any weapon, but preferably with a more targeted weapon (pistol, sniper rifle, machine gun)

- you need to safely kill two of your assistants (it’s best to point them at the feet of Atlas)

- one of the best places is the mission Priority: Citadel (1) (attack on the citadel)
By dermatolog on 18 Oct 2012 02:49
in the Grisson Academy you can’t take the trophy (who took it, I don’t know how he did it, maybe some patch fixed something in the game, I don’t know, but 20 attempts to take it there didn’t lead to anything) - the trophy is taken in the battle for the citadel story mission priority: Citadel - I got it right the first time, before that in all missions the atlases simply explode when you try to kill the driver, otherwise you definitely won’t get past the atlas and saving is convenient and nearby if you are suddenly killed! I used the Indra sniper and to remove the shield, disintegrating cartridges from an assault rifle...
By himeo on 05 Apr 2013 14:22
The first hijacked Atlas appears in the mission "Grissom Academy: Evacuation", in the part of the mission where you board an ownerless Atlas and start killing Cerberians. After several waves, an enemy Atlas appears, which can be hijacked. Based on advice from foreign sites, I concluded that the best tactics are as follows:

Class: Soldier
Difficulty: Easy (Casual)
Weapons: 1) The Scorpion pistol, obtained in the mission "Priority: Sur'Kesh", shoots small exploding spheres. 2) Sniper rifle M-97 "Viper" (M-97 Viper).
Tactics: we kill enemies until the enemy Atlas appears, we leave our Atlas if we were in it before and start shooting from the Scorpion at the glass of the Atlas until it breaks, through the broken glass we kill the pilot from the Viper (maybe not even in head) - the trophy is received.
By Punisher on 09 Jul 2018 14:09
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we shoot the glass of the robot's cockpit so that it breaks, then we kill the pilot, run up and press

13 Mar 2012 12:53

By msgeorge on 03 Sep 2012 20:00
Easily knocked out in the mission when Cerberus attacks the Grimsson Academy at the very end of the mission when you are given an Atlas, just go forward and wait until another Atlas appears, smash the cabin, get out of yours and after killing the enemy, climb into his Atlas (if the car has little armor left, it’s better to wait until it will restore some shields (save just in case you might destroy Atlas faster than glass))
By Bockpecenck on 20 Oct 2015 19:43