Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements

EA Play
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Last Witness

Last Witness

Extract ancient technology.

How to unlock the Last Witness achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

This is part of the story. You get this when you go to Thessia(Asari Homeworld). After you power up the Prothean Beacon, Kai Leng with attack you. After he steals the data and runs there is a cut scene and you get the achievement

10 Mar 2012 08:46

This is part of the story. You get this when you go to Thessia(Asari Homeworld). After you power up the Prothean Beacon, Kai Leng with attack you. After he steals the data and runs there is a cut scene and you get the achievement

10 Mar 2012 08:46

Location: Athena Nebula -> Parniha -> Planet Thessia
Mission: 9. Priority Mission: Thessia
Achievement missable: no, Story Mission

You get this Achievement for completing the Story Mission on Thessia.

10 Mar 2012 09:06

Location: Athena Nebula -> Parniha -> Planet Thessia
Mission: 9. Priority Mission: Thessia
Achievement missable: no, Story Mission

You get this Achievement for completing the Story Mission on Thessia.

10 Mar 2012 09:06

Story related. If you want more info, continue reading. Otherwise, know that this will unlock through the natural progression of the story.

Mission: Priority: Thessia
Acquisition - Automatic after leaving Rannoch.

After completing the quarian-geth missions, the asari councilor will contact you and tell you about an artifact on Thessia.

Insanity Tips:

  • The reapers will have barrier generators set up in almost every fight. Be sure to destroy them first or you’ll have a hell of a time defeating even the most basic enemies.
  • Where the turret is pointed at the beginning of the mission, ignore the enemies that come from that direction until they get close. Turn the turret to the left to focus on the area right in front of the barrier.
  • After you reach the snipers and fight the banshee, quickly take out the barrier generator and then use the missile launcher on the banshee. Most of her health will be wiped out immediately. Back off down the steps you came up and lure her to you and away from the other enemies.
  • Kai Leng isn’t a terrible boss battle, but the fact is that you can’t win. Once you get his shields all the way down once, the fight will end.

Story related, can't be missed.

Obtained: After completing the mission Priority: Thessia.

Story related. If you want more info, continue reading. Otherwise, know that this will unlock through the natural progression of the story.

Mission: Priority: Thessia
Acquisition - Automatic after leaving Rannoch.

After completing the quarian-geth missions, the asari councilor will contact you and tell you about an artifact on Thessia. Most of the mission is fighting to get to the museum. You'll fight through banshees and brutes on the way. Shortly after reaching the musuem and solving a little puzzle, there will be a mini-boss fight that you cannot win.