Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements

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Stop a Cerberus kidnapping.

How to unlock the Liberator achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

After your 3nd Story Mission Specialist Traynor (the Girl on the Galaxy Map) ask you if you can help the Grissom Academy (Petra Nebula/Vetus). This Sidequest Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation (and Achievement) is missable. If you progress to far in the Story Cerberus will kidnap the Students.

Complete the Mission and you get the Achievement

06 Mar 2012 23:55

1 Comment
Just want to point out the specific spot this becomes missable is if you do not complete it before Priority: The Citadel II.
By Senior Chupon on 27 Jun 2013 18:43
*If you would prefer a Video Guide for this Achievement, then you can watch the video provided below, or choose to read a Text Guide.*

Text Guide:

The first time you can access this Mission is just after playing the third mission in the game which was "Priority: Palaven" where you had to rescue the Turian Primarch from Palaven's moon called "Menae". Warning: If you progress too far into the story, you won't be able to play this mission again.. unless you start a new game. After the third mission, go back onto the Normandy and talk to Specialist Traynor. She will be to the right of your Galaxy map. She'll ask you if you can help rescue the students at "Grissom Academy". Your first response should be "I'd like to help them." After that, go onto your Galaxy map and enter the Petra Nebula where you can start the mission. After you complete the mission, the Achievement is yours.

Hope this helps! Thank you.

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22 Mar 2012 22:57

This is a side-quest unlocked by talking with Traynor after "Priority: Palaven. Do this as soon as you get it, as it is time-sensitive and can be failed.

Obtained: After completing the mission Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation.



Mission – Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation
Acquisition - Automatic after leaving Menae.

This is for the mission at Grissom Academy. If you’ve read the Mass Effect books, the setting and some characters will be familiar. Once you escape with the biotics, the mission ends.

Insanity Tips:

  • This mission is a bitch. The atrium is the hardest part of this mission. You will have enemies coming from almost every direction as well as an Atlas mech. I struggled through many attempts until I figured out an easy way to get through this. Open the door and let the Cerberus troops spawn in. Back up into the tunnel that you came in through. Duck behind some chairs and pick off the enemies as they approach the door. The only ones that might come through are the guardians, but a well placed sniper round takes care of them.
  • In the atrium, save the mech for last. The mech won’t move away from it’s spot, but the troops will be coming for you.
  • The second part of the atrium also isn’t fun. Again though, there’s a simple way. Go through and trigger the Cerberus troops. Then, retreat back and take cover where the mech was. Grenades won’t hit you and you will have the shield pylons nearby to recharge your shields. Pick off the enemies as quickly as possible. Start with the combat engineers since they can construct turrets.
  • When you see the open Atlas, run straight for it. This next sequence you can do without really getting hit at all. Keep your back to Jack and the students and pick off the Cerberus troops as you see them. When the enemy Atlas spawns in, alternate between rockets and the guns to take it down fast.

Mission – Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation
Acquisition - Automatic after leaving Menae.

This is for the mission at Grissom Academy. If you’ve read the Mass Effect books, the setting and some characters will be familiar. Once you escape with the biotics, the mission ends.
receive after the release of students from Grisom Academy.

08 Mar 2012 12:48

This side quest "Grimsson Academy" will open after talking with assistant Traynor (the woman on the ship next to the galaxy map) after completing the mission "Priority. Palaven. You must complete it as soon as you receive it, as it is urgent and may disappear.

15 Jul 2012 11:20