Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements

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Master and Commander

Master and Commander

Deliver most of the Galaxy at War assets to the final conflict.

How to unlock the Master and Commander achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

As the description is so vague and I tried lots of different things to unlock this to no success I thought I would post how to get it to save people wasting hours like I did on this achievement.

1) First of all it unlocks before you assault the illusive mans base (the cut scene before you arrive) so make sure you have a save before that point. You can beat the game already then come back to this achievement, just so long as you make a save before you assault his base.

2) You will have to play multiplayer to unlock this achievement (which I wish I realized sooner and would have saved myself a lot of time). As I did everything possible in single player, every side mission and main mission, scanned and explored every planet and didn't have enough points.

3) The way it works is you have your war assets (you get from doing side quests and scanning planets). Now whatever theatre of war % you have increases your war assets you gained in single player by so much. 50% is the standard amount you will be at if you've never played MP. To increase this % you have to play and succeed at multiplayer.

4) To view your points you need to go the war room and just take note of the bottom number 'Effective Military Strengh' as this is the number what matters.
As for the points total itself I'm not sure the exact amount you need but I had 4122 so I would assume for being safe lets say you need 4.000. I had 3300ish from single player, then I played multiplayer to just 50> 63% across all zones which boosted me to 4122. So just the 13% increase gave me near 1k in extra war asset points to put me in the achievement criteria.

08 Mar 2012 01:05

Seriously? we need to play multiplayer? the sheer stupidness of that leads me to believe it was EA's idea.
By Lochstar on 08 Mar 2012 07:07
Thanks for writing this up this answers alot of questions i had.
By NmE Se7enx on 08 Mar 2012 08:01
Interesting though. They clearly stated that playing MP is Optional. Like you can get one achevo by reaching lvl 60 in SP or lvl 20 in MP. So this is very strange and unfortunate for those who doesn't wanna play MP. Then again, an achevo for 5000 kills, doing it in SP is somewhat difficult imo unless you play MP also
Thanks for the guide, a big help.
By NasriL11 on 08 Mar 2012 15:18
I was lead to believe we didn't need to play MP to get these achievements, this is absolute bullshit.
By ToastiestCape0 on 08 Mar 2012 15:45
I have seen people on some other forums saying they don't need to play multiplayer, it's just incredibly hard, and multiplayer makes it easier
By Doomkiller999 on 08 Mar 2012 16:04
how long did you play multiplayer for?
By slam123 on 08 Mar 2012 20:21
Thanks for the info, I agree that it is crap that they said MP is optional, and yet it is now, basically required to enjoy the game not grind it..
By Steadholder on 08 Mar 2012 23:21
I actually ended the game with about 6,016 and never touching MP....and didn't get the achievement.
By monndo on 09 Mar 2012 02:11
Also just FYI your readiness % will atrophy over time so if yer going to do the MP stuff I'd wait until you are about to knock this achievement out.
By Ultimo799 on 09 Mar 2012 02:13
A couple of tips from the strat is supposedly IMPOSSIBLE to get this achv in SP without an imported game, so like some others have said, it seems possible to get it in SP if you make the correct decisions (there are a few situations where you have to make a choice, but actions from previous games lend a character to the situation and it allows you to get BOTH war assets). I'm making pretty good progress and will see where I am at the end and edit if I manage it without mp (crapy internet, so no mp is the plan!)

The guide states "unless you import a game from ME1/ME2 you will need to play MP to raise your Galaxy at War readiness"
...also, "Galaxy at War readiness decreases over time, at a rate of 7% a week, but never dropping below 50%"
By ScuzzyBunny on 09 Mar 2012 04:32
So I have a score of 7000... I won't get the achievement unless I play online?
By firehawk1234 on 09 Mar 2012 05:03
Just FYI, it pops the moment you click on "land" on the Cerberus base. I got it as the romance scene played.
By firehawk1234 on 09 Mar 2012 06:42
just to give you a better idea of what the requirement is, i got the achievement with 4,030 war asset score. my galactic readiness was at 60% after playing two games online. my full readiness score would have been 6,731.
By Knucklehead923 on 09 Mar 2012 09:09
What a vague ass achievement.
By Zacry072 on 09 Mar 2012 17:45
Is that guy right about nothing able to get the cheivo if you don't I.port a save from me1 or me2??? Anyone know for 100%???
By EvAsIv3 PeNgU1N on 09 Mar 2012 23:07
To the guy above, I don't think so.
Achievements in a game can't be related to another game so with an import it may be easier, but you can definitely get it one way or another even if you only have ME3 (in that particular case, you have to play MP long enough to get enough points to earn the cheevo)
But the all thing is still quite foggy atm so hopefully we'll know more in the coming days/weeks...
By Wicelow on 10 Mar 2012 01:44
does the free Ipad app factor in to this at all?
By wolfzero01 on 14 Mar 2012 23:25
well so far i have 5200 plus 68 percent from multiplayer and still not popping so i think theres more to it then that
By a banned flask on 10 Mar 2012 18:26
to freddyflask
that is because 68% of 5200 is only 3536, which is your Effective Military Strength. The Effective Military Strength is the number that has to be above 4000, so get your multiplier above 77% or get more assets and it will pop for you. Hope that helps.
By HolyWarr27 on 10 Mar 2012 19:54
I played a bit of MP and got my readiness up to 70% - kicked my effective strength up to 4100 something and it popped.
By Hirsute Dave on 11 Mar 2012 02:12
You need to look at the effective military strength, not the total.
By CDonns on 11 Mar 2012 13:30
If u need some points, u can promote your multiplayer character to Galaxy at War. This character must be at lvl 20. Hope that helps and I'm sorry for my English if it is bad. :)
By stolarz1916 on 11 Mar 2012 22:54
I got mine at 3850 ms and 62% readiness so I don't know what score u have to have to get the achiev
By Xeno350 on 12 Mar 2012 12:10
Another way to increase your Galactic Readiness outside of playing MP is to play the iOS game Mass Effect: Infiltrator. Collecting intel that enemies drop can either be turned in for more in-game credits or be uploaded to your ME 3 game if you sync Infiltrator with your EA account. I've played about 1.5 of the 9 (?) missions on the game and my Readiness has increased by 4%.
By Zacry072 on 12 Mar 2012 17:49
To anyone still confused, your Military Strength is not the same as your Effective Military Strength. In the War Assets screen, it will display you Military Strength, then your Readiness Percentage below it, then your Effective Military Strength below that. To further clarify, you multiply you MS by your Percentage to get your EMS. You need your Effective Military Strength (the bottom one) at something over 4,000 for achievement. Sorry if this sounds demeaning, I just want to make sure that nobody gets overly stressed without realizing how this works.
By SemanticV0id on 12 Mar 2012 21:21
That's what I mean my EMS was at 3850 and 62% readiness when I got the achievement my bad bout putting ms instead of ems
By Xeno350 on 12 Mar 2012 21:58

This just popped for me. My Effective Military Strength and Military Strength were the same at 6862. I played some multiplayer and got a Readiness Rating of 100%. I scanned a lot of the planets in ME3, but I think I lost out on some assets when the Citadel got taken over and I couldn't deliver artifacts to some people that died. I also killed the Rachni abomination. I think I killed the Rachni Queen in ME1 and no one died in ME2. I already finished my Normal playthrough, but I just went back to the save it gives you before you assault the Illusive Man's base and it popped. I hope this info is helpful.

By LadyBusiness on 13 Mar 2012 01:03
What sucks is they did not really mislead people by telling them they don't need to play multiplayer. they said you can get the best ending without multiplayer, not all teh achievements. I wish I had been able to get them all without multiplayer though.
By TreydogFL on 13 Mar 2012 02:24
from what I have seen, every person who have had this pop for them HAD EVERYONE SAVED FROM ME2 ( i looked under their achievement list. Can anyone provide confirmation that this WILL POP without having to save all main characters from ME2. i think that will be a major factor.
By Chill n Space on 13 Mar 2012 03:47
I played multiplayer for a total of 2 evenings inbetween doing the odd mission in the campaign and I'm now at 100%. But I quite enjoyed it. It's similar to horde mode and powerful melee as a Krogan soldier is really funny
By EVlL GENlUS on 13 Mar 2012 07:22
Some facts, just poppped for me:
- it's not true that all squad members from ME2 must survive
- it's not true that Wrex must survive
- it's not true that you have to scan all planets, but the majority is required
- it's not true that you have to finish all side missions in ME3, but the majority is required

It's true:
- playing multiplayer is a great and fun way to increase your readiness. Without it, 2500 Effective Military Strength (EMS) is the best you can achieve
- you need 4000+ EMS to get the "Master and Commander" achievement
- you need 2350+ EMS to get the best paragon ending
- you need 4000+ EMS to get the best renegade ending
- you need to play a NG+ run through and have 5000+ EMS to get the "perfect" ending
By FayMoon on 13 Mar 2012 11:12
Make a save before the final assault and you will find out :-)
By FayMoon on 13 Mar 2012 15:10
"Is that guy right about nothing able to get the cheivo if you don't I.port a save from me1 or me2??? Anyone know for 100%???"

I lost Morrdin in 2 and got the achievement
By JFriZz0424 on 13 Mar 2012 19:10
I didn't port my save from ME1 to ME2 because it couldn't find any, but I got this achievement today with 5247 war assets and 95% galactic readiness bringing me down to 4984.


I didn't get to the bomb on Tuchanka before it exploded because I was busy with side missions (didn't think it would actually explode) and I lost almost 500 war assets from the Krogran. Still didn't affect the achievement and I also lost a few people from ME1 and ME2.

I could've just gotten very lucky with this, but I'm happy I got it.
By Chicago AJ on 13 Mar 2012 21:11
I have an effective strength of 4700 and no chiever pop yet. Just finished Thessia. Wonder if this is going to be stupid like the ME1 companion exclusive use ones.
By Skyrook on 14 Mar 2012 04:39
Is this the "Investigate Sanctuary" mission? Or is this a later one?
By Valkyrie Cow on 16 Mar 2012 07:50
Just wanted to add that 2500 EMS is not the highest you can have without playing multiplayer, I had 7001 before it was halved by the 50% factor leaving me with 3500 - just short of the mark needed to get the achievement from the campaign alone.
I also didn't import my character from ME1 to ME2, though I did import from ME2 to ME3 - along with some poor choices that cut a few resources out, it is definitely possible to get the achievement without multiplayer.

Not sure what the problem with that is anyway, they said you can complete the game with the best ending without multiplayer and you can, only one achievement is locked out - reaching 100% readiness which can still be unlocked through apps etc. Achievements are hardly integral to seeing everything the game has to offer which is what the developers meant...
By PeteOzzy on 17 Mar 2012 23:12
Sorry, can't help being anal but the percentage readiness doesn't increase your EMS by that amount, it decreases it. As in 5000 with 50% readiness is only 2500 not 7500 :P
By PeteOzzy on 17 Mar 2012 23:15
i heard that the app can add 7%. if this is true, then you could get this achv in sp. i finished my insanity run with 7117/50%/3558. if i add 7 to 50% giving me 57% and multiply 7117 and .57=4056.69. that would put you over 4000 to get the achv.

since i am on my last 2 achvs and i need to get 100% readiness for the defender achv, so i am skipping the app and just playing mp.
By ARCHER MIKE on 19 Mar 2012 15:12
NO, the app does not count for "being able to get it in SP" BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE HAS AN IPHONE.
By Ghinitchi on 19 Mar 2012 21:32
i agree with u, i dont have an iphone.

i only had 2 mp achvs to get. defender and this one. i tried to see if 3750 is the lowest score allowed or is it 4000 but in 2 mp games i jumped from 50% to 57% putting me over 4000 and i got the achv. i saw some others claim it worked for them below 4000 on some other site. it took me 2nights to get defender playing mp. mp is as fun as horde is in gow3 for those who havent tried it yet. i was very surprised how much i liked it.

i also downloaded the dlc tonight and picked up 100 more war assets to finish the game at1050gs.i did not get credit for 1000/finishing the game so yes i paid $10 for 2 achvs(ripoff) but its done. the only thing i am going to do now is try out the "best"ending. requiring 5000(i have over 7000 since my readiness is 100%) and i will still play the mp just for fun. i bet the next dlc will have mp achvs in it.
By ARCHER MIKE on 21 Mar 2012 10:14
I'm used to MP only achievements, I just think it should be marked as such. What pisses me off is how they lied about MP not affecting SP experience, since you obviously need MP (or an Iphone) to up the readiness enough. But, they lied about A LOT more things (like the ending would have 16 different outcomes).
By Ghinitchi on 22 Mar 2012 09:49
You do not need to play the MP to get this achievement. My base strength is well over 4000 without the bonus from MP.
By Heroic Blanket on 24 Mar 2012 11:13
@Heroic Blanket: Wrong, it's NOT "base strength" (you mean total strength?), it's EFFECTIVE military strength (EMS), which is a different number (starts at 50% of your total strength)

I got this with 100% Galactic Readiness which made my EMS be a full 7190 (which was the total strength) by the end of the game , and I was able to see the "extended ending" (I did not start a New Game + to see it, I only imported my ME2 Shepard once.)
By Ghinitchi on 27 Mar 2012 10:50
i got this by imporying from me2, and actually missed it but went on to complete the game, when the credits finished it loaded me to just before assaulting the illusive mans base, i had 100% war assets and then it popped
By Tan110688 on 06 Apr 2012 17:57
I thought this would take a lot of grinding in multiplayer to boost galactic readiness but I did it after only 3 multiplayer rounds! I completed a pretty thorough singleplayer run through all the way to the end, but made sure to save before (spoiler) attacking the Illusive Man's Base. Then played three full rounds on bronze in about an hour, my readiness went up to 63%, reloaded my save in single player and attacked the base, achievement popped at the end of the cutscene. Easy.
By x SWISSchris x on 11 Apr 2012 09:45
it has just popped for me,my effective strength is around 4211,ive only played a few mp matches,found everything in the universe though and delivered everything on the citadel
By psycotic wookie on 22 Apr 2012 21:38
By MimicLobster on 28 Apr 2012 12:19
"You will have to play multiplayer to unlock this achievement". No you don't have to. I got this on my first playthrough without paying attention to it. (Without playing multiplayer) I did every side mission, main mission and scanned every planet. AAAANDDD... unlocked. Piece of a cake.
By Kennyannydenny on 22 May 2012 16:47
It's single player now. I don't do multiplayer at all and it unlocked, after I downloaded the extended cut DLC. I was so surprised that I did not pay attention to the points but I was past the 6000 mark.
By fgauswob on 04 Jul 2012 09:50
This isn't a glitch. The Extended Cut DLC lowers the requirement. I just got it after taking out the Geth fighters on Rannoch with about 3300 ems and about 75% readiness.
By Peaches 518 on 29 Jul 2012 22:38
Hey all, just adding my experience.

I downloaded all DLC for ME 1, 2 and 3. Played Paragon in all 3, didn't touch MP and mine popped after i finished the Geth/Quarian homeworld missions.

So no, it is not REQUIRED to play mp, but that may be dependent on dlc and game imports.
By Skinstakovic on 01 Aug 2012 20:35
You need to do more than just raise your effective military strength, I had over 5500 and the achievement didn't pop. Lucky I saved before going to the illusive mans base...
By coighty on 21 Sep 2012 12:24

I have over 6000 war assets and a readiness rating of 99% and it won't unlock. Do the Quarians have to survive or something? Tali and Ashley both died during the campaign, does that matter?
By Chill Penguin X on 13 Oct 2012 20:38
I managed to get it to pop just, after bringing down the Orbital Strike and using the paragon speech option. Checking my war room stats they show TMS 5234, RR 67% and EMS 3506.
By GuNsLiNgErX1983 on 06 Nov 2012 20:39
I got mine same time as gunslinger and never played Mp.
By TheDeuterostome on 09 Nov 2012 04:48
This popped for me today. I've never played MP. My TMS is 6197, RR of 50 % and EMS of 3098.
By Mattekad on 15 Nov 2012 16:54
I have over 6000 effective military strength and it hasn't popped! I'm going to finish the campaign and replay the illusive man mission to see if that works as I have a save.
This is really annoying!!
By Slithe on 24 Nov 2012 19:22
This is BS why this won't unlock - I have a Total Military Strength of 6634 - A Readiness Rating of 97% - Effective Military Strength of 6434 (btw the Effective Military Strength is the Total Military Strength multiplied by the readiness rating percentage.
I don't know what else to do to make this stupid achievement unlock??
Any ideas would be most welcome
By Slithe on 24 Nov 2012 19:58
This whole guide is obsolete; The achievement now pops as soon as you hit 3000+ war effort (provided you have the extended cut dlc) and you don't have to play multiplayer anymore. So all four points raised in this 'guide' are either partly or completely wrong.
By on 03 Mar 2013 21:09
Negative vote from me as this guide needs rewriting - didn't play multiplayer, and cheev popped after getting Total Military Strength to 5,246, And Galactic Readiness remaining at 50% the entire time. Playing from an imported ME1/ME2 Paragon though, and can see other posters have suggested this helps with obtaining this.
By PureRhapsody on 10 Mar 2013 23:55
Yup I'm playing from an imported ME1/ME2 save, I have never once played any multiplayer (readiness at 50% across the board)... So far I've been completing all of the site missions I can before taking on any priority missions, and 100% scanning all regions as soon as they become available.

For me this popped when I viewed the War Assets screen immediately after completing Priority: Rannoch... my EMS was about 3500 give or take.
By Twistedsymphony on 21 May 2013 13:20
I got 100% readiness and a bit over 5000 ems, it doesnt pop -.-
By ACS Eldres on 30 Jan 2014 20:54
I just completed the storyline and got everything i can get in SP, now these are the stats that i have after going back into the game after finishing it, and everything was a little higher when i finished the game:

Total Military Strength - 7530
Readiness - 54%
Effective Military Strength - 4066, when going for the end game had about 200 more than this.

How come it didnt unlock for me??
By Taz B IRL on 03 Feb 2014 17:12
Weird ass achievement
Ive played ME1 & ME2 with as best a paragon i could do
I did almost every side mission possible (missed 2 on ME1 and missed 1 on ME2) but regardless my paragon must have been 99%

In ME3 I made everything laragon and did every side mission. I completed the game once with 50% readyness.
I saved before illusive man and got nada.

So over a year has passed and a friend asked me to show him ME3. I chose 'a save' and it happend to be right before Illusive Mans base attack. I played the scene and as soon as i said 'ready the attack on illusive mans base' the achievement popped up.

There must have been a patch created that fixes this as i did have to download an update
By Nynjahh on 08 Apr 2014 07:23
So for example you have 2000 war assets and if you play MP that total will raise?
By Patcho NL on 20 Apr 2014 15:43
I can conform that in order for me to unlock this, i needed to download the free DLC (Extended Cut), as soon as i downloaded this and loaded up my save and went about attacking the illusive man's base i unlocked the achievement....
By Taz B IRL on 23 Apr 2014 15:00
I also want to double up behind [Taz B IRK] and confirm, I as well had to download the extended cut DLC and the moment directly after speaking with Admiral Hackett about attacking the illusive man's base it popped right away. I as well would like to mention i did everything else previous. I imported a character from ME1/ME2, I did ALL SIDE MISSIONS AND PARAGON OPTZ FROM 1, 2, & 3. my Galactic Readiness was @ 100%, my TMS was 7976, my EMS was 7896 and STILL...This achievement never popped. Not until I downloaded the Extended Cut. So I'm sure everyone else is right about everything they did to get it, what they didn't realize was that it's really just about having the Extended Cut DLC or not. >.<
By Mr INsANu on 23 May 2014 13:13
This achievement can unlock early if you meet the requirements (the full effective military strength bar) before you finish priority: Rannoch.

I think it could even unlock after priority tuchunka with perfect preperation and maxed readiness rating.
By Daniel Harmsen on 28 May 2014 21:36
Is there anyone still who needs the Defender or this achievement ?
i do so if someone needs help or could help me with this one send me a message.
By Efilnikufecin92 on 12 Jun 2014 18:29
I imported my ME2 character and just completed all the DLC's after about 3 main SP missions and I'm well over 4000 readiness. This is nowhere near as bad as peeps are saying.
By o DEEVIUS o on 24 Oct 2014 06:27
Well OK then it's worse, lol, when reaching the point where the achievement is supposed to pop I had TMS: 8440 and EMS: 7505 . . . and no achievement. I'm gonna reload an earlier save and try to get more assets.
By o DEEVIUS o on 28 Oct 2014 19:44
I loaded in a previous save and combed the galaxy for every last asset, then I pumped up my readiness from 96% to 100% - I am at EMS: 7569 the achievement has now popped. I missed two possible Citadel deliveries and went full Renegade too.
By o DEEVIUS o on 29 Oct 2014 20:43
Can confirm you need to download the extended cut for this to unlock now. Had over 6000 and no achievement, downloaded extended cut and popped as soon as i started the cut scene.
By ASquishyHamster on 30 Jun 2016 06:21
lol, got it after the cure mission.
By MattiasAnderson on 02 Dec 2016 06:46
for anyone doing this with back compat, simply log into your origin account at and send them on 1 hour missions multiple times, it should pop sometime
By pukem0nn on 03 Mar 2017 22:18
Im light years late but i got this by talking to Vid Comm Hackett after the geth infection code mission. With DLC installed I had 3397 in the range and just needed to ask him about the status of the assets before it popped. Interesting to see people complaining about the multiplayer though lol. Didnt touch the stuff.
By ShadowRaven9 on 10 Mar 2017 15:49
I had the same thing happen to me as ShadowRaven9, but I only have the free DLC installed. Also, I never asked him anything. I just pressed A to bring him up and it popped.
By Darkness727420 on 09 Apr 2020 11:14
This popped for me right after Priority: Palaven as soon as I started the vid call with Hackett. I had over 30k War Assets from N7 Special Ops Teams alone thanks to promoting over 400 classes in ME3 MP when I played it excessively on PC. Apparently these also transfer to Xbox.

This should mark the earliest time you can get the achievement.
By iago on 03 Jul 2020 13:00
For reference (also light years late), I unlocked this achievement when speaking to Hackett after the main quest on Tuchanka. My total military strength was at 3415 and my readiness rating was 78 percent. I used the Galaxy at War page instead of playing multiplayer; it goes pretty quickly.
By NicoleRenee00 on 13 Aug 2020 20:21
Importing shouldn't be a requirement but it will make it a lot easier to rack up points - the Rachni for example are worth 100 to the crucible and you'd only get that as an option if you saved the Queen in ME1.
By Hirsute Dave on 10 Mar 2012 15:03
What probably happens is you probably have to make the right calls in almost every situation possible. From the first game also, most likely because


Events that happen such as you screwing the genophage (at any point in time, killing Wrex, Mordin dying in ME2) makes you lose 200ish points.

**** END SPOILERS ****

It's likely that you're just going to have to play Multi for the points that you couldn't rack up.
By RealistIdealist on 08 Mar 2012 17:27
You need to play ME1/ME2 and all of its DLCs, made all paragon choices, not let anyone die by your choice, even bad guys. Find all the resources, medals, writings, discs, licenses in ME1, and strip mined all planets in ME2, play ME3 with "From Ashes" DLC, and made all the right choice in ME3, then you can get this achievement in SP.

For example, If you kept Conrad Verner alive until ME3 he will give you a war Asset called Dark Energy Dissertation worth just 1 point. But only if you also completed Gavin Hossle's side mission on Feros (ME1), Collected all the Asari Matriarch Writings (ME1), and bought Elkoss Combine License on Noveria (ME1). Miss any one of them, and you will not get this War asset, hence not getting this achievement in SP. This is just one example.

The achievement states the most, hence only the maximum amount will trigger the achievement, fail short of that, the best option is to play MP.
By grimkillah on 09 Mar 2012 17:48
Thankyou for the solution. Like the above poster I was also at 62% readiness having done all sacnning/missions/side missions available. I had always said I would not play the MP untill I had finished the main story (seeing as that is what Mass Effect is all about). So the news that you have to play the mp for the achievement (i'm also assuming it improves your chances in the final conflict) is really quite disheartening. Thanks again for the explanation though.
By Han D Maiden on 12 Mar 2012 12:37
Skyrook this will unlock as you hit the elusive mans base not before
By Delirious Ben on 15 Mar 2012 00:33
forgot to ask, when you promote a character from MP, how much does that add to your EMS total?
By wolfzero01 on 16 Mar 2012 13:51
Moonlit Umbreon: it is not the Sanctuary mission. It is the priority mission immediately following that one.

LadyBusiness mentioned something I think is worth emphasizing. When you finish the SP campaign, you will automatically have a save that is immediately before the assault. If you play through and don't get this achievement, it is pretty trivial to go back to that save after your game and pop it after upping your readiness factor. If you're a completionist, you'll need to go get your readiness factor to 100% (in MP); at that point, just go back to your save and start from there. IIRC it's just a conversation and a couple cutscenes before it pops.
By PuckJunkie on 16 Mar 2012 21:28
@PeteOzzy They didn't specify which "best ending" they meant... there's a slightly extended ending that only shows if you have a certain EMS score, thus impossible to get without multiplayer. There's a LONG ASS thread about this on the Bioware Social Network, and NO ONE has been able to prove that it's possible to get that ending without multiplayer. People have analized game files there and there's no possible things to get to raise the score enough in SP.

Also "apps" are no alternatives for people who don't have an iphone (yes, we exist - so do people with no multiplayer), so no it's no way a solution for any of these issues. It's funny for someone to say achievements don't matter that much in an achievement site though.

Anyway, I came here to say this achievement should have an "Extra Content Required" flag, like the Defender one.
By Ghinitchi on 19 Mar 2012 09:25
It popped for me at 3917 EMS, 57% Galactic Readiness. I had done everything possible to that point, imported a carry over save (both me1 & 2), and was on my new game plus. It took 3 MP games (only won 1 of em) to get my EMS to that level. I just wanted to back up Gaara 350 that it's less than 4K.
By CYDude 808 on 01 May 2012 15:23

the new magic number is 6200(tms) with a 50% readiness rating. the old magic number was 8000 because 8000(tms) x .50(rr)=4000(ems).

you do not need to play mp anymore since bioware adjusted the number when they put out the new ending that you can download for free. the adjusted number is 3100(ems).

8310(tms) is the current total including dlc and future dlc like omega coming out soon will add to that number.

most of us playing back in March did over 7000 without dlc so you should be able to get this achv w/o playing mp or purchasing dlc.

remember if you want the "defender" achv that you will still have to play mp to get your (rr)readiness rating uo to 100%. i think you go up about 11% per hour playing mp in your (rr) so less than 5hrs gets you your defender achv.

good luck
By ARCHER MIKE on 21 Sep 2012 20:49
Ok - I know have the cheev, by following RiantZ solution. He suggests that if you have over 4000EMS and the cheev hasn't popped then you will need to do 1 of 2 things;
1. Download the free DLC (extended cut scene) - then replay the attack on the illusive man's base (this can be done again straight after completing the game) - the cheev should pop at some point during the cut scene in Shephard's cabin. or;
2. If you already had the DLC then download it again and follow step 1 above.

It appears that the 'Extended cut scene' DLC created an issue when the requirements for EMS were reduced from 4000 to 3000.
I hope this can help others, but please also visit RiantZ solution and give positive feedback as this post/comment reflects his advice.
By Slithe on 25 Nov 2012 11:40
I just got this achievement so I will report my stats for future readers: I've been following the Mass Effect 3 guide on the wiki and completing every possible side mission and war asset that I can as I play. At the same time, I have been using the Galaxy At War app on Bioware's page to keep my effectiveness at 100%. This achievement just popped for me right after Priority: Tuchanka. Here's my stats:

100% Paragon choices (as some of them affect war assets)
Completed every side mission available up to Tuchanka, including all DLC except "Citadel"
100% of all available systems scanned and war assets collected
100% Readiness Rating | Total/Effective Military Strength: 4,021


- Found "From Ashes" intel for Eden Prime war assets
- The Leviathan of Dis agreed to help
- Aria spared General Petrovsky
- Rachni Queen spared on Noveria (ME1) and on Uttuku
- Chakwas stayed on the Citadel
- Diana Allers recruited
- Khalisah recruited
- All loyalty missions complete in ME2, including all DLC characters
- All main characters survived except for the one on Virmire
- Major Kirrahe survived
- Cured the Genophage on Tuchanka
By Cornerscout on 18 Mar 2014 02:42
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The key to this one is to get your Effective military strength over 4000.
You increase your Total military strength as you play through the story doing main missions and side missions, the more you do the more points you get in this. To check your progress go to the War room aboard the Normandy and check on the console in the middle.

Your Effective military strength is the Readiness rating percentage (which is never below 50%) of you Total military strength.
There are 3 numbers listed in the war room. To get this achievement mine read as follows.

Total Military strength = 5831
Readiness Rating = 70%
Effective military strength = 4081

You must have this BEFORE you hit the elusive mans base, its obvious when you are on that mission so set up a save and come back to it if you need to. So long as the bottom number is over 4000 you will get it (Mine was 4002 the first time I went to this)

The only clear way to up your readiness rating is to play the multiplayer. If you can get for effective military strength above 4000 without you must be doing well as I had done almost everything and imported a solid save from ME2 and wasn't close. But the multiplayer is fun so don't let it put you off.

****A lot of the credit for this guide should go to ROFL HARRIS above as his guide is very definitive and accurate I just thought I would summarise the large number of comments below into here.*****

14 Mar 2012 12:26

Just a quick note to say don't forget about the ME3 Datapad App for Apple devices.

From the app. you can increase your Readiness Rating by playing the mini game.
By Bongo the Sane on 18 Mar 2012 20:12
Tried MP a few times and was doing well. The host cut out before the end and I lost all progress. Without some descent people out there who want to play MP, then it's a lost cause.
By MimicLobster on 20 Apr 2012 19:29
I got the achievement with these stats:
Total Military strength = 5836
Readiness Rating = 50%
Effective military strength = 2918

No multiplayer played
By Joda X on 26 Jul 2012 04:13
As well as by using the ME: Infiltrator app (not free) from the Apple store. You get increases in readiness rating by uploading the intel drops you find on your enemies to your Origin account (instead of converting them to in-game credits).
By deutschZuid on 28 Mar 2012 00:46
TMS 3186
RR 50%
EMS 1593,
right after (not) curing the genophage. You can use the ME3 website to work on the readiness percentage, from any device. (had it on 90%, don't know why it fell to 50)

edit: apparently there is a bug, reloading the game changed RR back to 90%, new stats are
3186, 90%, 2867
By psybOltOn on 27 Oct 2016 18:44
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Here's every resource or upgrade you can collect from planet scanning, listed by galaxy and planet:


Watson - Javelin Missile Launchers
Between Crick and Mass Relay - Wreckage

Laena - Salvage
South between second and third ring - Wreckage


Arcturus Station - Intel from battle of Arcturus
West of Themis - Wreckage

East of Fermi - Wreckage


Underneath Mass Relay - Wreckage
Mavigon - Salvage

Below Antiropus - Wreckage
Parag - Alliance Cruiser Nairobi


Just underneath Mass Relay - Wreckage
Trebin - Salvage

Nonuel - Special Ops Team Zeta, 103rd Marine Division

Right of the sun - Wreckage
Klensal - Salvage

North of the sun - Wreckage
Juntauma - Alliance Frigate Agincourt

Chohe - Salvage
Far North-West - Wreckage


Verush - Weapon Upgrade Kit
Left of Verush - Wreckage
Khar'shan - Artifact: Pillars of Strength

Adek - Salvage
West of Adek - Wreckage


South of the sun - Wreckage
Canrum - Haptic Optics Array

Pinnacle Station - Turian Spec Ops Team
Intai'sei - Artifact: Fossilized Kakliosaur
North-West of Intai'sei - Wreckage

Camaron - Advanced Power Relays


South of Fiax, East of Nius - Wreckage
Digeris - Artifacts: Banner of the 1st Regiment

Pheiros - Turian 79th Flotila
South of Pheiros - Wreckage
West of Pheiros - Wreckage


Irune - Artifacts: Book of Plenix
West of Irune - Wreckage
Cherk Sab - Volus Fabrication Units

Solu Paolis - Volus Dreadnought Kwonu
East of the sun - Wreckage

Nalisin - Volus Engineering Team
South-West of the sun - Wreckage

Oma Ker - Volus Intelligence Archives
North of the sun - Wreckage


Eletania - Interferometric Array
South-East of the sun - Wreckage

Feros - ExoGeni Scientists
North-west of the sun - Wreckage


Zada Ban - Salvage
South of the sun - Wreckage

Talis Fla - Artifact: Prothean Obelisk
North-West of the sun - Wreckage


North-East - Wreckage

Garvug - Artifact: Prothean Data Drives
East of the sun - Wreckage

Elohi - Emergency Fuel Pods
Farlas (East, in asteroid belt) - Element Zero Convertor
South-East of the sun - Wreckage


South-West of Mass Relay - Wreckage
Asteria - Alliance Frigate Hong Kong, Alliance Fifth Fleet

Kopis - Artifact: Obelisk of Karza
Far West - Wreckage

Gei Hinnom - Artifact: Prothean Sphere

Dobrovolski - Alliance Friage Leipzig, Alliance First Fleet
South of the sun - Wreckage


Pietas - Salvage
South of Mass Relay - Wreckage


South of Eden Prime - Wreckage
Zion - Prothean Data Files

Borr - Remains of Reaper Destroyer
Tyr - Alliance Naval Exploration Flotilla
Terra Nova - Alliance Cruiser Shanghai
Loki - Alliance Spec Ops Team Delta
North-East of the sun - Wreckage


Hanalei - Dr. Jelize

Nevos - Artifact: Rings of Alune
Quirezia - Salvage
East of the sun - Wreckage

Dekuuna - Artifact: Code of the Ancients
Oltan - Elcor Flotilla
East of Lenamund - Wreckage

Hyetiana - Serrice Guard
South-West of Agessia - Wreckage

East of Wreckage - Wreckage
Yasilium - Armali Sniper Unit


South of Aitis - Wreckage
Trategos - Intact Reaper Weapon
Just North-East of Trategos - Wreckage
Just North-West of Sthenia - Wreckage

Carcosa - Artifact: Library of Asha

South of Pania - Wreckage


Pragia - Research Data from Pragia
South-East of the sun - Wreckage

Norehsa - Alliance Frigate Trafalgar
North of Norehsa - Wreckage

Yamm - Alliance Marine Recon Unit, 103rd Marine Division
North-East of the sun - Wreckage


Erinle - Salvage
South-West of Erinle - Wreckage

Alingon - Shadow Broker Starship Tech
Next to Alingon - Wreckage

Hagalaz - Shadow Broker Support Team
North of the sun - Wreckage

Zanethu - Terminus Freighters


Tevura - Asari Cruiser Cybaen

Egalic - Asari Research Ships
East of the sun - Wreckage

South of Niagolon - Wreckage
Pronoia - Asari Cruiser Nefrane

Polissa - Artifact: Hesperia Period Statue
North-West of the sun - Wreckage

West of the sun - Wreckage
Trikalon - Asari Engineers


Metaponto - Advanced Biotic Implants

***Credit goes to:

21 Apr 2012 16:00

Nice guide for the scans. A + from me. Only thing I would like to see (to make it a bit easier to read) is bold and/or underline the cluster names to make it easier to read when you scroll down the page quickly.
By Zer0e on 18 Feb 2013 04:37
thanks. next time i will make it easier. i am so used to using CRTL F to quickly search contents within pages. i thought that was the norm
By Darth Pastor on 18 Feb 2013 17:58
Excellent guide. Thank you.
By AtheistBean on 16 Jul 2014 23:12
By Darth Pastor on 18 Sep 2014 17:06
A+ from me too!
By sandar666 on 01 Jun 2019 13:55
thank you
By Darth Pastor on 18 Jun 2019 20:24
This popped for me right after Priority: Palaven as soon as I started the vid call with Hackett. I had over 30k War Assets from N7 Special Ops Teams alone thanks to promoting over 400 classes in ME3 MP when I played it excessively on PC. Apparently these also transfer to Xbox.

This should mark the earliest time you can get the achievement.
By iago on 03 Jul 2020 12:49
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I found this video while searching for a map for a specific system. This is actually a lot more helpful than struggling on your own.

Granted that this will help you with the War Assets located on the planets and not the ones you get through quests. (Though most quests are easy to acquire and some you get automatically by reading mail or from making plot decisions.)

Unfortunately, only youtube links embed, so have this daily motion link below:

And for those who don't want to sit through the video, a screenshot guide.

23 Mar 2012 02:20

Just adding to the mix, may be a glitch...not sure. I'm sitting at 6054/3027, 50% Readiness (No MP played) after just completing Rannoch and the achievement unlocked. I've tried to do as much exploring, etc. as possible. I've also been strictly Paragon and recruited all of the possible races/teams to my cause. Like I said, not sure why it unlocked, just wanted to throw in my info.
EDIT: Apparently, if you've downloaded the ME3: Extended Cut Free DLC, this number has been almost halved (thanks to Sons O Liberty)

07 Jul 2012 17:15

Just adding to the mix, may be a glitch...not sure. I'm sitting at 6054/3027, 50% Readiness (No MP played) after just completing Rannoch and the achievement unlocked. I've tried to do as much exploring, etc. as possible. I've also been strictly Paragon and recruited all of the possible races/teams to my cause. Like I said, not sure why it unlocked, just wanted to throw in my info.
EDIT: Apparently, if you've downloaded the ME3: Extended Cut Free DLC, this number has been almost halved (thanks to Sons O Liberty)

07 Jul 2012 17:15

(Skip to EDIT # 3 for a quick guide to total Galaxy at War Assets and EDIT #4 for 'Leviathan's' additional War Assets)

I have the N7 Collector's Edition Guide Book and, while on my Insanity run, I scoured it for the best possible ending. In the final section of the campaign chapter, where it describes all possible outcomes of the game depending on your Readiness Rating and Galaxy at War Assets, the highest GaWA number listed is 5000.

All of the below numbers are based on Total Military Strength, not Effective, working under the assumption that you have 100% Readiness Rating in all Theatres of War. You must play multiplayer to achieve this, unless you have an iPhone/iPad and downloaded the app thing I heard about, or played the Facebook game. Default if 50% which halves your Military Strength.

I've also trolled several forums looking for exact number for both this achievement and maximum attainable GaWA. As far as I can tell, 7500 is about the highest GaWA you can attain, if you followed BioWare's intended story paths across all three games, collected every GaWA available in ME3, and had 100K+ resources spare from the mining mechanic in ME2 in your imported save. On average, you'll get around 7200. My GaWA sat at 7129 just before ordering the fleets to Earth (which was after I assaulted the Cerberus base and took the 110 extra Assets from the Reaper Brain - Collector Base saved - or Reaper Heart - Collector Base destroyed, default setting for the game).

The guidebook says 5000, maximum looks to be around 7500, so I'd say if you can manage to get anywhere in there, you'll be fine. But, obviously, the closer to 7500 you get, the better off you'll be.

Also, multiplayer IS necessary, as I said before. Have no fear, though; at 3% - 5% increases per game, you won't need to play long. 10 - 17 games later and you'll be at 100% and ready to hit the Cerberus base.



EDIT: Revised to account for lack of distinguishing between Effective Military Strength (EMS) and Total Military Strength (TMS).


EDIT #2: I've been told by some gamers that 4000 is the magic number for this achievement. Can anyone confirm? Comment with TMS, EMS and Readiness Rating, please.


EDIT #3: I've had several comments suggesting that, in essence, what I've posted cannot be true. I said in the comments that I would post everything I read in the guide book. Instead, I would like to direct your attention here:

It has a complete list of all War Assets available in the game, including the 'From Ashes' DLC. A quick round of clicks and a calculator later, we come to a total of:
Alien - 1000
Alliance - 1856
Asari - 668
Crucible - 850
Cerberus - 300
Geth - 820
Krogan - 875
Quarian - 580
Salarian - 133
Turian - 638

Total - TMS: 7720, EMS: 3860

All. Before. Multiplayer. 4000 = Impossible.

This list is following choices made in the game that will net the highest amount of assets - there are several different asset outcomes decided by DLC from previous games, Paragon/Renegade options, people who survived, and even people punched / not punched (Khalisah... :3 ) - all while keeping story continuity. Anyone is welcome to check my numbers and correct me, even if I made a mistake, it will likely only be +/- 100.

Also, these numbers will likely increase given future DLC, so it is highly likely that 4000 EMS will be a possibility, somewhere down the track. There's only 300 assets difference, and 'From Ashes' added 100. Who knows what the future holds?


EDIT #4: The Mass Effect 3 'Leviathan' DLC has added 590 War Assets to Total Military Strength, bringing the full total to 8310. This would allow for all possible endings without multiplayer. If this was not enough to settle the flame war at BioWare, they have dropped the required amount of EMS to 3100 for all endings, making every ending possible for vanilla ME3. There is a list of added War Assets below. ENJOY.

Alien - 505
Alliance - 45
Crucible - 30
Turian - 10


26 Mar 2012 11:31

I just want to confirm, that I unlocked the Achievement with an EMS of 2951.

I installed the Final Cut. And the Achievement popped when i started the Priority Mission Cerbereus-Base.

EDIT: TTDog666 mentioned he even got his achievement with 2850 EMS.

If your EMS was even lower, feel free to drop a comment.

28 Aug 2012 13:03

I just want to confirm, that I unlocked the Achievement with an EMS of 2951.

I installed the Final Cut. And the Achievement popped when i started the Priority Mission Cerbereus-Base.

EDIT: TTDog666 mentioned he even got his achievement with 2850 EMS.

If your EMS was even lower, feel free to drop a comment.

28 Aug 2012 13:03

Hey guys
first time i didn,t get the achievement by 7735 effective military strength
now i downloaded the add on extended cut dlc and the achievement popped by 5535 effective military strength

20 Nov 2012 09:29

The other posts already detail how to get your readiness up, I want to say that this achievement is NOT missable if you complete the game. You can safely complete the story and then work your way up with the readiness in Multiplayer.
Once you complete the story you're thrown back to the moment before you attack the Illusive Man and it gives you the opportunity to do a better job and then attack again with more readiness. The game even tells you this after completion.

19 May 2012 10:21

I just unlocked it with 4001 Effective Military Strength. I had 59% galactic readiness, and I did not min max. My understanding is in a perfect game (including perfect choices in previous games), you may have just enough. I'm not sure however I played multiplayer, about 10 matches around the time I began the single player, and none since. When you're about to assault the Cerberus base, consider checking your readiness, and seeing if you need a few more points, and get them.

It appears that 4000 is the magic number to beat. Try to get just over that. Go to the Cerberus base.. at the Cerberus base the admiral will call you, blah blah blah.. Are you sure you want to go The SECOND you say "I'm ready", the game switches to a scene with you looking at a helmet, you IMMEDIATELY get your achievement. If you don't get it then, you arn't going to get it.

25 May 2012 00:22

I seem to be having some major difficulty unlocking this achievement. These are my current stats before hitting the Illusive man base:

Galactic Percent

Total military strength

Effective military strength

Planet scans per sector

Additionally, I am reloading a save after beating the game and I have already hit 100% for galactic sectors via multiplayer in the past. Furthermore I also have all single and multiplayer dlc installed. By all accounts I should have unlocked this already. Is this currently broken or am I missing something small here?

Edit #1:

I have found that if your Extended Cut DLC is improperly downloaded or corrupted, this achievement will not unlock due to the change of required assets for the achievement.

As soon as I replaced the Extended Cut DLC, the achievement popped.

12 Nov 2012 17:04

I just unlocked it with 4001 Effective Military Strength. I had 59% galactic readiness, and I did not min max. My understanding is in a perfect game (including perfect choices in previous games), you may have just enough. I'm not sure however I played multiplayer, about 10 matches around the time I began the single player, and none since. When you're about to assault the Cerberus base, consider checking your readiness, and seeing if you need a few more points, and get them.

It appears that 4000 is the magic number to beat. Try to get just over that. Go to the Cerberus base.. at the Cerberus base the admiral will call you, blah blah blah.. Are you sure you want to go The SECOND you say "I'm ready", the game switches to a scene with you looking at a helmet, you IMMEDIATELY get your achievement. If you don't get it then, you arn't going to get it.

25 May 2012 00:22

You don't actually have to play through Multiplayer. Easiest way, but I should say challenging is to go through the game on Insanity while doing the missions required for the Unwavering Achievement. Talk to Hackett after you check your War Assets are over 4000, which they will be if you follow the missions and you'll have it.Plus you kill 3 birds with one stone, you'll recieve this achievement, 'Unwavering' and 'Insanity' by the time you finish your game.

04 Jan 2017 05:08

Basically, you have to fill up the War assets bar before hitting the Illusive Man's base.

The console in the middle of the War Room offers a menu listing (labled War Terminal) your War assets. At the beginning of the game the bar is grey and there will only be one or two Alliance assets listed.

External image

This is what you want your asset bar to look like.

External image

Assets can be acquired over the course of the game through the story and side missions. They can also be acquired through planet scanning.

This guide gets you all the assets for the main campaigns.

This guide gets you all the assets added on with the Leviathan DLC.

21 Mar 2014 03:13

Basically, you have to fill up the War assets bar before hitting the Illusive Man's base.

The console in the middle of the War Room offers a menu listing (labled War Terminal) your War assets. At the beginning of the game the bar is grey and there will only be one or two Alliance assets listed.

External image

This is what you want your asset bar to look like.

External image

Assets can be acquired over the course of the game through the story and side missions. They can also be acquired through planet scanning.

This guide gets you all the assets for the main campaigns.

This guide gets you all the assets added on with the Leviathan DLC.

21 Mar 2014 03:13

For this you will need to have over 4000 "Effective Military Strength" before beginning the mission "Priority: Cerberus Headquarters." You will gain assets through playing the main story, doing side-quests and scanning systems to retrieve resources (see "Lost and Found").

It is possible to do this at 50% readiness (without playing online), but you have to be extremely thorough and it will require 8000+ Total Military Strength. On top of that, some assets won't be available depending on your choices from ME1/ME2 so you may have a game that you made some bad choices and can't get some larger bonuses which would require you to play the entire trilogy over. You need to play the MP anyway to get "Defender" so you really should invest a few hours into the MP to boost your Readiness.

To make the achievement much easier, simply play a few games online to increase your Readiness Rating. If you do not play online for a while, your readiness percentage will begin to decline. I would suggest doing the "Defender" achievement right before this one, that way you've got a full 100% readiness and will be plenty over the required amount.

To clarify, the bottom number in the image below (with the accompanying green bar) is the one you need to have above 4000. The Total Military Strength will get reduced by your Readiness Rating which will equal your Effective Military Strength (TMSxRR=EMS). If you complete the "Defender" achievement you will get 100% for the Readiness Rating which will give you full use of your Total Military Strength. It will equal your Effective Military Strength, which (assuming you have 4000+) will net you the achievement.

And again, you can not get the full 1000 Gamerscore without buying the Online Pass and playing the MP portion of the game ("Defender" achievement) so there is no need to kill yourself trying to find every possible War Asset available. Just play a few games online to get your Readiness up and get more use of your assets.

Note: If you have downloaded the free Extended Cut DLC then the amount of Effective Military Strength you need will be cut to 3100, making this achievement much easier to get playing just the single player campaign.



This is best done in conjunction with Defender. You can get the trophy without doing any of the co-op missions, but you will have to complete every side mission, carry over specific choices from ME2 (saving the Collector Base, for instance), and make specific storyline choices (deceiving the krogan and making peace between the quarians and geth). What you want is that by the time you launch the assault on Cerberus headquarters, your effective military readiness (the green bar) is at or above 4000. To make it easier, use the method in Defender and you'll get 3-4% after each mission that you play. Completing about two thirds of the side missions and playing three co-op missions got me over 4000.

The way that your effective military readiness is calculated is by taking your overall readiness and multiplying it by your galactic readiness rating (Galaxy at War percentage) (OMR * GRR% = EMR). Basically, whatever your galactic readiness rating is, then your effective military readiness will be that percentage of the your overall readiness. If you reach Cerberus HQ with an overall readiness of 6000, but your Galaxy at War percentage is still at 50%, then your effective military readiness will be 50% of that, or 3000.

If you reach the Cerberus HQ mission and you are not at 4000, I would recommend making an extra save (just in case), completing Defender, and then continuing on with the story. Reaching maximum readiness will dramatically increase your overall asset total.

One thing to be aware of is that progressing through the story missions will lock out the side missions. The way that you should handle the missions is to do all of the side missions first before completing the story missions (marked Priority).

If you go into the final battle and do not get this, don't worry. Complete the game anyway. Once you beat it, you will be returned to the point of no return. Go online and start working on Defender. Once you're at 100%, go back and reload your saved game. Start up Priority: Cerberus Headquarters and the trophy will unlock soon after.

The missions that you will have to complete (in addition to the main story missions) are:

  • Apien Crest: Banner of the First Regiment
  • Aria: Eclipse
  • Aria: Blood Pack
  • Aria: Blue Suns
  • Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists
  • Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue
  • Attican Traverse: Krogan Team
  • Benning: Evidence
  • Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula
  • Citadel: Asari Widow
  • Citadel: Barla Von
  • Citadel: Batarian Codes
  • Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces
  • Citadel: Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics
  • Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers
  • Citadel: Cerberus Retribution
  • Citadel: Cerberus Turian Poison
  • Citadel: Chemical Treatment
  • Citadel: GX12 Thermal Pipe
  • Citadel: Hanar Diplomat
  • Citadel: Heating Unit Stabilizers
  • Citadel: Improved Power Grid
  • Citadel: Inspirational Stories
  • Citadel: Kaliosaur Fossil
  • Citadel: Krogan Dying Message
  • Citadel: Medi-Gel Sabotage
  • Citadel: Medical Supplies
  • Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments
  • Citadel: Target Jamming Technology
  • Citadel: Volus Ambassador
  • Citadel: Wounded Batarian
  • Dekuuna: Code of the Ancients
  • Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction
  • Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation
  • Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza
  • Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere
  • Irune: Book of Plenix
  • Ismar Frontier: Prototype Components
  • Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery
  • Kite’s Nest: Pillars of Strength
  • N7: Cerberus Abductions
  • N7: Cerberus Attack
  • N7: Cerberus Fighter Base
  • N7: Cerberus Lab
  • N7: Communication Hub
  • N7: Fuel Reactor
  • Nimbus Cluster: Library of Asha
  • Rannoch: Admiral Koris
  • Rannoch: Geth Figher Squadrons
  • Shrike Abyssal: Prothean Obelisk
  • Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune
  • Tuchanka: Bomb
  • Tuchanka: Turian Platoon
  • Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Drives

You will have to complete every side mission, carry over specific choices from ME2 (saving the Collector Base, for instance), and make specific storyline choices (deceiving the krogan and making peace between the quarians and geth). What you want is that by the time you launch the assault on Cerberus headquarters, your effective military readiness (the green bar) is at or above 4000.

The way that your effective military readiness is calculated is by taking your overall readiness and multiplying it by your galactic readiness rating (Galaxy at War percentage) (OMR * GRR% = EMR). Basically, whatever your galactic readiness rating is, then your effective military readiness will be that percentage of the your overall readiness. If you reach Cerberus HQ with an overall readiness of 6000, but your Galaxy at War percentage is still at 50%, then your effective military readiness will be 50% of that, or 3000.

One thing to be aware of is that progressing through the story missions will lock out the side missions. The way that you should handle the missions is to do all of the side missions first before completing the story missions (marked Priority).

The missions that you will have to complete (in addition to the main story missions) are:
Mission Name Acquisition Prerequsite Must Complete Before Cannot Complete Before
Prologue: Earth Automatic
Priority: Mars Automatic
Priority: The Citadel Automatic
N7: Cerberus Lab Given by Traynor Priority: The Citadel
Priority: Eden Prime Automatic
Eden Prime: Resistance Movement Found on Eden Prime Completion of Priority: Eden Prime
Shrike Abyssal: Prothean Obelisk Priority: The Citadel Priority: Palaven
Priority: Palaven Automatic
Apien Crest: Banner of the First Regiment Turians in the bar on the Citadel Priority: Palaven
Aria: Blood Pack Speak to Aria in the bar on the Citadel Priority: Palaven
Aria: Blue Suns Speak to Aria in the bar on the Citadel Priority: Palaven
Aria: Eclipse Speak to Aria in the bar on the Citadel Priority: Palaven
Benning: Evidence Speak to Ambassador Osoba in the Citadel Embassies Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka Priority: Sur'Kesh
Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula Doctor in the hospital on the Citadel Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka
Citadel: Aria T'Loak Completing other Aria missions Priority: Palaven
Citadel: Barla Von Speak to Liara, then Barla Von in the Presidium Commons Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka Priority: Sur'Kesh
Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces Doctor in the hospital on the Citadel Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka
Citadel: Dr. Bryson Message from Hackett Priority: Palaven
Citadel: GX12 Thermal Pipe Speak to Adams on the Normandy Priority: Palaven
Citadel: Hanar Diplomat Speak to Jondum Bau in the Citadel Embassies Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka
Citadel: Heating Unit Stabilizers Sellea at the C-SEC Outpost in the Presidium Commons Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka Priority: Tuchanka
Citadel: Improved Power Grid Technician in the bar on the Citadel Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka Priority: Sur'Kesh
Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation Given by Traynor Priority: Palaven Priority: The Citadel II
Irune: Book of Plenix Volus at the bank in the Presidium Commons Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka
Ismar Frontier: Prorotype Components Salarian in the hospital on the Citadel Priority: Palaven Priority: Tuchanka
Kite's Nest: Pillars of Strength Batarian preacher in the Citadel Docks Priority: Palaven
Priority: Sur'Kesh Automatic
Attican Traverse: Krogan Team Speak to Wrex after Priority: Sur'Kesh Priority: Sur'Kesh
Citadel: Krogan Dying Message Found during Attican Traverse: Krogan Team Priority: Sur'Kesh
N7: Cerberus Abductions Completion of either mission given by Wrex or Victus Priority: Sur'Kesh
N7: Cerberus Attack Given by Traynor Priority: Sur'Kesh
Tuchanka: Turian Platoon Speak to Victus after Priority: Sur'Kesh Priority: Sur'Kesh Priority: Thessia
Citadel: Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics Found in Tuchanka: Bomb or a C-SEC officer in Presidium Commons Tuchanka: Bomb Priority: The Citadel II
N7: Cerberus Abductions Completion of either mission given by Wrex or Victus Priority: Sur'Kesh
Tuchanka: Bomb Completion of Tuchanka: Turian Platoon Priority: Sur'Kesh Complete within three missions
Priority: Tuchanka Automatic Priority: Sur'Kesh
N7: Cerberus Fighter Base Given by Traynor Priority: Tuchanka
Priority: The Citadel II Automatic
Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists Given by Traynor Priority: The Citadel II
Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue Asari in the bank in the Presidium Commons Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Batarian Codes Speak to Jordan Noles in the Presidium Commons Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers Officer Dellk in the Citadel Embassies Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Thessia
Citadel: Cerberus Retribution Speak to the two arguing outside of C-SEC Outpost in the Presidium Commons Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Cerberus Turian Poison Speak to the doctor in the lab services area of the hospital on the Citadel. Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Chemical Treatment Human and Salarian conversation in the hospital in the Citadel Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Geth Dreadnought
Citadel: Inspirational Stories Speak to Solik Vass at the Citadel Docks Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Kakliosaur Fossil Salarian at the apartments in the Presidium Commons Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Geth Dreadnought
Citadel: Medical Supplies Traynor will tell you to speak with Dr. Chakwas/Dr. Michel Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Medi-Gel Sabotage Speak with the doctor in the Docks: Holding Area Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments Asari in the Citadel Embassies Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Geth Dreadnought
Citadel: Shore Leave Message from Hackett Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Target Jamming Technology Turian officer near Apollo's Cafe in the Presidium Commons Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Geth Dreadnought
Citadel: Volus Ambassador Message from Victus Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Wounded Batarian Overhear a conversation in the Presidium Commons Priority: The Citadel II
Dekunna: Code of the Ancients Overhear the elcor outside of the bar in the Citadel Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Rannoch
Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza Listen to the researcher at the courtyard in the Presidium Commons Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Rannoch
Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere Listen to a refugee in the Docks: Holding Area Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Rannoch
Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery Given by Liara Priority: The Citadel II
Citadel: Asari Widow Found during Attican Traverse: Krogan Team Priority: The Citadel II
Nimbus Cluster: Library of Asha Asari located in the bar in the Citadel Priority: The Citadel II
Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune Listen to the asari in the hospital near the elevator Priority: The Citadel II Priority: Rannoch
Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Drives Overhear a soldier in Docking Bay D24 Priority: The Citadel II
Priority: Geth Dreadnought Automatic
N7: Fuel Reactors Complete Priority: Geth Dreadnought Priority: Geth Dreadnought
Rannoch: Admiral Koris Given by Admiral Raan after Priority: Geth Dreadnought Priority: Geth Dreadnought Priority: Rannoch
Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons Given by Legion after Priority: Geth Dreadnought Priority: Geth Dreadnought Priority: Rannoch
Priority: Rannoch Automatic
Dekunna: Elcor Extraction Speak to the elcor in the Citadel Embassies Priority: Rannoch
Priority: Thessia Automatic
N7: Communication Hub Given by Traynor Priority: Thessia

Story related
DLC missions
Maximum resources: 5000 .
In the most ideal scenario, in a single you can score 7000+ , which, if ready at 50%, will give 3500+ , that is, the trophy cannot be obtained without raising the level of readiness of troops in multiplayer.

The trophy itself will be given immediately after crossing the point of no return. Do not miss.

09 Mar 2012 21:53

You can also get it during a single playthrough if you explore all the planets for finds. That's how I got it.
By Diamant0589 on 18 Mar 2012 17:08
I was given a Total Troop Strength of 4200, a Readiness Index of 90% and a Force of Combat Ready Troops of 3780.

The readiness index is falling every day by approximately 3%
By Fortochnik on 17 Mar 2012 13:10
I’ll add: you can raise the readiness level not only in multiplayer, but also in Mass Effect: Infiltrator on IpodTouch, iPhone and iPad
By Vegzas on 11 Mar 2012 20:25
I received a trophy without any multiplayer, the index remained 50% from the very beginning of the game, I completed all the extras. mission, reconciled everyone with everyone, in the end, as soon as the fleet of quarians and geth was reconciled, they gave a trophy, the total readiness of the troops simply had to be 5000 or higher. Perhaps the saves from the previous part influenced it.
By Umbra on 07 Sep 2012 21:48
In the Remastered edition, 5500 points are enough
By lenka2x2 on 24 Jun 2021 00:53
you can bypass the rating drop. way: we score 100% and then, going through the company, we don’t connect to the Internet - the rating will not fall.
By GERAin on 14 Dec 2012 22:20
I received the trophy after the mission Priority: Rannoch . Online is not needed for the trophy.

There were about 6,000 resources and about 3,200 combat readiness of troops.
By RinoReys on 02 Mar 2013 11:17
The trophy dropped when the Total Troop Strength was 5600+
By TheGreenHouse31 on 16 Nov 2021 16:23
You just need to maximize the green scale under combat-ready troops.
By Diamant0589 on 26 Oct 2012 11:26
I just tried the geth against the quarians and got this prize without multiplayer
By niko41 on 30 Mar 2013 10:11
My trophy actually dropped at 50% after Ranoh with 3700 points
By Adel-irez on 02 Mar 2016 09:09
If the points are scored, but there is no trophy, don’t worry, it will drop out after the start of the attack on the Cerberus base.
By Morokei on 15 Feb 2022 16:25
To receive the trophy, the bottom bar "Strength of Combat Ready Troops" must be all green.
By sorkazm on 05 Jul 2012 08:43
I will offer my minimum necessary resources. Total troop strength: 3352, readiness index: 79%, strength of combat-ready troops: 2648. The trophy was obtained after a video conversation with Admiral Hackett.
By Khumbu on 09 Dec 2012 13:50
if you are 100% ready, just dial 3000 for the trophy!
By void0xffff on 02 Feb 2013 19:05
Got a trophy. No multiplayer. I simply scanned all the planets and performed plot actions, a noticeable increase was given by the reconciliation of the geth and quarians.
By ATImperator on 26 Feb 2016 21:28
With all the additions and completed quests, I had the power of the Galaxy 8228, so this is quite enough to beat the reapers, don’t play around =)
By Freenteza on 12 May 2016 06:21
People, be careful! The trophy does not drop if the Extended Cut add-on is not installed!
I suffered...and demolished the dlc and went through it again. And then I installed the Extended Cut and everything immediately went out of control, going on a mission to the Phantom’s lair.
By Eniken666 on 31 Oct 2020 08:18
The trophy dropped after the geth reconciled with the quarians, 6210 struck, and I was somewhere halfway through the plot and the final battle was still far away
By skylark on 19 Aug 2021 13:23
After a mission to Rannoch and importing saves from previous parts, where everything was completed to the maximum “Good”, as well as completing all possible side tasks, a trophy dropped.
Points scored: 7202
By Leyke123 on 12 Feb 2022 11:38
The translation of the trophy description is incorrect. Deliver most of is correctly translated as “the greatest part” so this does not mean that you need to extract the full maximum of resources
By Baka-sama on 24 Mar 2023 21:00
The trophy sometimes glitches or works in some strange way. There were more than 6000 troops, combat readiness was 100%, the trophy did NOT drop. I read on Western forums that the problem may be in the DLC. I deleted all the DLC, quickly ran through the story missions on difficulty, examined about 10 clusters completely, the trophy dropped with 4000 resources (it didn’t drop with 3000).
By Eridan on 23 Jun 2015 18:37
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I received the trophy as soon as I reached 100% Galaxy Readiness Level and the maximum Military Resources bar. While on Normandy, Specialist Traynor will inform you that General Hackett is calling you via video link, as soon as he asks you what you wanted from him, the trophy should drop.

A few additions:
  • I haven't played the mission Priority: Tuchanka yet
  • All DLCs were installed (two DLCs were completed at the time of receipt)
  • Use this Site to reach 100% galaxy readiness level, as soon as you do this, go to the Game Menu, and it will crash there Defender / Defender
  • Only played single

06 Nov 2015 17:09

1 Comment
It fell out exactly the same way. On the website it raised the readiness to 100% and dropped out when the General called for Normandy. I'm about halfway through the story.
By VanSlayder on 30 Dec 2015 23:49