Mass Effect 3
68 Achievements
Complete all the Command Center side-missions on Omega.
How to unlock the Meticulous achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide
There are three side missions total, you look for items while working on the main storyline. Play through the DLC as usual until the fighting stops and Shepard, Nyreen and Aria reach a command center full of her people. There will be a human girl, a Batarian and an Elcor. The Elcor appears later so talk to the girl and Batarian to trigger the missions and then feel free to go through the West Exit to continue the campaign
Omega: Assist The Hacker
A human hacker girl will ask you to enter a code into three terminals. If you are very thorough you can't miss them. The first one is right after you climb your first ladder, go inside the room to the right. The second one is after you go down some stairs and fight the first group of Cerberus, there will be a big symbol on the wall nearby. The third is after you fight your second group of Cerberus, there will be a Turian you need to heal sitting against the terminal.
Omega: Assist The Mechanic
A Batarian mechanic will ask you for a Kheri inverter. After you do the long Door Bypass and you fight a lot of Cerberus. Inside Nyreen's base by some crates, right next to stairs with the big Talon symbol and two guards. Give it to the Batarian after the loading screen takes you back to Aria's command center.
Omega: Assist Harrot
An Elcor named Harrot will ask you to send him coordinates if you run into Aria's couch. At some point you will reach an area with water flowing in the middle, you will have to turn on the dam controls and cross the water to proceed further. (You can't finish the DLC without doing this anyway so you can't miss it) Before proceeding further, climb down the ladder where the water is to find Aria's couch.
Edit: The achievement unlocks as soon as you find Aria's couch. Might be glitched since someone reported not unlocking it after doing everything right. Only the Kheri Inverter has to be turned in, the other two missions are ended automatically.
There are three side missions total, you look for items while working on the main storyline. Play through the DLC as usual until the fighting stops and Shepard, Nyreen and Aria reach a command center full of her people. There will be a human girl, a Batarian and an Elcor. The Elcor appears later so talk to the girl and Batarian to trigger the missions and then feel free to go through the West Exit to continue the campaign
Omega: Assist The Hacker
A human hacker girl will ask you to enter a code into three terminals. If you are very thorough you can't miss them. The first one is right after you climb your first ladder, go inside the room to the right. The second one is after you go down some stairs and fight the first group of Cerberus, there will be a big symbol on the wall nearby. The third is after you fight your second group of Cerberus, there will be a Turian you need to heal sitting against the terminal.
Omega: Assist The Mechanic
A Batarian mechanic will ask you for a Kheri inverter. After you do the long Door Bypass and you fight a lot of Cerberus. Inside Nyreen's base by some crates, right next to stairs with the big Talon symbol and two guards. Give it to the Batarian after the loading screen takes you back to Aria's command center.
Omega: Assist Harrot
An Elcor named Harrot will ask you to send him coordinates if you run into Aria's couch. At some point you will reach an area with water flowing in the middle, you will have to turn on the dam controls and cross the water to proceed further. (You can't finish the DLC without doing this anyway so you can't miss it) Before proceeding further, climb down the ladder where the water is to find Aria's couch.
Edit: The achievement unlocks as soon as you find Aria's couch. Might be glitched since someone reported not unlocking it after doing everything right. Only the Kheri Inverter has to be turned in, the other two missions are ended automatically.
Was just about to write a guide for it, but this one has all the information I was going to write down so nice one.
For a bit more clarification, there are three side quests given at Aria's Bunker. The first two you can get right away after you take the bunker. They are:
Omega: Assist the Hacker and Omega: Assist the Mechanic.
Assisting the hacker is the first quest you can finish (terminals locations as seen in the video). Assisting the Mechanic will take a while because you will return to Aria's bunker and then head off again. On that particular trip, you will be able to find the part the mechanic needs (which is in the Talon's Base, not the Talon's Stronghold; as seen in the video). It's behind some crates that are close to a wall.
You must turn the part into the mechanic otherwise the quest will not be counted as finished.
The third quest is Omega: Assist Harrot. When you get back to Aria's base a third time, an Elcor merchant (Harrot), will be there and will call out for you. He wants you to find Aria's couch. This mission, like assisting the mechanic, is not done immediately. You'll have to wait to finish the current mission Aria takes you on and on the way back to the base, you'll have a cut scene. You'll split up with your party member and fight Cerberus back at Aria's base. From there, the couch is in the drain at the very end (where you're supposed to go), extending the bridge allows you to go down the ladder to where it is. The video shows a better example.
The trophy should pop not long after finding Aria's couch. Some people have said it is glitched, but I can not confirm that.
This achievement requires you finished 3 side quests and can be missed.
Quest 1 : you will have to find and activate Terminals between Aria's bunker and Talon HQ. You will have to take the quest from the Hacker at Aria's bunker before talking to Aria and progressing the story. You do not have to turn in this quest. Look for the red and bold indications in the walkthrough for all Terminals.
Quest 2 : you will have to find a Kehri Inverter and give it back to the Mechanic. You will have to accept this quest from him first at Aria's bunker the first time you get there, find the piece at Talon HQ (on the left on the ground when you're free to move) and bring it to him. Look for the red and bold indications in the walkthrough for a more accurate position of the item.
Quest 3 : you will have to find Aria's couch, yes, a real couch, for Harrot the merchant, the second time you come to Aria's bunker. This quest isn't available the first time around. The couch is located under water, before Central Support, after activating the Dam Controls. Take the ladder down, and examine the couch. Aria will comment on it. Look for the red and bold indications in the walkthrough for a more accurate location.
(Missable) After you meet Nyreen and make it to Aria's command center, there are three side missions that you'll need to complete to help set things up for Aria. Don't leave the area after speaking with Aria without finding the side missions first.
Two of them are available shortly after arriving; Assist the Hacker and Assist the Mechanic. The third is available after the attack on Talon HQ. Details on each are listed below.
- Assist the Mechanic - From where you start in Aria's bunker, head up the stairs to the left and through the door. The mechanic will be straight across from the door. Once you're in the Talon HQ and your mission objective becomes "Talk to Nyreen", go to the left side of the room. There will be a Kehri power inverter sitting behind some crates and near a pair of guards. Once you have it and return to Aria's command center, talk to the mechanic again to deliver the part.
- Assist the Hacker - The hacker is in Aria's command center. Going from the mechanic, head straight into the command center. The hacker is just past the cylindrical console in the middle of the room. Once you're on the mission to the Talon HQ, there are three terminals that you'll need to hack. Their locations are below.
- Terminal #1 - After you learn that Cerberus is attacking the Talons and climb up a ladder, Aria will say that these air shafts lead to the Talons. Turn to the right and the first terminal will be right there.
- Terminal #2 - After going through the air shaft and reaching the bottom of a long set of stairs, you'll encounter some Cerberus troops. After killing them, the second terminal will be in one of the corners of the room, on the very right side, below the window.
- Terminal #3 - Continue on from Terminal #2 and go into the next room. Take out the Cerberus troops and go into the second doorway on the right side. The last terminal will have a dying Talon soldier right in front of it.
- (Available after the Talon HQ mission.) Assist Harrot - When you return to Aria's command center, the elcor is right in front of you, next to the mechanic. Talk to him to start the side mission. After you overload the reactor core to shut down the force fields, you'll split off with Aria to take out some Cerberus troops. When you're in the area with the large fan at the end of the room, there will be an explosion that knocks down the bridge. Go into the room on the right and activate the Dam Control terminal. Cross the bridge that is raised and go down the ladder, into the trench. Walk towards the big fan and Aria's couch will be under some rubble.
The trophy unlocks shortly after finding the couch.
1. Hack 2 terminals for a hacker. Look for terminals after you first leave the base.
2. Find a module for the engineer. Found at the outpost after the claw base in the corner behind the box.
3. Find Aria's sofa. Located at the bottom of the dam when you drain it. The mission is taken upon returning to base.
there are not 2, but 3 terminals (the third is located near the wounded "Claw")
1. Batrian in the left corner, inverters are needed
2. blue-faced on the right side of the command center at the extreme terminal, he will ask you to find and activate several terminals on Cerberus territory
3. the task will be given by hanar, upon returning to the command center, you need to find Aria’s sofa, when you lift the airlock to pass through the channel with liquid, at the bottom of the channel lies Aria’s sofa :-)