Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

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Establish or rekindle a romantic relationship.

How to unlock the Paramour achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

For the most part, if you've played any of the Mass Effect or Dragon Age games, you should know how Bioware romances work: you basically just continue to say nice things to whoever you're after and, right at the moment of no return when everybody's about to die NATURALLY the mood is in the air.

But for those of you who want a more in-depth, step-by-step, partner-by-partner type guide, here ya go.

Ashley (available to M only)
Prerequisite: She must survive the events of ME1.

After the early events of the game, Ashley will spend time in the Huerta Memorial Hospital. Visit her between missions, choosing Paragon responses (Upper!) to show her interest.

Old romances from ME1 can be rekindled, or new Male Shepards can start fresh.

During the early conversations before her injury, make sure to choose the Paragon options as well.

Even when she’s unconscious in the Citadel, visit her and offer some kind words anyway. While there, you can purchase a special item, a Tennyson Collection, at the store terminal in the hospital lobby. You may have to wait until she’s awake to purchase and gift the special item.

Visit her; during your first trip to the Citadel, after the mission on Palaven, and a third time before finishing the Tuchanka missions. Afterwards, she’ll be ready to rejoin you.

After Tuchanka, and during the mission in the Citadel, you’ll want your trust high enough so Ashley will side with you during the ending confrontation.
If you were in another relationship in ME2, you’ll need to apologize and confirm that you’re interested in Ashley.
After she joins again, eventually she’ll offer to meet at the Presidium Commons. If she doesn’t push for a serious relationship, you can. With that, you’ll be well on your way to sealing the deal.

Kaiden (available to F only)
Prerequisite: He must survive the events of ME1.
If you were in a previous relationship with Kaidan, you’ll have extra trust already established, but you’ll still need to convince him you’re serious during the first mission on Mars. Choose Paragon responses to reassure him of your loyalties.

After he’s hurt, you’ll be able to visit Kaidan in the Huerta Memorial Hospital on the Citadel. Visit him during your first arrival, after the mission on Palaven, and before completing Tuchanka.

Talk to him often and build up intimacy so that he trusts you during the battle in the Citadel. Like Ashley, you can bring Kaidan a gift while he’s in the hospital — a bottle of Peruvian Whiskey from the store console in the lobby.
If you started a relationship with Kaidan in ME1 but switched to a new partner in ME2, he’ll be offended. Make sure to apologize! Otherwise, you can start a new relationship with Kaidan.

Build enough trust and Kaidan will offer to meet you in the Presidium Commons after he joins you on the Normandy. If he doesn’t push for a serious relationship, you can.

Liara (available to M or F)
Prerequisite: None

New players or players with a previous relationship with Liara from ME1 can romance Liara. Early on you’ll be able to declare your interest in rekindling an old relationship if you’ve imported a save file.

Early in the game, you’ll be able to find Liara near the cafe in the Presidium Commons. Talk to her there to build intimacy and trust, and before completing the missions on Tuchanka.

Speak with Liara enough between missions, and eventually she’ll request to speak with Shepard in your cabin. Invite her up and discuss her time capsule.

Later on, she’ll send an e-mail requesting to meet on the Citadel. If you’ve built up enough intimacy, you’ll be able to commit to a serious relationship now.

Whether committed or not, after visiting Liara’s homeworld, make sure to speak with her.

Tali (avaialble to M only
Prerequisite: She must survive the events of ME2, and you must start a relationship in ME2.

Tali appears during your first diplomatic meeting with the Quarians. While sharing a personal moment, rekindle your old relationship by confirming your interest.

Speak with her again immediately afterwards, she’ll be in the CIC. Later, you’ll be able to have more intimate conversations with her during the mission on her former homeworld.

During the missions around Rannoch, Tali will request to visit Shepard’s cabin. Invite her in with your computer, and she’ll ask if you want to continue their relationship.
Make sure to call Tali up to your cabin before completing the Reaper Base mission on Rannoch, or you’ll miss your chance with Tali.

Miranda (available to M only)
Prerequisite: She must survive the events of ME2, and you must start a relationship in ME2.

If you entered into a romantic relationship with Miranda in ME2, you’ll have the option to rekindle it in ME3.

Early, after the Mars and Turian homeworld missions, she’ll contact you and request a meeting in the Citadel. Speak with her at the Normandy docks.

After the Priority mission on the Citadel, you’ll be able to speak with her in your Spectre office. She’ll request to talk in person in the Presidium Commons apartments. Visit her, and if you’ve been polite, you’ll be able to commit to a serious relationship.

Jack (available to M only)
Prerequisite: She must survive the events of ME2, and you must start a relationship in ME2.

To find Jack, talk to Specialist Traynor in the Normandy. She’ll tell you about Grissom Academy. Visit the station and you’ll find Jack during the concurrent mission.
Choose the Paragon responses during the mission, and afterwards on the shuttle, wait for a Paragon event and trigger it while the students cheer.

Afterwards, she’ll send you an e-mail requesting to talk in Purgatory. Get to the Citadel and meet her, where you can discuss your past.

During this scene, agree to a serious relationship to commit.

Cortez (available to M only)
Prerequisite: None

One of the easier romantic options for Shepard, he’s available at the beginning of the game in the Normandy.
Talk to him often between missions by visiting his post in the cargo deck. Keep talking between missions, until you find him working on one of the dropships. He’ll discuss stress, suggest that he take some time off at the Citadel.

Cortez starts in the docking bay, where you can have a discussion with him. After that, he’ll move to the refugee area, where you can continue the intimate conversation.

If you were nice, Cortez will e-mail you and request to meet at Purgatory, the club on the Citadel. Talk to him there commit to a serious relationship.

Garrus (available to F only)
Prerequisite: Garrus must survive the events of ME2, and you must have started a relationship with him in ME2.

After Garrus joins your squad again, if you’re playing Female Shepard and imported a save where you were romantic with Garrus in ME2, he’ll mention rekindling your relationship.

Speak with Garrus in the main battery of the Normandy, and meet him in the Citadel whenever you can to talk. He’ll usually send you an e-mail, check them regularly and stop by when he e-mails and requests to talk.
After the missions on Tuchanka, you can talk to Garrus in the cockpit. You’ll be able to keep talking to him between missions, just keep checking and choosing friendly responses that indicate your interest in a relationship.
Once enough trust is built up, Garrus will offer to meet in the Citadel. From there, he’ll ask you to commit to a serious relationship.

Traynor (available to F only)
Prerequisite: None
Just like Cortez, Traynor is available at the beginning of ME3 once you have control of the Normandy. She’ll always be onboard in the CIC, right next to the Galaxy Map.
Talk to her between missions to exchange friendly banter. Be polite, and eventually she’ll mention her interest in Chess. Agree to play Chess with her later.
Eventually, Traynor will request to see you in your cabin. Invite her up and suggest Traynor use the shower (!) after she brings it up. Then you’ll have the chance to commit to a serious relationship with Traynor.


09 Mar 2012 18:42

Sigh. I have a female Shepard. Disappointed in lack of female options.
By ForsakenSage24 on 29 Jun 2012 23:45
i slept with the reporter chick and the ach never unlocked?
By Gamer In Denial on 10 Mar 2012 23:46
BTW: I did this with Dianna Allers and did NOT get credit for the achievement. The first time she came to my cabin I asked her to stay and she was interested. The next time we "locked the door" and kissed (then it cut away) and no bleep bloop for me. :(
By Cry0plasma on 11 Mar 2012 04:34
Actually Kaiden goes both ways.
By erickydullboy on 12 Mar 2012 04:47
Was hoping for Kasumi to be an option, rushed to this guide when I came across her in game. My heart sank a bit, forgot she had some thing for Jacob in ME2. Thanks for all the information though!
By Skurkitty on 12 Mar 2012 06:48
Yeah Kaidan is available now for Male and Female Shepards.
By Major Alenko on 12 Mar 2012 10:14
Very nice guide, but I personally had already commited to Liara by the time I read this...didn't want spoilers. Also, looks like even though I had relations with all the chars from the previous 2 games, I'm limited to a couple of new options or only the ones I was involved with in the specific save game I imported.
By Xelliz on 12 Mar 2012 13:25
Liara is also possible fairly early in the game. I talked to her quite a bit and went to see her in presidum commons prior to the start of the quarian quests. While in the commons, I gave her a smooch and the ach popped.
By jedimaster573 on 12 Mar 2012 20:49
Does anyone remember approximately when does Ashley asks you to join her on the Presidium after she joins your team and you meet her at the Memorial Wall ? Excellent guide btw. :)
By SuupaaTenkei on 12 Mar 2012 23:00
Wanted to add that I've met with Miranda in the apartments and choose all the paragon options but nothing came of it. So it looks like if you shoot her down during the first meeting, thats it...missed opurtunity. Also, I have already commited to Liara, but I think its the 1st meeting with Miranda that negated this.
By Xelliz on 14 Mar 2012 15:27
Wait wait. So if you your femshep killed Kaiden in ME1 and romanced no one in ME2 your only option is to be lesbian? I gotta get fox news on the line! LOL.
By sirbradenwalker on 15 Mar 2012 08:37
You won't get the achievement for quite a few of these.
By Hell M0nkey on 15 Mar 2012 15:08
I was having trouble finding Ashley on board the Normandy (she didn't sleep with me before *spoiler*, so I reloaded), but after several reloaded saves, I found her on the floor behind the left couch on the observation deck. I was freaking out earlier about replaying 5+ hours of the game, so this bit of info might save some of you a lot of trouble.
By Bardan Jusik on 16 Mar 2012 03:39
@sirbradenwalker No, the whole "you had to romance them before" idea is wrong. I personally was with Ashley in ME1, and stayed loyal in ME2 but Tali, Liara, Miranda, and Jack still gave me the conversational options that would get you into the relationship.
By CndnViking on 16 Mar 2012 13:20
Using my femshep Allers did not work and is James not an option? He seemed to like my character but nothing happened or did Allers screw this up?
By Srl Klr on 18 Mar 2012 05:01
@Srl Klr - My inclusion that Allers is available to both was based on a guide I read elsewhere. Haven't personally tried it.

@sirbradenwwalker - No, there's also Garrus. You don't need to romance them in any previous game, whoever said that is full of shit.
By CndnViking on 21 Mar 2012 16:56
I knobbed Allers but the cheeve didn't pop. I did though!
By TrueAchievement on 21 Mar 2012 19:23
Damn can't romance james :'(
By Lil Miss Cherry on 22 Mar 2012 17:55
I did everything attempting to romance Ashley but couldn't because I didn't apologize for being with Miranda when she was in the hospital, as this didn't instruct to do so until sometime after Tuchanka. Very misleading description.
By doublevisionqst on 05 Apr 2012 08:39
anybody have the problem where ashley wasnt even in the hospital
By Tan110688 on 06 Apr 2012 09:22
@doublevisionqst The mention of Tuchanka was in an entirely different point. It's a matter of common sense that when the conversation about the other romance comes up, and you get the option to apologize for it, that this is when that is done. Just because you can't grasp that doesn't mean the guide is misleading.
By CndnViking on 16 Apr 2012 15:18
I just found out on my most recent playthough you are able to sleep with 2 characters in the same playthrough unless it was a glitch on my playthough. What i personally did was to romance Ashley, if you romance someone that requires you to commit before Dianas second interview then you will not be able to do this. But all you need to do is act like you are romancing Ashley from the walkthough above, but do not go to the presidium to meet up with her instead continue until Dianas second interview have her stay, and tell her you will keep it confidential. After this you can romance ashley and the achievement will pop, and you will get to sleep with diana too.
By W4RW01F on 18 Apr 2012 05:40
um, i didn't sleep with anyone in this game - never played the other M.E. games - no achievement - confused about this one :|
By Iron Man TStark on 25 May 2012 09:55
Can anyone confirm if it's possible to establish a relationship after having finished the game, being a male Shepard and having no ME1 or ME2 imports?

Thanks in advance. :)
By iBishBashBosh x on 18 Jun 2012 12:56
lol, "sleep with Diana at your own risk!" Because she hasn't been tested for STDs.
By Mithodor NB on 04 Jul 2013 18:50
^In the future there's a cure for all that shit lol
By Vindicator210 on 15 Sep 2016 06:49
Shame you don't mention Kelly. Achievement pops just fine with her.
By Fuzzmeister J on 09 Mar 2017 05:41
Update for **** Ashley ****: if you did everything what Kaiser679 described, there's a possibility to get the achievement earlier, before the final assault on Rannoch (before the mission "Priority: Rannoch"). On Normadny, your "secretary" Samantha Traynor informs you that Ashley would speak in her room. Go there and you'll find Ash lying on the ground completely drunk. Talk with her and every time select "paragon" dialogues. After that, back to the CIC and check your messages - there should be a message with the subject "A little downtime". Accept Ashley proposal, get back to the Citadel and find her at the Presidium Commons. After the short dialog, Ashley and Shepard will kiss each other.
By FayMoon on 10 Mar 2012 18:46
FemShep, went for Kaidan in ME1, in ME2 I made a save and went with Garrus for the chievo, then reloaded and continued without romancing anyone in that playthrough.
Paramour III (ME3) popped right after having lunch with Kaidan and deciding to continue the relationship. I had chances with other characters but I just brushed off their advances. This guide helped to make sure I wouldn't fail. Thank you.
By Phoenix C64 on 13 Jul 2021 22:10
@iBishBashBosh x - You CAN do it without playing ME1 or 2.... but not after finishing the game, sorry.
By CndnViking on 01 Jul 2012 06:20
As has been mentioned in other comments, Kaidan puts the "Bi" in "Biotic" negged until it's changed.

He just seemed so sad when my ManShep turned him down. Cortez didn't seem bothered, at least, which was nice. Don't want another Anders situation...
By Skydude252 on 25 Oct 2012 13:11
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Like the other Mass Effect games, you have the ability to romance another character and get this achievement. Below is a list of characters available for romance. You must be nice to them, talk to them whenever you can, and eventually play out a romantic scene with them.

Imported Character
Male - Ashley, Liara, Tali, Miranda, Jack, Cortez
Female - Garrus, Kaidan, Liara, Traynor

New Character
Male - Ashley, Liara, Cortez
Female - Kaidan, Liara, Traynor

Basically they all have certain criteria that must be met. First being, they are actually alive. Some require you to have romanced them before. The only characters that are 100% to romance under new or imported, is Liara (male and female), Cortez (male only) and Traynor (female only). Everyone else has a special condition. The easiest romances will come from Cortez and Traynor.

Diana Allers Note: It has been said this character can be romanced, but you will not get the achievement for doing so.

For a full guide on how to obtain the romances, go HERE.



Your choices in Mass Effect: Genesis and Mass Effect 2 will heavily come into play here. Depending on who you romanced previously, they will need to be alive in Mass Effect 3. Talk to them between each mission. Talk to them when you visit the Citadel. Eventually, they will ask to go up to your cabin. Invite them up and complete the scene.

If you go for rekindling a romance with a character that is not a permanent squadmate, then this will not take very long to get. Once they are on the Normandy, they will want to go up to your cabin, so invite them and say that you want to be with them.

If you chose to romance Ashley, Liara, or Kaiden in Mass Effect: Genesis and then went for another character in Mass Effect 2, you will have the opportunity to restart the relationship with Ashley, Liara, or Kaiden. Just apologize when given the opportunity.

Male Romantic Options:
Ashley (Only if she survived Virmire in Mass Effect: Genesis)
Kaiden (Only if he survived Virmire in Mass Effect: Genesis)
Tali (Only if you romanced her in Mass Effect 2)
Miranda (Only if you romanced her in Mass Effect 2)
Diana Allers
Steven Cortez

Female Romantic Options:
Kaiden (Only if he survived Virmire in Mass Effect: Genesis)
Garrus (Only if you romanced him in Mass Effect 2)
Thane (Only if you romanced him in Mass Effect 2)
Diana Allers
Samantha Traynor

Be careful: for unknown reasons, not every partner is suitable for this achievement. And not all possible characters may be alive in your story.
For a male Shepard:
- Liara - conversation on the Citadel after "Priority: Citadel 2".
- Ashley - conversation in the Presidium cafe.
- Kayden - conversation in the Presidium cafe.
- Tali (only if you had a romance in Mass Effect 2) - conversation in the cabin (if you miss it, the romance is stopped) or after the mission "Priority: Rannoch".
- Miranda (only if you had a romance in Mass Effect 2, the achievement is not given)
- Diana Allers (reporter, achievement not given)
- Steven Cortez (Gay from Below Deck (not Vega))
For a female Shepard:
- Liara - conversation on the Citadel after "Priority: Citadel 2".
- Kayden - conversation in the Presidium cafe.
- Garrus (only if you had a romance in Mass Effect 2) - date on the Citadel.
- Thane (only if you had a romance in Mass Effect 2, the achievement is not given)
- Diana Allers (reporter, achievement not given)
- Samantha Traynor (assistant at the galactic map) - "playing chess"

- More details -

Be careful.

02 May 2012 21:00

If you had an affair with Jack, then DLC MASS EFFECT 3 - Citadel allows you to restore your love relationship with her. She will invite you to an arena joint battle. Well, it's a matter of technology.
By xmen-00 on 23 Feb 2015 02:36
Check your email often. There will be a letter from Liara somewhere in the middle of the game. She will ask you to meet her at the Citadel. This is the moment to get the trophy. Fly there, approach, talk, always choosing the top line.
By IcemanDX9 on 16 Mar 2013 21:48
Here is a list of those with whom you can get this achievement:

Miranda (male only, and from ME2 save transfer)
Ashley (male only, if she survived instead of Kaiden)
Diana Allers (Male/female)
Jack (male only, and from ME2 save transfer)
Kaiden (male/female, if he survived instead of Ashley)
Garrus (female only, and from ME2 save transfer)
Tali (male only, and from ME2 save transfer)
Samantha Traynor (female only)
Steve Cortez (male only)
Liara (male/female)

12 Mar 2012 21:04