Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements

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Explore a lost city.

How to unlock the Pathfinder achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

You get this Achievement from completing the 6. Priority Mission: Tuchanka (Krogen DMZ/Aralakh)

Hint: If you cure the Genophage you get +650 Krogen War Support and Mordin will die, if you dont you also get the +650 Krogen Support + 175 Support from the Salarians. Dont make any other difference?

As GrmRpr69 mentioned: If you imported a ME1->2 Savegame (?) and then Wrex is in the ME3 and he to see through you Plan to not cure the Genophage and you get only the Support from the Salarians. If you start a new ME3 Game without a Import, Wrex is not in ME3.

Playthrough Video:

07 Mar 2012 08:27

hey you might want to add this *******SPOILER ALERT*******

and gettin krogan an Salarians depends on if you have wrex or not if u have wrex u will lose the krogan support if u dont have Wrex as the leader then they wont find out via GUIDE from prima
By GrmRpr69 on 08 Mar 2012 02:52
You have only Wrex with you Import ME1/2 Savegame, else Wrax is not in ME3
By King fiShiZ on 08 Mar 2012 10:12
Thanks for the clarification. I have Wrex from my ME1 save and I'll remember to cure his species, loud and clear.
By NasriL11 on 09 Mar 2012 12:02
Rayearth If you import only ME2 save (I mean without ME1 data) Wrex is not present in ME3.
I read that if you cure the genophage, Mordin will die.
Any other consequences?
By Rayearth on 11 Mar 2012 10:34
No, i dont cure the genophage and you only speak to him in the last part of the game.
By King fiShiZ on 11 Mar 2012 11:03
I completed this mission and never unlocked the achievement...
By MossPenguin on 22 Feb 2014 03:45
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Story related, can't be missed.

Obtained: After completing the mission Priority: Tuchanka.


Story related. If you want more info, continue reading. Otherwise, know that this will unlock through the natural progression of the story.

Mission – Priority: Tuchanka
Acquisition - Automatic after leaving Sur'Kesh.

This mission will find you making your first big decision of the game. Whatever you decide, the trophy will unlock. This will become available after rescuing Eve from Sur’kesh and then searching for a lost turian squad on Tuchanka.

This mission and the aftermath are among the most epic moments in the entire trilogy. Enjoy it.

Insanity Tips:

  • Meet the ravagers. They are indoctrinated rachni and are basically walking turrets. They also have egg sacs that release tiny enemies called swarmers. Don’t worry so much about the cannibals. Take out the ravagers first from a distance. They’ll be by far your biggest problem the first time that you encounter them.
  • When the brute, husks, and cannibals arrive, run back and jump across the bridge that jumped over before. You’ll be too far away from most enemies and the husks and brute won’t be able to get to you. You can sit back and pick them off with ease.
  • If you find yourself getting swarmed by the reaper enemies, there is plenty of room to back off in this mission. Get some space between you and them and pick them off while they try to make up ground. This works in every situation in the lost city.
  • In the arena when you’re going for the hammers, you’ll start with one brute to deal with. Then two more will drop in front of both hammer. Because of my running around, I had four brutes at once that I was dodging and shooting at. And if that wasn’t enough, you also have reaper footsteps to worry about. The footstes are easy to avoid when there aren’t any brutes. If you see a shadow around you, run.
Story related. If you want more info, continue reading. Otherwise, know that this will unlock through the natural progression of the story.

Mission – Priority: Tuchanka
Acquisition - Automatic after leaving Sur'Kesh.

This mission will find you making your first big decision of the game. Whatever you decide, the trophy will unlock. This will become available after rescuing Eve from Sur’kesh and then searching for a lost turian squad on Tuchanka.
Receive for completing a quest from the leader of the Turians.

09 Mar 2012 11:22

1 Comment
Receive after completing Priority: Tuchanka
By Buscador on 17 Oct 2017 22:30