Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements

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Sky High

Sky High

Lift 100 enemies off the ground with powers.

How to unlock the Sky High achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

This achievement requires the player to personally lift or knock an enemy into the air with a power, such as Singularity or Concussive Shot. Squadmate powers will not count towards this achievement, even if you order them to use the power.

As long as the enemy's feet leave the ground, it'll count towards the achievement. Powers that will work are Singularity, Pull, Throw, Lift Grenade, Concussive Shot, Biotic Charge, Carnage* and Overload*. I've been told that Slam (DLC power) will not work even though the enemy is technically lifted into the air.

As with most other achievements in the game, you can continually reload your save to get the lifts using the same group of enemies. These will count across both single-player and multiplayer combined, so getting some in SP and some in MP is fine.

*Once they are maxed out.

06 Mar 2012 20:32

Slam does not count towards this achievement
By Prattalmighty on 09 Mar 2012 00:12
Throw also works as long as the enemy leaves the ground
By Menacing Scarab on 07 Mar 2012 01:48
Mine were just examples, but I'll put up a bigger list. :)
By SemanticV0id on 07 Mar 2012 06:28
I'm trying slam, but I haven't seen the counter appear indicating progress to the achievement. I'll keep trying it as I have no other "lift" powers.
By firehawk1234 on 08 Mar 2012 04:21
I may have misinformed you, and if that's true I'm sorry. However, you can check your achievement progress in the Extras of the Main Menu to see if your method is working.
By SemanticV0id on 08 Mar 2012 07:09
You can also use the ability carnage and upgrade it to knock people down and it does count towards the achievement. You can get this as a bonus ability if you get enough rep with james.
By NmE Se7enx on 08 Mar 2012 15:24
Lift grenades are a sentinel power in single player... And definitely work for the achy.
By WarpedLord on 08 Mar 2012 19:46
The vanguard's Biotic Charge ability also counts toward this achievement.
By Barnsley Pal on 08 Mar 2012 20:28
Yeah, as Barnsley Pal said, Biotic Charge works for this as well. I can confirm that because the achievement popped for me when I did a charge in multiplayer.
By Sparechange49 on 08 Mar 2012 21:10
whatever grenades the drell use in multiplayer makes this go really quick. got this before i finished the 3 matches in multiplayer acheivement.
By sirbradenwalker on 09 Mar 2012 06:23
I got this with a Soldier using Concussive-Shot...took a few matches and I had it.
By Wyrmser on 09 Mar 2012 17:26
Singularity + Concussive Shot works great in single player if you play as a soldier and have Liara in your party.
By Vermigs on 10 Mar 2012 19:53
Carnage in MP as a soldier works once you upgrade it to incapacitate, I had it done in a little over 1 match.
By Necron102 on 12 Mar 2012 02:32
I get the impression this will be easier to achieve in the MP. My Shepard is a solider so while I did keep trying to use Concussive Shot (fully upgraded) it didn't seem work at all. Think in over 35 hours of play I only managed to lift 15 enemies off the ground using Concussive Shot method.
By Han D Maiden on 12 Mar 2012 12:42
I used only Concussive Shot for this, and I lifted the enemies 100% of the time. It wasn't fully upgraded, either. I don't know for sure, but perhaps the enemy has to survive being lifted for it to count?
By SemanticV0id on 12 Mar 2012 21:24
overload maxed out works
By TRIBBLE21 on 13 Mar 2012 03:08
@Alderon - Lift Grenades are available to a Sentinel Shepard (it was a rubbish class in 1 and 2 so I never bothered with it but it seems pretty good in 3).
By Hirsute Dave on 14 Mar 2012 05:13
I noticed that when I was going for the Overload achievement, but thank you for reminding me.
By SemanticV0id on 14 Mar 2012 05:39
if you want to get it quickly play MP as an Adept & upgrade Singularity. Then fire it into a group of enemies,or where they spawn, not only will it lift them into the air, but if you've upgraded the duration time for Singularity, most enemies that pass by it will also get lifted up also
By wolfzero01 on 15 Mar 2012 23:01
I have Overload maxed out and it doesn't work. I think you have to have both chain damage ranks for it to work.
By Hasharin on 02 Aug 2012 21:42
My soldier Shep got it pretty quickly setting off explosions with Flare.
By simmias42 on 23 Dec 2012 23:22
Using the bonus ability Flare (unlocked in the Omega DLC) can work, but it is a little inconsistent. If the power kills the enemy straight away, it may not count for credit toward this achievement. Still, it's an option for Commanders who don't have other relevant abilities.
By STOFFELOPHAGUS on 11 Feb 2015 16:13
Lash also works, but is a bit inconsistent like with Flare
By Bjarke Brie on 29 Sep 2017 23:32
I confirm Lash works too. I was way short before the final assault, rearranged my powers to make Lash strongest. (Didn’t need to go invisible) Got chivo half way through battle. Lots of enemies to use it on!
By sandar666 on 06 May 2019 18:59
Lash worked great for me but I’d disagree with it being inconsistent at all. I just set the difficulty to narrative, imported a completed ME3 character, and had the achievement not long after entering the Mars base.
By thanatos8285 on 22 Sep 2021 06:02
Wish I had seen this...wasted a bunch of time with slam! Using carnage now, but will need to check progress as it seems to disentigrate anyone I hit with it.
By ScuzzyBunny on 09 Mar 2012 04:38
High-powered Overload seems to be able to do it too but it happens at random (other things nearby explode) and a maxed out Combat Drone (it has rockets) was also counting for me.
By Hirsute Dave on 10 Mar 2012 14:50
>Squadmate powers will not count towards this achievement, even if you order them to use the power.
That was the case in ME2. But I got the counter up to 83 using Liara'S Singularity. I don't know whether it was a bug or not because the counter didn't go up every time. Finished it in MP.

Multiplayer is the way to go! Takes 2 or 3 games max against easy enemies.
By Throni360 on 16 Mar 2013 09:09
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Don't want to reload a save over and over again? Don't want to inconvenience an online team with your constant use of Throw? Can you stomach the opening scene of the game again?

Start a new playthrough as a Sentinel. Change the difficulty to Narrative. You'll begin the game with Throw (that recharges within a second). *I did import a Level 30 ME2 Shepard. I'll have to confirm on a brand spanking new Hero.*

Start the game and go through the opening scenes where everyone realises they should have trusted our famed hero. Nothing like massive reaper death in an afternoon to help you re-evaluate your trust, eh? Get to the part where you meet the dying idiots on the ground who tell you to get down before you're seen (the shouting at you wouldn't give your position anyway or anything, right?). The game will insist that you press A to take cover but give the game the finger like the ending did to you and stand upright. Away from cover. You're a rebel, enjoy it. Screw you game.

This is where you'll get the achievement in less than 10 minutes. As long as you don't go to cover, Cannibals will spawn endlessly (up to 3 at a time). Press RB to use Throw, kill the enemy with your pistol and move on to the next. You cannot use Throw multiple times on the same target or it won't count. As a rule of thumb, if you've hurt it, you've thrown that fat little bugger.

As you are on Narrative and there's unlimited ammo pick-Ups, you'll never die or run out of ammo. Just aim a little above each enemy to send the power over the railings.

If you haven't got 5000 kills yet, this is a fantastic place to do so, but that's your decision to make, not mine. No indoctrination techniques from this guy... You will worship me... Nope? Damn.

EDIT: DakotaThrice has an alternate character class; "Imported a Vanguard from a previous games and used Biotic Charge. The recharge isn't as quick but the method works just as well"

11 May 2012 19:16

I imported my Vanguard from the previous games and used Biotic Charge. The recharge isn't as quick but the method works just as well and I'll have this not too far into the game even without grinding it out.
By DakotaThrice on 20 Jul 2012 09:15
Also want to add that lash works towards sky high
By Lil Silent One on 06 May 2014 23:10
I've added it to the solution, thanks very much. :)
By Crimson Ridley on 20 Jul 2012 10:12
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Don't want to reload a save over and over again? Don't want to inconvenience an online team with your constant use of Throw? Can you stomach the opening scene of the game again?

Start a new playthrough as a Sentinel. Change the difficulty to Narrative. You'll begin the game with Throw (that recharges within a second). *I did import a Level 30 ME2 Shepard. I'll have to confirm on a brand spanking new Hero.*

Start the game and go through the opening scenes where everyone realises they should have trusted our famed hero. Nothing like massive reaper death in an afternoon to help you re-evaluate your trust, eh? Get to the part where you meet the dying idiots on the ground who tell you to get down before you're seen (the shouting at you wouldn't give your position anyway or anything, right?). The game will insist that you press A to take cover but give the game the finger like the ending did to you and stand upright. Away from cover. You're a rebel, enjoy it. Screw you game.

This is where you'll get the achievement in less than 10 minutes. As long as you don't go to cover, Cannibals will spawn endlessly (up to 3 at a time). Press RB to use Throw, kill the enemy with your pistol and move on to the next. You cannot use Throw multiple times on the same target or it won't count. As a rule of thumb, if you've hurt it, you've thrown that fat little bugger.

As you are on Narrative and there's unlimited ammo pick-Ups, you'll never die or run out of ammo. Just aim a little above each enemy to send the power over the railings.

If you haven't got 5000 kills yet, this is a fantastic place to do so, but that's your decision to make, not mine. No indoctrination techniques from this guy... You will worship me... Nope? Damn.

EDIT: DakotaThrice has an alternate character class; "Imported a Vanguard from a previous games and used Biotic Charge. The recharge isn't as quick but the method works just as well"

11 May 2012 19:16

I imported my Vanguard from the previous games and used Biotic Charge. The recharge isn't as quick but the method works just as well and I'll have this not too far into the game even without grinding it out.
By DakotaThrice on 20 Jul 2012 09:15
I've added it to the solution, thanks very much. :)
By Crimson Ridley on 20 Jul 2012 10:12
Also want to add that lash works towards sky high
By Lil Silent One on 06 May 2014 23:10
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you can also get it in the dlc Citadel in the combat simulator

Lift 100 enemies off the ground with powers.
Overload the shields of 100 enemies.
Kill 100 enemies with melee attacks.
Perform any combination of 50 biotic combos or tech bursts
Kill 10 guardians with headshots from the front while their shields are raised
Set 100 enemies on fire with powers

i did 3 already using the combat simulator and they counted.

so if yo are missing some of like me dident got the 10 headshort in the rest of the game you can get them there also.

yust put it on easy only you so your teammates dont get the kill and keep playing the level till you get the achievements you want

22 Mar 2014 16:26

I just got this shortly after reaching Mars. On Earth, I used Throw on every enemy I saw, even using it while they were on the ground. When I reached the part when you use the radio, i continuously hit the enemies with Throw, not firing a shot and they just kept spawning. I was able to get 70 of the enemies in the air by the time I'd finished Earth, the other 30 I got shortly after reaching Mars.

Not sure if it was a glitch, but it worked for me, so let's hope it works for you guys.

24 Jul 2012 10:48

Lift is not actually a power itself. There are a few powers that make enemies fly off their feet. Examples would include Throw, Pull, Biotic Charge, Concussive Shot and Singularity. Despite lifting enemies in the air before dropping them, Slam does not.

Note: Even after dying, the ones you have obtained count. They count across all playthroughs as well as multiplayer (which you can play by yourself). Must be done by your Shep! Squad uses do not count.


You will need to be a Vanguard or an Adept for this trophy. Singularity, Pull, and Throw are the powers that you want to use. A Sentinal's Lift Grenade and a Soldier's Concussive Shot work as well. Surprisingly, Slam does not work. I used it quite a few times and not one use counted. Here’s the key part, YOU have to be the one with the ability and you have to use it. It will not count if you’re using the abilities of your squad mates.

As long as you have any of these powers, simply use them on 100 enemies. Any enemy that you lift off the ground in multiplayer counts towards your total. This can be done on any of the smaller enemies (not brutes, banshees, atlas mechs, and geth primes). There will be an abundance of these enemies, so you can get this fairly quickly.

You will need to be a Vanguard or an Adept for this trophy or use . Singularity, Pull, and Throw are the powers that you want to use. A Sentinal's Lift Grenade and a Soldier's Concussive Shot work as well. Surprisingly, Slam does not work. But, Singularity, Pull, Throw, Lift Grenade, Concussive Shot, Biotic Charge, Lash, and Flare will work. Garrus, Liara, or Javik have abilities that should work for this.

As long as you have any of these powers, simply use them on 100 enemies.

If you are not on a biotic class, completing the Omega DLC will give you the Lash ability. You can select that as a bonus ability in the medical bay.

You need to use the Throw skill, 100 times as it is written in the description, the Guardian has it, it is very easy to do at the minimum difficulty level, the enemies will almost not kill you, but you will, on the contrary.

07 Mar 2012 19:56

The only thing that helped was the “Scourge” skill I added to myself (played as a shooter).
The skills of his partners did not help: “Throwing grenades, Impact, Singularity, Rocket, Throw, as well as various combinations with them.”
By FallenAngel on 25 Dec 2022 18:27
Only the scout's whip worked, the rest of the clues were missing!
By Leyke123 on 08 Feb 2022 21:04
If you play as a Guardian, you can get it in the prologue. Upgrade your toss grenades and use them whenever possible. Grenades are very powerful and can be thrown at up to five enemies at a time. With some simple arithmetic you can calculate the number of uses - not that many. This is also a very effective way to deal with Cerberus GUARDS.
By DGenius on 17 Mar 2012 14:39
I play as a “Scout”, the bonus skill “Scourge” recently became available, and in only one mission , Arrae: Former Cerberus Scientists, I have already thrown up 60 enemies, and this is on the “Madness” difficulty level. So feel free to attach this skill to those classes that by default cannot throw up enemies and the trophy is yours.
By madfire01 on 26 Jun 2021 12:11
When playing as a soldier, we “attach” the Strike ability to him - each use counts, even if the enemy did not fly up high.
By xmen-00 on 23 Feb 2015 02:39
The hint from xmen-oo does not work, nothing is counted. This is written on foreign forums, I regret that I believed this insanity. Don't waste your time in general, "hitting" doesn't count for this trophy. A soldier's stun shot counts 100%.
By Punisher on 08 Jul 2018 09:54
Used Liara's singularity and everything counted. Maybe the trick is that using the ability must be done through the tactical screen, and not given for independent use
By Baka-sama on 27 Mar 2023 23:29
I hit the trophy, but for some reason the system does not report how many shots were made, the trophy fell out
By Nefron on 17 Sep 2021 15:04
When playing as a Soldier, we use Stunning Shots. The main thing is to use them on an enemy without armor or shields.
By SmiT on 22 Mar 2012 16:30
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For those playing as a scout, DO NOT waste time on Liara's Singularity or the extra. Throw ability, they do NOT count towards the trophy. All you need is extra in the medical compartment. ability "Scourge", after which I took the trophy in just a couple of missions. For those who don’t know, it will become available after the release of Omega

24 Jan 2022 00:56