Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

68 Achievements


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Technical Issues

Technical Issues

Investigate a strange occurrence in the combat simulator.



How to unlock the Technical Issues achievement in Mass Effect 3 - Definitive Guide

Here is a little walkthrough:

First of all you will need to play a few games in the Combat Arena for some Tokens to buy some upgrades from the Armax store:

Bronze Token (1) for the Spin Zone map.
Silver Tokens (7 or 8) for Difficulty/Score modifiers, Elite enemies and Reapers.
Gold Token (2) for Super Elite enemies and Collectors.
(Remember you can cash in 1 Gold for 3 Silver and 1 Silver for 3 Bronze).
(Thanks to eViL mOnKeY 270 for pointing out that you need to unlock enemy factions as well).

Once done, head down to the Combat Sim Controls and check your messages, there should be one named "Unusual Scores" in which you are asked to help the Armax IT people find a bug in the program.
This will contain of 3 matches:

1. Finish a game against Super Elite enemies.
- Map: Wingman
- Enemy: Reapers recommended, but any enemy will do
- Challenge: Super Elite
- Score modifier: Whatever you like

From the starting point, turn left and into the far corner on the lowest floor.
Get youself behind the very last cover point and place your squad mates at the two cover points before you.
You should be able to pick off enemies from quite a distance.
Banshees only show up in the last wave.
Also, do not run for the bonuses as the game could make this safe place a spawn zone.

2. You get the message "Early Testing Results".
You will need to finish a game with maxmimum score bonus.
Turn on:
- No Medi-Gel
- One-Shot Player Shields
- Enhanced Enemy Shiels
- Enemy Damage Boost
- No Placed Ammo
This will net you 60% score bonus.
- Do NOT select Player Damage Boost!

- Map: Wingman
- Enemy: Whatever you want
- Challenge: Foot Soldiers

Same tactic as before

3. You get the message "Memory Leak Isolated".
You will have to finish a game against Elite Geth on Spin Zone with "Enhanced Enemy Shields" on.

- Map: Spin Zone
- Enemy: Geth
- Challenge: Elite
- Score Modifier: Enhanced Enemy Shields
You can also select Enhanced Damage Boost if you want.

Set it up this way and you will notice that the map will go all crazy.
You will face a total of 5 Waves against Super Elites only.
Waves 1-4 will be Super Elites from one enemy faction per wave.
Wave 5 will have only boss-level enemies from all factions combined.
A good point to stay would be the area just in front of you after starting, the L-shaped cover.

After completing all 5 waves, you will get the achievement.

Oh and if you really have difficulties accomplishing any of those, just set the "Combat Difficulty" setting in the options menu to "Narrative".

Piece of cake doesn't even describe it.

05 Mar 2013 21:46

You also need to unlock the collectors
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 05 Mar 2013 22:38
Thanks, I'll add it.
By SirLugash on 05 Mar 2013 22:42
Top-notch solution. Thanks for this! +1
By BLAZE VII on 06 Mar 2013 10:57
Well written, accurate and detailed guide, basically perfection. Thanks very much
By IVIr IVIeNsA on 07 Mar 2013 06:30
Wow, this one seems like a bit of an effort but is the last achievement in the game (and entire trilogy for that matter) that I need. Will get going on this once I go back on. Cheers!
By Marc Pilkington on 07 Mar 2013 17:47
And after doing it just now, had a blast on that last bit! Thanks again.
By Marc Pilkington on 08 Mar 2013 15:22
Where is the combat arena?
By HookEmHorns1985 on 09 Mar 2013 23:18
Nevermind I found it lol. Great guide btw!
By HookEmHorns1985 on 09 Mar 2013 23:21
Where is the combat arena?
By HookEmHorns1985 on 09 Mar 2013 23:22
So, have you found the Combat Arena? xD
If not, after leaving your apartment, just run straight and you'll find the entrance ^^
By SirLugash on 10 Mar 2013 03:21
To get the "unusual scores" message you have to buy all the stuff from the bronze, silver, and gold shops.
By MytJAKE on 20 Mar 2013 08:15
Your guide says for the second battle you should enable all negative power boosts but that you should NOT enable the positive player damage boost. However another person's guide says you are permitted to use the positive player damage boost. Who is right, who is wrong?
By MajimaActual on 26 Mar 2013 16:12
Confirmed that you are permitted to use the positive player damage boost in battle #2. I got the achievement just fine.
By MajimaActual on 26 Mar 2013 16:39
Thanks for the heads up.
In the message you receive it's said that you should have maximum score bonus, which implies that positive bonuses shouldn't be used, at least that's what I understood.
I will update the my guides soon with the updates you guys brought to light.

Thanks again.
By SirLugash on 26 Mar 2013 18:43
narrative to normal works, but didn't get the message to start the achievement until I had done two other cheevos for the dlc in the armory
By SLEWDOG on 20 Jun 2013 04:07
worked like a charm....but when I did it with another profile I had to put all the modifiers on including enhanced damage boost for player...don't know why
By SLEWDOG on 09 Jul 2013 22:59
Anyone know the bonus or multiplier for Elite and Super Elite enemies, compared to Foot Soldiers?
By ClaytThaGreat on 28 Jul 2013 17:07
Can't tell you, honestly.
If you need gold coins just fight Super Elites on Narrative difficulty.
By SirLugash on 28 Jul 2013 19:13
Your match setup fits into every match description, so I wouldn't expect any problems.
The details for the first two matches were just recommendations from me which I found easy to accomplish.
By SirLugash on 18 Sep 2013 10:45
How long does it take for the email to show up?????????
By Darkness727420 on 01 May 2020 06:13
Nope, at least not all team mate unlocks (bronze), I'm not sure on all the maps but since you only need one specific map I'd say you don't need them all either.
I'm going to test that out in a couple of days though.
By SirLugash on 20 Mar 2013 19:05
After unlocking all that was needed; I set my match up for Spin Zone, with Super Elite Geth, and all modifiers on (including player damage increase) with any squad members. Then just did the same match repeatedly, only having to read the emails between matches.
By Azzrik on 18 Sep 2013 10:10
Just to let everybody knows: I did the mirror match for the other achievement, and it counted as a match against super elite enemies. So if you want to purchase everything, and then do both matches in one, it will work. Also, you will probably get the achievement for the score in the last match from this achievement, so if you go on at least normal difficulty, you can actually grab all the achivements while going for this one.
By Danifitti on 14 Apr 2023 16:29
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You will need to have played a number of games and got some high scores to unlock all the extras needed to make this achievement accessible.

Personally I unlocked all the maps, all the multipliers and all extra opponents so that I could do some of the other email requests that come in, but you could limit it to:

1 Bronze Token for the Spin Zone map.
8 Silver Tokens for Difficulty/Score modifiers, Elite enemies and Reapers.
2 Gold Token for Super Elite enemies and Collectors.

You unlock different tokens depending on how you scored in the arena and then can go to the Armax stores and cash in your credits for the extra variables mentioned above.

Once you have an email named "Unusual Scores" in the mailbox near the high score section of the combat zone, which you are asked to help find a bug in the system.

There will be 3 matches you need to complete, each with a few variables active but the rest however you like. You can also do this on the lowest difficulty if you wish which can make the achievement much easier to obtain.

1. Finish a game against Super Elite enemies.
- Map: Whatever you like
- Enemy: Whatever you like
- Challenge: Super Elite
- Score multiplier: Whatever you like

2. You will now get the email "Early Testing Results".
You will need to finish a game with all the multipliers turned on.
Turn on:
- No Medi-Gel
- One-Shot Player Shields
- Enhanced Enemy Shiels
- Enemy Damage Boost
- No Placed Ammo
This will net you 60% score bonus. But YOU CAN also add the Player Damage Boost multiplier which removes 10% meaning you can have a 50% score bonus and still progress.

- Map: Whatever you like
- Enemy: Whatever you want
- Challenge: Foot Soldiers is easiest.
- Score Multipliers as above. I selected all of them.

3. You will now get the email "Memory Leak Isolated".
You will have to finish a game against Elite Geth on Spin Zone with "Enhanced Enemy Shields" on.

- Map: Spin Zone
- Enemy: Geth
- Challenge: Elite
- Score Modifier: Enhanced Enemy Shields
You can also select Enhanced Damage Boost if you want.

Set it up this way and you will notice that the map will go all crazy.
You will face a total of 5 Waves against Super Elites only.
Waves 1-4 will be Super Elites from one enemy faction per wave.
Wave 5 will have only boss-level enemies from all factions combined.
A good point to stay would be the area just in front of you after starting, the L-shaped cover.

After completing all 5 waves, you will get the achievement.

Oh and if you really have difficulties accomplishing any of those, just set the "Combat Difficulty" setting in the options menu to "Narrative".

*********Some credit needs to go to SirLugash who created a guide above of which I partly used as a template. I started doing his guide and realised I didn't have to do it all his way and unlocked the achievement no problem.************

08 Mar 2013 00:55

Okay guys short and sweet guide here because this achievement is NOT HARD and takes very little effort if done right.

1. Set the difficulty to narrative (trust me its a cake walk)
2. Buy EVERYTHING the arena has to offer so you can complete all of the challenges presented to you.
3. When you complete a challenge open your emails again to get new challenges and to collect rewards.
4. On narrative the only fight that will cause any harm AT ALL is the final fight simply because their are so many tough enemies but you should have little problem taking them out if you got this far.

Video below showing the final battle (the only one that presents a challenge) being done in narrative mode.

16 Mar 2013 18:29

There are a few prerequisites before you can start this quest: you need to collect all the add-on's to the arena.

Bronze: maps (Spin Zone, Prime Evil, The Armax Classic, Pain Train, Brimstone)
Silver: modifiers (all), Reaper Combat set, Elite Challenge
Gold: Collector Combat set, Super Elite Challenge, Mirror Match Combat set

You can get points for these doing the simulator. The simulator has other quests, so if you're doing those, you'll end up getting most of these anyway.

An email will show up on the terminal after you have all of the above. It'll be called 'Unusual Scores' and the IT people will be asking you to help them look for some bugs.

It's basically a set of three matches.

For the first two matches, play as you feel comfortable. It's basic simulator stuff, if you've played all the simulator missions before this, you should know how to play the first two.

The first quest is to finish a game with 'Super Elite' enemies.
- Choose any enemy class as long as you choose the super elite level.
- Maps, squad members, modifiers, etc, none of that matters; so feel free to go wild.

You'll get an email with the next quest labled 'Early Testing Results' and a reward of a Sniper Rifle High-Velocity Barrel.

The second quest is to finish a game with 'Maximum Score Bonus'.
The IT team wants you to use the modifiers. So turn on no medi-gel, one-shot player shields, enhanced enemy shields, enemy damage boost, and no placed ammo. You can not turn on the player damage boost or it will not count.
- Maps, squad members, enemy class, enemy level, go wild.

Afterward you'll get an email called 'Memory Leak Isolated' with the next quest and a reward of Pistol Power Magnifier.

The third quest is a bit more complicated.
- Spin Zone (map)
- Geth (enemies)
- Elite (difficulty/level)
- Enhanced enemy shields (modifiers)

My choice of squad mates is probably what made this fight harder for me, so I'd recommend choosing a balanced team that can fight Cerberus, Geth, Reapers, and Collectors because this fight is a collection of high level bosses in one wave.

There are a total of five waves. All of these waves can be overwhelming if not careful. Do /not/ let them pin you down in a corner. Combat drones and sentry turrets are your friends. I also recommend constantly moving; the praetorian will come at you and if they get to close, they have an insta-kill attack.

Wave number five combines all the enemies from the previous waves. If you die, it's game over.

If all fails, you can always turn the combat down to Narrative.

27 Mar 2014 05:13

This is the most annoying trophy in the DLC and it's a three stage mission. You'll need to do quite a few runs through the combat simulator and purchase most, if not all combat modifiers and challenge levels to be able to go for this trophy. Like with your personal terminal, there will be an email box where you receive messages when setting up Arena matches. The message that you're looking for is called "Unusual Scores." You'll be asked to fight a super-elite opponent in the Arena.

After finishing the super-elite opponent match, you'll be asked to start a new match with all of the modifiers active. The challenge level and opponents don't matter here, so put it on the easiest type.

The last part is to play on Spin Zone with geth elites and enhanced enemy shields enabled. Things will go haywire pretty quickly and you'll be fighting seemingly every type of difficult enemy. The breakdown of the different waves is below. Once you complete all five ways, this will unlock.

Round 1 - Praetorians and Abominations
Round 2 - Geth Primes and Geth Pyros
Round 3 - Dragoons and Atlases
Round 4 - Banshees and Husks
Round 5 - Atlases, Banshees, Praetorians, and Geth Primes


To begin the combat simulator, you will first need to complete the main story. After completion, you will be sent an email with a complimentary pass to compete in the simulator. When you have read the email, proceed to the Armax Arena and talk to the hologram up the stairs and to the left. When you are finished talking to the hologram, head down the stairs, in the center of the room, with a barrier, that says, 'Athletes Only', to a terminal where you can set your options and begin combat missions in the simulator.

After you have played some matches, you will begin to get requests on the simulator terminal, that are just set options that people want you to compete with. Keep completing matches, fulfilling peoples requests and buying the prizes/upgrades from the token stores. Eventually you will get a request from AAA Information Technology Dept, entitled 'Unusual Scores'. You are being recruited to help find a bug in the system and you will need to complete 3 matches with the set conditions to unlock this achievement. The first match you will need to fight super elite enemies, the second match, you will need to complete a match with all of the multipliers turned on and the third match, you will need to complete on the map 'Spin Zone', against Geth elite enemies, with enhanced enemy shields enabled.

After finishing the third match the achievement will unlock.

Complete all tasks in the combat simulator! The task can be obtained in the mail on the right in the match settings of the simulator!

07 Mar 2013 18:42

1 Comment
In addition to completing all the tasks that come to the combat simulator’s email, you need to buy all the simulator’s upgrades, which are sold for gold, silver and bronze tokens. Only after this you will receive an email about an error in the combat simulator.
By oper52 on 08 Mar 2013 22:54
Complete all the tasks for the arena and later missions from the IT department will appear. After completing them you will receive the achievement

09 Mar 2013 10:02

1 Comment
you need to score more than 10200 points (my opponent was Cerberus), after that a message will come from IT and the quest will begin
By Sanek_Igrok on 17 Apr 2021 18:46