Mass Effect: Andromeda
55 Achievements
Single Player
Hit an enemy with a thrown enemy 25 times. (Single-Player)
How to unlock the Fastball achievement in Mass Effect: Andromeda - Definitive Guide
Ok so to get these throws to actually count you need to be using throw at a short range to your target,about 3-5 feet away.Attempts from longer distances don't seem to count for some reason. To recap and clarify: Unlock the 'Pull' & 'Throw' abilities in Biotics,use 'Pull' but keep the button held in so it pulls the enemy to you,then line up a target at 'POINT BLANK RANGE' (the closer the better) & the use 'Throw' to take out your target.Shielded enemies can't be 'pulled' or 'thrown' so only do this on enemies with just a red health bar.If you hit 2 enemies in the same throw it will count for 2.This is still not foolproof,the odd attempt will not count but if it doesn't then you probably weren't close enough.
I hope this clarifies things for people & once again,all credit goes to Vash8806 for making this discovery through trial & error.
Tip from Vash8806 for those of you were this is not tracking: "pull an enemy (holding the button, of course), get right up in your target's face, then use throw."
It seems as though this isnt getting tracked by people using this strategy from a distance. Just grab your guy. Bring him to his friend. Make them kiss.
A great area to do this is in Havarl's wilderness because there are a lot of Charyllions that you just can spam pull-throws until the achievement pops.
Activate your achievement tracker and you'll see that the impacts take between 2 and 4 seconds to register. I discovered this randomly because I'm in my 2nd playthrough (1st was on PC) while doing the quest of scanning the mutated creatures.
Give it a try!
All you have to do then, is Pull an enemy (shielded enemies wont work) and use Throw while aimed at another enemy. You will know you hit them when you see a big red X signifying the hit between enemies.
Do this 25 times for the trophy.
This trophy can only be earned in single player.
You will need to use the Pull (Biotic Skill tree) and Throw (Biotic Skill tree) together to attempt this trophy. Holding the Pull button allows you to suspend unshielded enemies above ground beside you, and pressing the Throw button flings the enemy wherever you aim at. So Pull enemies toward you, and use Throw to fling them at other enemies by aiming at them 25 times to unlock this trophy.
Note: Make sure to throw enemies onto foes that are relatively closeby, as it won't count if the enemies are at a medium distance and farther.
Fastball Video Guide:
You will need the "Pull" (Biotic) and "Throw" (Biotic) skills to unlock this achievement. You can only pull enemies once their shields and/or armor have been removed (and it still won't work on some enemies), so once you see an enemy of this type, press and HOLD the button that Pull is mapped to. While pulling the enemy (they'll float next to you), aim at a different one and PRESS the button that Throw is mapped to. If they collide, you will see a small biotic explosion. Repeat 24 more times to unlock. Must be done in SP.
NOTE: You could technically get this with only the "Throw" ability and wait for enemies to line up on their own, but it's much less effective than Pulling them first and being able to aim.
NOTE 2: The tracking on this doesn't seem to work unless you're very close to the enemy you throw at. Grab someone and then walk right up in another enemy's face to make sure it counts.
It is enough to be at close range. And one more aspect. If you have done it more than 25 times, and the trophy still does not fall, then you most likely have a bug with progress. You just need to restart the game.
First, we pull the enemy towards us by holding down the Pull button, then we aim at the enemy and press the Throw skill.
It is best to aim at enemies without armor or shields.