Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda

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Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire

Direct your Remnant VI to attack each type of Remnant enemy. (Single-Player)



How to unlock the Friendly Fire achievement in Mass Effect: Andromeda - Definitive Guide

Some minor spoilers will be present in this solution

When starting the game, the Remnant VI ability will be locked and unavailable to you. In order to unlock the skill, you must complete the first few steps in Peebee's loyalty quest line which should start shortly after meeting her if you speak to her on-board the Tempest. You will not be able to complete this before gaining access to the second major open world, Voeld. When unlocked, the skill will show up in the Tech skill tree with 1 free skill point already assigned to it.

Controlling the VI is rather straightforward. Tap whatever button it is assigned to with weapons drawn (does not have to be in combat) to summon the VI. Once summoned, tapping the button again will cause the VI to target whatever enemy you are pointed at. Holding the button will cause the VI to self destruct. The VI will follow you around, even with weapons put away, until destroyed, entering the Nomad, or entering the Tempest.

Note: To earn progress on this achievement, make sure to remember and use the targeting input and then allow the VI to attack each Remnant type. The VI getting a killing blow is unnecessary, but it must actually deliver an actual attack.

List of Remnant types that must be targeted:
* Assembler
* Breacher
* Observer
* Nullifier
* Destroyer (both body and turret)
* Architect (increasingly sounding like only the leg needs to be targeted)


* For the Architect, these are in limited supply. These are gigantic Remnant who function as large boss battles. I have currently encountered 4 of them, one on Eos, Voeld, Kadara, and Eladeen. Each is related to a quest gained after settling an outpost, with Eos also needing the radiation to completely clear. I am rather certain that Havarl doesn't have one.

* If you are having trouble finding a Destroyer spawn, I believe there is a respawn location in the Remnant Abyss on the north side of the map of Havarl. Turns out I got my underground Remnant areas mixed up.
The respawning Destroyer I was thinking of is actually in an unmarked vault area on the far eastern edge of the Eos map. It is the endpoint for the quest Task: The Ghost of Promise, for those that managed to complete that quest.

* There is actually a small bug-like Remnant (Creeper) that I am uncertain if it counts towards this achievement. I have doubts that it does as it doesn't appear in the codex. They spawn frequently around larger Remnant locations, in particular those on the surface of Eos, though I have encountered them in other locations. If you are having trouble and tried everything else, try getting the VI to target one of them.

* I cannot personally confirm that you need to target both parts of the destroyer or architects. Enough people have suggested this as solution to problems that they were having that I would suggest making sure to target both portions of both enemies just to make sure.
Enough people have been saying they didn't need to target the architects head I'm beginning to believe this isn't necessary. You may want to target the head when you get the chance just to make sure anyway.

* It has been suggested that the stand-alone Remnant turrets count the same as the Destroyer turrets.

* I can't confirm the above because I can confirm this, the VI MUST attack the target after you tell it to for it to register towards the achievement and the Nullifiers' shield WILL interfere with this. I was certain I had my VI attack them all but the achievement didn't unlock. What finally allowed it to unlock was to have my VI target a nullifier while I distracted it allowing the VI an unobstructed view of the back of the nullifier.

03 Apr 2017 22:49

Can confirm that the end boss counts for this. So if you miss it like I did you can just play the last mission again from the auto save it makes at the start of each mission smile
By Albert Scale on 06 Apr 2017 09:45
There's one in Kadara. Talk to Christmas at the outpost for the quest
By ChickenDroppins on 07 Apr 2017 11:10
Yep like Albert Scale mentioned, end boss does count. It popped for me there.
By SnipedByAGir1 on 07 Apr 2017 12:24
I only had to direct the Remnant VI to attack an architect leg, as soon as it did the achievement unlocked.
By Schinderdiv on 08 Apr 2017 08:38
No attack needed! Unlocked just fine while pressing LB without entering combat (no attack). The order counts, not the actual fighting.
By Tenreth on 09 Apr 2017 22:15
+1 to Banjos comment. Only had to hit Architects leg. :D Great guide tho!
By ChooseMyFate on 12 Apr 2017 04:51
Another +1 here for the Architect. Attacked the legs only and achievement popped.
By Rogue 3k on 14 Apr 2017 09:10
Have been manually ordering the VI like crazy, but nothing works. Still at 0 %.
By RedJimi on 18 Apr 2017 00:04
So, I'm low level and can't deal with the Architect yet. I hung around and had the VI attack it just to register and no achievement. Since I lost, can I just resume the game and try the common enemies again (will it remember that the architect had been hit?)

I'm certain I hit everything.. not sure what I'm missing
By Shred Asics 13 on 22 Apr 2017 19:56
Does it record progress on your profile or the save? Ive fought all enemies and directed the attacks to each kind, but keep dying since I'm on Insane at the moment.

EDIT: Yes you can direct an attack an die and it will still count.
By Senseless Ogre on 30 Apr 2017 15:47
Another confirmation that you don't need to hit the architect in the head - this actually progressed really quickly for me, meeting common enemies on the surface, the destroyer and nullifier in vaults and then popped across to Eos to meet my first architect and it unlocked within seconds of the battle starting. No issues at all.
By The Reverend JC on 05 May 2017 00:53
In regards to having to attack the final boss for this achievement to pop:
By R3CON 28 on 08 May 2017 00:04
Thanks for the tips, especially about making sure the VI lands an attack on the Nullifier. I upvoted, but can you please remove the wording about targeting both the architect's head and legs entirely? Like where it says you should do it "just to make sure anyway." It flat-out isn't necessary and I think the guide should just say that instead of creating confusion or doubt over it.
By Lt Davo on 17 May 2017 20:14
The Architect on Voeld is found during the missing science crew mission. Southeast of the map.
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 04 Jun 2017 03:36
i'm getting pissed off with these lazy programer's not using the achievement tracker not a clue what i need and i have all ready killed all 4 arcitects looks like have try it on 2nd playthrough another pointlress achieve on a this shit game
By Goggs25 on 15 Jun 2017 09:46
Your screenshot no longer works.
By Epsilon Theta on 23 Jul 2017 21:26
I have had the IV attack everything but an architect at this point and cheev is still at 0%. Is that typical?
By SallyNasty on 21 Sep 2017 16:48
Good detail in this solution. I saved the Architect for last and then targeted only the leg. Achievement then popped at that point, so definitely no need to go for the Architect's head/face.
By Runner7922 on 28 Oct 2017 15:16
I had the same experience as Runner7922.
By I Argonaut I on 17 Nov 2017 13:52
I can also confirm the end boss counts as that's where I unlocked it for myself just now...
By Acurate Bob on 20 Nov 2018 10:53
There must have been updates because I got it not long ago as I targeted the leg of an Architect when the fight began. I don't know what the end boss looks like yet, I still have to hunt the Archon.
By Chief Redrum on 04 Aug 2022 15:36
I did just unlock this on the final boss. No clue if I ever attacked an Architect since I took a massive break from the game most of the way through lmao
By PangoBara on 25 Oct 2023 02:02
You have to kill a Destroyer during the mission "Earn Your Badge". It was the last one I needed and the achievement unlocked the first time I targeted it, so I don't think you need to target both parts.
By HolyHalfDead on 23 Mar 2020 02:30
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Remnant vi is unlocked through peebee's loyalt side quest.
After obtaining the v1 you need select it as an ability in the tech tree.
There are a total of 6 different kinds of remnant
- observer
- Breacher
- Assembler
- destroyer
- architect

The architect is the only remnant that isn't a common type,
It is a hidden boss located on the planet eos. After activating the vault on the planet of eos allow some time to pass and soon return to eos and the atmosphere should have cleared up allowing you to travel on foot and not die of radiation

There will be a side quest about the colonist complaining about quakes and the water Persue this quest to unearth the architect

24 Mar 2017 04:47

Jesus getting the VI to kill an Architect is gonna be cancerrr especially with your squad just popping off rounds and abilities
By Im Revv on 24 Mar 2017 13:02
so is that the only architect in the game??? if so this is very very missable and i am t totally fucked as ive already defeated it... and also its not kill just ATTACK so no big deal on that front im revv
By R3f1CuL on 24 Mar 2017 14:15
also i guess this isnt tracking for me ... ive even went to the point of making sure to call my team mates away and making sure its killing those enemies (which is counting on the 100 for that) achs in this game are a glitchy messy POS
By R3f1CuL on 24 Mar 2017 14:23
There are four architects in the game, and you only need to have the Remnant ATTACK each enemy type, not kill them.
By Za Pantsupati on 24 Mar 2017 15:58
yea i figured out about the other architects on the main planets ... but also doesnt help me when the ach clearly isnt tracking for shit angry
By R3f1CuL on 24 Mar 2017 16:12
BuildAWall you should post this solution in the Mastermind achievement as well. Both of the guides over there don't explain how to get the construct.
By Erwo the Elder on 24 Mar 2017 18:25
i think attacking the architects legs don't count, has to be his head...which i thought i did...
By Ultamisia on 24 Mar 2017 22:16
Damn, I already killed all the architects.
By Leafs17 on 24 Mar 2017 22:30
ugh i give up ... ive tried switching gear, supporting skills in the other bumpers, squad mates, planets, fully upgrading the stupid remnant and not a god damn thing to show for it despite me doing exactly whats needed :(
By R3f1CuL on 25 Mar 2017 00:14
Yep attacked all types my achievement is sitting at 0% even made sure to attack the guns on destroyers nothing. More than one achievement in this game is screwed up. GG Bioware
By a banned flask on 25 Mar 2017 01:55
OK I finally got it and heres what i can confirm i hit. I made sure it hit enemies after shields down if it had one and they observer, breacher, assembler, nullifier, destroyer( body and gun), and architect legs and head. Can 100% confirm you need both on architect as my achievement popped fighting the 2nd one after it shot its leg.
By a banned flask on 25 Mar 2017 17:18
Yeah, you should definitely add in your description that for the Destroyers you need to hit both the body AND a turret. And the Architects need to be hit in the legs and head. Just got it to pop because I apparently never had my VI hit a Destroyer turret
By Alex Sobecki on 25 Mar 2017 22:53
I can confirm that the achievement has no tracking when working correctly as I unlocked it with 0% progress before getting the last one I needed (some other achievements, like leveling ones, don't have tracking either). I used the remnant VI in a vault, got all the normal remnant, and then fought an architect and the achievement unlocked when I commanded it to attack one of the legs. I never upgraded the remnant VI at all either and just had its first slot.
By JRod365 on 26 Mar 2017 05:39
How do you get the VI to actually attack a target? mine seems to wander aimlessly around firing at random shit.
By count023 on 27 Mar 2017 12:02
I have attacked each Remnant several times this is BS angry
By Arador on 30 Mar 2017 11:26
Mine popped on the final boss.
By Leafs17 on 30 Mar 2017 22:01
To throw some confusion in mine popped after just targeting the leg of an Architect, it never touched the head.
By samsaBEAR on 30 Mar 2017 22:46
Mine never targeted a leg, just the head.
By Leafs17 on 31 Mar 2017 15:15
This achievement is dumb. Too much parsing of what the Remnant did and did not hit. Just getting the damn thing and having it attack one other Remnant should be more than good enough. Overkill BioWare.
By CracklyKlover on 01 Apr 2017 14:06
This achievement is dumb. Too much parsing of what the Remnant did and did not hit. Just getting the damn thing and having it attack one other Remnant should be more than good enough. Overkill BioWare.
By CracklyKlover on 01 Apr 2017 15:32
I got it only attacking an Architect in the leg. Also, Turrets that are by themselves count too if you did not get a Destroyer's Turret targeted.
By Seeker74 on 02 Apr 2017 01:51
Maybe a silly question, but what's the best way to advance the Peebee: Secret Project? I'm at the point where it's on hold as I wait for Peebee to learn more about the remnant. I'll really anxious to finish that side mission so I can get the remnant Vi and start working on this achievement. Should I do the side missions and vaults on Voeld and Havarl? Or am I better off doing the priority missions instead? Which one will get me to Peebee's mission quicker?
By Hunter Kahn on 02 Apr 2017 05:00
It's not that hard, really. I got it yesterday and as soon as I got the VI, I went to the architect. I didn't killed the giant beast and died when I faced it. After reloading I went to the vault and got the observer and the assembler on the way. In the vault I found the rest of the enemies you need for the achievement. So it's 100% sure the system keeps track of what is killed or just hit even after reloading.
By Moliitov on 06 Apr 2017 06:45
no idea where to get a destroyer. There was one in one of the first worlds, now I am nearing the end of the game and have never seen another one.
By Dr Scruffleton on 08 Apr 2017 16:42
Can confirm you need to attack a Destroyers turret, as soon as my VI attacked the turret the Achievement finally popped for me
By Arador on 11 Apr 2017 08:07
This unlocked when i faced an architect and aimed for the legs the cheev popped before i get the head phase
By jumpin jonny on 21 Apr 2017 15:23
1. what about the little bug bot remnant? I went after one just to be safe.

2. My own experience was that the drone needed to attack, but not kill. What's more, the achievement didn't pop until I attacked the head of the Architect as well as the leg.

My take is that the achievement is slightly glitchy.
By Metroidkillah on 24 Apr 2017 17:20
After 2 complete runthroughs i have directed the Remnant VI to shoot at every part of every Remnant i encountered and still no achievement.
By JOKERMAN50 on 26 Apr 2017 06:58
I got the achievement targeting a Destroyer turret; it didn't require the body. And the achievement popped as soon as I directed the VI to attack the turret. It didn't even actually fire.
By Crusader4Reason on 09 Jun 2017 00:27
I've been seeing people having trouble with achievements if you don't let your system connect to ea in the opening screen. The game will let you resume play without connecting. I know the 15 load screens are annoying at "bleep" and that waiting a few moments to connect is annoying but I believe that is the problem.
By Erwo the Elder on 25 Mar 2017 03:33
Just to add my observation: I kept pointing the VI to all the enemies during vault runs and checked off all the small enemies from the list. Then when I met an architect, I pointed the VI at its leg and this popped the second the VI opened fire on it.
By Tuxie Duck on 02 Apr 2017 11:06
If your like me and killed all the architect before you knew about this achievement then there is still because
By I KICKER I on 02 Apr 2017 19:19
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11 Apr 2017 00:50

Just to add to the above solutions.

My progress tracker never once moved and I thought I would never get the achievement. However it popped once hit a destroyer.

There's a simple way to tell if your order has registered, once you tap the order button look at the bottom right corner of the screen, the save symbol occurs whenever you order your remnant.

So if like me your tracker is not working just make sure that save symbol appears.

Also don't worry about kills this is purely for ordering the remnant. To make it easier set the button either Lb or Rb rather than the middle.

12 Jun 2017 19:24

**You get the VI by following Peebees' quests line; and you'll want to max out the skill. You will also have to wait until the radiation is clear, as you will not be able to get to the areas. I went back after clearing the Aya questline up to when you go to the Vault. You may be able to do it sooner, but I was trying to clear sidequests.**

The best way to get this is with the 'Making an Impression' side quest on Eos. It is given to you by Hainly Abrams. The stages of the questline will make Remnant spawn for your VI to target. Set the VI to a main skill button [I used R1] spawn him before the fight and once it recharges use the skill again while targeted on a Remnant and it will attack. Be sure to move your squadmates away from the fight: I made sure to see the VI attack just in case.

If you miss any during the initial stages, you will fight a massive Remnant Architect and during the stages of the fight he will spawn waves of Remnant [be sure to target it and it is also required]. The one 'missable' is a Destroyer, as it isn't spawned during this questline. You can find one on Eos by exploring or by the 'Ghost of Promise' quest in a vault. It is located straight east from the vault on the lake. When you use the control panel it will open the door on the far end and it will appear. It's not a pushover with both Shields and Armor so be prepared for a fight.

These are the ones required:
1. Breacher
2. Assembler
3. Observer
4. Nullifier *Edit: Be sure the shield is down!*
5. Destroyer
6. Architect

03 Apr 2017 16:24

Shield do have to be down on the Nullifers. As for specific points so long as the specific Remnant was was targeted and hit it counts; my trophy popped after targeting the legs and VI attacking. What probably happened is that it targeted but didn't attack due to it getting destroyed or accidently re-targeted, or respawned and attacked the head.
By KefkaPalazzo__ on 06 Apr 2017 16:26
Thanks for the info! Great solution.
By brickarys on 06 Apr 2017 19:02
How do you actually tag them? No guide even mentions that.
Never mind, reread it. I misunderstood. Nothing to see here. haha
By SolaceCreed on 02 Jun 2020 13:22
Is it confirmed that the VI needs to 'hit' certain spots on the Remnant bots? I read somewhere that people had to target the body and sometimes the guns to get it to count, and in the case of the Architect, had to target the head and the legs. Do you also have to make sure that shields are down, for the hit to count or can a hit to one of them with shields up, count too? Im doing all of the above to be sure, but if you've found something different, that would be good to know too.
By brickarys on 06 Apr 2017 13:09
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This trophy can only be earned in single player.

This is a highly missable trophy, and requires you to advance Peebee's side missions. Once you finish the quest Peebee: Secret Project, you will have the ability to buy the Remnant VI Drone in the Tech skill tree. This mission occurs in Voeld, and can be accessed during or after the Main Priority Ops Mission: A Trail of Hope.

With this drone you will need to target 6 different Remnant enemies, and have the Remnant VI attack them at least once. To target enemies, press the Remnant VI skill button while aiming at the enemy after the drone is already summoned.

The 6 different Remnants are:

1. Breacher
2. Assembler
3. Observer
4. Nullifier
5. Destroyer
6. Architect

You can check how each enemy looks like using your Codex, which can be accessed by pressing the button. These enemies can be found under the Remnants section in Andromeda Species heading. Most of these Remnant enemies are found in Remnant vaults and in story mission. The only enemy that you will not fight during the main campaign is the Architect. There are only 4 Architects in the game, and can only be fought in side missions on the planets Eos, Voeld, Kadara, and Elaaden. Since there are only 4 Architect, you need to be careful and make sure you get this trophy before trying to kill all the Architects.


You will need the "Remnant VI" (Tech) skill to unlock this achievement. You will gain this ability by completing the "Secret Project" side-quest for Peebee, which shows up during the "A Trail of Hope" main story quest. Once you have unlocked the skill, you must summon the construct and then command it to attack the following enemy types at least once:

  • Architect
  • Assembler
  • Breacher
  • Destroyer
  • Nullifier
  • Observer

To command the Remnant VI, press the same button you used to summon it while aiming at any enemy. There are only four Architect enemies in the game (making this technically missable), but they are huge boss enemies, and you'll know when they're coming so you don't miss them. The Remnant only has to land a hit on each enemy type, not kill them. Make sure the Remnant attacks the enemy after its shields have been removed for it to count. Must be done in SP.

If you would like to watch a short video guide, that can be found here.

NOTE: This achievement is not tracked by the console's Achievements app, and there is no place to view it in your Statistics in-game either. You'll need to keep track by hand.

You will receive VI Relics from Peebee on her quest. It needs to be set against other relics: Collector, soldier, observer, nullifier, destroyer, architect - this relic will appear when Eos is 100% terramorphic.

There is no need to kill the creeper.

23 Mar 2017 16:41

You just need to force them to attack, i.e. indicate the enemy as a target by pressing the same button as calling VI Relics. I was credited precisely after I pointed out all types of relics; before that, the achievement was not counted for simply calling.
By Kassaden on 30 Mar 2017 05:17
No creeper needed. This is not a relic.
By Dezintegration on 29 Mar 2017 15:24
The second architect will be on Volda. After the opening of the outpost, the mission "Missing Scientists". I recommend leaving the Architect for last. For me it only counted the 3rd time; it turned out that there was not enough distance for the VI.

UPD: another one in the latest missions
By DMI605 on 28 Mar 2017 04:39
There is an architect on every planet. As a rule, in the last tasks on the planet!
By RUSSIAN_BRODYAGA on 06 Oct 2017 19:35
In total, you can meet 5 architects during the game:
  • Eos . During the quest Make an Impression .
  • Voeld . During the quest Missing Scientists .
  • Kadara . During the quest The Old Flayer . (I got a trophy here)
  • Elaaden . During the quest The Architect on Elaaden .
  • Meredian . I think by this time you will have received the trophy.
All other relics in the game are found regularly and in large quantities; there will be no problems with them. Quests for each of the architects (except the last one) are issued by the mayors of the outposts you placed.
By Fahrenheit1115 on 27 May 2020 13:48
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Take the skill of the “ VI Relics ” technique. When fighting enemy relics, we call the VI and force him to attack them. It's better to do this achievement as early as possible. Because Enemy relics also include the Architect, of which there are not many in the game and they appear rarely.

09 May 2017 18:36