Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Legendary Edition

127 Achievements

2915 XP


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Kill 2,000 enemies in Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3

25 XP


How to unlock the Veteran achievement in Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Definitive Guide

For most people, including myself, your kill counter will reset if you swap games. Like, if you have 1999 kills in ME1 and you click on ME2, you can very likely lose all progress (This could be fixed now for all I know, but I couldn't guarantee that)

My personal favorite method for this achievement is one you can do very right after you gain control of the Normandy in Mass Effect 1.

It involves the mission UNC: Lost Module with the monkeys you can use to glitch infinite paragon points. This mission is located in the Attican Beta system - Hercules cluster - planet Eletania.

Look at the map and go to the orange marker that is on the right side of the map. You will start the mission here.

The correct area out of the three monkey colonies that are highlighted on your map is the middle one. It has a structure next to it (you need to go in here to finish the mission).
Drive up the structure and park in between the monkey nests. Save your game.

Use the Mako to kill all monkeys, reload, and repeat.

I was killing 10 monkeys about every 10 seconds. Starting from 0 kills (because of a glitch), I reached 2000 kills in about 30 minutes.

18 May 2021 00:53

Can you do this for melee as well or does that not track in ME1?
By Fooga on 18 May 2021 00:59
I'm not certain to be completely honest with you. I've seen some people say melee doesn't count in ME1. You could try and see if it tracks. Might be easier to just play a bit of ME2 or ME3 on the easiest difficulty and punch everyone (100 kills isn't too much). That's how i got it real quick
By PangoBara on 18 May 2021 01:05
Are the kills cumulative across all games, or does the 1,000 need to be done entirely in one title?
By Dresden N7 on 18 May 2021 10:23
I think they are supposed to be but the achievement was extremely glitchy for me (where all trackers kept resetting and were eventually stuck on 0 until they updated the game)
By PangoBara on 18 May 2021 13:50
After reading all of the stories of people having problems with this achievement and resets I decided to try this method. It works perfect and took me about 40 or so minutes. Thanks for this!
By ox0 Shad0w 0xo on 20 May 2021 07:18
This also worked for the 100 melee kills. At least it did for me.
By Aurochalypse on 21 May 2021 01:29
Are you using the turret or explosive weapon on the Mako for the kills? Have been using explosives for about 20 minutes but doesn't seem to be working.
By on 23 May 2021 21:02
No worries I appreciate the guide and the response, just wanted to clarify what weapon you were using. I didn't have any problem with melee kills and got the 250 kills naturally. +1 for metoast
By on 23 May 2021 23:26
I had about 1,800 kills pretty far into Mass Effect 2, then went back to Mass Effect 1 to earn the Paramore acheevos (which worked), & all my kills reset.
As of now I have over 525 kills, much more than the 2,000 I’d need (1,800+525=2,325)
So beware ya’ll
By ajgoesUNLUCKY on 24 May 2021 14:52
While you're at it, melee 100 of them to get the Bruiser achievement.
By F1 Viking on 25 May 2021 11:38
Yes, the kills reset if you bounce between careers.
By SofaJockey on 25 May 2021 20:04
I really hope that "reset" doesn't happen for the other achievements, especially the "Finish all 3 games with the same character" one.
By Pebo on 25 May 2021 22:40
The tracker is an in-game one while that one is tracked by the whole collection via Xbox itself, so that should be fine.
By PangoBara on 25 May 2021 22:43
This also works on ME2 DLC Arrival. After you break out Amanda, she'll need to hack some stuff, and tell you to "close those doors on the other side." Keep the doors open, and kill away. It's three easy kills every 10 seconds or so.
By Atherdawn on 27 May 2021 00:22
does anyone know if the kills carry over to 3
By Tyler Haz3 on 27 May 2021 02:15
If you go to 3, it will most likely reset you to 0 (and going back to 2 again will not bring your kills back)
By PangoBara on 27 May 2021 02:17
It sucks that the tracker resets when changing between games, but you will easily have over 2000 kills by the time you start and finish a playthrough of ME3. I just popped this achievement during the start of the Priority: Thessia mission.
By SPACE ODDITY on 28 May 2021 04:55
for me it seemed as if the tracker resets only happened if I re-loaded ME1. Going between 2 and 3 appears to be fine (or at least is possible)
By SG1 Stelson on 28 May 2021 15:50
I didnt get the 250 kills from finishing ME1 either, but loaded a game and killed a few enemies in the Mako and it popped. So it was tracking something...
By F1 Viking on 29 May 2021 01:14
where do you check how many kills? I go to achievements and it doesn't say anything? Thanks
By Nazule80 on 30 May 2021 01:09
Tedious as hell but I can't think of a faster way. Thanks a lot for posting.

Edit: the 100 melee kills also reset for me, and can be gotten here.
By Raziel Cruentus on 30 May 2021 15:43
BTW, this works even after you have done the mission and you go back
By xCENAxMOD on 31 May 2021 06:11
Monkeys are tedious as hell indeed
By Shadow Dancing on 31 May 2021 07:27
Hope they fix this... just popped the 1,000 kills near the end of ME2 and I'm hoping my kill count doesn't reset... if it does then I guess I'm hunting Monkeys for a while.
By TTDog666 on 31 May 2021 22:15
Can confirm this achievement passed over from ME2 to ME3. I finished ME2 with 1700+ kills (getting the 1000 kills achievement during that playthrough) and just got this achievement early on in ME3.
By Sonic Fanboy on 02 Jun 2021 10:01
Where do you see a tracker? I have no idea how many kills I have.
By PragmaticEntity on 05 Jun 2021 02:19
I saw a tracker on the "medals" stand on the desk in your quarters on the Normandy, at least in ME2 for sure. I can't vouch for it's authenticity though because I checked it in the end game mode and it said only 22, so could be a weird counter like the hours played one
By Halwende on 05 Jun 2021 09:00
There is no viewable tracker in 1. 2 has one on the main menu and the medals stand in your quarters. 3, i believe, also has the medal stand in your quarters.
By PangoBara on 05 Jun 2021 14:19
It resets if you use the difficulty achievements cheese method. So if you did that you gonna have to start all over.
By WarMachine9494 on 06 Jun 2021 02:36
Another good spot to farm for kills is the combat simulator in 3.
By iamtheguyver007 on 07 Jun 2021 01:23
You never reach 2000 kills in 30 minutes, dumbass! If you really good you can kill 20-25 in one minute (everytime you reload it takes 15 sec to load). So in 10 minute 200-250 kills. So if you really good 1500 kills in one hour! It took me more than 2 hour.
By JimmieWorld on 28 May 2022 02:34
First of all, calm down. Second of all, my load time was about 2-3 seconds.
I literally kept track of the time when I did it from when I started to when I finished.
By PangoBara on 28 May 2022 02:58
I wonder If they fixed this or not
By RancidVessel14 on 26 Aug 2022 09:51
The monkey method worked for me. 22 April 2024.
By thedongyiGuy on 22 Apr 2024 00:07
I cant confirm this 100% cause the tracker keeps bugging out on me but I figured I'd mention it *just incase* it holds some weight but I was doing a side mission in ME2 where you investigate a mine and there's a decent amount of husks.

Checked my tracker it said 735, so I went in, playing as adept, and redid part of that mission from a load and basically used throw and shockwave to kill as many as I could with one or two melee kills. Checked tracker. Only on 737 which odd cause I definitely killed more than that with powers so I reloaded the save and used nothing but an assault rifle with warp ammo. Went from 735 to 758.

So reloaded and did the same part with as many powers as possible, no melee and no guns. Checked tracker 758. Reloaded again weapons only 785.

So on the off chance it's not just affecting me figured it might be worth people noting if trying to grind it out not in the mako and were looking in comments as to why their tracker might not be updating.
By Flezza on 22 May 2021 22:57
I would kill 8 with two explosive shots and 2 with turret. There is a chance that this achievement is just being glitchy for you (as it is super bad about that). Someone above you was saying that their kills reset every time they load a checkpoint in 2. (And most people are having issues where any time they swap what game they're looking at, it resets their tracker.) Sorry!
By PangoBara on 23 May 2021 21:19
I have to play me3 again, do kills track in this game. I know it will reset to zero since I I just played 1, but if it track I’ll just get the 2000 kills then.

But before I start is there no way to track the number of kills you gave in one?

Don’t want o get into too much detail, but during a mission in the rift station you open a door and there are a bunch of spiders. I don’t know how many but it seems like a lot. If you reload this will the kills count?
By confusedgeek on 01 Jun 2021 00:47
Still works, I did it after finishing ME1 so that I didn't have to worry about the numbers glitching, or if I'd actually make it to the 2000 before I finished the game. Found a spot where I could use the Mako's rocket to take out about 8 monkeys at once and just reloaded it from there. Soon got the 1k so I must've been close to that, then according to this site it was another 27 minutes to the 2k mark, and that was with a little break as well.

The guy above claiming it's a 15 second reload time clearly doesn't have a Series X yet 😁
By JOHN SWFC on 29 Aug 2022 08:32
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Edit: Per Fiezza below, powers may not contribute to getting kills, so it is wise to do gun only runs to make sure every kill you get is counting.

Edit 2: I forgot to mention that I was using the M-490 Blackstorm Singularity Projector for my first few runs and I was only seeing an increase of 3 kills per run even though it was wiping out every enemy. Best of stay away from that gun specifically as well and maybe all heavy weapons.

This method will generate between 40-60 kills per run depending on your luck/weapon levels. Each run takes anywhere from 2-4 min. I was able to grind out the last 1000 kills I needed in about 1 hr using this method. I was on the casual difficulty to make enemies as easy as possible. This method uses ME2 since that is currently the only reliable game that tracks, even with the update.

The mission you are looking to use is "N7-Abandoned Mine" which is found on the planet Aequitas (Minos Wasteland, Fortis). Credit to Neo Yggdrasill for his comment in the forums pointing me in this direction.

I recommend a save before you go to the mission in your cabin on the Normandy for an easy load to check your progress.

After that is done, land on the planet and make another save incase you mess up and end the mission. Now progress through the mission until you come to a path that branches off in 2 directions. Make a separate save here.

From this point, move up to the right and onto the overhang, notice the crate on the right that has an ammo resupply, do not pick this up yet. Once you enter the overhang, enemies will spawn. Go to the top of the ramp but do not go down to the bottom. simply let the husks run to this ramp and up at you. Aim for their torso for an easy 1 burst kill with the assault rifle. Use the ammo on the crate as required to finish out the wave. You will get an auto save once all enemies are defeated.

Once complete, head down and collect ammo as needed, there is always one right at the bottom of the ramp. Then head in the doorway to the right and continue into the room ahead. Once you have cleared the doorway, quickly pop back out and look to your left. There will be waves of 3 husks that spawn for a total of 6-7 times. Simply keep killing these until they no longer spawn. you will notice another auto save happening at the bottom.

Reload your save from the bottom of the ramp earlier and repeat as needed.

23 May 2021 04:30

Can confirm powers don't count at all for whatever stupid fucking reason. Not even grenades. I'm playing as a Vanguard and I'm farming Husk kills in the abandoned mines mission, started farming at 1192 kills, killed most of the Husks with incendiary grenades, went back to check the tracker and I only had 1205. So apparently the only kills that counted were the ones I got with my weapon. So dumb.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 24 May 2021 17:20
will this carry over to me3 or should i just finish it on me2
By Tyler Haz3 on 27 May 2021 02:22
There seems to be a lot of comments about kills resetting when you change between games, though personally unsure if that applies to 3 as well since most talk about 1 and 2 so it might be fine, if you have a chunk of it on me2 I'd probably suggest trying to grind it out on 2 if you are able just in case until someone confirms its ok.
By Flezza on 27 May 2021 12:05
i can confirm that switching back and forth from ME2 and ME3 does not reset you kill count (or at least it didnt for me) i switched to ME2 from Me3 to check my kill count (it was at 1442) and then wwnt back to 3 and got some kills and then went back to Me2 to see if there was progress and saw that the count went up 10 kills. i also only used a weapon (no powered kills)
By Electronidus on 31 May 2021 23:09
The tracker appears to reset even just going from 1 to 2 for the first time, not just returning to 1 from 2.

I got the 250 kills one about a third of the way through 1. Just checked kill count on 2 about a third of the way through and I'm only on 276 kills.
By ciderio on 07 Jun 2021 11:59
Just copying and pasting the comment I did in the other guide cause this was the mission I was talking about in it

"I cant confirm this 100% cause the tracker keeps bugging out on me but I figured I'd mention it *just incase* it holds some weight but I was doing a side mission in ME2 where you investigate a mine and there's a decent amount of husks.

Checked my tracker it said 735, so I went in, playing as adept, and redid part of that mission from a load and basically used throw and shockwave to kill as many as I could with one or two melee kills. Checked tracker. Only on 737 which odd cause I definitely killed more than that with powers so I reloaded the save and used nothing but an assault rifle with warp ammo. Went from 735 to 758.

So reloaded and did the same part with as many powers as possible, no melee and no guns. Checked tracker 758. Reloaded again weapons only 785.

So on the off chance it's not just affecting me figured it might be worth people noting if trying to grind it out not in the mako and were looking in comments as to why their tracker might not be updating."

No idea if it does affect anything or if I am just unlucky but since it's relevant to this guide of people, like me, use a lot of powers (throw and shockwave can kill husks in one more often then enough on casual so perhaps that also effects it) it might not count.
By Flezza on 23 May 2021 15:47
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Heads up the tracker resets if you return to Mass Effect 1 after starting Mass Effect 2. I was about 100 short by end of 2 loaded up 1 to mop up some others and the stat checker in 2 is back at 0 kills.

22 May 2021 15:05

1 Comment
I hope this will be patched at some point. How can it reset when i reload a different game.
By Fa1con87 on 24 May 2021 14:57
This achievement is cumulative across all three games in the series, and tracks any method of kill - gun, melee, power, vehicle, etc. You should have no issue unlocking this naturally. In previous patches of the game, the tracking would reset to zero when you switched between games, but that shouldn't be an issue any longer. If you'd like to be safe, there's a great place to farm this in ME1 anyway. During the mission "UNC: Lost Module" (Attican Beta / Hercules / Eletania) there will be nests of docile monkeys that you can destroy at will. Save in the Mako right in front of one of the buildings, kill all 10 monkeys, reload and repeat. It should only take an hour and then these are out of the way for good.
This is done in the background towards the end of Part 2; you’ll get much more in the entire trilogy.

17 Feb 2022 23:21