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Best of the Best

Best of the Best

Took first place in 12 combat scenarios on Pinnacle Station


How to unlock the Best of the Best achievement in Mass Effect - Definitive Guide

Taking the top spot in most of the scenarios isn't terribly hard. It helps if you have a higher level character saved, though, as the last five scenarios offer a little more challenge than the first eight.

General tips:

All the maps are the same, regardless of which scenarios you pick. So if you're doing a Survival mission on Tropical, the map layout will be the same for Capture on Tropical. Once you play the maps once, you'll have a good idea of where to find cover and where enemies are likeliest to spawn.

Before you start the scenarios, you can check the best times on computers scattered about the station.

You may or may not place first on your initial attempts. No problem, as you can select "replay" afterwards. Sometimes failing a mission is a good thing, as you will learn everything about the map and scenario in your first try, making replay much easier. Of the thirteen total challenges, I only had to replay two of them to get first place.

Pick a good team to help you. I chose one that was more combat-oriented (Ashley and Garrus) for all the scenarios, because even the Capture challenges require some firepower...gotta keep the enemies off your backs while you're capturing the points.

Don't forget to use Sprint to move quickly, especially in the Timed and Capture scenarios. Be wary of using it too much and fatiguing yourself.

Survival challenges are just that: survive wave after wave of enemies. Find a good spot to defend and hold out. The record times for the Survival modes are less than 2 minutes, so you don't have to go for long. Once you're past the record score, you can just let the enemies kill you, unless you want to see how long you can hold out (I was at 16 minutes on Tropical before I got bored and allowed them to kill me).

After completing the first eight challenges, you unlock the last four, which are a little more difficult, but manageable. The only one that offered a more significant challenge was the Survival scenario, which pits you against large numbers of high-powered Geth. More challenging, to be sure, but I still beat the record time easily. Again, pick good teammates.

Once the initial twelve are done, you get this achievement. The final challenge (for the final achievement) is then unlocked, and there's a good guide for it on this site that I recommend. It helped a lot.

Sorry this was so long. I believe in being thorough.

Best of luck!

02 Sep 2009 17:46

In Survival challenges if you want to die fast just change difficulty to Hardcore or Insane and you will die very fast )))
By nacd on 31 Dec 2009 15:48
What difficulty were you playing on when you went through Pinnacle station?
By Greggie Smallzz on 21 Jan 2010 05:06
I had a character saved on Normal difficulty. I also had one saved from my Insane playthrough, but that one wasn't eligible (and I wasn't going to tackle Pinnacle Station on Insanity). ;)
By One Eyed Tigh on 21 Jan 2010 05:12
@ One Eyed Tigh-------->pansy
By on 06 Feb 2010 08:01
Lol, I spent almost exactly 16 mins on Survival Topical before realizing I could hold out indefinitely. Then I quit, too.
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 11 Mar 2010 21:06
I'm pretty sure hunt is glitched, there's many time where I think it stopped adding time for killing enemies
By Magnum Force 72 on 31 Mar 2010 22:39
@Magnum Force 72:
I'm fairly certain you're right. I'm level 59 and I spent a good 45 minutes doing everything I could possibly think of to pass the first hunt mission and could NOT do it no matter how hard I tried. What I noticed was that once it spawns the two huge Geth, the little guys stopped giving me time. Or maybe that's by design, but somehow I have to find a way to bank enough time to get another dozen kills or so after the two big guys.
By VenomousDingo on 05 Apr 2010 12:59
can any1 tell me were did you go to camp on the last survival challenge plz
By MCNALLY 117 on 25 Apr 2010 15:15
@NUFC MCNALLY 93 and anyone else who needs it: Here's a good video guide for for the Ahern's final challenge:
By One Eyed Tigh on 25 Apr 2010 17:42
If you're having trouble make sure you have the correct ammo equipped. Challenges will either have organic units, or synthetic units, so having the correct +40% enhanced damage can easily save you 15 seconds on the time trial modes.
By ALollz on 15 Jun 2010 00:14
What knuckles said...
By Solario32 on 31 Oct 2011 21:40
On the easiest difficulty you don't even have to do anything on survival with high level characters and everyone on your team using spectre weapons and the best armor. Seriously, I've stood there for half an hour only ever losing my shields.
By CasualVader on 18 Feb 2012 00:25
Does playing on insanity and hardcore affect the enemies because i played easy first and discovered now that i am on insanity and i am lvl 60 and have spectre weapons and yet it is harder then on my easy playthrough, any tips.
By noth1ngness69 on 28 Mar 2012 07:28
I followed your guide and it was great. The only change I made was instead of Ashley and Garrus << kept getting my a$$ handed to me with those two, I used Ashley and Liara. The Ladies did me proud!! Thanks again for the guide.
By xBTCx Corrupted on 31 Mar 2012 05:49
I'm having the same problem 'Magnum 72' is having.......after a short period, killing Geth doesn't seem to give me any time so I'm finding it hard to clear the round. Any suggestions? Or is this what happens and I just have to be quicker? Also, sometime the Geth don't spawn quick enough so I find myself standing around looking/waiting for them. Ball Ache!
By Matt the Pratt on 26 Jul 2012 10:41
Rhyolitic. Best tip I have for that mode (which I beat moments ago on hardcore with Liara and Wrex) is to have them stand ground at the bottom then go up on the upper railing. Shepard still does most of the damage, but it keeps most enemies grouped at the bottom and lets Shepard roam and pick off ones that spawn off to the side.
By Sol Invictus XI on 31 Aug 2012 12:15
Most difficult was the last survival scenario but I got it with Ashley and Garrus, thanks to you !
By StunNuts on 05 Sep 2014 08:59
Sol Invictus's comment is amazing and should go into the solution. That Volcanic hunt can be brutal (I was doing it on Hardcore which also might be why) because I'd keep getting to 42 or 43. Once I did it by having my squad stay downstairs and going upstairs instead I did it first try easily.
By Killersquirelz on 10 Aug 2018 01:28
@Nothingness: I've not done it on any difficulty harder than Normal (since that was the character I had a partial playthrough of), but my friend tackled it on Insanity, and his best tip is to make sure to use companions that have strong offensive powers, such as Liara. Using Lift, Throw, Incinerate, Overload, and the like quickly softens up the enemies (decimates low-level foes, removes barriers or shields). He also used Spectre weapons. That's all I can offer, since that's all he remembers. :(

There are videos on Youtube that might help. Here's one:

There are more.

Sorry I couldn't offer more help. Best of luck!
By One Eyed Tigh on 28 Mar 2012 23:16
Volcanic Hunt can DIAF, fittingly enough. I got to 43 kills ONCE, since then not even close. Of course, 44 is what's needed to win it.

Way to make it easy on people by setting the gained time at one second per kill after 25 kills. Sheer genius that was. Combine that with the slow-as-hell spawn rates and it's good times.

By Rhyolitic on 28 Aug 2012 03:10
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Alright so heres a quick guide and a list of all scenarios you need to finish to obtain this achievement but a big note to start with..

*This achievement is just to beat all top scores in each of the scenarios and maps so heres the scenarios and a list of the maps needed for this.

1. Subterranean
2. Volcanic
3. [2nd Set] Tropical

1. Tropical
2. Warehouse
3. [2nd Set] Volcanic

1. Tropical
2. Volcanic
3. [2nd Set] Subterranean

1. Tropical
2. Volcanic
3. [2nd Set] Subterranean

**You should Leave this until you have leveled to at least 15**

I wouldn't say this achievement was hard but the last 4 scenarios can be a little harder than the first 8 you have to finish.

My advice is to get the two squad members your going to use, to have what they need for the scenarios and you have to make little or a lot of use with your Marksman ability (through the handgun) or any other ability you have for the other guns you wish to use as this will help out a lot :)

You can get to Pinnacle Station from the Normandy!

I really hope this is helpful and Good luck :)
Sorry for any spelling errors i may have made

04 Mar 2011 04:48

**These are some hints to achieve the tropical hunt in Insanity difficulty setting.**
English is not my native language, I speak French so please accept some errors of translation

In my opinion and many others', the tropical hunt is the most difficult mission of the dlc, especially in insanity. I spent almost 2 hours on this mission, trying everything I could and I finally found the way.

It's only an indication. I think you can do this mission with other allies/equipment.
- Soldier Shepard lv 59, specialized in assault rifle
- Wrex lv 59, auto-leveled
- Ashley lv 59, auto-leveled
- All my team's weapons were Spectre X and all the upgrades for all the weapons were Cooling Upgrades X, Barrel Upgrades X and Inferno X ammo. With these upgrades, weapons never overheated.
- Armors were all lv X, the best I got from the playthrough, but that's not the most important. Armor upgrades were for Shepard : Damage Protection X and Shield X, for teammates : 2 Medical Exoskeleton X

The biggest problems in this mission :
1) Enemies spawn randomly
2) Weakest Geths use energy shields and Shepard is always taking covers behind them if you run into them
3) Destroyer Geths take an enorm amount of time to be killed

I don't know if we can call it a glitch or a bug, but I figured out that when you kick an enemy and it falls on the bridge's fences on the left and on the right from where you start the mission, he is insta-killed.

- Once the mission starts, take the path on the bridge on the right, then run to the circular platform on the left. Here kill the one or two enemies tha spawned meanwhile.
- Send your 2 allies in the river downstairs as long as you can aim from the platform. Don't go downstair. Your allies will look after the enemies in the river area.
- You have to care about the enemies on the platform and on the 2 bridges.
- To quickly kill the enemies on he platform, turn around them and keep firing. They will use their shield, but you won't be blocked by it.
- To quickly kill the enemies on the bridges, the Geth has to be between you and the fence. Then melee him. He will be killed.
- This technic is extremelly useful with the Destroyer Geths, but you have to kick them three times to lower their shield.
- If the Destroyers don't spawn on the bridges, attract them by shooting at them.
- It is preferable, I think, to run and use the melee than to shoot from a middle distance.

Note :
Using these hints I tried about ten times before getting the 51 frags needed (actually I got 55 kills). My lower score was 45, I reached 50 three times. When I got the 55 frags, in the beginning of the fight, 2 Fighter Geths and one Destroyer Geth spawned at the same place on the bridge, so I counted 3 kills in 6 seconds, with three kicks. I gained about 30 seconds. So it question of luck and random.
Don't give up you'll finish to reach the goal.

22 Jun 2014 10:10

There are 12 different combat scenarios you can take part in, each with different objectives. One you take first place in all of the first eight missions, you will unlock the 4 ‘advanced scenarios.’

There are four types of missions, Time Trial, Capture, Survival, and Hunt. Each individual scenario has a set requirement in order to place first in it. The requirements to gain first on each scenario are as follows.

Time Trial (Warehouse) - 01:24:67
Time Trial (Tropical) - 01:20:94
Time Trial (Volcanic) - 01:54:61

Capture (Volcanic) - 02:00:53
Capture (Tropical) - 01:58:67
Capture (Subterranean) - 01:29:47

Survival (Volcanic) - 01:31:83
Survival (Tropical) - 01:46:43
Survival (Subterranean) - 02:20:57

Hunt (Subterranean) - 35
Hunt (Volcanic) - 43
Hunt (Tropical) - 50

In time trial, you must kill all the enemies within a certain amount of time. Capture is similar to time trial, but instead of killing everyone within a specified time, you must stay near each point and capture them with a certain amount of time. Survival, you need only to survive for a certain amount of time, with it ending when you die. Hunt requires you to kill a certain amount of enemies within a certain amount of time. 

All missions (not the individual trials) found here count towards Completionist and all of the Ally achievements.