Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

67 Achievements

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Man Of Many Weapons

Man Of Many Weapons

Unlock All Weapons.

How to unlock the Man Of Many Weapons achievement in Max Payne 3 - Definitive Guide

This is a Multiplayer related achievement associated with having all weapons unlocked. You have to be a minimum level of 40 to have the weapons available to you. As NutriWhip pointed out, the achievement unlocks once all weapons are available, you do not need to purchase them for the achievement

I've got a friend who has already done this and I'm on my way to getting it.

If you downvote please explain why. I'm still somewhat new to solution writing.

22 May 2012 22:46

ppl are just idiot trolls good guide man
By EMBICK on 16 Oct 2020 08:56
You don't have to actually purchase all the weapons in multiplayer. Once you hit level 40, the achievement will pop. I had everything purchased up to the last weapons and the achievement popped mid game.
By NutriWhip on 23 May 2012 06:08
Ah, good to know NutriWhip'! I'll edit my answer and give you credit
By OdinHawke on 23 May 2012 06:55
why not just delete the previous statement about buying them to avoid confusion?
By Markyshizzle on 25 May 2012 01:01
I meant to Marky, I had updated from my phone due to being at work at the time. My bad ^_^ Thanks for reminding me though
By OdinHawke on 25 May 2012 01:09
I gave ya thumbs up even if you didn't achieve this one yet. Me neither. I'm rank 29 now. 11 more to go. If you don't boost this shit IT WILL TAKE FOREVER. Not many people have that time to play legit.
By BLAZE VII on 26 May 2012 15:40
Thanks Blaze, I wouldn't have posted the solution if not for being at a friends house when it popped for him. You're right though, I work full time with a bad shift, it's hard as hell to pop this achievement so soon after release.
By OdinHawke on 26 May 2012 19:23
This game will maintain a high TA ratio due to some of the chievs plus the grind to lvl 50. Thanks for the info as I was wondering what needed to be done to get this. Thumbs up from me, although you can probably expect a few thumbs down as ppl don't like solutions from gamers that haven't unlocked the chiev! Idiots I know, but what you you do :)
By Slithe on 27 May 2012 10:35
Got a positive from me and Even though you dont have the cheevo it is a good explanation. I am a LVL 48.
By KillaKevin24 on 29 May 2012 16:00
Thumbs up from me too I couldn't care less if you have it or not you are giving a guide as to the requirements its only when its not a xp level related guide that i think hang on then why havent you done it if your tellin me how lol. what I wouldn't mind knowing is where the point in ranks is it before the levels start being ridiculous amounts of xp before you level up
By grundogLFC1892 on 27 Jul 2012 11:08
Can confirm level 40 this will unlock
By GMN on 06 Sep 2012 14:53
You don't even have the achievement! Dislike impending. Oh, wait, not at all. +1, mate.
By on 18 May 2013 14:00
I'm not sure if most people "trolled" your negative votes. I thumbs up'ed it :)

Also if you are concerned here is a good "guide" for writing guides: Negative vote magnet avoidance techniques
By Steadholder on 26 Jul 2013 09:41
yeah +1 the solution is sound.
By eHeadaches on 04 Dec 2013 02:23
+1 from me. I came to see if I actually had to purchase the weapons and it seems like I do not. Knowing that Rank 40 nets this achievements is a plus. Thanks!
By Mr Granstaff on 25 Jul 2014 18:55
Another quick question: will this pop up in Score Attack or do I need to play a quick MP for this achievement to actually register after reaching rank 40? I've seen reports like this and wasn't sure if anyone can confirm they've experienced this.
By Mr Granstaff on 19 Sep 2014 19:08
Mine popped up for me after I completed a Score Attack level. I've heard that the Level 50 achievement requires you to play a multiplayer game though (I'm currently at Level 41). Might be different for others though.
By bblcreator8790 on 10 Oct 2014 21:11
How much XP do you need to reach level 40?
By Zarda1 on 16 Jun 2016 00:16
Wait, what? If this achievements pops when you are level 40, then why do it have the time consuming flag on, while the achievement for reaching level 50 do not have the time consuming flag on? Doesn't make any sense.
By Neptune Diamond on 09 Aug 2016 23:45
Got it instantly when I hit 40 in NYM.
By Vengeful Void on 14 May 2021 09:56
On PS3 I am Rank 41 right now, didn't pop. I'm trying to buy everything but I need a lot of money for the last 6 weapons.

I'm scared now.
By ChrisHenares on 24 Aug 2021 16:12
Play a multiplayer match
By WebDevil 666 on 26 Aug 2021 23:17
Pops exactly at Rank 40.
By Doc Mon Star on 05 Aug 2021 05:31
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There's a total of 32 weapons and equipment you'll need to unlock to obtain this achievement. These are all unlocked as you rank up through the multiplayer.

You'll unlock the last lot of stuff at level 40 and that's when the achievement will unlock. You don't have to purchase them.

The weapons unlock at these different ranks:

Rank 1: PT92, M500, .38 Revolver, M10 & MPK.
Rank 2: Flashbang.Rank 4 - 1911, SAF .40, M972, FAL, AK-47, Mini-30, M4 Super 90, RPD, Tin Can & Grenade.
Rank 20: 608 Bull, SPAS-15, FMP G35, MD-97L, AUTO 9MM, RPG, Smoke Grenade & Tear Gas.
Rank 40: Super Sport, MICRO 9MM, DE .50, G6 Commando, Grenade Launcher, LMG, M82A1 & Sawn Off Shotgun.

You will receive all types of weapons and, accordingly, the trophy automatically. Just get to level 40 in multiplayer.

Below are the levels upon reaching which you will unlock this or that weapon:

Level 1 -PT92, M500, .38 Revolver, M10, MPK

Level 2 -Flashbang

Level 4 -1911, SAF.40, M972, FAL, AK-47, Mini-30, M4 Super 90, RPD, Tin Can, Grenade

Level 20 -608 Bull, SPAS-15, FMP G35, MD-97L, AUTO 9MM, RPG, Smoke Grenade, Tear Gas

Level 40 -SuperSport, MICRO 9MM, DE.50, G6 Commando, Grenade Launcher, LMG, M82A1, Sawn Off Shotgun.

23 May 2012 11:01