Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

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Payne In The Ass

Payne In The Ass

Story Complete [HARDCORE].

How to unlock the Payne In The Ass achievement in Max Payne 3 - Definitive Guide

Here is a link to a full video walkthrough of the game on Hardcore with free aim, no golden guns, and full commentary. It should help for any of the difficulties that aren't timed.

Hope it helps.

22 May 2012 13:19

1 Comment
I'm really enjoying these videos and the commentary...great job Seraphim. I subscribed while I was there! =D
By Talespin123 on 16 Mar 2013 22:35
Hi guys!

Just finished this in chapter select on Hardcore and no Achievement! So just a warning, complete this under the new game option.

The rules for this difficulty are the same as hard so check out the hard guides on this site however the damage you take is increased by a serious amount most weapons will put you down within 1 maybe 2 bullets, so really the best way to complete this is the best way you play, some people like to Shoot Dodge all over the show which works well, then again taking you time, blind firing and using bullet time between bits of cover works well also.

1 last thing, any cheats you unlock cannot be used! They will disable the ability to unlock any achievements and will stop Grind progression!

21 May 2012 01:24

Thanks for the heads up on not using the unlocks/cheats. I was just wondering if those could be utilized to boost some of the Grinds, so you answered my question.
By Johnny A Smash on 21 May 2012 03:16
Can you do this with soft or hard lock on, or does it have to be done with free aim on?
By Benn1e on 22 May 2012 22:09
Can be done with soft lOck if you want however I went for free aim just so I could unlock one hit kill cheat for my fun play through
By Powder Chef on 23 May 2012 00:26
THIS HAS TO BE DONE IN "FREE-AIM" or else you won't get the achievement. It also says on the screen when you start on Hardcore and switch the targeting system.
By BLAZE VII on 23 May 2012 11:05
is this mode timed?
By Clap That Fool on 23 May 2012 23:30
@Clap That Fool: Nope.
By Crimson Ridley on 13 Jun 2012 21:14
i started a new game on hardcore, played all the way through without cheats, free aim on, and didnt get the achievement :( Any ideas anyone? cant really be bothered doing it again ha
By BEVERIDGE 07 on 14 Jul 2012 21:21
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Ive been playing the game on hardcore and noticed that if you get to a checkpoint and there were pain killers near by that you got before the checkpoint they will respawn. Difficulty doesnt matter as I noticed them when I tried to go for some achievements on easy. This method also works if you reload checkpoint. So if your struggling in one section just reload checkpoint and go back and collect the pain killers so you have more health for what ever spot is giving you a hard time. There are some situations were the area may be locked or blocked so if i got to an area were i new i was at a checkpoint I would restart checkpoint go back and collect the painkillers so that way I would have more for the later parts of the level. Hope this helps anyone as it has been making hardcore mode alittle easier for me.

There is really no easy way of doing this except for taking you time and going for head shots as head shots give you a very small amount of health back and using they above method

21 May 2012 20:28

Thanks, that will come in handy pretty soon! ;)
By BLAZE VII on 21 May 2012 22:36
Does the Old School achievement stack with this?
By EBoneCapone on 22 May 2012 00:40
anyone know if I beat it on Hardcore will it unlock "Maximum Payne" for beating it on Old School??
By ClaytThaGreat on 22 May 2012 06:22
no it doesnt unlock old school achievement. I was disappointed as well when i didnt get the achievement
By Vecs One on 22 May 2012 06:28
Do you have to do this with free aim on or can you have hard or soft lock on?
By Benn1e on 23 May 2012 09:55
Has to be done in FREE-AIM!!! Also I don't know why you guys hoping to unlock OLD SCHOOL with this if you obviously can see that HARDCORE comes before Old School. Duuuhhh... -.-
By BLAZE VII on 23 May 2012 11:07
Does anyone know if beating hardcore unlocks the hard and medium achievements? I played on hard with hard lock so im looking for a way to stack these cheevos..
By GriiZzY on 24 May 2012 02:56
@Chungjai Post here when you beat it.. Id really like to know if they stack.
By GriiZzY on 24 May 2012 21:28
hardcore unlocks all achievements except oldschool. but you need to beat it on hardcore to unlock hardcore. and your play thrus have to be with free aim set as i now have to play the game again on oldschool because i had hard lock on : (
By Vecs One on 25 May 2012 05:18
also like to add if you can beat the game on hard then oldschool will be a cake as i thought old school was much easier then hard
By Vecs One on 25 May 2012 05:18
You can do the oldschool playthrough first. Then once the oldschool achievement pops, go to dashboard, boot up the game again and continue your story. Once it continues, switch the difficulty to hardcore and finish the final part (blowing up plane) again and the hardcore achievement is yours within minutes.
By XmaniaX on 03 Jun 2012 19:16
WOW nice find. Im glad i still needed quite a few grinds so the play throughs werent unnecessary but i bet alot of people will be glad to hear this
By Vecs One on 07 Jun 2012 05:08
@XmaniaX best tip ever. thank you so much
By Tinus Slayer on 09 Jun 2012 10:12
I just want to let gamers know that they must of fixed the glitch that XmaniaX spoke of because it didnt work for me. I did exactly what he said and nothing. So they must of fixed it recently or i am just unlucky.
By Dr Killinger45 on 19 Sep 2012 00:08
just confirmed the above. Finished on Old School and quit to dashboard and reloaded and dropped difficulty but no achievement. They've prevented it. another play throyugh it is so.
By Pvt Keogh on 26 Oct 2012 16:32
yehh the solution it works very well .Credits go to XmaniaX tks :)
By Tukano PT on 23 Feb 2013 23:46
I can confirm that the game has been patched recently, so the trick involving quitting to dashboard does no longer work.
By kinskiundkinski on 24 Apr 2013 09:47
The dashboarding trick didn't work for me 4 months ago either
By S P 4 C E Y on 01 Sep 2014 10:08
You won't get these achievements if you choose to use either hard or soft lock. Apparently you can only use free aim - slightly annoying as the achievement descriptions don't have [FREE AIM] associated with them unlike other achievements.

Still I'm going to plow through HARDCORE mode today so hopefully these achievements stack.

Also being a left hander, I'm finding free style rather less easy than you regular right handed folk. I know there's a southpaw option but that just makes things even more confusing. Still managed to get all the free style only achievements so not too bad.
By ChungJai on 24 May 2012 12:03
@XmaniaX ... this is probably the most important achievement tip for the whole game. I can confirm that this solution does work. Grind through the Old School playthrough until that achievement pops, then immediately exit to your dashboard and boot up the game to continue the story mode. Then just go to settings to change the difficulty to Hardcore and complete the final segment again. This time the Hardcore achievement pops, as well as any stacked achievements for Medium and Hard. Amazing tip which deserves to be highlighted as a standalone solution.
By ChungJai on 09 Jun 2012 09:28
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I recently decided to try this one out expecting it to be utterly outrageous (judging by other people's comments) but ended up clearing it in 2 goes without any real hustle.

What separates this difficulty from others is how quickly you die. So it's sort of a realism-mode. Enemies also tend to pull off ridiculous headshot insta-kills more often than ever, even when you're in a cover. My general tips for this difficulty are -

1. If you're going for 100% in this game, do this difficulty LAST (the next point explains why). A lot of people don't even attempt it and only go for the Oldschool difficulty, since it's more forgiving and this one just frustrates the hell out of players. Complete the game a couple of times to rank up your personal skill level first and get a good understanding of levels and certain enemy spawns.
2. From what I've noticed, dying multiple times DOESN'T give you any extra painkillers, so I suggest approaching the whole painkiller aspect with the following method in mind - if you're wounded, don't hurry with popping a painkiller. If you've completed the game a couple of times before, you'll know where most of the checkpoints are. If you die after it saves, your health will get restored but you obviously won't lose a painkiller (since that only happens during the last-stand mode). This way you can stack them up easily by just avoiding damage as much as you can and restarting checkpoints right after reaching them if your health is low.
3. Use shootdodge a lot. Not only is it generally fun as hell (and the way this game is meant to be played), but it's certainly a great way of avoiding damage and simply getting rid of the enemies quickly (as long as you're good at aiming and pulling off headshots). Spending most of your time in cover is just boring and unnecessary, so mainly just focus on making it to the next checkpoint and having fun while you're at it.

The only moment that truly got on my nerves was the part where you and Passos are at the Panama canal. There's a LOT of enemies that are really far away and they won't hesitate to use any given chance to pull off a headshot while you're leaning out of the cover trying to take them out. No extra solutions here, just be persistent and you'll get through.

Feel free to message me for any addition help, if you get stuck somewhere in this difficulty. Good luck.

Hard, Old School and Hardcore paythroughs all must be done with [FREE AIM] on. If you change aim assist at any point during a playthrough you will NOT get the achievement.

This difficulty will be very hard for those not experienced with Max Payne titles, you will die very quickly and easily. It will only take a few shots for an enemy to kill you so you will need to constantly be in/behind cover.

Here are a few tips to help you in this playthrough:

  • Cover is very important this time round, if you run in guns blazing you will without a doubt be killed. You can take cover behind nearly anything so be sure to use and objects to your advantage.
  • Bullet time will come in handy, you will find yourself using it a lot more on this playthough than the others. Don't waste it if you have made your kill/s then tap  again to exit bullet time, its to valuable to waste and isn't as easy to get.
  • Headshots will be the quickest and most effective way to kill your enemies, especially when there are multiple enemies around headshots will be your key out of a sticky situation.
  • Take your time, if you rush in this game mode you will have no chance of finishing it. Don't aim to finish the level but aim to reach the next checkpoint.

Note: Remember, you must do all the playthroughs with [FREE AIM] on or the achievements will NOT unlock.

One of the most difficult difficulty levels - in it, after one or two hits, Max goes to Last Chance.

29 May 2012 12:52

“No need for a sour face...” (as one character from this series of games said).

For those who want to honestly beat the game on Hard.

In fact, the difficulty is not difficult when you have already completed the game for the first time on “high” difficulty. The skill is already there and, as they say, you can’t drink it away


  • Don't waste your painkillers, but don't value them too much. Preferably collect at least 80% of those that are on the level and use them only when you have killed 5 people without damaging your health, and the 6th one accidentally knocked you into “Last Chance”. Take him down and move on. I don’t recommend replaying the episode because of this accident or your mistake. Just a waste of time (I replayed it myself, then constantly discovered that at the end of the level I had a lot of extra painkillers left).
  • When “sticking” to cover, shoot single, quick (less than a second) shots from a one-handed weapon. On this difficulty, if you stick out of cover for too long, you will quickly get kicked. Therefore, take aim from cover and shoot at the enemy and immediately back. You will already know where the sight is aimed, and after the first hit on the enemy (while he is writhing in pain), finish him off with the same quick shots.
  • As often as possible, try not to “stick” to the cover, but simply shoot while behind it. Often a situation arises in the game when you can stand behind cover so that the enemy does not see you and does not even shoot at you, and you can calmly hang headshots, slightly adjusting the sight so that it hits the enemy carcass and turns red.
  • Don't neglect Bulletdodge (slow jump). It is very effective in the sense that time will slow down for the entire jump and you will have time to kill at least more than 2 enemies at a time. Regular Bullettime is spent quickly on this difficulty. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, this jump can be made even when the “time dilation scale” is empty.
  • It is best to shoot with shotguns from cover without looking. One shot at a time. There is a high probability of hitting the enemy, a low probability that they will hit you. And the damage it does is significant. I generally don’t recommend shooting with a two-handed weapon from cover, because in this case time is spent on animation, which is why you will most likely get hit.
Thanks to these basics, I passed this difficulty almost with ease, and I’m sure you will too.
By NiKoLaRy on 14 Jun 2012 02:08
If you go straight to Old Schul, you won't get this trophy.
By NASH on 06 Oct 2012 20:45
If you installed patch 1.03 and made at least one save, but there is no spare save that has not been patched, you will not get the glitch trophy. After reinstallation, the game will write that the save is only suitable for the full (patched) version, so those who want to get this trophy as a glitch, do not download the patch.

29 Jun 2012 14:42