Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

67 Achievements

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Serious Payne

Serious Payne

Story Complete [HARD].

How to unlock the Serious Payne achievement in Max Payne 3 - Definitive Guide

This question has been asked many times, despite the game very clearly giving the answer, but you MUST use Free Aim for this achievement. Trying to activate aim assist on Hard or higher difficulty will give you the message that turning aim assist on will prevent the difficulty achievement from unlocking.

This is actually good to be honest: Free Aim, once you're used to it, is much more responsive than any aim assist. I've found myself doing less headshots now using aim assist on NYM mode than I did using Free Aim on Hard.

Now, a few tips:

-Don't be so quick to get up after a slo-mo dive. If there is an enemy or 2 left after your dive. Often times, you'll find yourself in good cover and can quickly activate Bullet-Time if you get in a jam. If you try to get up before you know exactly where they are, you'll find yourself scarfing down precious painkillers.

-Dive, Dive, Dive. Yes, cover is necessary in some parts, but most every encounter can be handled by repeated dives. The game will always give you a slo-mo Bullet-Dive, even when your BT gauge is empty. Abuse this, just remember the first tip about making sure you know where enemies are before you get up.

- I would literally dive at most every enemy, even if there was only one. This prevents you from taking damage you would take in a normal gunfight. Just remember, you can use RS to cancel a dive to conserve BT.

-After EVERY gunfight, loot for ammo. Yes, ammo seems plentiful now and you may not be worried about it, but the game seems to randomly get real stingy with ammo really quick at times. I was not always careful, and I ended up spending an hour in Panama at a really bad checkpoint that could have easily been avoided.

-So, weapon choice was really simple for me. I liked carrying one semi-auto pistol (this is single shot, NOT revolvers), one fully auto side-arm. I never dual-wielded, as it seemed to burn through ammo too quickly. One direct hit to the head from a pistol has the same effect as one direct hit to the head with a pistol with 27 bullet holes in the wall behind your target does. Never use the revolver, as the reloading will get you killed.

- "Big" weapon: Anything really. My preference was the reticle though, so remember you can hit "Back" to remove a laser sight or scope. I also preferred single-shot weapons as they were easier for me to get headshots and conserve ammo. I will say shotguns would get dropped for rifles, and NEVER use a Grenade Launcher. Last Stand with a Grenade Launcher....terrible.

-One last thing that the game never makes clear....there are parts in the game where you will be attacked by a soldier with full body armor and a kevlar face cover....oh, and he's wielding a fully-auto machine gun that will make quick work of Max. The trick to this is to NOT dive at this one. Get cover, wait for him to reload, activate BT (RS), aim for his head and keep shooting. Eventually, his helmet will pop off and you'll kill him. Be warned, if you last stand against him and don't get a headshot you better have a second painkiller because if not, you're done.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. The other solution has great tips too; the important info is you HAVE to use Free Aim. NO AIM ASSIST!!!!!!

17 May 2012 03:45

Yeah dude did that, just irritating that I have to play through it again. I was simply stating this to see if anyone else had the same issue didnt mean to get your panties in a wad
By STEVEN LEE 20 on 23 May 2012 23:37
i turned off free aim in the hangar then realized no hard achievement popped do i need to do the whole thing again on hard because of one stupid mistake?
By ballum87 on 24 May 2012 01:14
Yeah I was wondering if you can replay a level you took off free aim for. I don't mind playing through again but I'd rather just do one chapter replay rather than the whole game.
By nopapcicles on 27 May 2012 17:06
Hi, is it definately 100% true that in order to unlock the Serious Payne achievement, you must play through it with Free Aim?
I know it states that turning Free Aim off will stop you earning achievements but I assumed they were talking about the Free Aim achievements only. I can't find a definate answer anywhere and don't really want to play through it all over again.
By therealjaxon on 30 May 2012 22:57
Bless you for the tip on removing scopes and lasers, laser sights have gotten me killed on easy, +1!
By Mr Snuggles 888 on 20 Jul 2012 19:25
Does anyone have any tips suggestions to beating the last level in the airport hanger? I've been stuck on it and Im about to take the difficulty down, but I've come so close. I clear the first wave fine but then the two trucks show up and they just own me. Any help is appreciated.
By WITHOUTAFILTER on 10 Aug 2012 14:48
How many painkillers did you turn up to the hanger with? I had 9 and only used 3 of them, it's nto hard just keep moving left and right behind the baggage trolley things and watch otu for grenades, only pop whe you have slow mo and go for headshots, you have to kill everyone for the cutscene to counter. Remember theres 4 pills in the train before.
By Barad 007 on 19 Aug 2012 22:59
I want to add that the ammo conservation is good but I believe that the game takes away all your ammo and replaces it with a certain standard value. So there's nothing like 'the game gets randomly real stingy with ammo at times'.
Also for the BIG mini-bosses just flank them, try shooting them in the cheeck to bypass the very powerful faceplate/helmet of them.
By lord verh on 13 Oct 2012 10:06
I did all the game on HARD and FREE AIM without changing anything, i didnt get the hard achievement, and the harder difficulties are not unlocked ...
By DeadScourge75 on 09 Nov 2012 22:34
Having all gold guns helps a bit with higher mag cap, and bullet damage.
By Psimon007 on 26 Mar 2013 06:07
the real payne was bullet time running out mid-shot
By noskilIas on 08 Feb 2023 02:57
do you have to start a "new game"? I thought i did but the continue option is grayed out when I went to continue and there is no way that I see to tell if you completed the level on a certain difficulty or not.
By xC H E E Z U Sx on 21 May 2012 06:21
I'm not sure I understand the problem nor how it is related to the achievement. Here is what I did:

-Start New Game
-Select Free Aim
-Did not change difficulty or aiming at ANY point, not even to go for achievements using an aim assist
-Enjoy game
-Achievement(s) unlocked

My gut feeling would be that you have to complete the whole game front to back on hard, not trying to replay individual chapters on hard.
By heynongman329 on 22 May 2012 10:07
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See Payne In The Ass achievement description.

I’ll make a general hint, including additions to the previous one and add my own:

1) I advise you to start the first game at this difficulty level. Why? - You will then get very tired of the plot of the game, which you know from cover to cover, or rather not the plot, but these painful videos. It won’t be that difficult to play, believe me, you won’t suffer for long, but at the end you will get 2 trophies at once! for completing on normal and hard

2) Do not under any circumstances change the sight/difficulty settings during the game and choose a free sight from the very beginning (I speak from experience.. you should have seen my face when I suffered through the whole game, passed and in the end I didn’t get a trophy for high difficulty They gave it purely because I installed a soft grip.

3) If passing a certain level causes difficulties, try again and again! This is the game in which, in difficult episodes, you just have to think through the tactics by which you will destroy your enemies and everything will work out anyway! If it doesn’t work out, or like me. It happened that there was very little health or zero cartridges, let yourself be killed a couple of times and after a few deaths you get pills and cartridges!

4) Go into every loophole, so to speak, room in the game, there you can find a lot of interesting things in the form of the necessary weapons or extra pills that will save your nerves.

5) Use cover and be careful in a couple of episodes, these bastards can unexpectedly approach your cover from the side and cover you with a clip of an Kalash rifle or something else.

03 Jul 2012 11:13

1 Comment
Video guide to the location of all jars of painkillers that can be found in the game from chapters 1 to 14.
By TiamaTiK on 22 Dec 2015 22:39
You need to go through only with a free sight, otherwise they won’t give you the trophy.

20 Sep 2012 15:20