Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

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Something Wicked This Way Comes

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Get 7 Kills While Jumping From The Rickety Boat [FREE AIM].

How to unlock the Something Wicked This Way Comes achievement in Max Payne 3 - Definitive Guide

Right the other guides are good but I couldn't crack it as im not good enough at shooting.

As the other guides state this achievement is for 7 kills while jumping from the rickety boat using free aim.

Achievement gained on chapter 5 checkpoint 6.

like the other guides suggest get a smg on chapter 5 checkpoint 5 and then work your way to checkpoint 6.

Now here's where I initially had a problem, most other guides say take out the two guards carrying the crate first. I'm useless at shooting so this didn't work for me.

What I did was as soon as you take control of max look top right of the screen and there is a yellow explosive canister, shoot it, this is where the cutscene comes in. When the cutscene finishes the canister has killed 3 guards, next on the left there are 3 enemies grouped together making for easy kills, and the last guy is slightly to the right.

I got the achievement this way first time, after trying in vain many times using the other guides.

Any questions or problems with this guide just let me now so I can edit.

NOTE pls dont just vote negative, pls comment so i can edit accordingly.

02 Jun 2012 22:08

by far the best guide on here. i also couldnt the other way. that canister bit helped so much
By Goth Boy 10 on 04 Jun 2012 16:41
Ace! Struggled with always having 1 guy left until I tried this.
By Ben Reynolds on 06 Jun 2012 18:04
Thanks a lot U guys appreciate the thumbs up, spread the guide around if U can, and take a look at my others, there not as detailed as this but cud do with some thumbs ups
By Tan110688 on 06 Jun 2012 18:26
Worked a treat, cracked it first time. Big thanks and a thumbs up from me.
By XxjdooksxX on 06 Jun 2012 22:12
Glad I helped thanks for the thumbs up
By Tan110688 on 06 Jun 2012 22:49
Best guide. First time.
By Leejaar on 19 Jun 2012 14:04
Thankyou much appreciated
By Tan110688 on 19 Jun 2012 14:15
First try ! Thanks, Bud!
By sbg0924 on 12 Jul 2012 19:43
no problem glad i could help. thanks fir the thumbs up
By Tan110688 on 15 Jul 2012 03:01
Thanks, worked for me.
By TomaShevskyNL on 19 Nov 2012 18:32
your welcome
By Tan110688 on 22 Nov 2012 18:13
appreciate all the thumbs up guys
By Tan110688 on 17 Dec 2012 21:22
Why the negative vote on an otherwise flawless guide
By Tan110688 on 01 Jan 2013 16:15
Im not voting negatively but I simply cant get it
By Deeeco on 07 Jan 2013 06:52
Hmm i would put a video up but i don't have the game anymore.
By Tan110688 on 07 Jan 2013 11:38
Apparently it doesn't work anymore in the latest patch. That's the consensus anyhow, apparently all seven people must be killed midair, i'll go back and try it tonight without the cannister and see how I go
By Deeeco on 08 Jan 2013 16:10
Ive just got it on another account so can confirm it still works.
By Tan110688 on 15 Jan 2013 15:27
Your welcome
By Tan110688 on 25 Jan 2013 11:50
Got it on the second try, thanks to your gas tank tip. T(h)anks!
By Chronovore on 26 Mar 2013 09:53
Your welcome glad i could help
By Tan110688 on 26 Mar 2013 12:28
perfect, first time using your canister method, thanks!
By RichSeventy4 on 27 Mar 2013 18:21
Thankyou, good to know its still working. Appreciate the thumbs up.
By Tan110688 on 27 Mar 2013 19:33
Did it on my first try, thanks!
By KrakilinX on 02 Aug 2013 19:06
Your welcome
By Tan110688 on 02 Aug 2013 19:13
Did this with the pistol... its possible. Thanks!
By DropKickingBear on 18 Aug 2013 17:30
By Tan110688 on 19 Aug 2013 13:07
Who would even give this a negative? Worked on my second attempt and it only took me a second attempt because I didn't read up to where you mentioned the gas canister.

Excellent solution.
By Yummy Baklava on 25 Aug 2013 03:41
Thankyou, and some ppl vote negative for the fun of it, glad i could help.
By Tan110688 on 25 Aug 2013 09:48
I've did this 148536 times tonight, and no achievement...
By Gabwe on 23 Oct 2013 04:21
I.dont know.what to tell you, its worked for everyone else
By Tan110688 on 23 Oct 2013 16:14
I just got it today. It works fine. Thanks!
By Cincynagi on 25 Oct 2013 09:39
Nice cheers
By Tan110688 on 25 Oct 2013 12:48
I can confirm this works - no idea what Gabwe's problem is.
By S P 4 C E Y on 19 Jan 2014 20:42
Thanks sp4cey for the confirmation
By Tan110688 on 19 Jan 2014 21:12
May 2014, method still works, just got it by doing the cannister
By KashThePriest on 04 May 2014 20:16
This method still works, after trying it the hard way numerous times, I got it on the first attempt with this guide.
By Darkwings17 on 20 May 2014 15:19
The tank explodes during the cutscene and not when i'm mid air
By L J EDM on 17 Jun 2014 12:32
If like me, you have to try this after patch and the explosion doesn't work, wait till they are all bunched up.
By L J EDM on 17 Jun 2014 12:35
Won't work for me. I shoot canister and it blows two guys up then I kill everyone else and nothing pops.
By LORDOFDOOKIE69 on 12 Dec 2014 02:55
All I can suggest is keep trying, everyone else prevailed in the end
By Tan110688 on 12 Dec 2014 04:26
Shoot the cannister before the cut scene, worked for me.
By RABBID W0LF on 15 Jul 2016 02:20
Got it. Thanks!
By LoneSt4r1836 on 29 Mar 2018 22:48
Thank you! got this my first try with the canister suggestion after failing at 6 for so long.

I see some people saying it did not work. I'm not sure if this made the difference but I missed my first shot on the canister and hit it with a second shot, I was spotted and hit it just before the cut scene went off. Also I just started form checkpoint 6 and used the pistol
By Fuzzy Dem0n on 16 Aug 2021 22:54
Dont work
By Rkranl on 26 Jul 2022 11:38
Do not shoot the yellow propan tank use uzi to kill all 7 enemies it works for me
By IgnasL0 on 21 Feb 2024 12:43
I did it after patch and got it 2nd attempt, mainly cos 1st attempt I didn't know where the tank was, if I remember right, it was on the stairs and was a lot smaller than I was expecting
By KashThePriest on 17 Jun 2014 19:28
Yeah, doesn't work for me either sadly, it always blows them up in the cutscene, not after.

OK, just got the the normal way, not too bad actually. Tried the blow up methold quite a few times, but even if I waited to shoot it at the last possible moment before the cutscene starts, it would always blow up at the same spot, right after it showed the ropes dropping the boat, so it'd always kill them in the cutscene, not when you are in slow mo jumping off the boat.

I have the game installed, I wonder if that makes a difference? Might explain why this seems to work for some, but not others.
By EarthboundX on 06 Jul 2021 09:20
I finally got it the hard way, but tried this method a few times more, just for the sake of it, with no success. I've also seen on the x360a guide that this exploit has been patched and no longer works. I wish I had read it before. You should edit your solution and insert a warning that it may not work anymore... I hope you understand my point. :)
By Gabwe on 23 Oct 2013 20:35
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First, this moment is in Chapter V, Checkpoint 6. But don't load it there. Load Checkpoint 5, and you should start with an uzi for a gun. If you don't, there will be plenty along the way. Make sure you have an uzi or two uzis, but no pistols. Max uses whatever secondary gun he has in hand when the "Rickety Boat" sequence begins. I failed over and over again with the pistol and the revolver. Don't bother with those.

With the uzi, wait for the two guys carrying the large box to nearly drop it. Seconds after that, they will be side by side with a guy in purple who was walking the opposite way of them. These three will all be next to the guy working on another boat. With these four grouped together now, fire a warning shot, or just take aim, to startle them and begin the slow motion sequence.

Fire at the three guys on the right first, and if you quickly dispatch them, you'll have enough time to spray at the other four before you hit the ground.

I had all of my sensitivity levels at 5, but you should experiment if you're still having difficulty with it. I got it on my third try with the uzi.

I hope this helps.

EDIT: A few of you have let me know that killing any of the seven enemies in that 1-2 seconds you have during the warning shot does not disable the achievement. So, if you can, aim for the propane tank on the right to kill one or two guys on that side. Then you'll have even fewer to deal with once the slow-mo starts. I'll keep an eye on this and update the solution again if this part is patched.

EDIT 2: Removed last section post-patch.

20 May 2012 16:46

Penny you're way to long winded here. I started with an uzi here (Chpt.V Checkpoint 6) no need to go through the previous check point. Used your solution from "With the Uzi, wait" and got it on the second try.
By Zombified on 21 May 2012 01:16
Thanks for the tips. I shortened it. I don't write solutions much and I'm usually nervous I'm not being clear enough. Glad to see it helped.

I am going to keep the part about recovering the uzi though, because it didn't do it for me. It's probably based on whatever you used in the most recent playthrough.
By N0T PENNYS B0AT on 21 May 2012 01:33
Interesting. I wonder if anyone could post what they start with. I did my first play through got all the golden guns and started checkpoint 6 with the golden uzi. I guess maybe load the checkpoint to see what weapon you start with. I do think the Uzi is the best weapon for this.
By Zombified on 21 May 2012 13:24
Got it first time spot on, although i did start checkpoint 5 with an uzi and had no golden guns but its like 5 minutes to get to checkpoint 6(maybe slightly longer).
By Megamonkeymania on 21 May 2012 22:27
I have a great tip for getting this achievement EASILY!

You know how you start the sequence with a warning shot? Well that warning shot can kill people and those kills go towards the achievement! My "warning shot" before the slow-mo killed two guys. During slow-mo I only had to kill FIVE people. The achievement unlocked!
By MajimaActual on 24 May 2012 01:17
I have played this sequence over and over and the achievement will not pop - has anyone had a problem like this??
By Mr Mp5 on 26 May 2012 23:53
Worked for me thanks.
By Calex dEUS on 29 May 2012 16:56
Mr mp5, do you use free aim? Maybe that's the problem?
By melkkman on 02 Jun 2012 07:07
AMAZING! Worked first try....thanks!
By rangersfan414 on 02 Jun 2012 19:10
@melkkman I only play with free aim
By Mr Mp5 on 03 Jun 2012 02:07
Just to add. I fired a warning shot at the gas canister to trigger it off and despite it exploding and killing before you start "jumping" from the boat the kills still count. Achievement popped.
By bigfatwallet on 06 Jun 2012 21:04
Fantastic guide =D Works perfectly! (I was able to load Checkpoint 6 and start with an Micro 9mm Uzi)
By Xenval on 08 Jun 2012 04:38
Thanks. It seems enough of you have had success doing the propane tank thing. I'll update the solution to include that. Hopefully they don't patch it.
By N0T PENNYS B0AT on 11 Jun 2012 19:07
Oops didn't see wallet lol
By Wallless Fury on 11 Jun 2012 19:08
Not sure if they patched it or not, but I had no success unlocking this until I killed every single guy, all 7, while flying through the air. After a dozen or so tries killing during the 'warning shot', or blowing up the canister (which I could kill 4 guys with), it would not trigger. Finally (since I had the UZI anyway), I killed all 7 while in flight and it unlocked.
By M4EOzzy on 22 Jun 2012 14:15
Okay, so post-patch the following rules must be obeyed.

1) You must be in Free Aim (derp)
2) ALL 7 enemies must be killed in mid-air. If your "warning shot" kills any of them, the achievement is nullified.
3) As per #2, the gas canister trick no longer works, as it will kill them before the sequence begins.

So, do like Penny's Boat says and get the Uzi, hold down the RT button, and aim counter clockwise starting with the coke head and ending with either the crate carriers or the guy who was repairing the boat. Good luck.
By Wynnloss on 23 Jul 2012 03:12
The tip about shooting a few guys before the sequence starts was helpful.
By RAVIOLICAPONI on 05 Oct 2012 01:04
I can confirm post patch you have to kill all 7 guys in mid air, popped first time after unsuccessfully trying many times killing 2 or 3 before the jump sequence.
By THE OOZ on 09 Nov 2012 15:46
My game is brand new But for some reason it keeps freezing up everytime I try to reload checkpoint.
By Joker De Pablo on 14 Jan 2013 23:01
I blind-fired my warning shot and accidentally hit the guy working on the boat enough to wound but not kill him (as he fell to the ground). I started the sequence and killed everyone and still got the achievement.
By Or1g1nal S1nn3r on 05 Mar 2013 20:36
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Chapter: 5, Checkpoint: 6 [Free Aim]

Remember, check your settings before you attempt this to make sure you're not using soft or hard lock.

Once you select this chapter and checkpoint you will see a short cut-scene of the enemies below. Before you do anything, allow the two enemies with the crate to walk into view, then kill them both quickly.

As you start to jump, kill the three enemies on the right, then kill the remaining enemies. This isn't all that difficult, but it may take a few attempts. If you don't unlock this, restart your checkpoint and you will start where the cut-scene left off.

I've tried various ways to do this, some may be easier than others, but this works perfectly every time as long as your aim is sharp. If you're using the standard control setup and find that you can't get between targets quick enough, alter your sensitivity to fit your needs.

25 May 2012 18:04

I voted negative because it didn't work for me. I killed more than once the crate guys and than cleaned the other five with one shot each during the jump. Achievement didn't pop up. Finally I've got it after giving up the "two first shortcut" and killed all seven from the air. I was playing Hard with Free Aim.
By Mise64 on 01 Sep 2012 13:10
Same, very irritating.
By VolsungrOLD on 06 Dec 2012 06:25
As everyone has stated, chapter 5 section 6.

Actually this achievement becomes very easy once you follow this guide.

As soon as you aim over the boat it will trigger a quick time sequence. You do however have time to get away a couple of bullets before the sequence starts. No kills during this will count to the achievement but what you need to do with these bullets is shoot the gas canister (yellow) on the stairs to the right and at the back of the room.

The quick time dive will then start and you just need to shoot the 4 or 5 people furthest left. The gas canister will take a few seconds to explode but will go off during the bullet time to add 2 or3 kills to your total allowing you to get 7 easily

30 May 2012 09:18

Like the other solutions state, this takes place on Chapter 5: Checkpoint 6. I was having a bit of a hard time getting this after waiting for the cutscene to trigger/with the barrel, so I found an easier solution.

What you want to do is hit your L trigger right when it puts you on the boat. This forces the bullet dodge right away and will group the three guys on the left pretty much on top of each other, making it easy to kill them quickly. This then leaves you plenty of time to target the other four (considering the guys on the right are essentially in a line anyways.)

Hope this helps!

*Edit - took out the part about the barrel not working. Apparently it is still, however, it didn't work for me.

18 May 2012 17:09

I was able to get this achievement by turning down horizontal aim sensitivity some (to 5, where I usually have it set on 8). I aimed above them and fired a warning shot to trigger the cutscene. Then, when Max jumps out to the right, I quickly aimed in at the lower left of the 7 people in range, and just held the trigger down spraying bullets upward to those guys and then across to the right to the rest. I tried several times to target each one, but it appears there are plenty of bullets to just plaster an arc across all of them. I got the achievement easily the first time it occurred to me to try like that.

As was mentioned, this is Chapter 5, checkpoint 6. If you miss it, it should be easily obtainable just by replaying the chapter checkpoint at any later time. Targeting, in settings, should be set to free aim (rather than hard lock or soft lock).

17 May 2012 22:00

Get 7 Kills While Jumping From The Rickety Boat [FREE AIM]
Chapter 5: Checkpoint 6. Right when you gain control, run up the steps to the left and skip the cutscene. After the cutscene, shoot the barrel near the steps to trigger the cutscene then quickly kill the remaining enemies.

14 Jun 2012 10:56

So there is a trick to do this!

To the right of the two guys in the back there is a stairway leading up. On that stairway there is a little gas tank. Shoot on that gas tank while in cover before the boat drops to the ground and thesequence starts. This way the explosion will take out the 3 guys on the right and you only have to shoot the four guys on the left. Thats it!

29 Aug 2012 19:03

Chapter 5: Checkpoint 6. Aim assist set as [FREE AIM]. Right when you gain control, run up the steps to the left and skip the cutscene. After the cutscene, shoot the barrel near the steps to trigger the cutscene then quickly kill the remaining enemies.

* It seems this exploit has been patched and you can't shoot the barrel anymore, you will have to kill all with just your bullets. Best done on Easy setting.

2024 02.21 this achievement unlock for me(USING ONLY UZI)just don't shoot the yellow propan tank.

21 Feb 2024 15:36

This can be done in Chapter V, Checkpoint 7.

04 Oct 2016 23:05

Chapter 5 checkpoint 6.

Wait for the two guys with the box to come close to two more guys on the left (they will drop the box, but let them go a little more), then you will have 4 villains on the left and 3 on the right

23 May 2012 20:29

I did it using an automatic pistol. As in the previously mentioned tip, I waited until they stood in one line and swiped them to the right - to the left! Tip: if you're going to do what I did, don't move the joystick too quickly (the bullets don't hit everyone)
By ALEX_876000 on 07 Jun 2012 22:05
They will start shooting at you and drop the boat only after you lean out from behind the cover. While you are leaning out, you can manage to shoot 1-2 enemies, and then in bullet time you will only have to finish off those that are left. I advise you to kill those who stand away from the cluster of enemies.
By *Poohus* on 18 Aug 2012 13:03
I did this: I waited for the guys with the box to approach the other two, leaned out and shot at the yellow canister, it’s near the fox on the right, they saw me, a cutscene with a falling boat began and at that time the canister exploded, and when control switched to max, only four remained to be killed )

Before this, no matter how hard I tried it didn’t work, but it happened!
By Clab on 06 Jan 2013 06:10
Balloon assassination works. The cylinder should explode after the video with the boat falling. I won the trophy this way. All game updates have been installed.
By Mega4uvak on 03 Jul 2019 04:30
Alternatively, you can lower the sensitivity of the sight in the settings by 1–2 (horizontal and vertical). Personally, it helped me after a couple of dozen attempts. I made a trophy without a barrel.
By Silent-hiller47 on 11 Mar 2024 08:00
There is a gas cylinder on the stairs, we shoot at it - it starts to burn, meanwhile we have already been noticed and we begin to fall, the explosion of the gas cylinder will kill three people, but we finish off the rest in flight. I got it right the first time!
By Malyshev_Gleb on 02 Nov 2012 06:55
The balloon theme doesn't work. I even stuck my head out and waited, and before the cutscene started, I shot once at the balloon, and still the trophy didn’t fall out. I knocked it out on the most difficult difficulty level, did as in the very first hint, waited until two came closer to the other two (4 on the left, 3 on the right). The only difficulty was aiming because... I had a Kalashnikov in my second hand and could not properly aim at the 4 on the left. Until my curling iron hung and I restarted the game again and the Kalash disappeared -) and easily killed all 7 with one ultrasound in my hand.
P.S. Killed from right to left
By selvo13 on 10 Sep 2016 12:26
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Let's simplify the task: as soon as you gain control of the character (in the boat itself, before the jump), we shoot the propane tank on the stairs (upper right corner)! There will only be four left to kill in the jump, since three will die from the explosion!
UPD. After installing the patch, this method does not work! =(

24 Jun 2012 11:41