Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

67 Achievements

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The Fear Of Losing It

The Fear Of Losing It

Survive A Level Without Painkillers.

How to unlock the The Fear Of Losing It achievement in Max Payne 3 - Definitive Guide

A very easy achievement. I advise that you beat chapter one first and begin chapter two, so that you can use mission select and choose it without having to start over and reset the difficulty. That is of course if you are playing on anything other than easy (as it saves your main non-select playthrough.)

Anyway, select mission 1, set the difficulty to easy, and place the aim assist on high. Now as you play, make ample use of bullet time and the shoot-dodge especially (as the SD always seems to lock onto head.) Follow this and you should take little to no damage; I did not take any.

16 May 2012 21:20

Just to add to a very good solution for a very easy achievement is that if you get shot, and are close to dying then restarting a checkpoint doesn't effect this achievement.
By Leejaar on 23 Jun 2012 10:04
thanks for pointing out the checkpoint trick Lj, used it twice
By FAH fl0p on 07 Nov 2012 20:07
Solution helped just fine. +1
By BALLISTIC VII on 14 Mar 2014 23:31
Also just wanna mention that you CAN die as long as you don't use any painkillers. If you just suck at the game like I do and still somehow die on easy, just don't kill anyone as you're going down and you won't revive, meaning you didn't use any painkillers!
By Snooch2theBooch on 24 May 2016 18:55
I can't imagine somebody even die at easy. Use Hard Lock and you can get it done without a scratch! Very first chapter.
By JimmieWorld on 04 Mar 2023 20:29
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This achievement is even easier then expected. I loaded first level played through it on medium (because i forgot 2 change difficulty) got to last part and my health was almost gone I decided to reload checkpoint got my health back to full finished the level and the achievement still unlocked.

17 May 2012 05:32

1 Comment
Easier THAN expected. #grammarpolice
By Big Ell on 06 Oct 2016 01:04
You can get this achievement on every level,difficulty with aim assist if you like.
You can even die, BUT when you got shot down and are in last stand just let yourself die otherwise the achievement will be DISABLED.
It's because you will use a painkiller when you make a kill in last stand.

20 May 2012 15:21

You can easily do this on Chapter 1 with easy difficulty, and set targetting to hard lock. Just use bullet time whenever you have a chance, always go for covers, and be patient. Watch the video for the walkthrough of chapter 1

07 Jun 2012 01:52

I got this by accident. I was at the end of level 1 and quit out, came back later and loaded my save, and finished the level. I quit out at the part where you have the shoot out with the guys from the van. I had used a painkiller while I was playing previously, not when I reloaded my save. Achievement popped upon beating the level.

This would be easiest done on Easy difficulty on the first mission. Take your time, use Bullet Time and use cover. If your health gets too low you will go into last stand and a Painkiller will be used automatically, if you think this might happen, restart checkpoint, doing so will still enable you to unlock the achievement at the end of the level.

We set the difficulty to easy, select hard sight lock, chapter 2, go through it without pressing the up button on the d-pad and if you are killed, do not do the “last shot in slow motion”, but simply let Max die.

16 May 2012 09:53

1 Comment
It's best to go through chapter 1 on easy level; there are few enemies and it's short!
By SeFeRoT on 16 Jul 2012 04:49
The easiest way to do this is to complete the first chapter on minimum difficulty.

31 May 2012 23:47