Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

67 Achievements

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The Gambler

The Gambler

Won A Wager.

How to unlock the The Gambler achievement in Max Payne 3 - Definitive Guide

To unlock the ability to make wagers you first need to complete the challenge that requires you to earn 2,000 dollars. After doing that challenge you can then bet wagers in gang wars. You also need to be level 4 in order to unlock the full playlist which contains gang wars, which is the mode where you can place a wager.

Now go play a game of gang wars and before each round starts you need to press "X" so the see the available bets you can place. Each wager costs $100. The amount of money paid for each win is dependant on the players's postion, score and other factors.

So after pressing X before the round starts the game will give you a screen with 3 players you can bet with (sometimes you can bet on yourself). It will also give you the criteria for which you need to win the bet like "Most melee kills" or "first one to get a kill". Just meet the criteria before your opponent and you will win the bet.

Betting on yourself is an easy way to go, so if you see yourself on that list of 3, take the bet.

18 May 2012 23:12

Also the player with the smallest amount to win will have the best odds of completing the task.
By Markyshizzle on 21 May 2012 20:14
I was lucky enough to bet a wager on myself for most bullets fired. Pulled out my uzi and just let rip at spawn. Easy.
By Brooklyn Gin on 11 Jun 2012 22:09
I got lucky, the second bet I placed, was on a low level with a shotgun to be the most accurate, and he ended up doing that.
By EarthboundX on 17 Jun 2013 21:12
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This can only be achieved in gang wars mode in multiplayer.

Before the beginning of each round, players have an opportunity to wager on things such as who will be the first player of to get a kill, or get the most melee kills. Continue to wager and pick anyone and hope for the best, it's luck reliant but shouldn't take too long provided you play gang wars.

If you happen to be one of the three players people can bet on, bet on yourself and focus on meeting the requirement to make unlocking this trophy slightly easier.

06 Jul 2014 16:09

In the Gang Wars playlist you can place a wager in between rounds by pressing , all you need to do is win a wager and this achievement will unlock. Wagers are bets you can place on one of three random players, example: 'Who will get the first kill?' and other random bets.

In street war mode, before the start of the round, press and place a bet on one of the proposed players, if the one on whom you bet gains the most money per round, then the trophy is yours

16 May 2012 10:04

1 Comment
The previous clue is incorrect!!! The person you bet on should not receive the most money! He must do something (kill the most people in the back, kill the most people in hand-to-hand combat, be the first on the team to kill the enemy, etc.). On top of the players you can bet on there is this condition.
By ALEX_876000 on 09 Jun 2012 20:01
go to the network mode, street wars before the start of the round will show your team (and how you stand, I hope you understand what I mean) click on and they will show you a sign of 3 people, that is, those people who are most likely to win the bet, above the sign it will be written under what conditions you will receive money, they can write to you, for example (who will kill the most, who will score the most points, etc.) the conditions are given in Each round is the same, and this condition is always different. The trophy is easy (after all, they only give 3 players to choose from). I myself won 3 bets in a row in the rounds and never made a mistake.

17 Jun 2012 21:34