Max Payne 3
67 Achievements
The Shadows Rushed Me
Unlock And Complete New York Minute Hardcore.
How to unlock the The Shadows Rushed Me achievement in Max Payne 3 - Definitive Guide
This solution is exactly the same as
However you can not die throughout THE WHOLE ENTIRE CAMPAIGN! If you die, or fail a mission, you are restarted from level one. No checkpoints and no save points!!!
Yes, this means you must go through every level in one sitting without dying not even once. Also, aim is set to free aim.
Some things to look out for are missing timed events such as saving somebody, sniping somebody in time, or jumping off of ledges by accident. It may seem like common sense but you will be using alot of bullettime and diving so make sure you aren't near any dangerous ledges.
Also, you can use last stand but MAKE SURE you shoot the person who shot you. If you run out of ammo, you die, game over.
Another helpful hint is that you can hit the back button to turn off weapon attachments and press left and right on the D pad to change your viewing angle.
This may be the toughest shooter achievement around in a long time so prepare for a grind, and may the force be with you :P
UPDATE 2 - Here is a list of all pain killers in the game. Props to Pr1nce0fDarknez for giving me the link and Infernal on X360a
UPDATE - I have now completed Hardcore NY Minute. It was a pain! I died so many times over game glitches and stupid situations but being persistent is key!
Below are my videos of me actually doing Hardcore NY Minute. If you click the videos and go to Youtube you can see time stamps for each section and main event for easy navigation.
I also have PLATINUM medals for all regular new york minute mission in this playlist. Please check it out.
Also during the last mission I got booted off of live due to an update for Max Payne! I was too far in to even think about restarting so that is why it is appearing offline. Check out video 5 to see what I am talking about.
All videos were recorded while streaming at
Good luck!
However you can not die throughout THE WHOLE ENTIRE CAMPAIGN! If you die, or fail a mission, you are restarted from level one. No checkpoints and no save points!!!
Yes, this means you must go through every level in one sitting without dying not even once. Also, aim is set to free aim.
Some things to look out for are missing timed events such as saving somebody, sniping somebody in time, or jumping off of ledges by accident. It may seem like common sense but you will be using alot of bullettime and diving so make sure you aren't near any dangerous ledges.
Also, you can use last stand but MAKE SURE you shoot the person who shot you. If you run out of ammo, you die, game over.
Another helpful hint is that you can hit the back button to turn off weapon attachments and press left and right on the D pad to change your viewing angle.
This may be the toughest shooter achievement around in a long time so prepare for a grind, and may the force be with you :P
UPDATE 2 - Here is a list of all pain killers in the game. Props to Pr1nce0fDarknez for giving me the link and Infernal on X360a
UPDATE - I have now completed Hardcore NY Minute. It was a pain! I died so many times over game glitches and stupid situations but being persistent is key!
Below are my videos of me actually doing Hardcore NY Minute. If you click the videos and go to Youtube you can see time stamps for each section and main event for easy navigation.
I also have PLATINUM medals for all regular new york minute mission in this playlist. Please check it out.
Also during the last mission I got booted off of live due to an update for Max Payne! I was too far in to even think about restarting so that is why it is appearing offline. Check out video 5 to see what I am talking about.
All videos were recorded while streaming at
Good luck!
I have read that, however I have already played HC NYM and can confirm everything I said is correct. There are no save points, there is one death, thats it. I know this because I have played it. It should not be mixed.
And for normal NYM there is no where to select difficulty setting, it is one setting. and Yes that is chapter to chapter.
And for normal NYM there is no where to select difficulty setting, it is one setting. and Yes that is chapter to chapter.
By Markyshizzle on 18 May 2012 08:11
and btw that isnt a response from rockstar, it is a post on their social club website, because i read that a few days ago before you even posted it
By Markyshizzle on 18 May 2012 08:12
Important Edit, September 8, 2012:
Unfortunately, Rockstar has implemented a patch that has severely reduced the amount of time you can earn from explosions. Therefore, my guide isn't that useful anymore. However, if you are fine with not getting a timestamp, you can clear your cache and play offline to avoid the new patch. That way you can play NYMH with the old explosion bonuses. Otherwise, and I say this not to be smug, but you're out of luck. I don't see how this draconian mode is possible without the explosion bonuses.
I strongly recommend playing this mode offline and without a patch from now on, to take advantage of the huge time bonuses you get from explosions.
Important Edit: Here is what Doctor Lollypop has to say about Rockstar's update. It looks like it is pointless to try to play without the patch. So despite what I wrote above, you'll likely have to play with the patch, with the reduced explosion bonuses, and try your best, hopefully combining my tips below, with tips from other solution writers, and your perseverance and skill, to get this achievement.
From Doctor Lollypop:
"Just as an FYI there no way to clear your cache to remove the patch b/c the last update is a physical save on your Harddrive, and if you delete it, it wont let you play game and will freeze you on the load screen. The only way to actually do this pre patch is to remove the patch save on the harddrive, and all your single player data. then you can do it offline but you'll have to beat it on hard, then NYM, and then you can do NYMHC.
But in my opinion it isnt worth all that effort because you lose all your grind progress, and golden guns. I just beat NYMHC today on my 3rd attempt . I went into CH 14 minutes with 30 minutes banked 2 times and finished the Becker area the 2nd with over 25 minutes left, so its still very possible to do even with the patch."
First of all, like MarkyShizzle says, don’t even think of trying for this achievement without the following painkiller location guide, written by Infernal from
Additionally, my strong recommendation is to complete old school before touching New York Minute Hardcore. Old School trains you to use painkillers manually, and you will want to be accustomed to doing this to avoid Last Man Standing at almost all costs. You don't want your NYMH run being ruined because you entered Last Man Standing and the perpetrator is hidden behind a pillar.
Having said that, here is my guide: To get this achievement, first you need to beat the story mode on any difficulty (easy/medium/hard). That will unlock the regular New York Minute mode. Once you beat the regular New York Minute mode, you can start playing New York Minute Hardcore. Beat New York Minute Hardcore for the achievement. NYMH is basically medium difficulty on a timer, with no deaths allowed whatsoever! You have to beat the entire game in one sitting without dying.
The number one thing you want to aim for in this mode is a big time bank.
You want to accumulate a healthy amount of time playing the easy early chapters. This allows you to take your sweet time and comfortably and patiently fight through the difficult late-game encounters. For example, if you have enough time saved, you can burn 3+ minutes in the airport terminal fight. Or you can spend 2+ minutes trying to smoke the UFE boss in Chapter 13 out of his hole.
You’ll want to become very good at strafing in bullet time to line up headshots. Strafing left and right in bullet time allows you to dodge bullets. You'll see them whiz by your character. But most of all, strafing lets you line up headshots with ease. Even if early game enemies can be killed with shots anywhere to their body, you'll want to be accustomed to lining up headshots because the Cracha Preto and UFE have bullet sponges for chests. And dispatching early game enemies quickly with headshots will grant you additional time bonuses.
However, explosions are the best massive contributors to your time bank. You can add a full minute of time in one brief encounter just from using explosions wisely. First of all, you should note that an explosion will not give any time bonuses if its blast radius doesn't kill enemies. So time your propane tank shots just right, so that the propane tank (or gas canister or vehicle or whatever you shoot) will capture as many enemies as possible in its blast radius. Below I will list the best spots for accumulating giant time bonuses through explosions:
*Chapter 4 Part 1: After you exit the bar building, there are numerous cars you can explode for big time bonuses. Blind fire four shots into the first car you see for a big bonus. After blind firing the four shots, make sure you're not just waiting for the explosion. Passos might get shot while you wait. Go into bullet time and kill one or two of the enemies with your gun while you wait for the explosion. Shoot the second car too. If the second explosion doesn't kill everyone, take care of the stragglers and move on. Once you go further on and you see a cutscene with a black car screeching to a halt, that will be your cue to blow up two or three more cars for time bonuses.
*Chapter 4 Part 2: After you climb to the roof of your apartment building, and before the water tower bullet time sequence, there is one last enemy encounter. There is a propane tank against the wall here. Time the shot right, because the enemies won't spawn right away.
*Chapter 5 Part 1: There are many propane tanks to shoot here. In the first half of this section, there are two wide open fights. Each of these encounters has a propane tank (both of which is the fuel tank for a forklift). Time your shot right, so that the tank explodes when enemies are near its blast radius. Also, before triggering the rickety boat jump sequence, make sure you shoot the propane tank on the stairs. Lastly, at the beginning of the very long docks fight, you will kill a lone gunman before dealing with a boat that swoops in from the left. After dealing with this boat, move onward and pick up the gun that the aforementioned lonesome thug dropped. Use this gun and its zoomed in scope AND bullet time to pop a propane tank that is near four or five guys. You'll get a big bonus from this.
*Chapter 5 Part 2: This is the on-rails boat chapter. There's a big building with a giant propane tank and lots of gas canisters. Shoot the propane tank first and then wait. Once the enemies start congregating inside the building, start shooting the small gas canisters too (there are about three of them). Then kill two or three enemies just to be safe. The explosion takes a really long time to kick in, and I kill two or three just to make sure I don’t die while waiting for the explosion. Anyway, the explosion will eventually occur and you'll get a hefty time bonus. ADDITIONALLY, make sure you take care of the jeep section by exploding every single jeep. Don't kill any of the machine gunners standing on the jeep with direct gunfire. Instead, shoot at each of the trucks to make them explode. This way the machine gunners get caught in the explosion and will reward you with additional time bonuses.
*Chapter 10: When Giovanna is driving the bus, she will approach a gas station. Shoot out both pumps for a big explosion near many enemies.
*Chapter 12: Remember when you needed to blow up that propane tank to blast open a door? Well that door has three enemies in front of it. So instead of taking care of the enemies and then shooting the tank like you probably did in your first run, use bullet time to strafe left out of cover, shoot the propane tank, and then strafe right back into cover. That will get you a modest time bonus.
I also have some general tips for certain difficult sections. Among these tips I outline weird areas that you wouldn't think would be hard, but will fail you unexpectedly.
*Chapter 3: When you and Passos are still together, don't rush through an exit before killing every enemy. Passos will instantly die.
*Chapter 4 Part 2: After the car mechanic fight, when Passos opens the gate, do not wait behind the gate to pick off enemies from afar. Passos will die. You must join him and fight those enemies head on.
*Chapter 5 Part 1: At the very beginning, do not kill the two guys near the jeep stealthily. If you do this stealthily, then you'll skip out on four or five goons that come out to investigate. These guys are easy to kill and will give you an extra 25+ seconds of banked time after headshotting them.
*Chapter 6 Part 1: After the boardroom, you will have two cubicle fights with the IT guy. In both fights, the IT guy is hiding behind you, so make sure you move away from him as soon as possible. You don't want him to get hit by a grenade. I've failed from a grenade hitting him before. As long as you fight away from IT guy, he will be safe from grenades.
*Chapter 6 Part 2: Getting through the burning building is way harder than it appears. Do not casually walk towards any of the enemies in this chapter, even with bullet time, because you have only half health and you have no painkillers. Furthermore, Max is partially injured and blinded in this chapter, so aiming will be unusually difficult. Make sure to patiently stay in cover and kill the enemies very carefully. Burn off some of your accumulated time to get through this chapter safely.
*Chapter 8: The sniper part is the hardest encounter in this chapter, because he'll instantly fail you if he shoots you. I have no real tips, other than take your sweet time. You should have enough time banked to comfortably burn 3 full minutes at the sniper fight alone. So just take your time and be careful.
*Chapter 9: Courtesy of user Hurricane of 87 from "At the beginning of Chapter 9 there's [an] easy melee kill on the UFE thug with the helmet. Since it's hard to get multiple headshots in a row with no Bullet Time available it's better to run up to the wall, then pop out and let him have it, THEN use the BT you just earned on the bald guy slightly down the stairs."
*Chapter 10: You must try to minimize your bullet time consumption in the very first fight of this chapter. Don't use shootdodge, and try to get as many non-bullet-time kills as possible. This is because the second fight is against two one-hit-kill snipers. One-hit-kill snipers will give you an instant game over screen if they shoot you, even if you have painkillers left! So save some bullet time for those snipers, and use it to easily dispatch them.
*Chapter 11: Here's a tip for the part when you're in the balcony on the yacht and you're fighting guys emerging from jeeps from across the canal. Courtesy of user Hurricane of 87 from
"Immediately run past the initial wide open balcony area, you don't want to get stuck here, total deathtrap/waste of ammo. While running use Bullet Time to take out the first guy. Run into the next room and pick up the 2 PKs off the table, then crouch and slowly step out from behind the wall to pick them off one by one whether it be through the door you entered this room by or though the broken windows behind the piano.
“I find standing behind an obstacle and slowly edging out with LT aiming to be superior to taking cover and popping out. You can edge out just so their heads are visible, but even though you can see them and they can presumably see you they don't fire until you step too far out."
*Chapter 13: Absolutely do NOT try to shoot the first guy in this chapter. If you pop out of cover at the wrong time, the dude will juke his head and you'll miss your head shot and he'll kill you INSTANTLY since you have no painkillers... and then you'll restart all the way to Chapter 1. Instead, run up to him and melee kill him for an easy +10 seconds.
*Chapter 13: Courtesy of user Lima from GRAB THE GRENADE LAUNCHER in the armoured car sequence in Chapter 13! This will make an UFE encounter later in the chapter dirt easy. I’m speaking of the sequence where they all emerge from an elevator. Just hit them with the grenade launcher while they are all bunched up and they'll die easily. Remember that there are two elevators. So after you kill the first batch of guys, wait a few seconds, and aim slightly to the left of the first elevator. There will be smoke obscuring your vision, but sure as you're born, there is an additional elevator to the left of the first one and three more guys will emerge from there.
***Extremely Important Warning about the Grenade Launcher: people like Just Blaze (from and MarkyShizzle (from have been screwed over using explosives at the elevator scene, blowing themselves up accidentally. To avoid this, shoot out the entire glass pane on the right with your pistol before you approach the security console.
*Chapter 13: After the pushcart sequence, be wary of the sniper with a red laser... he's a one-hit-kill sniper. Like I mentioned before, this is a guy who will instantly fail you if he shoots you, no matter how many painkillers you have.
*Chapter 14: Do what MarkyShizzle does in his video at the beginning of this chapter. Get off the conveyor belt and hide at the very back and slowly pick everyone off. You should have enough time banked to comfortably handle this area.
*Chapter 14: In the Becker boss fight, abuse shootdodge, going left first, then right and left and right and left over and over again. When I did this, Becker did throw grenades at me and I was forced to pick them off in slow-mo shootdodge. It's scary, but doable.
Important Edit, September 8, 2012:
Unfortunately, Rockstar has implemented a patch that has severely reduced the amount of time you can earn from explosions. Therefore, my guide isn't that useful anymore. However, if you are fine with not getting a timestamp, you can clear your cache and play offline to avoid the new patch. That way you can play NYMH with the old explosion bonuses. Otherwise, and I say this not to be smug, but you're out of luck. I don't see how this draconian mode is possible without the explosion bonuses.
I strongly recommend playing this mode offline and without a patch from now on, to take advantage of the huge time bonuses you get from explosions.
Important Edit: Here is what Doctor Lollypop has to say about Rockstar's update. It looks like it is pointless to try to play without the patch. So despite what I wrote above, you'll likely have to play with the patch, with the reduced explosion bonuses, and try your best, hopefully combining my tips below, with tips from other solution writers, and your perseverance and skill, to get this achievement.
From Doctor Lollypop:
"Just as an FYI there no way to clear your cache to remove the patch b/c the last update is a physical save on your Harddrive, and if you delete it, it wont let you play game and will freeze you on the load screen. The only way to actually do this pre patch is to remove the patch save on the harddrive, and all your single player data. then you can do it offline but you'll have to beat it on hard, then NYM, and then you can do NYMHC.
But in my opinion it isnt worth all that effort because you lose all your grind progress, and golden guns. I just beat NYMHC today on my 3rd attempt . I went into CH 14 minutes with 30 minutes banked 2 times and finished the Becker area the 2nd with over 25 minutes left, so its still very possible to do even with the patch."
First of all, like MarkyShizzle says, don’t even think of trying for this achievement without the following painkiller location guide, written by Infernal from
Additionally, my strong recommendation is to complete old school before touching New York Minute Hardcore. Old School trains you to use painkillers manually, and you will want to be accustomed to doing this to avoid Last Man Standing at almost all costs. You don't want your NYMH run being ruined because you entered Last Man Standing and the perpetrator is hidden behind a pillar.
Having said that, here is my guide: To get this achievement, first you need to beat the story mode on any difficulty (easy/medium/hard). That will unlock the regular New York Minute mode. Once you beat the regular New York Minute mode, you can start playing New York Minute Hardcore. Beat New York Minute Hardcore for the achievement. NYMH is basically medium difficulty on a timer, with no deaths allowed whatsoever! You have to beat the entire game in one sitting without dying.
The number one thing you want to aim for in this mode is a big time bank.
You want to accumulate a healthy amount of time playing the easy early chapters. This allows you to take your sweet time and comfortably and patiently fight through the difficult late-game encounters. For example, if you have enough time saved, you can burn 3+ minutes in the airport terminal fight. Or you can spend 2+ minutes trying to smoke the UFE boss in Chapter 13 out of his hole.
You’ll want to become very good at strafing in bullet time to line up headshots. Strafing left and right in bullet time allows you to dodge bullets. You'll see them whiz by your character. But most of all, strafing lets you line up headshots with ease. Even if early game enemies can be killed with shots anywhere to their body, you'll want to be accustomed to lining up headshots because the Cracha Preto and UFE have bullet sponges for chests. And dispatching early game enemies quickly with headshots will grant you additional time bonuses.
However, explosions are the best massive contributors to your time bank. You can add a full minute of time in one brief encounter just from using explosions wisely. First of all, you should note that an explosion will not give any time bonuses if its blast radius doesn't kill enemies. So time your propane tank shots just right, so that the propane tank (or gas canister or vehicle or whatever you shoot) will capture as many enemies as possible in its blast radius. Below I will list the best spots for accumulating giant time bonuses through explosions:
*Chapter 4 Part 1: After you exit the bar building, there are numerous cars you can explode for big time bonuses. Blind fire four shots into the first car you see for a big bonus. After blind firing the four shots, make sure you're not just waiting for the explosion. Passos might get shot while you wait. Go into bullet time and kill one or two of the enemies with your gun while you wait for the explosion. Shoot the second car too. If the second explosion doesn't kill everyone, take care of the stragglers and move on. Once you go further on and you see a cutscene with a black car screeching to a halt, that will be your cue to blow up two or three more cars for time bonuses.
*Chapter 4 Part 2: After you climb to the roof of your apartment building, and before the water tower bullet time sequence, there is one last enemy encounter. There is a propane tank against the wall here. Time the shot right, because the enemies won't spawn right away.
*Chapter 5 Part 1: There are many propane tanks to shoot here. In the first half of this section, there are two wide open fights. Each of these encounters has a propane tank (both of which is the fuel tank for a forklift). Time your shot right, so that the tank explodes when enemies are near its blast radius. Also, before triggering the rickety boat jump sequence, make sure you shoot the propane tank on the stairs. Lastly, at the beginning of the very long docks fight, you will kill a lone gunman before dealing with a boat that swoops in from the left. After dealing with this boat, move onward and pick up the gun that the aforementioned lonesome thug dropped. Use this gun and its zoomed in scope AND bullet time to pop a propane tank that is near four or five guys. You'll get a big bonus from this.
*Chapter 5 Part 2: This is the on-rails boat chapter. There's a big building with a giant propane tank and lots of gas canisters. Shoot the propane tank first and then wait. Once the enemies start congregating inside the building, start shooting the small gas canisters too (there are about three of them). Then kill two or three enemies just to be safe. The explosion takes a really long time to kick in, and I kill two or three just to make sure I don’t die while waiting for the explosion. Anyway, the explosion will eventually occur and you'll get a hefty time bonus. ADDITIONALLY, make sure you take care of the jeep section by exploding every single jeep. Don't kill any of the machine gunners standing on the jeep with direct gunfire. Instead, shoot at each of the trucks to make them explode. This way the machine gunners get caught in the explosion and will reward you with additional time bonuses.
*Chapter 10: When Giovanna is driving the bus, she will approach a gas station. Shoot out both pumps for a big explosion near many enemies.
*Chapter 12: Remember when you needed to blow up that propane tank to blast open a door? Well that door has three enemies in front of it. So instead of taking care of the enemies and then shooting the tank like you probably did in your first run, use bullet time to strafe left out of cover, shoot the propane tank, and then strafe right back into cover. That will get you a modest time bonus.
I also have some general tips for certain difficult sections. Among these tips I outline weird areas that you wouldn't think would be hard, but will fail you unexpectedly.
*Chapter 3: When you and Passos are still together, don't rush through an exit before killing every enemy. Passos will instantly die.
*Chapter 4 Part 2: After the car mechanic fight, when Passos opens the gate, do not wait behind the gate to pick off enemies from afar. Passos will die. You must join him and fight those enemies head on.
*Chapter 5 Part 1: At the very beginning, do not kill the two guys near the jeep stealthily. If you do this stealthily, then you'll skip out on four or five goons that come out to investigate. These guys are easy to kill and will give you an extra 25+ seconds of banked time after headshotting them.
*Chapter 6 Part 1: After the boardroom, you will have two cubicle fights with the IT guy. In both fights, the IT guy is hiding behind you, so make sure you move away from him as soon as possible. You don't want him to get hit by a grenade. I've failed from a grenade hitting him before. As long as you fight away from IT guy, he will be safe from grenades.
*Chapter 6 Part 2: Getting through the burning building is way harder than it appears. Do not casually walk towards any of the enemies in this chapter, even with bullet time, because you have only half health and you have no painkillers. Furthermore, Max is partially injured and blinded in this chapter, so aiming will be unusually difficult. Make sure to patiently stay in cover and kill the enemies very carefully. Burn off some of your accumulated time to get through this chapter safely.
*Chapter 8: The sniper part is the hardest encounter in this chapter, because he'll instantly fail you if he shoots you. I have no real tips, other than take your sweet time. You should have enough time banked to comfortably burn 3 full minutes at the sniper fight alone. So just take your time and be careful.
*Chapter 9: Courtesy of user Hurricane of 87 from "At the beginning of Chapter 9 there's [an] easy melee kill on the UFE thug with the helmet. Since it's hard to get multiple headshots in a row with no Bullet Time available it's better to run up to the wall, then pop out and let him have it, THEN use the BT you just earned on the bald guy slightly down the stairs."
*Chapter 10: You must try to minimize your bullet time consumption in the very first fight of this chapter. Don't use shootdodge, and try to get as many non-bullet-time kills as possible. This is because the second fight is against two one-hit-kill snipers. One-hit-kill snipers will give you an instant game over screen if they shoot you, even if you have painkillers left! So save some bullet time for those snipers, and use it to easily dispatch them.
*Chapter 11: Here's a tip for the part when you're in the balcony on the yacht and you're fighting guys emerging from jeeps from across the canal. Courtesy of user Hurricane of 87 from
"Immediately run past the initial wide open balcony area, you don't want to get stuck here, total deathtrap/waste of ammo. While running use Bullet Time to take out the first guy. Run into the next room and pick up the 2 PKs off the table, then crouch and slowly step out from behind the wall to pick them off one by one whether it be through the door you entered this room by or though the broken windows behind the piano.
“I find standing behind an obstacle and slowly edging out with LT aiming to be superior to taking cover and popping out. You can edge out just so their heads are visible, but even though you can see them and they can presumably see you they don't fire until you step too far out."
*Chapter 13: Absolutely do NOT try to shoot the first guy in this chapter. If you pop out of cover at the wrong time, the dude will juke his head and you'll miss your head shot and he'll kill you INSTANTLY since you have no painkillers... and then you'll restart all the way to Chapter 1. Instead, run up to him and melee kill him for an easy +10 seconds.
*Chapter 13: Courtesy of user Lima from GRAB THE GRENADE LAUNCHER in the armoured car sequence in Chapter 13! This will make an UFE encounter later in the chapter dirt easy. I’m speaking of the sequence where they all emerge from an elevator. Just hit them with the grenade launcher while they are all bunched up and they'll die easily. Remember that there are two elevators. So after you kill the first batch of guys, wait a few seconds, and aim slightly to the left of the first elevator. There will be smoke obscuring your vision, but sure as you're born, there is an additional elevator to the left of the first one and three more guys will emerge from there.
***Extremely Important Warning about the Grenade Launcher: people like Just Blaze (from and MarkyShizzle (from have been screwed over using explosives at the elevator scene, blowing themselves up accidentally. To avoid this, shoot out the entire glass pane on the right with your pistol before you approach the security console.
*Chapter 13: After the pushcart sequence, be wary of the sniper with a red laser... he's a one-hit-kill sniper. Like I mentioned before, this is a guy who will instantly fail you if he shoots you, no matter how many painkillers you have.
*Chapter 14: Do what MarkyShizzle does in his video at the beginning of this chapter. Get off the conveyor belt and hide at the very back and slowly pick everyone off. You should have enough time banked to comfortably handle this area.
*Chapter 14: In the Becker boss fight, abuse shootdodge, going left first, then right and left and right and left over and over again. When I did this, Becker did throw grenades at me and I was forced to pick them off in slow-mo shootdodge. It's scary, but doable.
You provided great tips. Thanks for the time and effort it took you.
I just finished this mode but these tips should be helpfull for everyone attempting this.
I used the grenade launcher in all my runs after shooting out the window and I never blew myself up.
Just be sure to use bullet time to perfectly aim and you should be fine.
I just finished this mode but these tips should be helpfull for everyone attempting this.
I used the grenade launcher in all my runs after shooting out the window and I never blew myself up.
Just be sure to use bullet time to perfectly aim and you should be fine.
By uhKillswitch on 05 Jun 2012 22:45
Credit goes to Youtube user Dropegames:
aditionally I found his 4 part NYM HC wallthrough at least as helpfull as Markyshizzle's videos because the have on screen tips.
Good luck for everyone trying to do this.
aditionally I found his 4 part NYM HC wallthrough at least as helpfull as Markyshizzle's videos because the have on screen tips.
Good luck for everyone trying to do this.
By uhKillswitch on 05 Jun 2012 22:47
The other solutions are great, so I only have personal experience to contribute. I didn't find particular chapters to be hard, but rather specific fights:
Chapter 6A - The 4th fight (where guys are attacking from all angles) was the first hard part in the game. I found that hiding in the original entry hall and using the cover on the right hand side worked effectively. When grenades were thrown, I'd hit BT and roll out, let it explode, and roll back to the cover. Just FYI, there are 4 painkillers on desks in this area, so don't worry about finishing this fight with zero. Just be careful not to advance afterwards until you have all 4.
Chapter 6B - All of this is tough, as you don't get any PKs. You start with full BT, so use it!
Chapter 8 - Has 3 tough spots. The first is in the small graveyard after the grenade launcher guy. Take your time here and save your PKs, as you'll need them for the big circular fight. The circular fight (when you save Passos) can be a drain on your PK supply. Shootdodge. Shootdodge A LOT. And know where your enemies are. The last hard part, for me, was the sniper. For some reason, despite being very careful, he'd land shots on me all the time. Don't spend too much time in the open.
Chapter 10 - Can be easy, if you survive the 2nd area with lots of PKs. I immediately killed the sniper up top. Then move right to the bus. Use your angle to take out the guys behind the bus with a shotty. Then move up and use BT to finish off the 3 guys who exited the little building. Try to have at least 2-3 PKs left at the end of this part. The 4th fight is the big challenge. Take out as many guys as possible as quickly as possible. Don't stick around behind the small cover once the grenades start flying; dive/roll your way behind either one of the buses and move up from there. And be careful of Last Stand. It's easy to get hit by a guy who ducks back behind cover in this part.
Chapter 11 - The boat sucks. The exploding engines will refill your health, so don't waste a PK before this part. When you get to the side where guys run/drive up on the edge of the canal, take cover immediately. 1/4 of the cover is indestructible, so use that part and don't hide behind the glass. Then move up the stairs slowly, snipe guys' feet and legs. Once only a couple are left, run up quickly, snapping in and out of BT and killing the 2-3 guys that are left. Then use the bar on the left as cover to take out the new guys who run up on the side of the canal. The sniper part can be tough. Don't let yourself enter Last Man Standing. After that, it's cake.
Chapter 13 - The hardest parts in this level really depend on your play style. I don't like rushing this level, as I'm not great at standing in a hail of bullets and walking out alive. Some folks are. The APC is easy: as soon as it stops shooting, hit X to leave cover, grab the LAW, shootdodge backwards and carefully shoot it. Done. Now, you've got a choice. I prefer to finish this area with the FAL, not the grenade launcher (Last Man Standing is instant death with the launcher). Grab the rifle you dropped, then move right and use the left-shoulder angle to peer out into the parking lot. Guys will run toward you in the open (if you've got the proper angle, they won't see you yet), giving you tons of time to pop their heads with BT. After this area is 100% clear, grab the grenade launcher. DO NOT EQUIP IT UNLESS YOU ARE ABOUT TO USE IT. Use your pistol to take out the guy behind the door that pops open. You can use the launcher to carefully take out the 3 guys at the top of the stairs. You can also use it CAREFULLY to take out the 2 groups of guys that enter the locker room through the double doors. Use your pistol for the next 2 rooms. When you enter the room with the security screens/elevators, DO NOT GO IN THE SECURITY ROOM YET. Make sure to break ALL the glass with your pistol first. Don't leave a single shard. When the cutscene ends, you'll be in cover behind the (now open) windows. Switch to your launcher, activate BT and quickly shoot a grenade at the first group of guys. Immediately go back in cover and, once safe, deactivate BT. Repeat this for the second elevator as soon as the new green lasers appear in the smoke. If you miss with your first grenade, DO NOT try to fire a second. You will almost surely get shot and enter Last Man Standing (and lose). If they die, great. If not, swap to your pistols and finish them off as you please. The second tough part in this level is after the QTE where you slide across the room on the cart and shoot out the windows. There is a sniper that comes out after the QTE ends. He has a red laser on his gun and is a 1-hit kill. Prioritize and kill him immediately. As soon as you kill the guys outside, the cage behind you will buzz open and guys will rush you. Immediately spin around and kill the first one. Then enter that room and slowly strafe sideways, taking out the other guys as they come into view. One guy may hide in the room beyond the one most of the other rush from. The other tough part is Bachmeyer (the boss). When you regain control of Max on the upper walkway, enter BT and move towards the guys running up the stairs. Kill them and the 3rd guy at the bottom of the stairs. Then take cover behind the pillar he is standing beside. This is a much safer spot than the upper walkway. A couple guys will rush you to your left. Possibly one on the right, but sometimes not. After that, it's easy. Clean up the remaining guys. When you fight Bachmeyer, use a video guide. Don't expose yourself to his shots for more than a second. He can kill you almost instantly. You can use the filing cabinet to the left of where you start the battle. He can't hit you when you are there and you can use your shoulder angles to shoot the ceiling tiles while effectively staying out of his line of fire.
Chapter 14 - This level, oddly, is much easier than 13. The first room is tough. Get off the conveyor belt, move left and back, hide behind the cover. Take your time taking the guys out on the ground floor and the 1 guy on the catwalk. Then move up. 2 more guys will run out on the catwalk. Shoot them. Sometimes 1 guys will hide on the ground floor behind the carts to the right side. Then move up the stairs. Use the left-shoulder perspective to carefully take out the guys on the catwalk. Step out the door to spawn the rest, then step back into the stairwell. Carefully clear them. Be careful of the guy on the catwalk at the back of the room. The big terminal fight is actually pretty easy if you have the right strategy. Immediately take out the 3 guys to your right. Then run to the left. Snap in and out of BT as you go, taking out guys as they pop out. Move up on the left side of the pillars, snapping in and out of BT. Guys will be behind the pillars, behind some of the seats, and some will come from way down the terminal. Once you pass the weird angled dividers, there will be a painkiller on the desk by the departure gate on your immediate left. There are also 3 guys on the immediate right. 1 on the upper walkway, 1 behind the conveyor belts/plants, and 1 behind the close pillar. After you kill them, move up using the pillars for cover. Guys will come down the stairs and the gate will open, allowing 4 guys to come through. Kill them all as quick as possible from as far away as possible. The closer you get, the more they will hit you and the more grenades they will throw. STAY IN COVER. Don't expose yourself too much or you'll get torn up. If you're careful and fast enough, you can get through this part using 1-2 PKs maximum. Before you move on past the terminal, there are 4 painkillers to pick up. 1 at a departure gate near the angled dividers, 2 at the last departure gate on the left, and 1 at the top of the escalators on the right side in the middle of the terminal. After this, until Becker, it's easy. Just take your time and use the shoulder perspectives to peer around cover effectively. Watch for guys hiding in the trains.
Becker - This part can suck. Always keep your eye on Becker. Don't ever look away for too long. Kill one guy, look back to Becker. Kill another, look at him again, etc. Getting shot up and using PKs is far preferable to eating a game-ending grenade, like I did my first time. Always save a bit of BT in case he launches a surprise grenade. If you've got a tiny bit left, opt to kill enemies without it rather than draining it all the way. If you get stuck with none and a grenade is coming, shootdodge away and get ready to use PKs to recover as you get back into cover. Don't go too far right or you'll get insta-killed. once the police car comes (after the jeeps), one of the cops that gets out will start throwing hand grenades at you. Take him out ASAP, as two sources of grenades is just way too much. After that, you're ready to go. Once you run up the stairs to kill Becker and enter the QTE, be calm. I actually lost the game at this point (URGH). My perspective was over the left shoulder, meaning I wasn't able to see the grenade. I hit right on the d-pad to shift perspective to my right-shoulder. Instead, the game spun Max around 180 degrees and pointed him at the wall. It wouldn't let me do another 180 degree turn and I had nowhere near enough time to turn back around normally. So, yeah, be aware that that can happen.
Plane - I know some folks think this part is easy. I love blowing up the jeeps, helicopter, and cop cars, but I SUCK at shooting down Victor's jet. I lost here on regular NYM several times before I finally won. I didn't want to fail NYMHC here as well. I watched several guides to see exactly where to shoot the grenades and took him down easily. You only get a few seconds, so make those shots count. If you've had trouble here before, don't wing it; check out a video or two. On a personal note, I love watching that plane come down every time. It's so satisfying to make that bastard pay for everything he did.
My only other suggestions are:
1. Use the PK guide that Marky and Actual link to. It's incredibly useful! Save your PKs, but never let yourself get near Last Man Standing. If you're half red, use one. Be aware that the first 2 PKs listed in Chapter 9 aren't actually obtainable in NYM or NYMHC. Here's the link again (thanks to Infernal):
2. Certain levels will build up your time like crazy. The first few, specifically 5, are useful. The end of 10 also helps a lot. If you have 10-15 mins left when you enter Chapter 13, take it slow at parts that usually give you a hard time. It's better to burn a minute than to fail due to haste.
3. If you're stuck in a tough fight and are having trouble pinpointing your enemies, PAUSE THE GAME. You can look around while paused (and your stats will disappear to make it even easier to see).
4. I found that playing Hardcore and Old School really helped me hone strategies for this mode. Once you build up a fair bit of time, you can take an extra second here and there to employ techniques that kept you safe through much more dangerous difficulties. Each chapter has a balance of speed and caution and no two are exactly the same.
5. Learn to tap in and out of bullet time efficiently! Don't waste it by walking, tracking all the way across the screen, diving and letting it run, etc. If you only spend about 1/4-1/2 of a second in BT per use, you can significantly extend the amount you have and how long you can maintain it during long battles. Learn to constantly turn it on and off at the exact right times.
I know this doesn't add a whole lot to existing guides, but I figured I'd share my strategies for the parts that stymied my progress again and again. I hope it ends up helping someone get this ridiculous achievement!!!
Remember guys, be persistent. We've all had horribly frustrating failures on this one.
Chapter 6A - The 4th fight (where guys are attacking from all angles) was the first hard part in the game. I found that hiding in the original entry hall and using the cover on the right hand side worked effectively. When grenades were thrown, I'd hit BT and roll out, let it explode, and roll back to the cover. Just FYI, there are 4 painkillers on desks in this area, so don't worry about finishing this fight with zero. Just be careful not to advance afterwards until you have all 4.
Chapter 6B - All of this is tough, as you don't get any PKs. You start with full BT, so use it!
Chapter 8 - Has 3 tough spots. The first is in the small graveyard after the grenade launcher guy. Take your time here and save your PKs, as you'll need them for the big circular fight. The circular fight (when you save Passos) can be a drain on your PK supply. Shootdodge. Shootdodge A LOT. And know where your enemies are. The last hard part, for me, was the sniper. For some reason, despite being very careful, he'd land shots on me all the time. Don't spend too much time in the open.
Chapter 10 - Can be easy, if you survive the 2nd area with lots of PKs. I immediately killed the sniper up top. Then move right to the bus. Use your angle to take out the guys behind the bus with a shotty. Then move up and use BT to finish off the 3 guys who exited the little building. Try to have at least 2-3 PKs left at the end of this part. The 4th fight is the big challenge. Take out as many guys as possible as quickly as possible. Don't stick around behind the small cover once the grenades start flying; dive/roll your way behind either one of the buses and move up from there. And be careful of Last Stand. It's easy to get hit by a guy who ducks back behind cover in this part.
Chapter 11 - The boat sucks. The exploding engines will refill your health, so don't waste a PK before this part. When you get to the side where guys run/drive up on the edge of the canal, take cover immediately. 1/4 of the cover is indestructible, so use that part and don't hide behind the glass. Then move up the stairs slowly, snipe guys' feet and legs. Once only a couple are left, run up quickly, snapping in and out of BT and killing the 2-3 guys that are left. Then use the bar on the left as cover to take out the new guys who run up on the side of the canal. The sniper part can be tough. Don't let yourself enter Last Man Standing. After that, it's cake.
Chapter 13 - The hardest parts in this level really depend on your play style. I don't like rushing this level, as I'm not great at standing in a hail of bullets and walking out alive. Some folks are. The APC is easy: as soon as it stops shooting, hit X to leave cover, grab the LAW, shootdodge backwards and carefully shoot it. Done. Now, you've got a choice. I prefer to finish this area with the FAL, not the grenade launcher (Last Man Standing is instant death with the launcher). Grab the rifle you dropped, then move right and use the left-shoulder angle to peer out into the parking lot. Guys will run toward you in the open (if you've got the proper angle, they won't see you yet), giving you tons of time to pop their heads with BT. After this area is 100% clear, grab the grenade launcher. DO NOT EQUIP IT UNLESS YOU ARE ABOUT TO USE IT. Use your pistol to take out the guy behind the door that pops open. You can use the launcher to carefully take out the 3 guys at the top of the stairs. You can also use it CAREFULLY to take out the 2 groups of guys that enter the locker room through the double doors. Use your pistol for the next 2 rooms. When you enter the room with the security screens/elevators, DO NOT GO IN THE SECURITY ROOM YET. Make sure to break ALL the glass with your pistol first. Don't leave a single shard. When the cutscene ends, you'll be in cover behind the (now open) windows. Switch to your launcher, activate BT and quickly shoot a grenade at the first group of guys. Immediately go back in cover and, once safe, deactivate BT. Repeat this for the second elevator as soon as the new green lasers appear in the smoke. If you miss with your first grenade, DO NOT try to fire a second. You will almost surely get shot and enter Last Man Standing (and lose). If they die, great. If not, swap to your pistols and finish them off as you please. The second tough part in this level is after the QTE where you slide across the room on the cart and shoot out the windows. There is a sniper that comes out after the QTE ends. He has a red laser on his gun and is a 1-hit kill. Prioritize and kill him immediately. As soon as you kill the guys outside, the cage behind you will buzz open and guys will rush you. Immediately spin around and kill the first one. Then enter that room and slowly strafe sideways, taking out the other guys as they come into view. One guy may hide in the room beyond the one most of the other rush from. The other tough part is Bachmeyer (the boss). When you regain control of Max on the upper walkway, enter BT and move towards the guys running up the stairs. Kill them and the 3rd guy at the bottom of the stairs. Then take cover behind the pillar he is standing beside. This is a much safer spot than the upper walkway. A couple guys will rush you to your left. Possibly one on the right, but sometimes not. After that, it's easy. Clean up the remaining guys. When you fight Bachmeyer, use a video guide. Don't expose yourself to his shots for more than a second. He can kill you almost instantly. You can use the filing cabinet to the left of where you start the battle. He can't hit you when you are there and you can use your shoulder angles to shoot the ceiling tiles while effectively staying out of his line of fire.
Chapter 14 - This level, oddly, is much easier than 13. The first room is tough. Get off the conveyor belt, move left and back, hide behind the cover. Take your time taking the guys out on the ground floor and the 1 guy on the catwalk. Then move up. 2 more guys will run out on the catwalk. Shoot them. Sometimes 1 guys will hide on the ground floor behind the carts to the right side. Then move up the stairs. Use the left-shoulder perspective to carefully take out the guys on the catwalk. Step out the door to spawn the rest, then step back into the stairwell. Carefully clear them. Be careful of the guy on the catwalk at the back of the room. The big terminal fight is actually pretty easy if you have the right strategy. Immediately take out the 3 guys to your right. Then run to the left. Snap in and out of BT as you go, taking out guys as they pop out. Move up on the left side of the pillars, snapping in and out of BT. Guys will be behind the pillars, behind some of the seats, and some will come from way down the terminal. Once you pass the weird angled dividers, there will be a painkiller on the desk by the departure gate on your immediate left. There are also 3 guys on the immediate right. 1 on the upper walkway, 1 behind the conveyor belts/plants, and 1 behind the close pillar. After you kill them, move up using the pillars for cover. Guys will come down the stairs and the gate will open, allowing 4 guys to come through. Kill them all as quick as possible from as far away as possible. The closer you get, the more they will hit you and the more grenades they will throw. STAY IN COVER. Don't expose yourself too much or you'll get torn up. If you're careful and fast enough, you can get through this part using 1-2 PKs maximum. Before you move on past the terminal, there are 4 painkillers to pick up. 1 at a departure gate near the angled dividers, 2 at the last departure gate on the left, and 1 at the top of the escalators on the right side in the middle of the terminal. After this, until Becker, it's easy. Just take your time and use the shoulder perspectives to peer around cover effectively. Watch for guys hiding in the trains.
Becker - This part can suck. Always keep your eye on Becker. Don't ever look away for too long. Kill one guy, look back to Becker. Kill another, look at him again, etc. Getting shot up and using PKs is far preferable to eating a game-ending grenade, like I did my first time. Always save a bit of BT in case he launches a surprise grenade. If you've got a tiny bit left, opt to kill enemies without it rather than draining it all the way. If you get stuck with none and a grenade is coming, shootdodge away and get ready to use PKs to recover as you get back into cover. Don't go too far right or you'll get insta-killed. once the police car comes (after the jeeps), one of the cops that gets out will start throwing hand grenades at you. Take him out ASAP, as two sources of grenades is just way too much. After that, you're ready to go. Once you run up the stairs to kill Becker and enter the QTE, be calm. I actually lost the game at this point (URGH). My perspective was over the left shoulder, meaning I wasn't able to see the grenade. I hit right on the d-pad to shift perspective to my right-shoulder. Instead, the game spun Max around 180 degrees and pointed him at the wall. It wouldn't let me do another 180 degree turn and I had nowhere near enough time to turn back around normally. So, yeah, be aware that that can happen.

Plane - I know some folks think this part is easy. I love blowing up the jeeps, helicopter, and cop cars, but I SUCK at shooting down Victor's jet. I lost here on regular NYM several times before I finally won. I didn't want to fail NYMHC here as well. I watched several guides to see exactly where to shoot the grenades and took him down easily. You only get a few seconds, so make those shots count. If you've had trouble here before, don't wing it; check out a video or two. On a personal note, I love watching that plane come down every time. It's so satisfying to make that bastard pay for everything he did.

My only other suggestions are:
1. Use the PK guide that Marky and Actual link to. It's incredibly useful! Save your PKs, but never let yourself get near Last Man Standing. If you're half red, use one. Be aware that the first 2 PKs listed in Chapter 9 aren't actually obtainable in NYM or NYMHC. Here's the link again (thanks to Infernal):
2. Certain levels will build up your time like crazy. The first few, specifically 5, are useful. The end of 10 also helps a lot. If you have 10-15 mins left when you enter Chapter 13, take it slow at parts that usually give you a hard time. It's better to burn a minute than to fail due to haste.
3. If you're stuck in a tough fight and are having trouble pinpointing your enemies, PAUSE THE GAME. You can look around while paused (and your stats will disappear to make it even easier to see).
4. I found that playing Hardcore and Old School really helped me hone strategies for this mode. Once you build up a fair bit of time, you can take an extra second here and there to employ techniques that kept you safe through much more dangerous difficulties. Each chapter has a balance of speed and caution and no two are exactly the same.
5. Learn to tap in and out of bullet time efficiently! Don't waste it by walking, tracking all the way across the screen, diving and letting it run, etc. If you only spend about 1/4-1/2 of a second in BT per use, you can significantly extend the amount you have and how long you can maintain it during long battles. Learn to constantly turn it on and off at the exact right times.
I know this doesn't add a whole lot to existing guides, but I figured I'd share my strategies for the parts that stymied my progress again and again. I hope it ends up helping someone get this ridiculous achievement!!!

Know Everything
Play through on Hard, Oldschool, and Hardcore. Then beat NYM and try to platinum each level. (You're going to need to know where the enemies come from, how many there are, and where you can take them out the easiest). You should also know where all the painkillers are.
General Advice
Don't Shootdodge unless you're out of bullet time (You get shot a lot when you're getting up, it drains most of your bullet time, and if you're at the wrong spot you can dive off a ledge and die.) Dual wield, try and have two different weapons (like a pistol and uzi) You don't want to run out of bullets in last stand (You can use rifles if you're comfortable but don't risk it with shotguns or rocket launchers). Use your pills. (Last stand is glitchy and more often than not I'd be in a spot where I can't find him or can't shoot him because something's in the way). If you are in last stand press start to pause and look around to see if you can spot them. Take your Time near the end. (Chapter 13 and 14) You should have plenty of time. (I had 30 min). If at anytime you're nervous or anxious take a break and settle your nerves. (I listened to music during my attempts to calm my nerves).
Tough Spots
If you know the levels by heart then there will be a few spots that will end it for you. Don't shoot your allies (Pasos or Fabiana). Make sure you're paying attention during certain events (The beginning of chapter 4 shoot the guido after the load screen, The end of chapter 9 quicktime events after cutscene, The rocket launcher guy during the chapter 10 bus ride).
The first 3 chapters should be easy The first tough spot for me was the end of
Chapter 4 part 1.
Use your pills and try to blow up all the cars. This should take out everyone but a few stragglers.
Chapter 6 part 1 The last fight escorting the kid.
Use cover and try to work your way to the left and through the cubicles to pick up some pills during the fight since you start with only a few. Try to stay on the perimeter and watch out for grenades. pick up all 4 pills before moving on.
Chapter 6 part 2
You have no painkillers and 2 hits will kill you. Use bullet time on every enemy and know where they are before they can shoot you (even the guy who's badly burned)
Chapter 7 the last area with the molotovs being thrown at you.
Use bullet time and take out the two left guys then the top right guy another left guy will show up in the lower building take him out and you should be done without even seeing a molotov. (If you see one shoot it because they will kill you instantly).
Edit: In speed running the game I've noticed this part is essentially pointless... You can just immediately leave cover and just shoot the guy coming down the stairs and you can just move on.
Chapter 8 The grenade launcher, the circle, and The end
Shoot the guy with the grenade launcher first and you should be fine.
After you take out the guy with a gun to Pasos' head dual wield to your left and take out everyone (make sure you get the guy behind the planter) then proceed forward. You will either be spamming shoot dodge, which should work since there isn't much to run into, or bullet time because there are several enemies and they'll take you out quickly. Last stand is pretty much worthless due to the distance and the obstacles).
At the end you need to go upstairs and cover Pasos I usually pick up the shotgun, but reloading takes forever and sometimes the running enemies get near him. Keep your dual wielded weapons and shoot the guys running up the aisles first.
Chapter 9 the last fight leading to the long cutscene
They take away your rifle so make sure you have two guns hopefully one is a smg. After you drop down two guys will sprint up the stairs so use bullet time and aim towards the right. Don't take a break during the cutscene because you can die during the quicktime events.
Chapter 10 the beginning snipers and the rocket launcher
Make sure you have bullet time after your first encounter because you'll need it to take out the snipers. If you get shot you're done (happened to me and I was furious). Same goes for the rocket launcher just make sure that after you pass the gas station you save your bullet time because that guy is basically the only time you need it. (I glitched out in the final standoff at the end so I'd recommend pausing and letting it load up for a couple seconds because sometimes it can't handle the amount of enemies and explosions.
Chapter 11
I didn't have many problems with this chapter just remember to get the pills in your room at the beginning and in the last room on the left. Try not to use them before the engine room because you will heal then get them back after you stop the engines. After you pass the piano rush the stairs and take out the guys running out of the middle then immediately go back down the stairs to take care of the guys on the dock to the right.
Chapter 12
the first room with guys behind cover rush the left pathway, take out the guys at the end of the path, then shoot the propane. (that should take out everyone but one guy). Next room take out the two guys in the right hallway then slowly take out everyone else. Then proceed to the left and use bullet time to take out the guy with the RPD. Use bullet time on the three guys waiting for you and don't forget the pills by the guy with the RPD from before. When you get to the sniper rifle make sure you keep it and use your pistol to take out everyone. Get the pills to your right after you climb the last set of stairs. Switch to the sniper rifle, shoot dodge, and get a head shot for a 1 hit kill.
Chapter 13 Probably the toughest level
Melee the first guy. Wait for the tank to stop firing then pick up the law, bullet time or shoot dodge to take it out. When you enter the security room with the monitors before the elevator don't switch weapons and try to kill as many as you can before the smoke then you can switch guns. Pick your shots and shoot just above the lasers. Watch out for the snipers after the sliding shoot scene. When the gate opens shoot the shot gunner rushing in. Make sure you shoot the snipers in the training course. When you enter the last room bullet time and kill the guys rushing the stairs shoot the guy who pops out on the left then take cover behind the pillar. After the cutscene take out the the guys and roll to the front and into the room on the right and grab the pills. Slowly (and CAREFULLY) expose yourself to shoot the tiles. (I died here and it was devastating). Then shoot the two guys rushing you and repeat until the vent falls and you can use bullet time to shoot the boss.
Chapter 14
Roll to the left and into cover and TAKE YOUR TIME. After you go up the stairs you can take out 1 guy before crossing the threshold. After you cross the threshold step back because two guys will rush out. Get the pills in the locker then the room at the end on the left then to the right in the bathroom. When you're in the terminal take out the guys to the right then proceed up the left side there are pills on each counter on the left side. (Watch out for upper level enemies after you reach the wall). Stay on the ground floor and take your time. There are more pills at the top of the escalators. When you fight Becker make sure use your pills and keep some bullet time for his grenades shortly after each vehicle arrives.
If you fail don't be discouraged it becomes easier with experience and you'll become less nervous each time. Killing Becker is the most satisfying thing if you've failed multiple times.
Good luck.
Play through on Hard, Oldschool, and Hardcore. Then beat NYM and try to platinum each level. (You're going to need to know where the enemies come from, how many there are, and where you can take them out the easiest). You should also know where all the painkillers are.
General Advice
Don't Shootdodge unless you're out of bullet time (You get shot a lot when you're getting up, it drains most of your bullet time, and if you're at the wrong spot you can dive off a ledge and die.) Dual wield, try and have two different weapons (like a pistol and uzi) You don't want to run out of bullets in last stand (You can use rifles if you're comfortable but don't risk it with shotguns or rocket launchers). Use your pills. (Last stand is glitchy and more often than not I'd be in a spot where I can't find him or can't shoot him because something's in the way). If you are in last stand press start to pause and look around to see if you can spot them. Take your Time near the end. (Chapter 13 and 14) You should have plenty of time. (I had 30 min). If at anytime you're nervous or anxious take a break and settle your nerves. (I listened to music during my attempts to calm my nerves).
Tough Spots
If you know the levels by heart then there will be a few spots that will end it for you. Don't shoot your allies (Pasos or Fabiana). Make sure you're paying attention during certain events (The beginning of chapter 4 shoot the guido after the load screen, The end of chapter 9 quicktime events after cutscene, The rocket launcher guy during the chapter 10 bus ride).
The first 3 chapters should be easy The first tough spot for me was the end of
Chapter 4 part 1.
Use your pills and try to blow up all the cars. This should take out everyone but a few stragglers.
Chapter 6 part 1 The last fight escorting the kid.
Use cover and try to work your way to the left and through the cubicles to pick up some pills during the fight since you start with only a few. Try to stay on the perimeter and watch out for grenades. pick up all 4 pills before moving on.
Chapter 6 part 2
You have no painkillers and 2 hits will kill you. Use bullet time on every enemy and know where they are before they can shoot you (even the guy who's badly burned)
Chapter 7 the last area with the molotovs being thrown at you.
Use bullet time and take out the two left guys then the top right guy another left guy will show up in the lower building take him out and you should be done without even seeing a molotov. (If you see one shoot it because they will kill you instantly).
Edit: In speed running the game I've noticed this part is essentially pointless... You can just immediately leave cover and just shoot the guy coming down the stairs and you can just move on.
Chapter 8 The grenade launcher, the circle, and The end
Shoot the guy with the grenade launcher first and you should be fine.
After you take out the guy with a gun to Pasos' head dual wield to your left and take out everyone (make sure you get the guy behind the planter) then proceed forward. You will either be spamming shoot dodge, which should work since there isn't much to run into, or bullet time because there are several enemies and they'll take you out quickly. Last stand is pretty much worthless due to the distance and the obstacles).
At the end you need to go upstairs and cover Pasos I usually pick up the shotgun, but reloading takes forever and sometimes the running enemies get near him. Keep your dual wielded weapons and shoot the guys running up the aisles first.
Chapter 9 the last fight leading to the long cutscene
They take away your rifle so make sure you have two guns hopefully one is a smg. After you drop down two guys will sprint up the stairs so use bullet time and aim towards the right. Don't take a break during the cutscene because you can die during the quicktime events.
Chapter 10 the beginning snipers and the rocket launcher
Make sure you have bullet time after your first encounter because you'll need it to take out the snipers. If you get shot you're done (happened to me and I was furious). Same goes for the rocket launcher just make sure that after you pass the gas station you save your bullet time because that guy is basically the only time you need it. (I glitched out in the final standoff at the end so I'd recommend pausing and letting it load up for a couple seconds because sometimes it can't handle the amount of enemies and explosions.
Chapter 11
I didn't have many problems with this chapter just remember to get the pills in your room at the beginning and in the last room on the left. Try not to use them before the engine room because you will heal then get them back after you stop the engines. After you pass the piano rush the stairs and take out the guys running out of the middle then immediately go back down the stairs to take care of the guys on the dock to the right.
Chapter 12
the first room with guys behind cover rush the left pathway, take out the guys at the end of the path, then shoot the propane. (that should take out everyone but one guy). Next room take out the two guys in the right hallway then slowly take out everyone else. Then proceed to the left and use bullet time to take out the guy with the RPD. Use bullet time on the three guys waiting for you and don't forget the pills by the guy with the RPD from before. When you get to the sniper rifle make sure you keep it and use your pistol to take out everyone. Get the pills to your right after you climb the last set of stairs. Switch to the sniper rifle, shoot dodge, and get a head shot for a 1 hit kill.
Chapter 13 Probably the toughest level
Melee the first guy. Wait for the tank to stop firing then pick up the law, bullet time or shoot dodge to take it out. When you enter the security room with the monitors before the elevator don't switch weapons and try to kill as many as you can before the smoke then you can switch guns. Pick your shots and shoot just above the lasers. Watch out for the snipers after the sliding shoot scene. When the gate opens shoot the shot gunner rushing in. Make sure you shoot the snipers in the training course. When you enter the last room bullet time and kill the guys rushing the stairs shoot the guy who pops out on the left then take cover behind the pillar. After the cutscene take out the the guys and roll to the front and into the room on the right and grab the pills. Slowly (and CAREFULLY) expose yourself to shoot the tiles. (I died here and it was devastating). Then shoot the two guys rushing you and repeat until the vent falls and you can use bullet time to shoot the boss.
Chapter 14
Roll to the left and into cover and TAKE YOUR TIME. After you go up the stairs you can take out 1 guy before crossing the threshold. After you cross the threshold step back because two guys will rush out. Get the pills in the locker then the room at the end on the left then to the right in the bathroom. When you're in the terminal take out the guys to the right then proceed up the left side there are pills on each counter on the left side. (Watch out for upper level enemies after you reach the wall). Stay on the ground floor and take your time. There are more pills at the top of the escalators. When you fight Becker make sure use your pills and keep some bullet time for his grenades shortly after each vehicle arrives.
If you fail don't be discouraged it becomes easier with experience and you'll become less nervous each time. Killing Becker is the most satisfying thing if you've failed multiple times.
Good luck.
I was recently asked if I had any tips, tricks or helpful advice on how to get this achievement. This is my response (minus the pleasantries and bad language) so, it may read a little off, but keep in mind this started as a private message response, so it will read a bit like one. I unlocked this achievement 11/06/2014 and it was online. The update did not and does not make this achievement any harder. Nor does it make it impossible to do. I did this my second attempt, my first was the victim of the last chance mechanic (I wish you could turn that off for NYMHC).
Right, I should start off by saying how I went about it, then I'll try to give you any tips and/or tricks I used to get the achievement.
I played through in this order; Hard, old school, hardcore, NYM, and finally NYMHC. I always played with free-aim on.
I found it better to ignore written guides and comments about this achievement, most people haven't got it, yet complain and misinform about its difficulty. If you need help watch a video of someone doing it and try to imitate them.
Anyway, tips that helped me and should help you.
Goes without saying, but try for headshots, it can be worth wasting a second lining up a shot to get ten seconds in return for a successful headshot. Be careful not to waste more time than it is worth.
If you have the gold guns, use them, don't let people make you think you're bad because you used them... they're there and they help.
Have a decent idea where most, but not all, of the painkillers are. Trying to always have max painkillers is just a waste of time, you should always have enough to get to the next lot of painkillers.
I used painkillers whenever I was about half way to dying. If you have over four or five, pop as many as you need. NEVER! rely on the last chance, I failed my first attempt because, as I fell, a bit of cover blocked the guy who killed me. I was half-way through chapter eleven.
In connection with ignoring bad advice, time is not a concern, you should have more than enough to beat the game. I read a lot of comments about, how you need thirty minutes clocked up by chapter ten... this is not true and also not necessary, you won't need that much time. I started the last level with just over thirteen minutes on the clock. My total time at the end was 121 minutes (I can't remember the seconds), two hours of actual playing, but in total, it'll take about four hours to do. I played to get the achievement, not to be the fastest at it. (My advice will reflect this.)
That brings me to my next tip, take breaks... especially if you fail.
You can pause the game and the timer, whenever you want. I paused every five parts, (there is seventeen total), got a cup of coffee, made a sandwich, went to the toilet ... whatever you need to do. I also paused to refill my glass, I drank about six pints of water while getting this achievement. If your hands are sweaty, take a minute and dry them.
If you want to get extra time blow up boats, jeeps and those little canisters where ever possible, it will get you quite a bit of time in the long run.
It is often better to NOT take cover, instead, use the trick of shooting almost trough it, these games work in a way where if you can see them you can shoot... even if something should block your shot. (I hope that was clear)
The bullet-dodge (slow-mo jump) is risky, I rarely did it. Bullet-time (where you can walk while shooting) is by far the better of the two. Use it as often as you can. Only use bullet-dodge if you no other option, and you're confident it will work and not mess you over.
The only other thing I can think of, and it is a important tip. Know what parts you previously struggled with, and be ready for them. For me the part on the yacht, the boss at the end of the gaol level (second to last level), and the last level can be tricky. At the start of the last level (Airport), bulletdodge, the cover is terrible and there is way too many enemies to try and use it. In my opinion this is the level where bulletdodge works really well, there is a lot of room to dive about and it should help you get to the train part. So, bulletdodge as much as you need to, but just be careful. I would suggest watching a video or replaying the boss with the grenade launcher, one mistake on NYMHC will instantly kill you. Roughly, he fires a grenade every time a new wave comes in, so in other words, every time a new car comes in, he fires. BE READY FOR THIS.
Other than that, I hope this helps. I also hope it was clear and accurate, there is a lot of things to say about this and it can be hard to make it clear in a written solution like this.
Just remember two things, it is NOT a test of skill, or even, technical prowess... it's a test of endurance. Second, keep in mind what you can afford to do, and what you can't. Sometimes you can afford to be more aggressive, others you won't be able to. It's a mixture of pills and ammo that will ultimately decide it.
Right, I should start off by saying how I went about it, then I'll try to give you any tips and/or tricks I used to get the achievement.
I played through in this order; Hard, old school, hardcore, NYM, and finally NYMHC. I always played with free-aim on.
I found it better to ignore written guides and comments about this achievement, most people haven't got it, yet complain and misinform about its difficulty. If you need help watch a video of someone doing it and try to imitate them.
Anyway, tips that helped me and should help you.
Goes without saying, but try for headshots, it can be worth wasting a second lining up a shot to get ten seconds in return for a successful headshot. Be careful not to waste more time than it is worth.
If you have the gold guns, use them, don't let people make you think you're bad because you used them... they're there and they help.
Have a decent idea where most, but not all, of the painkillers are. Trying to always have max painkillers is just a waste of time, you should always have enough to get to the next lot of painkillers.
I used painkillers whenever I was about half way to dying. If you have over four or five, pop as many as you need. NEVER! rely on the last chance, I failed my first attempt because, as I fell, a bit of cover blocked the guy who killed me. I was half-way through chapter eleven.
In connection with ignoring bad advice, time is not a concern, you should have more than enough to beat the game. I read a lot of comments about, how you need thirty minutes clocked up by chapter ten... this is not true and also not necessary, you won't need that much time. I started the last level with just over thirteen minutes on the clock. My total time at the end was 121 minutes (I can't remember the seconds), two hours of actual playing, but in total, it'll take about four hours to do. I played to get the achievement, not to be the fastest at it. (My advice will reflect this.)
That brings me to my next tip, take breaks... especially if you fail.
You can pause the game and the timer, whenever you want. I paused every five parts, (there is seventeen total), got a cup of coffee, made a sandwich, went to the toilet ... whatever you need to do. I also paused to refill my glass, I drank about six pints of water while getting this achievement. If your hands are sweaty, take a minute and dry them.
If you want to get extra time blow up boats, jeeps and those little canisters where ever possible, it will get you quite a bit of time in the long run.
It is often better to NOT take cover, instead, use the trick of shooting almost trough it, these games work in a way where if you can see them you can shoot... even if something should block your shot. (I hope that was clear)
The bullet-dodge (slow-mo jump) is risky, I rarely did it. Bullet-time (where you can walk while shooting) is by far the better of the two. Use it as often as you can. Only use bullet-dodge if you no other option, and you're confident it will work and not mess you over.
The only other thing I can think of, and it is a important tip. Know what parts you previously struggled with, and be ready for them. For me the part on the yacht, the boss at the end of the gaol level (second to last level), and the last level can be tricky. At the start of the last level (Airport), bulletdodge, the cover is terrible and there is way too many enemies to try and use it. In my opinion this is the level where bulletdodge works really well, there is a lot of room to dive about and it should help you get to the train part. So, bulletdodge as much as you need to, but just be careful. I would suggest watching a video or replaying the boss with the grenade launcher, one mistake on NYMHC will instantly kill you. Roughly, he fires a grenade every time a new wave comes in, so in other words, every time a new car comes in, he fires. BE READY FOR THIS.
Other than that, I hope this helps. I also hope it was clear and accurate, there is a lot of things to say about this and it can be hard to make it clear in a written solution like this.
Just remember two things, it is NOT a test of skill, or even, technical prowess... it's a test of endurance. Second, keep in mind what you can afford to do, and what you can't. Sometimes you can afford to be more aggressive, others you won't be able to. It's a mixture of pills and ammo that will ultimately decide it.
This mode is unlocked after beating the game on any difficulty. You initially have only have 1 minute to finish each chapter, but kills earn you more time. The timer will stop during cut scenes and slows in bullet time. Headshots, cover, precision and bullet time will be crucial on this playthrough as well as speed. Use the Painkiller Location Guide. Painkillers are very handy in your NYM:HC playthrough as well as Old School and Hardcore playthroughs.
If you die in this playthrough you will restart back at chapter one, so be very careful when toward the end.
Also see Payne In The Ass achievement description for Harcore playthrough tips.
After a long time, I was finally able to get this achievement.
Here are my tips:
1) Beat the game on Hard difficulty while following this guide to get the golden guns:
2) Beat New York minute mode
3) Watch this video:
3.1) This video will show you some key instances that can easily damage your run and how to avoid them.
4) Start your run for this achievement while doing the following:
a. Get a computer next to the console.
b. Open this video:
b.1) This video is really helpful since it will give you the location of all the painkillers so you don’t have to waste time looking for them. Keep in mind the video shows the locations after the area gets cleared of enemies.
c. Open this other video:
c.1) This video will give you a lot of different strategies to face every situation, while some of them are too risky for an inexperienced player, others will help you beat this great challenge.
d. Start your run using the tips, location, and strategies mentioned in the videos, section by section and chapter by chapter
e. Be patient, you will die…. A lot.
Good luck!
After a long time, I was finally able to get this achievement.
Here are my tips:
1) Beat the game on Hard difficulty while following this guide to get the golden guns:
2) Beat New York minute mode
3) Watch this video:
3.1) This video will show you some key instances that can easily damage your run and how to avoid them.
4) Start your run for this achievement while doing the following:
a. Get a computer next to the console.
b. Open this video:
b.1) This video is really helpful since it will give you the location of all the painkillers so you don’t have to waste time looking for them. Keep in mind the video shows the locations after the area gets cleared of enemies.
c. Open this other video:
c.1) This video will give you a lot of different strategies to face every situation, while some of them are too risky for an inexperienced player, others will help you beat this great challenge.
d. Start your run using the tips, location, and strategies mentioned in the videos, section by section and chapter by chapter
e. Be patient, you will die…. A lot.
Good luck!
This guide was translated automatically.
An excellent video guide with a description of problem areas and the location of painkillers. The entire passage takes about 3 hours (the game starts from 1 minute):
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Don't forget to "like" the author of the video, the person tried his best.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Don't forget to "like" the author of the video, the person tried his best.
- As already mentioned, the difficulty of the enemies is average (there is the possibility of a last stand).
- It is better to swallow Painkillers yourself, at a HP level of about 80%. Time will be running out after a few chapters.
- Use bullet time more often (for ease of aiming and headshots. A regular kill gives +5 sec, head +6). It is restored when killed in normal mode, so it is better to finish off the last one in the group this way
- Pay special attention to story situations, the failure of which will result in a game over (marked with a red “One hit kill” marker in the videos)
- Sometimes it is more convenient to hide behind cover. than to “stick” to it
Video hint (en). Location of all bottles of painkillers from chapters 1 to 14.
By TiamaTiK on 22 Dec 2015 22:40
This guide was translated automatically.
Don't chase the trophy. No need to try again and again. Complete the game on hardcore, old school and multiplayer. But, play everywhere with a free aim. After all this, this trophy will not seem so difficult. The difficulty of the trophy is to find the strength in yourself and complete the game in a sitting. In terms of damage, the difficulty level here is Medium, there are plenty of painkillers. So be patient and