12 Achievements
Clear the game without dying.
How to unlock the INVINCIBLE achievement in MEGA MAN 10 - Definitive Guide
This isn't hard to do at all.
I died a few times near the end and it popped for me still no issues.
This trophy will also unlock when you attain the MR. PERFECT trophy. Don't lose any lives in the game. Save after each level, bring along a healthy supply of E-tanks and maybe even buy a handful of the items that save you from pitfalls and spikes from the Shop. As long as you are saving after each level on Easy Mode, this trophy is easily attained once completing the game. Just be careful with Mega Man ... there's only one of him! You can earn this trophy by playing as either Mega Man, Protoman or Bass.
Unlike the previous Mega Man games you have Easy Mode, which will make the game a little less difficult. You will have more health and weaker enemies. The levels are also altered slightly to make them easier to navigate without dying.
You will also be able to save between levels which will cut down the difficulty further. If you are having trouble with spikes and holes buy the Beat Calls and Shock Guards. Beat Calls save you if you fall down a hole, and Shock Guards will make spikes not one hit kill you.
See "Mr. Perfect"