12 Achievements
Defeat one of every type of enemy.
How to unlock the WORLD WARRIOR achievement in MEGA MAN 10 - Definitive Guide
The flying blue bird -- Location: Close to the end of Chill Man stage, you'll see them at the top of the screen dropping bombs.
Single-decker truck, first half of Nitro Man stage. Use chill spike to kill it.
Double-decker truck, second half of Nitro Man stage. Again, use chill spike to kill it.
Search Light, Dr. Wily 2. There's only three in the stage, two in the beginning and one about halfway through. Just shoot it with megabuster.
Flames (from flame generators) -- Location: Solar Man stage. Use water shield to destroy them.
Also easily missed are the enemies that spring out of the ground and spray bullets. Destroy them with Commando Bomb, (Thanks to sacredskullkid for the tip!) or Chill Spike (Thanks to Swordfish00830 as well for the tip!).
Thanks to KMetalmind for this tip: It should be noted too that if you leave any enemy, and you finish the game, you must kill that enemy and finish the game again. This happens because you can´t save once you´ve beaten the game, so enemies from Wily´s Castle (or at least the drills located in Wily Castle 5) aren´t counted for the achievement. If you managed to save between levels, those ones will count. The achievement pops up while killing a drill usually, as it´s the last enemy in the game (final boss isn´t needed as far as I know).
You must complete this in ONE playthough (credit to Smirnoff103). There are a handful of unique enemies in Sheep Man's, Commando Man's and Nitro Man's levels. If a fast flying enemy passes you that you are sure you haven't taken down yet, just run back so the screen scrolls away from where that enemy showed up: ALL enemies in the game will respawn that way except for the "flip-tile" enemies found in Sheep Man's stage. Once you reach Area 5 of the castle, the little drill bit enemies that spawn from the floors and ceilings are the last enemy on the checklist. Destroy one and the trophy unlocks. You can earn this trophy by playing as either Mega Man, Protoman or Bass.
Here are a few that I found that might be easily overlooked:
- In Chill Man's stage, near the end, there is a bird that drops "missles" from the very top of the screen ... make sure to kill the bird and the missle. Try Blade Man's weapon to hit them.
- In Nitro Man's stage, there is a robot that speeds toward you and, when you destroy its body, its head rises away from you and shoots at you. Also if you destroy the head first, the body darts away from you VERY fast. Before you climb the first ladder of the stage, you can sprint back and forth between two of these things. Make sure to destroy each part separately and then the whole thing. Use Blade Man's weapon to make it easier.
- Also in Nitro Man's stage, destroy one of the buses that drive toward you with the Chill Spike (confirmed by dante.jay).
- On Commando Man's stage, there are several: one is a crab-like creature that appears when an "eagle robot" drops and detroys a mine in the sand. So that's 3: kill the eagle (and its projectile), the crab (and its projectile) as well as the mine.
- Also on Commando Man's stage, when you jump over a gap, there is a missle-type enemy that shoots from the gap and then sprouts a parachute when it descends. You can shoot the parachute and the missle will drop. Kill the missle itself while its dropping, the parachute separately and then the whole thing somewhere else in the stage (there are many of these in this stage).
- In Sheep Man's stage, there are Mouse Cursor enemies that draw blocks and then the blocks shoot at you. Destroy the Mouse Cursor and then one of the blocks.
- There are also SEVERAL types of "Hard Hat" enemies that are in every Mega Man game: one shoots a "goo" at you to make you slip and slide around, another runs toward you when shot, another has a little helicopter on its head and still another is immobile. Be sure to kill each type.
First, you need to do this in a single playthrough. It will not count over multiple saves and different games. You just need make sure you shoot every enemy you see. Take your time, and even make sure to shoot the projectiles just in case. It will unlock when you kill a drill in Wily 5. If it doesn't then you missed something and missed the achievement.
There are several enemies which are easy to miss so make sure you look out for them:
- Birds that drop rockets in Chill Man Stage
- The spring enemies that can't be killed by the mega buster. Chill Man's chill spike can kill them.
- Flames in Solar Man Stage (use Pump Man's bubble shield to kill them)
- Alarm things in Wily Stage 2
- Projectiles you may need to shoot include: The rockets the birds drop, baseballs, bombs, bullets, etc. (these aren't confirmed to be needed, but are worth doing just to make sure.)
Pump Man's water shield will help you destroy most things if you keep it going while playing.