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Chosen by History

Chosen by History

Defeat Samuel without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.


How to unlock the Chosen by History achievement in METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE - Definitive Guide

I recommend doing it on New Game + with Infinite Wig B equipped that you get after getting 20 left hands and beating the game.

Infinite Wig B gives you infinite supply of fuel-cell energy, meaning you can have Ripper Mode turned on forever. But that also mean that you can turn on and off the Ripper Mode as many times as you want. Now here's the deal. When you turn Ripper Mode on the time slows for a half a second. The time also slows whenever you are in Blade Mode. Because 1+1=2, as soon as you turn the Ripper Mode on press the Blade Mode button. Time will flow even slower. And because of Infinite Wig B you can stay in that state as long as you want and enable it as many times as you want.

Samuel is a bit harder than Sundowner but still easy with that method. Get closer, activate the Ripper Mode and Blade Mode and attack. He may prepare dodge or attack. If he attacks press A+X to Dodge when there are 1-2 seconds till his attack hits you. If he dodges get closer and repeat the process.
When you break his guard he may start his attack after he recovers from stagger. If he uses an attack where he sheathes his sword keep slicing. You may catch him in a loop where he will rebound and use it again. If he do not rebound (and you will know that he won't) A+X to Dodge and repeat the process.
When he gets away from you and prepares his quick attack enable Ripper Mode and Blade Mode and wait patiently for him to get closer and press A+X to Dodge.

Do not go to customize screen during the fight because if you get hit it will save it and even though you have full health and No Damage screen you will not get an achievement.

This Ripper Mode and Blade Mode trick works on every boss except for Monsoon because you are in permanent Ripper Mode during that fight.

22 Jun 2014 20:20

1 Comment
that's how I've sent him to the graveyard, and your solution is perfect (thank you very much; it really saved my ass during this fight!)

You may just want to add that probably the high frequency blade should be the weapon of choice, because you will spend so much time in blade mode.

Also, you should always be ready to parry his attack when he's sheathing (I hope that's the correct verb) his sword. It doesn't need to be a perfect parry, it will work as long as you press forward+x when you're exiting blade mode (you should do that right when the sword is fully sheathed).

For me dodging it was riskier than parrying, because sometimes Sam will hit you even if you're on one of his sides (the attack has a significant lateral range).

A parry will also trigger the mid-match blade mode event (where you disarm Sam), so it's almost "mandatory" in a sense.

Once you've cheesed him a bit more, he will pick up his sword once again, and the fight is over as long as you don't screw up the 3 dodges/parry in a row (I did multiple times...).

Usually with your method, you'll be able to reset his attacks (what you describe as rebounds) until he's down on his knees (that's a window of opportunity to bring him down to almost 0.1% depending how well you fared until that point); that's when there will be three attacks in a row as a follow up, and it comes down to preferences (either dodge or parry).

Also, at the beginning of the match, I suggest a couple of charged pincers.

Activate ripper mode=>get closer=>two charged pincers (charge y, release, charge y, release).

He may dodge the second one and counter. so in some cases one may need to restart the match (it's hard to dodge his counter attack, because of your recovery time after the pincer attack).

If the two pincer attacks connect properly, Sam will be down to 61% of his health, and stunned for a brief moment (down on his knees).
By Donietsche on 08 Mar 2019 01:57
Chosen by History

This achievement is for defeating Sam without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.

Minor Spoilers

The key for me was to stay aggressive and only attack with X unless you know you can land a couple strong attacks or Y. He will get you with his power attack when it starts to glow yellow you need to dodge! After you knock the sword out of his hand STAY AGGRESSIVE!! Do not let him get any distance on you just keep running up to him with your left joystick up and attack with x so parrying will not be a problem! Good luck guys

Here is a video guide that will hopefully help!

All video credit goes to Whitefox789

Thanks to hypron who stated that if you perfectly parry him it will allow you to deal him massive damage and will make this fight loads easier. Once again good luck!

28 Feb 2013 05:27

It's also worth noting that in Revengeance mode perfect parries will literally destroy him. A single perfect parry will take him down to around 50% health (40% if you are in ripper mode when you do it, allowing you to skip the phase of the fight where he's unarmed). "Simply" perfect parry him another time once he picks his weapon back up and he'll be dead.

You can only land perfect parries after his 4 hits combos as far as I know. He has 4/5 different combos, which all require different timings. The easiest one to perfect parry is the one where he hits you twice, stops for a bit, does a pirouette (3rd hit) and slashes you one last time. This combo is the easiest to parry because the last attack comes immediately after the third one, there's basically no delay between the 2 so if you manage to parry it you should get a perfect parry almost every time.
By Hypron on 28 Feb 2013 11:41
I beat him with no damage but no achievement.
Maybe a small glitch. Need to beat him one more time now...
By Dexter Skelter on 08 Mar 2013 02:14
Yeah thats weird
By KITTENS R CUTE on 08 Mar 2013 02:21
I got it now.
Now on the way for the final boss. Hope he will not be too hard.
By Dexter Skelter on 08 Mar 2013 03:28
He was not that bad good luck?
By KITTENS R CUTE on 08 Mar 2013 03:30
I did this battle really fast as the (Bloodlust, Pincer Blade) is a auto hit as it seems he cant doge it and it hits a big amount on him if you charge attack when it has the Lv5 attack power it hits more than any of the other weapons including the (Fox Blade) and it is still possible to block even when attacking if you hit the block buttons.
By Cpt Kent James on 08 Mar 2013 12:56
Glitched for me too :(
By Jamone the Afro on 17 Apr 2013 14:58
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You fight Sam (for this trophy) during File R-06. As a matter of fact, all you do during this mission is fight Sam laugh.

This places something to your advantage over the other boss fights - if you botch up royally (which is really hard to on this one actually) then you can just replay the mission. No harm, no foul. wink

I will say, however, that making a backup save is just a good habit to practice, especially if you are going for Stormbringer.

Now, onto this fight...

1. Complete comprehension of the parry system
2. Patience
3. Timing

Seriously - that is it. You may have to restart a few times only to get his movements down, but after several trial runs you will know what a majority of his attacks look like, and will learn to parry them worry free. Trust me - I sucked at parrying/blocking with this game, however after awhile it becomes second nature. And if I can do it, ANYONE can do it.

/motivational speech

1. A maxed Muramasa blade
2. A maxed Pincer Blades
3. Infinite Wig B (for Unlimited Ripper Mode)
4. Custom Body Red

My method does incorporate the "unnecessary" items above, and if you want to seriously cakewalk this fight I HIGHLY suggest at least maxing out the Pincer blades. This weapon will be your bread and butter throughout this fight. wink

STAGE 1 - Sam 100% to 60% health: Who here likes taking shortcuts? I certainly have nothing against them, ESPECIALLY when they get me someplace much faster than normal. For example, I can get Sam from 100% health down to 60.5% in under ten seconds. Want to know how?

In order to do it, you will need the maxed Pincers and Wig B. It is worth it though, so you might as well get those two items beforehand.

When the fight begins, immediately activate Ripper Mode (L3+R3) and charge your Pincers. Wait a second for them to shine a nice shade of red, then charge them at Sam - he will go down to 85%. At the end of the swing, hold triangle again, and charge it once more. Release when it lights up to do an awesome whirlwind-esque slash bringing Sam to his knees and taking 40% of his health down in practically no time at all. wink

9 times out of 10 he will take the hits and fall back, however once in a while he will start on the offensive (attack you at the jump roll). If that happens, simply select restart and try again.

While he is kneeling down, I typically launched him into the air (FORWARD + FORWARD + SQUARE), jumped up and slashed away at him easily taking his health to ~57%. If you are unfamiliar with that move, you will most likely master it here, AND it is something that will come in very useful on your Very Hard and Revengeance runs.

STAGE 2 - Sam 60% to 40% health: At this point, Sam is annoying, but somewhat predictable. The game has him coming at you full force wanting you to parry, and knock his sword out of his hand. I would advise against that, and I will describe why below, but for now I will explain what you want to do.

Instead of knocking his sword away, wait until the blade mode prompt goes away, and then try launching him some more. Once in awhile you can get him back in the air to juggle for a decent bit of his life. However, be prepared at all times to parry. 90% of the time he will hit you with the standard, 1-slash move the game wants you to parry. In that 10% he will hit you with 1 of a few combination attacks. Each one of his attacks is initiated by him differently, and attack at different intervals, so it can get really messy trying to parry them all. Do your best, and try to get him up in the air as often as you can. It also helps to stay a bit away from him - I found he does the same standard attack more often if I am not in his face.

So, if this is so unpredictable, why would you want him to keep his sword? Because him without a sword is even worse. angry Seriously, Sam with just his fisty cuffs is:

1. Faster
2. More likely to counter
3. Will negate certain moves completely AND deal you damage (Ninja Run + Triangle angry)

The way he attacks is straight forward enough when he lacks his blade, but he is so much harder to hit it makes getting to 40% a frickin struggle.

So, to wrap this stage up, you want him to keep his sword, and you want to try and juggle him in the air as much as possible.

STAGE 3 - Sam 40% to ~7% health: You will know when you hit this stage as Sam's attacks shift into either

1. Backing up and doing 3 charge attacks one right after another
2. Leaping into the air and coming down on your face
3. Hurling boulders at you (to cut up in blade mode)
4. His very cool "Quick Draw" move (identical to Raiden's)
5. His standard combination moves

Fun times, right! No worries - believe it or not, you are most likely close to the 1:30 mark on this fight.

Anyway, I am assuming you still have those wonderful Pincers at the ready, because you will be using them again.

The move you want him to do is #1 - this will require you be vigilant, and parry accordingly. After his third charge he will taunt you, JUST like in the beginning of the fight! Charge up your Pincers, and hit him hard. You will take a nice chunk of his life. Generally you won't need to move from where you are standing either - just charge and release.

Now, unfortunately, you probably won't be able to charge up for a second attack before he goes on the offensive. Parry what you can, and try to stay mid distance away - this will provoke him into doing move #1 again. Then it is a simple matter of rinsing and repeating until the final QTE is initiated (somewhere below 10%).

If you want an easy S Rank for this battle, then become a savant at juggling AND have Wig B. After your initial attack (the one that will take him down to 60% ) launch him and jump up. However, instead of slashing him with the standard attack, initiate blade mode - you can get a 75 hit combo easily. Then just beat the fight in under 3 minutes, without taking damage, and VIOLA! S Rank for the battle AND the mission.

Questions, corrections and neg vote justifications below.

23 Jan 2014 04:24

or even better yet perfect parry him and he will be at 5% the whole fight can take less then 20 seconds if done correct
By DarkFiendDoku on 07 Apr 2014 17:25
You need to be on Revengeance difficulty for that, really - this guide is for the Hard difficulty.

And on Revengeance, doing that you lose the combo aspect, as well as the BP completely. Meaning you get no S Rank. Sure, you can get this trophy, but if you are playing on Revengeance, you are reaching for the S Ranks, not just the No Damage bonus.
By EmpathicMIMIC on 07 Apr 2014 17:30
Easy guide: just keep attacking pressing LS toward Sam and X (light attack); occasionally you can make it fly at 4-5mt from the ground (something like 15 foots... maybe?), when this happens charge the Pincer Blades until they open (don't wait until they start shining, it takes a lot of time and Sam will recover and parry the hit and you will deal something around 2-3% of damage instead 10-15%).

When his life will reach 60% (when he start fighting without the sword) his attacks become faster and harder to parry (you don't say?), unless you are keeping attacking pressing LS+X as I suggested.

He will start fighting again with his sword when his health will reach something around 44% and 46%; the fight will become a little harder than the first part, but nothing of really-really hard.

Fight using the Infinite Wig B (get 20 left hands and beat the game on Normal+) and keep the Reaper Mode ON all the time; after Blade Mode sequences (he can throw the big rocks that are on the field at you, watch out when you two are very close to them) and the two cutscenes (when he will lose and get back his Muramasa) you have to re-activate it. He can occasionally use a "yellow" heavy attack, you can choose to evade it (A+X+LS) or keep attacking him, after some hits you will stop his attack.

I restarted the battle 3 times, it will take you some minutes, but this is a easy fight.

23 Jan 2015 22:27

As you've unlocked everything you'll need you can do this on either Playthrough, this is actually not as difficult as it seems but can require luck in the final stage, thankfully you don't need the S rank just yet so you can take your time and wait for the right moment. You will only need the Staff and Ripper Mode here, this can be obtained easier in Revengeance difficulty and I'll explain more on that later.

Phase 1: Use Ripper Mode and go full attack with your main weapon until you see him crouching, launch him in the air using your upwards attack and hit him a few times in the air, once he lands he will enter the next phase (unless you're playing on V.Hard or Revengeance where he may need a bit more damage, however there's different strategies for Revengeance so stick to Hard for this strategy)

Phase 2: He will be unarmed, this is where your Staff comes in handy, ONLY use the Staff to attack, he only has 2 attacks here, one is a punch that will be easy to telegraph and Parry, the other is a kick which is a bit more difficult to telegraph however that is something you will NOT need to worry about because using the Staff at a range will force him into only using the punch attack.

Phase 3: After he gets his sword back, this is where luck plays a small part, he may use some attacks right off the bat or he might stand still for a bit, if he stands still and you hit him with the Staff he will block and it will break his block allowing you to enter Ripper Mode, stick him in the air again and unleash a combo on him, this will be just about enough, you may need to wait for another opening to finish him off though, you'll then have a short Quick Time event. If he didn't stand still at first then you will need to Parry a few charges (they will be easy) and he should stand still after that, if for whatever reason he isn't, run towards him, then away from him and parry some more charges (sometimes he can get stuck charging for a while for an unknown reason, just stick with it if that happens).

Revengeance Note: On Revengeance getting a Parry Counter will deal a huge portion of damage and can skip an entire phase, if you use this towards the end of the first phase you can enter his last phase with a fraction of his health remaining!

23 Mar 2015 01:24

Be careful with his special charges and maintain a stable line with some bursts and recessions.

14 Jul 2019 06:17

Sam is a 'middle of the road' boss in terms of difficulty; he has a few tricks, but nothing a bit of practice can't fix. You must be playing on Hard, Very Hard, or Revengeance, and defeat Sam without taking any damage. If Sam lands a hit on you, use the Restart Checkpoint option to try again. Sam has no checkpoints in his fight, so you have to put him down in one go without getting hit. Unless you're impatient, you should leave this trophy for your Stormbringer playthrough, as earning a no damage bonus helps you achieve an S-Rank.

See Boss Data for additional details.

See achievement "The Politics of Silencing Foes."