60 Achievements


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Genius Destroyer

Genius Destroyer

Defeat Monsoon without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.


How to unlock the Genius Destroyer achievement in METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE - Definitive Guide

Weapon: Fully upgraded (Damage at least) Murasama Blade
Secondary: Doesn't matter (Pincers preferred)
Other: At least 4 EMP grenades (you can use the Sai as a secondary to stun him)
(Optional) Wig: Wig A

- You must know how to parry at least somewhat as this entire strategy involves parrying.
- Be relatively proficient Blade Mode.
- Patience
- Beware his kick attack! It's the one where he lunges forward (the kick that starts his 4 hit kick combo). It has amazing range and cost me the achievement quite a few times. Always be running!

Phase 1: At the very start of the battle Monsoon will charge at you. Lock on and run to the right and keep running. Monsoon should follow you and run after you but not attack. In this phase he has 4 attacks: 4 hit kick combo (which you can parry but it's easier to ninja run away), Sai combo (can be parry spammed but if you are following this he probably won't do it), smokescreen (same as above, it's much more annoying and time consuming then it is hard) and the sky attack. You want him to do the sky attack. After he runs after you for a little bit he'll jump into the air. Stand still and as he lunges towards you, parry it. He'll be in recovery for a few seconds so spam X and you should be able to get his health to 90%. Start ninja running away and repeat the strategy(luring him to do the sky attack) until he reaches 70%. This should only take 3 sky attacks punishes.

- Once he reaches 75% health he gets stunned, so keep wailing away and he'll usually start phase 2 once he reaches 67% health.
- If he does do the smokescreen attack just sit there and parry. The first 2 hits are the hardest (sometimes the first one comes really quick and is hard to parry) but after that it becomes easy enough. Practice makes perfect.
- If you do a good parry after a sky attack (the one that knocks him away) you can do the charged Pincer Blade move (hold Y and release when red) to take off around 10%. I find this leaves you in alot of recovery so I didn't use it myself but feel free to try it out.

Phase 2: In this phase he will start throwing objects at you. The game will prompt you to enter blade mode. I would recommend this as it's easier to cut them up than it is to run away (especially during phase 5). The first vehicle appears in front of you and is easy enough. Next he will throw 2 vehicles. The first is in front and the second is on the right. After cutting up/dodging this, Phase 3 will start.

Phase 3: Have an EMP grenade at the ready. Monsoon will jump off his platform and land somewhere in the middle of the arena. You have all the time in the world to throw an EMP at this moment. You want the EMP to land IN FRONT of him. If you throw it at him, he'll dodge it and it'll explode in the distance. After it hits he will be stunned. Run up to him and enter blade mode, line up your sword to the target (his head) as you have ample time and slice. This will knock his head away. Blade run up and then enter blade mode and start chopping at his head. Once youve done around 0.6% - 0.8% damage start running away, as his body will rejoin at YOUR position and he'll do an attack but if you run away before it, it shouldn't hit you. After this Phase 4 starts.

Phase 4: Exactly the same as Phase 1. Lure him to do sky attacks then parry and slash. You should only have to do this twice until Phase 5 starts (he'll be at around 53% - 50% life at this point).

Phase 5: Same as Phase 2 but with more objects. The first one he will throw 3 objects at you, one in front, one to the right and a new one to the left. The final time he will throw 4, one in front, one on the right, one on the left and the last slightly above your head. I do recommend cutting them as trying to run away usually gets you hit by the third item but if you want to try then feel free. After this Phase 6 will start. NOTE: Sometimes in the final object throw he will throw the first object to the right and the next in the middle so be careful. This was a rare occurance however. One other thing, sometimes the final object above you will be very difficult to hit/cut. If you cut and it turns brown then you're safe. If it's purple and above you and IMPOSSIBLE to cut, it will usually go above your head and not damage you. This is probably the cheapest way he deals damage.

Phase 6: Same as Phase 3. EMP him, run up, chop his head, run to head, blade mode, run away, Phase 7.

Phase 7: Same as Phase 1. Bait Sky attack, parry. You should have to do this twice and he should be at 40% life after you finish it. Be careful of the smokescreen attack, at this stage of the fight it will probably get you hit because of nerves.

Phase 8: Some changes. Instead of throwing vehicles at you he'll have a new attack called "Lorenzo Force" where he throws a big wheel of debris at you and it travels from one side of the arena to another while shooting off debris which explodes if you run into this. For this exact reason I strongly suggest you parry and not run away from this. As the wheel comes toward you, parry it (you can easily keep tapping Forward + X) and it will knock the wheel away. It will come back a second time, which you can parry and then enter a blade mode prompt to destroy the wheel which will begin Phase 9.

Phase 9: By far the hardest phase of the battle. Because it happens so late you aren't used to his attack pattern. He will first launch a sai from across the screen at you. You MUST parry this. If you run there's a 90% chance you will get hit (you can avoid it, but it is hard). After you parry it there will be a pause and it will attack you around 3 times. Parry this. He will then send his second sai at you and you must repeat this. After that he will send his legs and do the 4 hit kick combo which you must parry. After his arms and legs lay motionless, throw an EMP at him (his upper half will be walking around slowly) which will disable him so you can run up, blade mode his head, then blade mode his head on the floor which will start Phase 10.

Phase 11: Same as Phase 1. Lure sky attack, parry, attack.

Phase 12: Quicktime event and victory!

04 Mar 2013 10:56

I was finding this a nightmare till I read your technique on baiting him into doing the sky attack, thanks for the tip.
By Devilchicken11 on 09 Jul 2015 22:30
The hardest part by far is the "40%" mark, but there is a way to avoid having to parry any of the sai attacks etc.

As soon as you get him down to 40% make sure you have the sai equipped. Parry the ball twice and destroy it as normal, by now your sai will be charged. As soon as you are back in control after he jumps down and throws the sai, jump straight up (hold A to get max height) and throw your own sai back from mid air. This will stun him. Then just ninja run towards him and blade mode his head, if you are quick enough he will still be stunned when you get there. The thrown sai will still keep attacking you during this so it could get you if you are unlucky, but it will struggle to catch up.

Once his head is on the ground I like to switch to pincers and hit him with a charged attack when he gets up, this should put him straight into the next object throwing phase. After he comes back down you will only need a few more hits to get him down to 10% with the standard EM grenade method, then the rolling ball will come again followed by the last QTE
By FlopsyTheRabbit on 14 Aug 2020 17:17
Ahh, I remember this. Good times. What a hard achievement.
By RuMcK on 30 Nov 2023 03:31
I did this on the PS3 (and attempting here as well) and your guide is good, but I just wanted to add:

1. DO NOT PERFECT PARRY HIS SKY ATTACK. If you Perfect Parry (where you counter) you will knock him away and lose a few freebie hits. IF you do a Perfect Parry, it is hit or miss whether the pincer attack works - most of the time I found he would use the smoke grenade that actually causes damage, and I would have to restart roll

2. Instead of using Blade Mode and slashing his head on the ground, stay a few feet back and charge the pincers. As he is pulling himself back together, unleash the charged pincers - you will do amazing damage and throw him into the standard "Throw shit at you" Phase INSTEAD OF wasting time waiting for another sky attack combo.

3. You can be cheap in the first phase, and since you have unlimited Ripper here, spam the sliding blade mode move (take a good ~8% at the jump) but you need to wait a few seconds before you try it again as the "time slow" effect will not be active with repetitive uses.

4. If you need EMP's, then by all means Blade Mode the vehicles he throws at you, but if you are good, just run the outside border of the map. Even with the max number he throws at you, if you time it accordingly, you won't get hit.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 20 Aug 2014 15:32
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I just got it on hard and no achievement and as u can see in my video i didnt take any damage so maybe it can glitch and i was the luck man, maybe it happened because i wanted to stock my emp granades, so when i got 5 granades i went to customize, this way it saved and i restarted on the last checkpoint, anyway i'll have to finish the game on Revengeance with S rank so i'll have to do it again with no damage.

27 Feb 2013 19:33

Hey I don't think going into customize is the reason that the achievement didn't unlock for you, as I did the same thing but to equip the Sai for this battle and the cheevo popped for me.

I've heard that dying and then pressing 'retry' could be a possible reason why the cheevo is glitching for some people though.
By Tomjeh on 04 Mar 2013 11:58
Thats weird cause i never died to him, once i took a hit i just reloaded checkpoint.
By AndreFlash83 on 04 Mar 2013 14:14
Happend to me too, same with Mistral. Sucks, this took me forever and I have no intention of becoming a lighting god ;p
By BoOzAk on 06 Mar 2013 08:52
By BoOzAk on 06 Mar 2013 08:54
Hey bud i got it yesterday online against Moonson, so u can do it without deleting the title update, i didnt die anytime just put restart checkpoint twice and on the 3rd try i got it, it seems that its very ramdon.
By AndreFlash83 on 06 Mar 2013 13:48
didnt get the achievement either and i followed the video tenfold so hes right about it being glitchy
By SLAM PIG 86 on 21 Mar 2013 19:09
Same here. I have beaten him twice now with the no damage coming up on the scoreboard and still no achievement. Something is definitely up with it.
By DonNomis on 03 Apr 2013 17:45
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This achievement is for beating the chapter 3 boss Monsoon and take zero damage, this took me a good few hours of trying and i will explain as best i can. (Would of added the video but some people might not know exactly what was going on or how to do certain moves, besides the video is below in another solution)

Here is my equipment setup :

Main weapon - Sams Red Katana
Sub Weapon - Pincers
Equipment - EMP Grenade (either use the Sai to stun him or EMP grenades which also sometimes drop from the cars/choppers he throws as you slice them up).

Edit: After watching a video for a no damage run you can make it considerably easier on yourself and beat him much quicker, for a starters in the video pretty sure he had infinite EMP grenades so you can use the infinite items wig for this effect, so you can ignore the Sai weapon, instead equip the Pincers (Sundowners Weapons). Decided to rewrite my pointlessly long solution.

As soon as he charges block his first attack then repeatedly use the toward+toward+light attack with the sword, to stun him and quickly get him to aorund 70% health, this looks like you can avoid the smoke bomb attack altogether, but be warned he can randomly do it right away or later on, so just watch out for it.

Now equip the Pincers+EMP grenades, slice what he throws at you with Blade Mode, and then when he lands on the floor use an EMP grenade, get really close and Blade Mode his head, take your time and line it up as you will have to stun him again otherwise.

Now ninja run + heavy attack into his head, and begin charging the Pincers to damage him as his body revives, he should then return to throwing items at you, if not damage him a bit more.

He lands once again, do the same with the EMP grenade and Blade Mode, repeat the last steps with the Pincer weapon until he once again starts throwing items, repeat until he hits 40% health which will start his next phase.

Block both piles of metal he spins at you, then slice it up with blade mode, then as he lands block all of his long range attacks with his weapons, then block his legs, now its safer to stun him with the Sai so equip that or us the EMP grenades, but you'll need the Pincers again to cause damage after he revives his body.

Repeat the last steps of stunning/blocking/Blade Mode etc, once he hits 10% he will throw 2 more piles of metal, just block them both then slice it up.

Now is the only checkpoint in the fight, and just after is some minor quick time events, forward+right trigger for ninja run, then Blade Mode then Y+B if i remember correctly.

REMEMBER: If you're going for S rank on the full chapter, DO NOT FORGET to kill all of the soldiers before the Monsoon fight, when you're moving slow and it looks like you need to sneak, you can miss 1 S rank altogether if you sneak by, so either use the Fox Blade/Wig that lets you slice enemies up easily so kill them all from behind. Otherwise you have to replay the entire chapter just for that, which means beating the boss AGAIN.

27 Feb 2013 04:34

So pretty much if he throws a smoke bomb at the beginning your screwed?
By xMANNY FRE5Hx on 28 Feb 2013 20:24
just dodge away from the smoke bomb and block any thing he throws at you, he does it 2 times maybe 3 maximum depending on how long you take to lower his health.

but its definatly his most annoying attack when going for no damage.
By k0rruptiD on 01 Mar 2013 06:48
@ MANNY: That damn smoke bomb does a little bit of damage if you are too close to him, so yeah - if he does the smoke bomb, and he throws it at your feet, then you might as well restart the sequence.

@ k0rruptiD: Excellent guide. Two things though:
- If you equip your sai prior to Monsoon initiating the giant wheel-o-death that he hurls your way, then by the time Monsoon is back on the ground all you need to do is perfect parry his initial attack - then hit cn_Y and you can stun him without having to deal with the rest of his body parts wink

- For your note at the end (S Rank whole chapter) it is much easier to do the Raiden walking slow bit with the wooden sword. You will be getting no zandatsu's here, nor will you be going for some crazy combo. The no kill bonus is much, much easier to obtain than the no damage bonus. wink
By a Fi1thy Casual on 19 Jun 2015 14:08
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Moonson S rank, no damage on Revengeance

Here is a strategy which is pretty foolproof. It has some luck involved at the first attack in the fight and barely any skill. I did this (successfully) on Revengeance difficulty around seven times and it is worked exactly the same every time. You may ask why did I do that awful fight over and over again? Because the infamous "no damage" glitch (if you install the title update the game may not give you the bonus even if you didn't get a scratch). After I deleted the title update and repeated the fight exactly the same I got the achievement.
What do you need:
Primary weapon: doesn't matter
Secondary weapon: MAXed Pincer Blades, Sai
Skills: Pincer Blade skills, Offensive Evade
Sub weapon: At least 3 EMP grenades (you can use Wig A if you want)

1st phase (until around 75%)
Here is the only "lucky" part. It actually doesn't really need more luck than the beginning of VR mission 18 where the Irving either charges you or not. At the start wait half a second then start a triple combo (YYY) with the Pincer Blades (PB) towards the charging Moonson. At least half of the time when the first hit lands, Moonson (instead of attacking) runs to the side and try to circle around you. If you press the lock on (RB) button after the first hit and just continue your triple combo every slash will hit him bringing down his life to around 75% and stuns him. Here you can slash him with whatever you want, the game won't let you damage him below a certain percent though. I think the best I could manage was around 65% but 68% is the usual.
Rarely it could happen he won't get stunned and throws smoke at you. You can parry the smoke part and try to hit him once more with the PB or restart. It is up to you to decide.

Now he jumps up to throw some vehicles at you. These aren't as bad as they seems. You have plenty of time to slash them. The few suggestion I have:
- stay far away from Moonson, it is much easier to slash the vehicles on the top
- the order of the vehicles aren't determined by their order of rotation but by their order of launch
- use Y on the top vehicles
- at the last throws when there is 5+ vehicle, the cutting order is almost always bottom right to left then top left to right
- pick up every item the vehicles drop between throws for extra BP
After this phase most of the fight is on autopilot if you can do the parry I will talk about later.

2nd phase (until around 51%)
After 2 waves of throws Moonson jumps back to the middle. Wait for him and as soon as he jumps in, lock on (RB) and throw a fast EMP (tap LB). He gets stunned. Run up to him and cut off his head in blade mode. If you locked on him you will see where did his head roll. Run to the head hit it with the PB ONCE then hold the second attack (YYhold). The Blade charges up. When Moonson recovers and his body jumps up to the air release the blades and he can't evade it. This one attack instantly brings down his health to 51% and brings him to the next throwing phase. There was one time when my Pincer hit him perfectly and he went down to 40% instantly but I couldn't recreate it later.
He throws more vehicles at you. The previous rules apply.

3rd phase (until 40%)
The exactly same as the previous phase. Wait for him to go down, lock on, throw EMP. Cut off his head, then wait with a charged PB (YYhold). When his body assembly itself in the air release the charge. This will bring down his health to under 40% Don't bother hitting him because he heals up to 40% no matter what. As soon as you recovered from the PB switch to the Sai. He will throw two big derbis at you (technically it is one but two times). Parrying this isn't an issue. You can begin it way early (let it roll a few times) and if you won't let go of the forward + X you stay in parry. I don't think I ever died here.

4th phase (until around 23%)
After the second parry and cutting up the derbis comes the only part that involves skill: perfect parrying Moonsons Sai. Don't worry it isn't that bad! There will be a cutscene where Moonson jumps down before you and throws his Sai. You get back control. Don't parry until it gets close and you get it perfect every time. The advice I can give is to not parry until you just see an electric charge. If it gets close you can see the Sai and that is the time you need to patry. I'm pretty bad in parrying but after a few tries I could get it every time. The reason you need to perfect this is because it opens up Moonson for you own Sai attack. So just as you parried his attack just press Y (you did equip your Sai when I told you earlier, right?) and he gets stunned. Switch to your pincers immediately and run up to him to cut off his head. Don't worry you have plenty of time. From here, business as usual. Hit him with your charge and he goes up throwing more vehicles at you.

5th phase (until 10%)
After the usual throws he jumps down. Do the usual: lock on, throw EMP, cut off his head and Pincer charge. This brings down his health to 10% (he can't die). Watch out though! After the hit with the blades, instead of getting stunned and flying away like usual, this last time Moonson likes to ignore he is already beaten and starts a combo (with 10% healt) as soon as the Pincer blades finished hitting him. To avoid this last damage, mash X+A (offensive evade) and hold the analog stick AWAY from him. This way he can't hit you and after one or two attack the game finally forces him to go for his final attack (checkpoint here).

6th phase (until "destroyed")
This is just an interactive cutscene. I don't think you can die here but has an important part for the S rank. First you need to hold forward+RT until raiden runs up on the derbis. Then you need to cut the other derbis in blade mode and press Y+B when it prompts. The last thing is cutting up Moonson. Here you can do a 30x combo if you only use X and go down slowly from head to toe which gives you a nice boost for the S rank.

Achievement Unlocked

19 Oct 2015 14:37

This trophy is obtained by defeating Monsoon without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.

If you are like me and seriously lack the qualities of some individuals that seem to burn through this game on Revengeance difficulty obtaining that Stormbringer trophy while half asleep as though it is no big deal whatsoever, let me just say this: You can do this.

I will repeat: You can do this.

That was your first round of encouragement in this motivational sandwich, however the second round is the reality check: Monsoon is a cheap, unpredictable, speedy bastard (did I mention cheap? angry). He will rarely do the same thing twice, and just when you think you got his patterns down, that asshat will go and throw something new in the mix. You will cuss, you will hit stuff, hell, you may even shed a tear (as I did cry), however I am here to lend some advice on this battle. I will just say this one more time to complete the motivational sandwich: You can do this.

1. A backup save (and, honestly, get that practice in now - you will need it for Stormbringer).
2. A complete understanding and damn near expert use of the parry system
3. The Sai or EMP grenades (you can get those during the battle though)
4. Patience

1. A maxed Muramasa blade
2. Infinite Wig A (if you go the EMP route)
3. A maxed Pincer Blades
4. Custom Body Red

So, lets get down to the meat and potatoes of this battle: Monsoon between 100% and 70% is the most dangerous. Plain and simple. this is the first few moments of the battle.

Why is he the most dangerous then? Because that is when he is the most unpredictable. He has an array of maneuvers, some that take him off-screen, some that have him moving faster than you may be able to keep up with at first. He is fast, he is a combo beast, and if you think taking him head on is a good idea, think again.

At this point I am assuming you are aware enough of the story to have the following equipped IF you have them unlocked:

Muramasa blade (and hopefully it is maxed)
Custom Body Red
Infinite Wig A

If you don't have the latter 2, it is not the end of the world. If, at any time, Monsoon lands a hit on you, hit Start and select the "Restart" option - you will start the battle over again, and that damage will be removed from the record. At first this seems awesome, however as the battle rages on, and you get him close to done, and screw up royally, it will be frustrating as all hell angry. Now, back to Monsoon, and how he will try to hit you from the jump. roll

STAGE 1- Monsoon 100% to 70% health: At the start of the battle, Monsoon will be gunning for your throat. You have two options here: Ninja Run to the left, or Ninja run to the right. Forward is not an option. Period. Remember that. DO NOT RUN AT HIM. Make that bastard chase you. You want him to do one move: his jump-30-feet-in-the-air-and-dive-bomb-the-crap-out-of-you. This is where you need focus, and an excellent understanding of the parry system.

As he comes down, you want to defend, but don't do the "perfect parry" that counters - it will knock him away. You want him to hit the ground near you as to gain a few seconds where you can deal a good 5 to 10% health reduction on the bastard. That is where you want the direction of this first stage to go, however, we all know jerks, such as Monsoon, rarely do as we would like. angry

Monsoon will also try to give you a roundhouse, where you can easily run away from, however it is a good idea to circle back and get in a hit or two.

Monsoon will also try a devastating combo that will push your limits regarding the parry system. You will know what he is up to as his sai's will turn purple and he will be trying to jab you.

Monsoon will also try to launch you in the air - if he is successful, restart from the checkpoint.

Monsoon will also throw some red phosphorous grenades down and try to attack you from several angles. I have read other guides that stated "If Monsoon does that, restart immediately". I don't know why, but I never had a problem with him doing that. Just be careful if you wait that move out - sometimes his last attack will also be that nasty devastating combo above. Also, do not be near Monsoon if he sets off those grenades - for some reason they take away health, so you will have to restart anyway.

So, in Stage 1, the attack you want him to do is the one from the air. Keep running from him in the beginning, and get some distance - more often than not, he will jump up to attack. Then do the non-perfect parry, and cut him up smile.

STAGE 2 - Monsoon 70% to 40% health: Congratulations - the most annoyingly hard part is over. Monsoon will be taking the high ground, and give you a moment to take a breath. If you don't have it equipped, select either your Sai, or the EMP grenades.

Now, Monsoon will say a few words, then he will start throwing tanks and choppers at you. Fun stuff. If you want EMP grenades, but have none, initiate blade mode when prompted on the screen: the vehicles he throws often drop EMP's, as well as health (but you don't need that here, champ wink).

If you don't want EMP's, and don't want to waste your time here, then when Monsoon takes his position, run to the opposite corner of the map. When prompted to initiate blade mode, instead Ninja Run towards Monsoon. All those vehicles will fly over your head laugh. This works every time, no matter how many vehicles he has in the air.

Anyway, monsoon will toss two sets of vehicles at you (Set 1 = 1 vehicle, Set 2 = 2 vehicles). Cut them up, or run from them, and then Monsoon will jump down. At this point your Sai should be purple - press the triangle button and stun him. Or, if you would rather use EMP's, use them. Either method works.

While Monsoon is stunned, run up to the bastard and blade mode his face. His head will roll away. If you have the Pincers maxed, quickly equip them here. This is crucial, and requires nearly perfect timing.

With your pincers equipped, run towards the head (but not to close - most of the time you don't even have to move from your spot wink), and charge the triangle attack. Wait for Monsoon to nearly pull himself back together, be flipping back to his feet, and unleash the hell that is the pincers on his ass! laugh That bastard will cry out, be thrown back, and then jump back up to a corner to throw more vehicles at you. Rinse and repeat until he is at 40% health.

STAGE 3 - Monsoon 40% to 10% health: So, now Monsoon is a bit pissed off, and he is going to hurl this amalgam of vehicles spinning like a wheel at your face. Before you do anything, equip the sai - you will need it. Parry the wheel of death twice, and you will get another blade mode prompt. Do it, and cut that thing to shreds.

Then Monsoon will drop down, say something stupid, and hurl his right arm at you. You need to perfect parry that attack. I am not merely suggesting here - you need to do it. Doing a perfect parry on his appendage will knock it down completely. Just parrying it will make you have to parry a few more times, at different intervals, leaving you open to getting hit. PERFECT PARRY HIS ARM!

Once you do that, immediately press triangle before he throws his left arm - if you have the sai selected (as you should) it will stun him. Run up, and repeat the action from Stage 2. He will jump to the corners again, throwing even more vehicles. It would be wise to run from them, as you can lose track of them during blade mode, and you really, REALLY don't want to get hit at this point.

Get him down to 10% health and the final stage will be initiated.

STAGE 4 - Monsoon is a dead man walking: So, you kicked Monsoon's ass to the point where he is throwing a second wheel of vehically death at your face. Just like before, parry twice, then cut it to bits.

Now, at this point Monsoon will start lifting a very large, and pointy, monument off to the right of the screen. When you see that, check your health - if you are still full, then congratulations: you will unlock the trophy. If not, quickly restart.

Why do I say restart? There is a checkpoint when Monsoon hurls the monument at you. If the checkpoint saves, then you will need to go to your backup file and start again. Not fun.

Anyway, complete the QTE's, hack up this awful, awful bastard and this trophy is yours. Congratulate yourself as you have just defeated one of the most annoying bosses in this game with him never laying a finger on you. clap

Questions, corrections and neg vote justifications below.

21 Jan 2014 03:59

As i was checking EVERY solution possible, i sadly couldn´t pull this off due to the fact that i am not insanely gifted with blocking, not to mention, counter skills.
So after trying for hours to pull this crap off, i came up with a solution myself which doesn´t include more than 4-5 blocks and 1 counter in total! So here is my setup:

Difficulty: Hard (yes, it works on hard as well!)
Weapons: Murasama Blade (Jetstream Sams weapon, you NEED full damage on it at least!), Pincer Blades (fully powered), Sais (fully powered)/EM Grenades (alternatively, however make sure to combine them with the Infinity Wig A for unlimited Grenades)

Stage 1 (100 - 70%): As soon as the battle starts, tackle slide towards him and lock on to him (RT+Y and slash him, RB to lock on). Each full slide takes around 8-11% off from his health and he CAN´T damage you while sliding! If you pull it off right, you can actually prevent him from using smoke at all, if not simply block these attacks (they are quite easy to block in comparison to other attacks). Once he reaches 70% he will stop attacking so get in to get some cheap hits on him (i got him to 66% that way)

Stage 2 (70-40%): Now he will start throwing stuff at you, so go into blade mode and cut the first vehicles up (if you have the Sais, let them load up during this, otherwise equip the EM Grenades). After that he will jump in the middle so either have the Sai or EM Grenades ready, lock on to him and stun him. Dash forward and Blade Mode his head off. Equip your Pincer Blades get close to the head and charge them up. As soon as his feet land on the floor, get a direct hit that should smash him to the ground (only if pulled off right, so be prepared for an eventual counterattack). He should be now around 50-47% depending how hard you hit him and if you got some shots in while he was on the floor. Another wave of thrown vehicles, but this time also one above your head so use a Y cut to destroy it. Once he hits the floor again, rinse repeat the previous step and he should drop down to 40%.

Stage 3 (40-10%): In my oppinion the hardest stage. Get your Sai/Grenades ready! Once he uses that nice wheel attack BLOCK the incoming attack twice (jeah, ridiculous, but it really works!) and cut it up in blade mode. Now he will land again and this will be the ONLY TIME you NEED to parry block his attack. He will strike you with a 3 part Sai attack, so make sure to parry either of the attacks. After that IMMEDIATELY throw either a grenade or the Sai at him to stun him. Make a run for him and rinse repeat the Pincer attack scheme. Here comes another set of thrown vehicles, but this time as soon as you see the blade mode sign, jump up and activate blade mode. This will result in cutting the vehicles up in midair. This has a nice bonus since the explosions won´t blind you that much and you can clearly see which vehicles to cut! After that he will again land on the floor, so stun him and lob his head off again. However, this time we DON´T use the pincer blades, so keep your distance, wait for him to reassemble and once he charges at you, slide attack him again until he drops to 10%. Careful since he will most likely try to get a cheap hit in once he reaches 10% so slide attack away from him to avoid any unneccessary attacks he might launch at you. Once he jumps away you get a checkpoint!

Stage 4 (10-0%): Now there is only a quicktime event to accomplish, so simply follow the prompts on the screen and cut that bastard up for good. After the cutscene, you are one sweet achievement richer.

Hope this helps anyone, game on dance

22 Mar 2015 11:50

Monsoon is one of the most complained about boss battles on the internet from what I have read, the thing is, until you know what you're supposed to do he can be a real pain, but what am I here for? To explain it to you of course. This boss will be a step up from the previous because you have no Checkpoints (except for the start of the battle!). My advice is NOT to go through this on your first playthrough, it is significantly easier when you have access to the Sai and Blades, whilst it is still possible to do it first playthrough you will need to be proficient in the Parry, and I mean that, there are some sections later on in which you'll need to Parry Counters (also known as "Perfect Parries" or "Just Defends") about 3 moves, and if you miss one you'll need to hit about 4 or 5 rapid succession Parries, however, like in other solutions I shall explain how to do it in either playthrough.

First Playthrough -
Phase 1: To start off with you'll want to Parry his first few attacks (it won't be many, you can choose to run if you're not good with parrying). After this there will be an opening to attack, most likely he will then do a smoke bomb attack if he does then you'll need to dodge the smoke bomb (you take small damage from this otherwise) and will now need to Parry every attack he throws at you. Once this is over you'll have a pretty decent window to hit a chunk of damage. He will occasionally pull out other attacks, all of which can be parried or avoided completely with ease, although 2 moves require some attention, the first attack he can throw at you is a combo, it's smarter to just run away from this one (or jump over him) because it will require multiple quick Parries. The second one to be worried about is one where he jumps in the air to launch an attack, the camera can (and most likely will) bug out and you may not see where he will be coming from (which can make parrying problematic) thankfully when you hear it coming if you jump just before it would hit you will avoid it completely. In summary all you need to do is avoid/parry accordingly and wait for an opening to start landing hits.

Phase 2: This will happen once you've weakened him to about 70% health, he will jump up high and start throwing things at you, go to the far back of the area and when you get prompted to enter Blade Mode, do so, you will need to slice all the incoming objects before they hit you, these drop EMP grenades which you will need immediately after, once he lands you need to throw one to stun him, run up to him and enter Blade Mode and knock his head off, go towards the head and start slashing, the battle will resume like Phase 1 until you lower him down enough to have him jump up and throw more things at you, just repeat what you have done so far.

Phase 3: He will now jump up the building and throw a huge circle of vehicles at you, in order to pass this part you will need to Parry twice and enter Blade Mode, you will now be able to cut it into pieces. Once he lands after this he will throw his Sai at you during the scene, you must now do a Parry Counter on that attack, and again on his next Sai, then he will send his legs at you and you'll have to Parry Counter those too, if you do not manage to do a Parry Counter on any of the above moves you'll need to Parry his follow up attacks in quick succession. Once that is done he will come at you with his floating upper half, you must EMP this and Blade Mode his head, once you do this the fight shall resume the same as before.

Phase 4: Once wounded enough he will launch yet more vehicles at you followed by the big circle of vehicles, after this one however you will earn a Checkpoint (yeah I said there wasn't any but if you fail this bit you die instantly and would need to start again anyway), this will be a simple Quick Time event.

Second Playthrough -
Phase 1: This entire battle is made far far easier with the Sai and Pincer Blades, during the first section just use your Sai right away with the drop move, he will either do another attack afterwards or his Smoke attack, if he uses smoke just keep parrying, if he does another attack run away and immediately use your Sai again, from my experience you only need to do 3 Sai attacks (on Revengeance difficulty) to take him down to 70% health, and this can be done very quickly.

Phase 2: This will happen once you've weakened him to about 70% health, he will jump up high and start throwing things at you, go to the far back of the area and when you get prompted to enter Blade Mode, do so, you will need to slice all the incoming objects before they hit you, these drop EMP grenades which you wont need this time, this means you can alternatively enter Blade Mode and immediately de-activate it and run away to dodge the incoming objects, once he lands you need to throw your Sai to stun him, run up to him and enter Blade Mode and knock his head off, go towards the head (not too close) and charge up your Pincer Blades, as soon as his body comes together let go and you will prompt him into his next object throw in ONE ATTACK! (yeah, it's that good :O) Just repeat that again.

Phase 3: He will now jump up the building and throw a huge circle of vehicles at you, in order to pass this part you will need to Parry twice and enter Blade Mode, you will now be able to cut it into pieces. Once he lands after this he will throw his Sai at you during the scene, you must now do a Parry Counter on that attack, if you fail to do so you will have to Parry his follow up attacks as well, after this throw your Sai to stun him so you don't have to worry about his other body parts, go and Blade Mode his head and use your Blades again to take him into the next phase.

Phase 4: Once wounded enough he will launch yet more vehicles at you followed by the big circle of vehicles, after this one however you will earn a Checkpoint, this will be a simple Quick Time event.

23 Mar 2015 01:17

Monsoon is one of the more frustrating bosses in the game and this can be difficult to perform without sufficient practice. You must be playing on Hard, Very Hard, or Revengeance, and defeat Monsoon without taking any damage. If Monsoon lands a hit on you, use the Restart Checkpoint option to try again. Monsoon has no checkpoints in his fight until the very end, so this trophy is very skill dependent as he's one of the harder bosses. Unless you're impatient, you should leave this trophy for your Stormbringer playthrough, as earning a no damage bonus helps you achieve an S-Rank.

See Boss Data for additional details.

See achievement "The Politics of Silencing Foes."