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Prodigal Murderer

Prodigal Murderer

Defeat Mistral without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.


How to unlock the Prodigal Murderer achievement in METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE - Definitive Guide

This achievement is unlocked by killing Mistral without taking any damage in Hard or higher.

It's easier than it seems.

This is how I did it :

I was on Hard, with the HF Saber + Saï.

The battle is divided on 3 parts.

Here is the trick. If you take any damage in, for example, the 2d part, just reload, and you'll restat at the beginning of the 2d part, AND THE ACHIEVEMENT IS STILL OBTAINABLE !

Take at least 3 EMP grenade with you (the must is 5, of course).

On the first part , do not use any of the EMP grenade, you'll save it for later.
The best way is to use the Sai when it is fully loaded (in purple), it will stunt Mistral for a few seconds. Then, attack her as much as possible.

The second part is for me the hardest one, try to use 2 or 3 EMP grenade whenever she's on the pipe with you. Do not care about the dwarf gekkos, they are almost useless during the whole fight.
But if Mistral is resting, you can kill some of them, to clean up. But remember that they'll be back soon.
And of course, use a lot Saï, even if it is not fully loaded, 'cause Mistral is way more dangerous at mid and long distance !

The last part is actually pretty easy, I didn't need to restart. as the 2nd part. All you need is to use your last EMP grenade whenever you can, and hit her a lot !

Hope this will help :)

21 Feb 2013 18:57

Nice guide :) Good tip for reload ! + 1
I made it only with HP Saber. Try to stay close to her.
By Dams Profile on 22 Feb 2013 00:03
Yeah, actually, when I got the achievement, I didn't had neither any wig, nor Muramusa or Fox Blade, but the infinite power wig and the infinite ammo are both good solutions to help for this achievement ;)
By Bad SyKa on 25 Feb 2013 17:13
But the main idea is to have the Sai with you AND EMP Grenades.
And then, you can take obviously the best Saber you have, and the wig you prefer !
By Bad SyKa on 25 Feb 2013 17:14
Thanks, for the EM grenade tip.

I used HF Muramasa Blade, Pincer Blades, and Infinite Wig A so I could throw as many EM grenades as I needed. I couldn't believe how fast and easy this was.
By rjcarello on 28 Jan 2014 17:37
Great solution, thanks for mentioning about the restarts that definitely helped for the 3rd section. Also if you use the unlimited sub weapon ammo wig you don't have to worry about saving your EMP grenades ;)
By LookItsPineappl on 25 Feb 2013 00:16
I used this solution and I smashed her head in about 5 mins and got the achievement. Good solution.
By Faris Hilton on 22 Feb 2013 11:59
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I got this by equipping the following items:

HF Murasama Blade
Infinite Wig B
Custom Body (Red)

Note: You will have to beat the game at least once and get all of the collectables throughout the game to be able to use the blade and the wig. You also have to complete 6 VR missions to get the custom body.

Right when the battle starts turn on Ripper Mode so you are much more powerful. She has 3 different parts of the battle so after each part you get a new checkpoint so make sure you haven't been hit before each checkpoint or you will have to start the level all over again.

She isn't too hard with these items equipped just make sure you parry and counter at the correct times and kill the tripods when you can.

After you complete the third part of boss, the achievement should pop.

27 Feb 2013 05:26

I recommend doing it on New Game + with Infinite Wig B equipped that you get after getting 20 left hands and beating the game.

Infinite Wig B gives you infinite supply of fuel-cell energy, meaning you can have Ripper Mode turned on forever. But that also mean that you can turn on and off the Ripper Mode as many times as you want. Now here's the deal. When you turn Ripper Mode on the time slows for a half a second. The time also slows whenever you are in Blade Mode. Because 1+1=2, as soon as you turn the Ripper Mode on press the Blade Mode button. Time will flow even slower. And because of Infinite Wig B you can stay in that state as long as you want and enable it as many times as you want.

The only hard thing about her boss fight is to know where she is. Lock on is a perfect solution for that. Enable Ripper Mode and then Ninja Run + Y to Slide attack and break her pole. Cut it in half and then proceed with the trick: Ripper Mode and Blade Mode to slow time. After couple hits she will backflip to safety. Her backflip will be in normal speed regardless of the time slow around her. Get closer to her and "slice some more" with Ripper Mode and Blade Mode. Every single stage (1,2 and 3) is the same with a minor change that in Stage 2 you can only run forward and backward. Still nothing hard. A+X to Dodge her shots from Dwarf Gekkos from the ground.

As always quit to Title after every checkpoint to save in case of getting hit. Also do not go to customize screen during the fight because if you get hit it will save it and even though you have full health and No Damage screen you will not get an achievement.

This Ripper Mode and Blade Mode trick works on every boss except for Monsoon because you are in permanent Ripper Mode during that fight.

22 Jun 2014 20:39

Don't know why you guys posted so long tips, this is a free achievement (especially if you already cleared every VR mission :3 )

You only need the Infinite Wig A (for infinite EMP grenades - complete the game on Normal and find 10 IDs) and the Pincer Blades (fully upgraded - you can buy it after chapter 4), then:

Part 1 & Part 2 of the fight: launch 1 EMP grenade, attack with the Pincer Blades once
Part 3 of the fight: alternate EMP grenades and Pincer Blades attacks for 2-3 times

30 seconds and you'll have your achievement, one of the easiest of MGR ù.ù

If you get hit just reload the checkpoint, just remember to launch a EMP grenade after every Pincer Blades attack.

23 Jan 2015 20:33

Of all the boss fights that you need to complete with "No Damage", Mistral is the easiest.


1. A backup save (just in case wink)
2. Basic understanding of the parry system
3. Patience


1. A maxed Muramasa blade
2. A maxed Sai (this will stun her, but it can be challenging to get the damn thing to hit her with all the other dwarf gekkos running around angry)
3. Basic understanding of the "Offensive Defensive" maneuver (direction + Square + X)


1. Infinite Wig B (for unlimited Ripper Mode)
2. Custom Red Armor (increased damage)

The reason why this fight is the easiest is because it is broken up into 3 parts, with each part initiating a checkpoint save. This breaks the fight up very easily, and allows you to restart from said checkpoints if you take damage during any of the fights 3 stages.

For example, if you get through the first stage with no problem, but during the second stage you get hit, press the start button, and choose the "Restart" option - you will be back during the second stage of the fight with that nasty hit being wiped from the games memory. wink

Please note you need to be on at least Hard Difficulty for this No Damage boss fight to mean anything at all.

During the first stage of the fight I basically just used the Ninja Run Cut-Em-Up paradigm, immediately initiating Ripper Mode, circling Mistral to deal her damage, but also taking out those annoying dwarf gekkos. When the option comes up to use Blade Mode I didn't take it - I just kept cutting her up. With Custom Red, a maxed Muramasa and in Ripper mode you will get her to 70% health literally in seconds.

Then a cut scene will be initiated where Mistral hog-ties your leg. Unlike the previous difficulties, you need to cut a specific part of the pole arm in order to get through this, so be warned.

After the cut scene you will end up on a pipe. Initiate Ripper Mode again, and run towards her - she will take higher ground and start throwing those dwarf gekko bodies at you. You can either parry OR stand underneath her - your call.

She will jump down, and you can start cutting her up again. Here is where the parry move becomes critical: unlike the first stage, you are very limited with your movements. Parrying her attacks is a necessity. If you are having difficulty with the parry move, I suggest playing on Normal and getting to the Monsoon fight - that guy will make you a parry savant laugh.

Get Mistral down to ~50%, and another cutscene will take place, as well as another checkpoint save. This is basically a longer version of the first stage of the fight. I went with Ninja Run Cut-Em-Up again, while in Ripper Mode, however be careful: she is standing next to a few explosive barrels that, if you cut, will knock you back a few feet AND take away your "No Damage" bonus (thus negating the trophy). If that happens, restart from the checkpoint.

This is where I found the Sai helpful - it will stun her, eliminate the distance between her and you AND do damage. Wins all around. Unfortunately you NEED to take care of most of the dwarfs first, or you may target them instead, and leave yourself wide open angry.

The Pincer Blades are also devastating to her, however I rarely had a moment to effectively use them, as those damn dwarfs would jump on me leaving me vulnerable OR hit me. Use those with caution.

Also, this is where the dodge (Offensive Defensive) move really comes in handy. If you see her glowing gold (unblockable moves) try to get in close and use the dodge - it will give you a second of invulnerability AND deal her a decent amount of damage. wink

Once she gets to ~10%, a QTE will occur. Initiate that, and you are in the clear as long as you took no damage. If you see that you have, restart from the checkpoint and try again.

If for some reason you botched up and didn't notice you took damage in one section, go to your backup save. You may have to start from the beginning of the battle, but at least you don't have to run through the level again.

Questions, corrections and neg vote justifications below.

20 Jan 2014 16:04

Mistral is one of the easiest (if not the easiest) of the bosses to avoid taking damage from, she is easily telegraphed, stunned and it doesn't take much to damage her, not only that but she has 3 CHECKPOINTS! This means if you take damage after one of these you can reset to last checkpoint without having to replay the entire battle from the start.
Obviously you have the option to do it right away or on a second playthrough when you have unlocked more equipment, both are easily achievable and I will explain how to do so both ways.

First Playthrough -
Phase 1 (first checkpoint): This part is possibly the easiest, you'll just need to run at her and perform a sliding kick (triangle, triangle) after this you can follow up with a few regular slashes until the screen goes slightly blue hinting for you to use Blade Mode, once in Blade Mode hit the blue part of her staff and repeat this process until the second phase of the battle.

Phase 2 (second checkpoint): This part plays much like the previous however Dwarf Gekkos will become a bit more annoying due to it being a narrow path, they may sponge your attack and force you to lock onto them, from the start make a dash right for her and do the previous sliding kick followed up by slashes strategy, immediately afterwards be prepared to parry (or run away), she doesn't always follow up with an attack but if she does you will need to block it, after that (or if she doesn't attack) follow up with the exact same moves, it shouldn't take more than 3 repeats of this process to begin phase 3.

Phase 3 (third checkpoint): This part can be made difficult by the occasional seizure of the camera (usually caused by the lock-on on Mistral when she jumps disappearing then re-appearing multiple times), this stage can be completed exactly the same way as the first however you will spend more time running around avoiding her attacks (if you keep a distance you should never need to parry) occasionally she will jump high and throw bombs at you (Dwarf Gekkos), just run around in circles, they aren't hard to avoid (I've never been hit by one in my many playthroughs...)

Second Playthrough -
Phase 1 (first checkpoint): This is made far easier when you have access to Ripper Mode, Sai and the Staff, you can opt to use the Blades too but there's really no need. In this first phase you'll want to just activate Ripper Mode and spam your Staff, this phase will end in seconds (you may still need to Blade Mode her staff depending how fast you do it, if you do she'll enter the next phase after hitting her once after that).

Phase 2 (second checkpoint): This time you want to activate Ripper Mode and use your Sai, not only to launch at her but to perform the drop attack too, be prepared to do an ariel parry just in-case but probably about 90% of the time she doesn't do a follow up attack, repeat that process again (even though you wont have the energy for Ripper Mode this time) this will finish this phase.

Phase 3 (third checkpoint): You'll want to start off with the Sai launch and drop attack then with Blade Mode cut her staff, by doing this quick most of the time she'll just run away and stand still for a bit, whilst you can approach her and try to charge a Blades attack I advise switching to your Staff and killing a bunch of Dwarf Gekkos as that'll earn you another Ripper Mode, this time you'll want to use it with the Staff and finish her off.

23 Mar 2015 01:11

Mistral is one of the easier bosses in the game, so this trophy isn't too complicated. You must be playing on Hard, Very Hard, or Revengeance, and defeat Mistral without taking any damage. If Mistral or her Dwarf Gekkos lands a hit on you, use the Restart Checkpoint option to try again. Mistral has 3 phases to her fight with a checkpoint at the end of each phase. Unless you're impatient, you should leave this trophy for your Stormbringer playthrough, as earning a no damage bonus helps you achieve an S-Rank.

See Boss Data for additional details.

See achievement "The Politics of Silencing Foes."