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The Politics of Silencing Foes

The Politics of Silencing Foes

Defeat Sen. Armstrong without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.


How to unlock the The Politics of Silencing Foes achievement in METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE - Definitive Guide

"The Politics of Silencing Foes"
Defeat the last boss without taking damage Hard +


Defeat Armstrong without taking damage Hard +

For this achievement, I just want to point out that you CANNOT BE HIT DURING ALL THREE STAGES (against Armstrong not MGE); on MGE w/ sword, on MGE w/o sword, and the 1v1 with Sam's sword.

For stage 1 (easiest imo) bring him down to i believe it was 90% then he will break your sword

For Stage 2 I just ran around dodging his moves for 2-3 mins after that time hell charge at you, dodge it (or hell stomp if he misses) and stage 3 will start, IF YOU TAKE DAMAGE FROM CHARGE IT COUNTS AS TAKING DAMAGE

Stage 3 is very RNG and luck based you need to be able to dodge and it is better to run and get small hits over time than go all out and hope you get out of his range

A trick I used for this (since I am not too confident with my blade mode capabilities) for stage 3 is I just ran under the projectiles he threw at me

Make sure when he is GREEN you get BEHIND HIM and use blade mode to hit his "left shoulder area" (you'll be able to see the box)

Also a nice note for this if you are having trouble avoiding damage, if you press A + X you do a jump back sword slash, abuse this if he is going to attack, it helps you get out of range

Other than those tips, its really luck based
Good Luck

27 Feb 2013 01:39

So, if I get hit in stage 3 and restart from checkpoint, I´m no longer able to get this achievement without resetting the chapter? Good guide btw
By SalmonSnake on 27 Feb 2013 03:33
You can restart from a checkpoint and still get the achievement. The only thing you need to look out for is that you don't get hit by armstrong's last attack at the end of stage 2 because you won't be able to get the achievement if you get hit by that one.
By Hypron on 27 Feb 2013 03:40
you can restart from checkpoints no problem, but if you get hit in any stage THEN advance you cant get it, i had to restart 2 times because i got hit during the 2-3 transition (which was a checkpoint), also like i said im not the best with blade mode so i prefer to full out avoid the stuff he throws at you
By Deathsangelz on 27 Feb 2013 06:40
Any difficulty or Hard mode +
By GrizzlexDizzle on 27 Feb 2013 09:23
Hard + sorry
By Deathsangelz on 27 Feb 2013 18:26
If Sam's blade is upgraded it helps a lot don't waste 3 hours like I just did.
By iHodges on 28 Feb 2013 12:37
Maramusa +5
Wig B for infinite ripper mode & learn all his attack cue, he has a different start up for each one
Also the he does he force push back attack (That sort of 360 AOE attack) you can AX parry straight through it
sure the whole animation has I-Frames
When he starts throwing shit at you run straight underneath it you wont be able to damage him as much but soo much safer than trying to blade mode
By ネメシス on 01 Mar 2013 10:26
can you do the forward X block on stage 1? cuz you lose health and im not sure if that counts as getting hit even though im successfully blocking
By Silver Thunda on 23 May 2013 05:19
Excellent guide and thanks for posting. Just a caveat, like most people I had trouble with the transition from Phase 2-3, most notably his shoulder charge attack right at the end of the timer. Instead of dodging it, I jumped over him instead. Personally, I think it is easier to jump over than dodge.
By Captain Redeye on 31 Jul 2013 19:28
Great tips. Les Paul suprem's and Hypron's tips helped as well. Blade mode him while green and until he gets out of range and then spam sky high until he decides to heal again. Wash rinse repeat.
By Burning Karma on 23 Feb 2014 17:39
I doubt I'll get this achievement, but thanks to OP for the tip about the projectile Blade Mode part. When I finally realized to use the left stick on the first rock, the camera would be pointing down right after and I always got hit.
By BloodngunsMrphy on 26 Sep 2015 23:23
Hello i have a problem, i came back to the game to 100% it and im stuck here i cant beat phase 2 without taking damage i cant do defensive offensive, ive read every page, every yt vid on it, everything says the same x + a + directional but when i do it raiden just jumps and attack and yes im doing all at the same time doesnt matter if i do a + x or x + a nothing and im stuck at the part of the un dodgeable kick so please help
By aqualol888 on 24 Aug 2022 04:53
Have you bought the skill? Have you maybe disabled it in the moves list? It's been years so it might not even be a purchased skill but that's the most obscure reason I can think of as to why it wouldn't work.
By ネメシス on 24 Aug 2022 08:20
Good guide. Although, the thing I found the trickiest about part 3 was to bring him down to 160-150% (at this point he'll start throwing stuff at you). After that, I just cut the first barrage of vehicles he threw at me to get him down to ~130% and avoided the second barrage. At this point he'll generally try to heal himself. Then, I found it easier to just go all out offense on him: I spammed the forward forward X attack to take down his life as fast as possible, he barely even had the time to attack me (in fact, I'm not sure he attacked me even once, if I recall correctly he went for a second heal right after he recovered from the first one).

That doesn't work nearly as well on harder difficulties because he has a LOT more health.
By Hypron on 27 Feb 2013 03:01
Another thing you can do to make this fight much easier is to use Wig B and a level 5 Marasama. Once you cut up the first barrage and he begins to heal, zandatsu the green area BUT remain in blade mode and keep attacking him. If he gets too far away to keep slashing, press down the left stick to move closer so you can further slash him. Once he stands up again, get out of blade mode and he should immediately throw another barrage. Repeat this process until you whittle him down to .01%. He'll then initiate the final sequence and you're home free
By Les Paul suprem on 08 Jul 2013 05:24
If you have Infinite Wig B, then you do not need to run from the crap he throws at you - you can literally take all the time you need to line up the slash attack.

And it is not nearly as difficult as one would think: all you need to do is line up 3 out of the 4 markers for the hit.

If you do that twice, you can knock his health down significantly because of the QTE bonus for this fight. As a matter of fact, be sure to letr him through if he is doing an assault that will result in a QTE - you will do amazing damage against him.

I also found that spamming Blade Mode while he is not green is a No-No: he will stop your blade and knock the piss out of you (dealing you damage). Never use Blade Mode unless he is green (regening his health).

This is the one boss fight that I found the perfect parry to be somewhat useless. Offensive Defensive is the move you want here simply because of the I-Frames associated with it. Be aggressive, cpitalize on the I-Frames when necessary, and provoke those QTE's, and Armstrong goes down quick. wink
By a Fi1thy Casual on 25 Jun 2015 15:37
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I recommend doing it on New Game + with Infinite Wig B equipped that you get after getting 20 left hands and beating the game.

Infinite Wig B gives you infinite supply of fuel-cell energy, meaning you can have Ripper Mode turned on forever. But that also mean that you can turn on and off the Ripper Mode as many times as you want. Now here's the deal. When you turn Ripper Mode on the time slows for a half a second. The time also slows whenever you are in Blade Mode. Because 1+1=2, as soon as you turn the Ripper Mode on press the Blade Mode button. Time will flow even slower. And because of Infinite Wig B you can stay in that state as long as you want and enable it as many times as you want.

For Armstrong you still have to survive Stage 2 for 2:30 min because you have no sword, so you can't enable Blade Mode. A+X to Dodge is your friend.
For Stage 1 however run straight to him and enable Ripper Mode and Blade Mode. Now slice him until you see him doing one of his attacks. Don't be scared, slice some more and when attack is 1-2 seconds from hitting you press A+X to dodge it, don't parry or counter-parry. Then repeat.
For Stage 3 do the same except for first flaming ground attack. When his health drops to 120% (it should take about 2 Ripper Mode and Blade Mode attacks) he may cast his green healing buff. As you would do normally stop him from healing and get in front of him. Because of super slow motion you can hit him for over 125% damage when he is staggered. It will take a lot of time and the song will probably make a loop. That's how long can you slice. If you attack him from behind or side he will slowly walk away from you reducing the time you can slash him.

As always quit to Title after every checkpoint to save in case of getting hit. Also do not go to customize screen during the fight because if you get hit it will save it and even though you have full health and No Damage screen you will not get an achievement.

This Ripper Mode and Blade Mode trick works on every boss except for Monsoon because you are in permanent Ripper Mode during that fight.

22 Jun 2014 20:06

Back to basics, no additional weapons here so it doesn't matter which playthrough you do this on as you'll have the same equipment, this battle has 3 Checkpoints however the first 2 are really simple short sections.

Phase 1 (first checkpoint): This part is really simple, all moves are easily telegraphed and Parried, if he glows yellow he will do an unblockable attack which you can avoid by running away and jumping, this part doesn't take too long, while you don't do much damage you only need to get him down to around 97-95% or so, I cannot remember exactly but it's not much.

Phase 2 (second checkpoint): This part can be a pain because after a while any damage you take will force the next checkpoint and thus making it impossible to just "restart checkpoint" if you took damage, he fights the same in this Phase except you cannot Parry else you take chip damage, this means you will have to spend all your time dodging his moves, you can fight back but it isn't needed and Punching/Kicking is slow. You only need to avoid attacks for about 2-3 Minutes depending on difficulty, the best way to avoid them is to go back to a corner as typically that will make him take a few minutes walking around before he attacks you, and when he comes at you just jump out the corner and into the opposite corner, the advantage to this is you will be evading less attacks and thus less chance of being hit.

Phase 3 (third checkpoint): This part is fairly easy if you know what you're doing, He will start off by charging up before hitting the ground and making fire trails, you can run up to him and deal considerable damage (with Ripper Mode) before he strikes the ground, run away immediately and avoid these attacks. The other moves he will do afterwards include a web which covers the ground, you will need to stand somewhere where the web is not in order to not get hit when it explodes, usually during this move he will charge at you once it explodes so be ready to Parry (unless he is glowing yellow, which he does sometimes in order to try grabbing you, which you instead need to avoid that), this is pretty much all he will do (in addition to the moves from Phase 1/2) so wait for those openings and unleash hell.

Phase "3.5": Sometimes he will charge at you with his fist on fire, when this happens face him and attack (you don't have to but this version of the Quick Time event deals more damage to him than if you aren't facing him), you'll be dragged into a Quick Time event to deal damage to him.

Phase 4 (kind of): This is a fairly random scripted event that can happen once the entire battle, or perhaps 2 or 3 times. He will jump up high and start throwing stuff at you, take this part fairly slow you have plenty of time for it (but not unlimited!) you need to enter Blade Mode and line up the slashes so you hit every square, after this you'll end up hitting his head and he will take a chunk of damage in a short scene. Afterwards the battle may resume as normal or it may push on to Phase 5.

Phase 5: He will start healing while glowing green, go up to his back and us Blade Mode to stop him from healing, he will then be open to a barrage of attacks so smack his health down as low as you can, after this (if he is above 0.1% health) he may continue with Phase 3 or Phase 4 until he is weak enough for the final Quick Time event.

23 Mar 2015 01:28

Senator Armstrong is right up there with Monsoon in difficulty, however he can be more manageable. You must be playing on Hard, Very Hard, or Revengeance, and defeat Senator Armstrong without taking any damage. If he lands a hit on you, use the Restart Checkpoint option to try again. Senator Armstrong has 2 checkpoints in his fight, however due to how the fight goes you must be very careful on the second phase. Unless you're impatient, you should leave this trophy for your Stormbringer playthrough, as earning a no damage bonus helps you achieve an S-Rank.

See Boss Data for additional details.

If you're trying to attempt these achievements, you should probably be pretty good at blocking/parrying. Practice and memorize enemy attack patterns, after a few tries you should be able to make it through. In the event that you get hit, simply reload the checkpoint and start from square one. If you get hit in a multi-segmented boss battle, you don't need to start the mission over; simply restart from the checkpoint like you would any other battle and resume.