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Raised all Teams/Units to level 50.



How to unlock the Army achievement in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN - Definitive Guide

Just a quick heads up before I go into more detail, whilst I think this is probably possible without, I would really recommend investing some time and resources in the FOB mechanic as it makes it a tonne easier.

For this achievement all teams must be at Lvl 50 or above at the same time. The Team's maximum capacities can be increased through building more platforms for that team (up to a maximum of 4 per team per base) or building more Command Platforms (raises all teams maximum capacities albeit by a smaller margin and again a maximum of 4 Command Platforms can be built per base). The teams are as follows.

Base Development
Research & Development (R&D)

You want to be extracting staff right the way through this game with the focus being most on R&D and Base Development I would suggest as you will be ahead of the curve in terms of equipment you can deploy with and have a nice, constant stream of materials running in. Bear in mind though that you won't be getting the really high end staff members until later in the game as when you first start out you'll be finding recruits with C grade stats if your'e lucky.

Essentially this one is a long haul. As mentioned above you should be Fultoning as many vaguely useful recruits as possible as higher level teams really do make the game easier and more enjoyable.

Like many people I have seen talk about this game, I completely ignored the FOB missions to begin with (not least because the servers were buggered at launch) but after completing all the missions and maxing out my Mother Base with most teams between about LVL 47 and 51 and the dreaded security team at a measly 34 I thought I needed to do something drastic.

Just to explain things regarding the Security team a little better, as far as I know at the time of writing this is how it works.
The Security Team is the last team that you will unlock, it does not have it's own Platform and thus you can't raise team capacity by building additional platforms, as far as I'm aware, Security Team size is dictated by your number of Command Platforms and recruitment to the Security Team is dictated by the Combat Grade. However, higher level Combat recruits will be put into the Combat Unit automatically and the less skilled recruits who can't fit in the Combat Unit go to the Security Unit.

Of course, you can manually move staff around, which I forgot about a very short way in to the campaign as the game does a good job of putting guys where they should be but could potentially make this a little easier, provided you have the manpower to pull guys away from other teams to bring the Security Team up while maintaining the others above 50 too.

In the postgame you can at times find 3 out of 4 or 5 S ranked soldiers per Guard Post when you're lucky so don't fret if you're playing and keep getting poor staff members as they do scale with progression.

Hope this helps at all if anyone is unsure on the requirements and if anyone has anything to add please comment and i'll add in any useful information.


17 Sep 2015 00:55

getting the FOB command deck to level 4 definitely helped with this one. a bit of grinding on missions 12, 18 & 21 also helped to get the resources required
By the games masta on 21 Sep 2015 14:13
is the Level also rising when you Level up your FOB plattforms?
By N3m3si5 on 26 Sep 2015 08:38
Yes the level will rise as you upgrade your FOB platforms as you are increasing staff capacity for individual teams and thus allowing more staff members to join the team.
By Roose91 on 26 Sep 2015 17:26
The 1.0.7 patch introduced challenge tasks. These are like extract x amount of soldiers , heads shots etc etc. The thing is they are retroactive and I hadn't played in a while so I had a tonne of rewards to claim from them. Many reward A++ and even S ranked soldiers as well as resources. I was able to get my teams form mid 30's to high 40's simply by collecting all the rewards that were available from the challenges post patch.

You can claim any rewards you may have earned under mission in iDroid and challenge task list.
By Calex dEUS on 18 Dec 2015 18:52
Thx for the tips on resources Masta, getting fuel is the hardest part of leveling up MB.....GMP is no problem when i keep doing challenges and having 30+ tanks to sell
By Warboy925 on 29 Dec 2015 22:08
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This achievement requires you to have all seven Teams/Units at Level 50 or higher at the same time. As you extract enemy soldiers during your playthrough, they will slowly raise the level of the unit they are best suited for depending on their skill level in that specific Team/Unit. This is how the game’s Mother Base Auto-Assign feature works behind the scenes. For example, when you are out in Afghan or Africa scanning an enemy guard post or outpost, you will notice that each enemy has “vitals” on the right side of the screen. On this mini-stat board, they will have a grade between E and S++ for each skill, with E being the lowest and most common grade level for early-game soldiers, and S++ being the highest and most rare grade level for late-game soldiers. If you extract an enemy that has a C-ranking in Combat, an A-ranking in R&D, and a B-ranking in everything else, the game will auto-assign them to the R&D Unit. If the R&D Team was already full before that soldier was assigned, the game will get rid of the lowest ranking member on that Team to make room for the new candidate. If the extracted soldier were to have a B-ranking for all their stats, the game will assign them wherever there is room.

The seven units for this achievement are as follows:

  • Combat
  • Security
  • R&D
  • Base Development
  • Support
  • Intel
  • Medical

When working on this achievement, it would be best to prioritize the development of your Command platforms at Mother Base (build all four before building anything else), as this will raise the maximum capacity of soldiers for each Team/Unit, thus allowing you to have more soldiers and by extension, increase the level of that platform quicker.

On top of this, you will want to constantly scan and extract the best soldiers you can find during your playthrough. The iScope used for scanning soldiers will usually reveal low stats, such as E, D, or C-ranking soldiers, but don’t fret; in the early stages of this game, that’s what’s going to happen. Extract these enemies anyways and as you progress through the game, soldiers will begin to have higher stats.

All in all, this achievement is going to take a long time to unlock. Work on extracting as many enemies as possible from the beginning of your playthrough and all the way through the game’s final missions. Truth be told, you may even have to grind out certain missions late-game, such as Missions 29 or 30, to find A++ and S-ranking soldiers for your Teams/Units.

Keep in mind that the Security Team is the last team you will unlock, so it will be tremendously behind in terms of its level compared to the other six teams. In addition to this, it does not have its own platform. Instead, any “leftover” soldiers - that are not of priority rank - that cannot fit on your Combat Unit will be assigned to the Security Team. This means your Security Team will start off with E, D, and C-ranking members. In order to raise your Security Team then, you should manually transfer soldiers with a high Combat skill grade to the Security Unit, which will then raise the level of your Security Team but slightly lower the level of your Combat Team.

In order to counter this, I found the following to be an excellent method late-game: Once your Combat Team has reached Level 50+, let’s say Level 52, begin making room on your Security Team by dismissing the lower ranking soldiers, and then transferring a few A and A+ soldiers from the Combat Team to the Security Team until the Combat Unit is at Level 50. Likewise, if any of your other Teams are above Level 50 and have soldiers that have A or A+, or even A++ rankings in Combat, begin to transfer them out until that team is lowered to Level 50. What you’ll be doing here is deliberately lowering all your Units to a bare minimum of Level 50, while slowly and steadily raising the Level of your Security Team to catch up.

Though a confusing method to explain through text any further, players will undoubtedly figure this out for themselves as they grind out the extraction of soldiers late-game and work with self-managing their seven teams so that they are all Level 50 or higher at the same time. Once that has been achieved, the achievement will unlock.

Gaining personnel above A-rank greatly helps toward this, but quantity of the unit also contributes. As upgrading Mother Base increases the capacity of each unit, it's in your best interest to do so, so as to earn both this trophy and Architect. See that trophy for more information on upgrading Mother Base. The trophy will unlock as soon as all units are at level 50. Also, the online-only security team does not count for this trophy if you've never connected to the internet before. However, if you have, and have built an FOB, then the security team must also be raised to level 50 to unlock the trophy.
We are building more platforms not only in single player, but also in FOB/Forward Bases online. This will allow more working personnel to be generated at the department level.
As the game progresses, soldiers for the recruit will have better stats.
Over time, when A++ class workers accumulate everywhere, it will already be above level 50.

20 Sep 2015 03:29

If you are planning to get platinum, then don’t worry about this trophy - before getting platinum, all my units were >70, just complete tasks and additional tasks.
By CrazyValenok on 05 Jan 2016 20:26
There are also ways to quickly recruit soldiers with high stats, but those who have gone through all the side effects will not be suitable for them.
By Pazzan4ik on 11 May 2016 22:08
The easiest way to get it is online. For capturing an enemy base, you receive “volunteers” and assign them to departments, according to their specialization. If the level has exceeded 50, then you transfer from this department to another.
Also, do not forget that the online platform can be developed above the 4th level. Accordingly, much more people can be recruited there.
By OduHokuiCTpaHHuk on 12 Jan 2017 08:53
Since the defensive department of the base appears in the game later than all the others, it will lag behind in development compared to the others quite significantly (when all the others exceed level 50, the same will be at around level 25-30). Therefore, when all other units have plenty of extra levels over 50, simply manually redistribute high-level fighters to the lagging defensive unit. We make sure to transfer low-level fighters from the defensive unit to the waiting room, so that later we can return everything to its place manually or automatically. As soon as all units are level 50 or higher, the trophy will drop.
By RedTizer on 05 Nov 2015 10:10
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Develop your base and bring people into it. When the base is almost fully developed, you will receive this trophy.
If some squad falls short, transfer A++ people there (pay attention to the specialty) and higher from squads that are already over level 50.

12 Sep 2015 10:42

"High quality" soldiers can be obtained on mission 16 (convoy), run to the airport, defeat the skulls, but do not evacuate the jeep, after defeating the skulls all soldiers in the mission area will be stunned, it is better to take a Raiden or Gray Fox suit, they increase the running speed , and D-Dog as a partner, so that it would be easier to find soldiers. So I advise you to “farm” after the completion of the plot, so that the soldiers are a+, a++, s
By StaWAR959 on 17 Sep 2015 09:12
An army of this level is assembled in the later stages of the game, when more professional soldiers begin to appear. It is unlikely that it will be possible to speed up the process, because you need to simultaneously develop your Base, expanding the contingent of troops. We play the story, build a Base.
If all 50+ units have already been assembled, except for the “guard” (since it is formed on a residual basis), we try to manually shuffle soldiers from more advanced units of the Base into it. Constant forays for soldiers of level “A++” and “S” are mandatory .
By Silamax on 27 Sep 2015 15:14
Unfortunately, the base defense squad, which is added in the middle of the game, must also be pumped up to lvl 50, the main skill for this squad is the combat squad skill (the one with two crossed swords), so kill these opponents in large numbers, and carry out external tasks in which you can get recruits with the same type of skill.

As for StaWAR959’s tip, it’s easier to go to mission 29 - metal archaea, since there are no preludes, the battle with skulls immediately begins, you don’t have to run anywhere, and there are the same number of stunned opponents lying around
By Royo on 23 Sep 2015 03:16
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