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Extracted all wild animal species.



How to unlock the Conservation achievement in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN - Definitive Guide

Complete video guide for all 47 animal species present in this game. Most of them are captured with the Capture Cage, and the rest can be captured manually or with the fulton device.

Things you need to remember:
-Some animals are easier to catch in some specific main missions. Check the timeline below for more details.
-Bring D-Dog with you all the time, he has the ability to detect wild animals.
-Upgrade the capture cage to it's last level (level 4) so you're able to capture super rare animals.
-When capturing with the cage, unequip as most equipment as you can before the mission, so each deployment isn't too expensive. Also remember to place all 8 cages next to each other to save time and extract via the helicopter.

--------- AFGHANISTAN - ANIMALS ----------
1-Gray Wolf: 0:00
2-Griffon Vulture: 0:39 ................................................. Mission 10
3-Wild Ass: 1:05
4-Oriental Stork: 1:40 .................................................. Mission 11
5-Brown Bear: 1:59 ...................................................... Mission 05
6-Cashmere Goat: 2:38
7-Karakul Sheep: 3:13
8-Himalayan Brown Bear: 3:46 .................................... Legendary - Side Op 48 - After mission 10
9-Common Raven: 4:34 ............................................... Common in cages / Pretty much found anywhere
10-Gerbil: 5:08 ............................................................. Very common in cages / Pretty much found anywhere
11-Bechstein's Bat: 5:29
12-Deathstalker: 5:49
13-Leopard Gecko: 6:04
14-Long-eared Hedgehog: 6:23 .................................... Uncommon in cages / Also found in Mission 10
15-Oriental Ratsnake: 6:51
16-Russian Tortoise: 7:07
17-Afghan Pika: 7:24 ..................................................... Rare in cages / Also found in Mission 11
18-Red Fox: 8:15
19-Sand Cat: 8:34
20-Blanford's Fox: 8:52
21-Caracal: 9:26

--------- AFRICA - ANIMALS ----------
22-Grant's Zebra: 9:57
23-Side-striped Jackal: 10:31
24-Wild Dog: 11:08
25-Boer Goat: 11:40
26-Nubian: 12:12
27-Okapi: 12:44
28-Anubis: 13:21 .......................................................... Legendary - Side Op 50 - After mission 31
29-Jehuty: 14:07 ........................................................... Legendary - Side Op 49 - After mission 31
30-Fat-tailed Gecko: 15:02
31-Emperor Scorpion: 15:24
32-Lapped-faced Vulture: 15:38 ................................... Also found in Mission 18
33-Trumpeter Hornbill: 15:59 ...................................... Common in cages / Also found in Mission 16
34-Black Mamba: 16:47
35-Four-toed Hedgehog: 17:07 .................................... Uncommon in cages / Also found in Mission 21
36-Leopard Tortoise: 17:32
37-Rainbow Agama: 17:56
38-Bullfrog: 18:11
39-Black Stork: 18:35 ................................................... Also found in Mission 21
40-Martial Eagle: 19:17 ................................................ Mission 24
41-Namaqua Chameleon: 19:50
42-Rock Hyrax: 20:09
43-Civet: 20:28
44-Honey Badger: 21:02
45-Marsh Mongoose: 21:46
46-Tree Pangolin: 22:14
47-Tsuchinoko: 22:48

06 Sep 2015 23:55

I have a large amount of animals so far if you need locations you can ask. Also you might like to know the tsuchinoko or whatever its called is located in the area where the extraction chopper lands when rescuing the kids from the diamond mine, I caught it their at night time by pure luck.
By Treb1e on 07 Sep 2015 13:02
Good guide mate managed to get the last few
By WeighingBrute on 14 Sep 2015 11:19
I have every animal listed in my encyclopedia but it says 42/47, anyone know what to do?
By Chronic Killer on 18 Sep 2015 14:02
Check that they actually have pictures. Some animals you can get the names without actually catching them.
By Elite1111111111 on 21 Sep 2015 06:54
Hey ! Thanks for helping ! Do you know how long we have to stay on the field until an animal being trapped on the cage ?
By EpikJib on 14 Oct 2015 18:54
You can just call the chopper as soon as you place the cage and return to your ACC.
By Hect0rlo on 16 Oct 2015 22:29
The only animal I don't have.. Is the legendary brown bear.. But I've done that side mission already? Wtf.
By PTE WEBB on 18 Oct 2015 12:00
There is yet another bug preventing this achievement from unlocking. Despite capturing all of the various animals and having all of them listed, the achievement for whatever buggy reason will not unlock. There is no fix as of the end of October 2015.
By ShoutingKnighty on 24 Oct 2015 15:09
If anyone is having a hard time finding the Leopard Tortoise like I was, there is another pretty reliable location. Touch down at the landing zone south of Bwala ya Masa, and run up into the jungle to where the waterfall is. Put down your capture cages at the rock wall directly west of the waterfall. Got me the tortoise on the first try, after trying the other locations many times.
By ShadowEchelon91 on 10 Nov 2015 15:34
Something I might add to this, I struggled to find a few super rare animals for a long time. I read on another forum that the surface you place the cage on (dirt, rock, swamp, etc) changes what you catch. I started varying the surface I placed the cages on (in the target area) and would consistently catch the super rare animals I was looking for.
By Resident Jesus on 09 Mar 2016 10:56
do you have to replay the mission to get some of animals. or can I just get them in that area whenever??
By InugamiTheHound on 05 Aug 2016 03:04
Is there anyway to recapture the Legendary Ibis? Mission is complete. I have hand of jehuty but this is the only animal I still need. Tried to go to animal platform & capture but game won't allow it.
By on 21 Sep 2016 09:04
Can't believe the animals here aren't listed in order with the games encyclopedia...
By Shadow 00 Fox on 27 Sep 2016 05:02
This is the stupidest fucking achievement ever, this isn't a fucking zoo game it's a espionage army game, Kojima is a fucking bitch, I've spent over 2 hours deploying at the same location for the stupid Blandford fox and nothing, I have lvl 4 cage and I'm placing them at the exact location of the video, I fucking hate this game!!!!!
By CRT JEDIMARK on 25 Dec 2016 02:58
try this location for the leopard turtle
By CRT JEDIMARK on 25 Dec 2016 08:59
The Blandford Fox was a pain, I shifted my things around a bit for that one....
By Shadow 00 Fox on 25 Dec 2016 18:43
By Shadow 00 Fox on 16 Jan 2018 19:16
Same here. Followed your advice. 8 foxes. lol
By Nonfaith on 13 Dec 2020 04:52
I have a good tip for you regarding Blanford's Fox....I tried 4 times to get that darn fox...put my traps on the luck, before i went out for the 5th time, I read the description of the fox....saying that it uses his tail to balance while climbing up & down rocky in a stroke of genius, I decided to put all 8 traps only on the rocks surrounding the area....what do you know? Got 8 Blanford Foxes!!
By Warboy925 on 16 Jan 2018 15:45
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Sadly you can't find all animals while driving around in your Jeep with D-Dog, you need to put capture cages at certain points to catch the rest of the animals D-Dog can't find. Here: is a List with all animals where you can find them (some of them can be found at serval locations), ordered as in the Encylopedia. If you won't catch an animal in that area come back and try again, took me a while too

For more Overview check the Guide on my Blog

- Fulton = you can Fulton the animal
- Capture Cage = put a capture cage in the area
- Night = maybe only available at night
- Day = maybe only available at day
- Mission = can only be found in a Mission
- everywhere = put Capture Cage somewhere on the map and you should find them
- C=common, U=uncommon, R=Rare, SR=SuperRare, UR=UltraRare

-----> You can click the links to see the area where you can find them <---
01: Gerbil (C) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Africa] [Afganistan]
02: Long-eared Hedgehog (UC) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
03: Four-toed Hedgehog (UC) everywhere [Africa] [Capture Cage]
04: Afghan Pika (R) [Afganistan] [Africa] [Capture Care] [Pickup]
05: Common Raven (C) everywhere [Afganistan] [Africa] [Fulton] [Pickup]
06: Trumpeter Hornbill (C) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Africa]
07: Black Stork (R) (Map) (YT-Timelink) - [Afganistan] [Afrika] [Capture Cage]
08: Oriental Stork (C) Aabe Shifap Runis [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Pickup]
09: Jehuty (UR) (YT-Timelink) [Mission] [Pickup] [Africa][/url]
10: Griffon Vulture (C) (Locaion) [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Capture Cage]
11: Lappet-faced Vulture (C) (Location) [Africa] [Capture Cage]
12: Martial Eagle (R) [Africa] [Capture Cage]
13: Karakul Sheep (C) Wakh Sind Barracks [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Day]
14: Cashmere Goat (C) [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Day]
15: Nubian Goat (C) North of Bwala ya Mase [Africa] [Fulton]
16: Boer Goat (C) [Africa] [Fulton]
17: Wild Ass (C) (Locaion) [Afganistan] [Africa] [Fulton] [Day]
18: Grant's Zebra (C) [Africa] [Fulton]
19: Okapi (SR) [Africa] [Fulton]
20: Grey Wolf (C) West of Qarya Sakhra Ee [Afganistan] [Fulton] [Night]
21: African Wild Dog (R) [Africa] [Fulton] [Night]
22: Side-striped Jackal (C) North of Nova Braga Airport [Africa] [Fulton] [Night]
23: Anubis (SR) [Africa] [Mission] [Fulton][/url]
24: Brown Bear (R) [Afganistan] [Night] [Fulton]
25: Himalayan Brown Bear (SR) [Afganistan] [Mission] [Fulton]
26: Deathstalker (C) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
27: Emperor Scorpion (C) - everywhere [Africa] [Capture Cage]
28: Oriental Ratsnake (UC) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
29: Black Mamba (UC) everywhere [Africa] [Capture Cage]
30: Tsuchinoko (UR) [Africa] [Capture Cage]
31: Rainbow Agama (UC) everywhere [Africa] [Capture Cage]
32: Namaqua Chameleon (R) (Map) (YT-Timelink) - [Africa] [Capture Cage]
33: Leopard Gecko (C) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
34: African Fat-tailed Gecko (C) (Map) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Africa]
35: African Bullfrog (R) (Map) (YT-Timelink) - - [Africa] [Capture Cage]
36: Russian Tortoise (UC) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
37: Leopard Tortoise (UC) (1) (2) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Africa]
38: Beckstein's Bat (C) everywhere [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
39: Rock Hyrax (R) [Africa] [Capture Cage]
40: Tree Pangolin (SR) [Africa] [Capture Cage]
41: Sand Cat (R) [Capture Cage] [Afganistan]
42: Caracal (SR) (Map) (YT-Timelink) -[Capture Cage] [Afganistan][/url]
43: African Civet (SR) (Map) (YT-Timelink) - [Africa] [Capture Cage]
44: Marsch Mongoose (SR) (Map) ](YT-Timelink) - [Africa] [Capture Cage]
45: Red Fox (R)
(Map) [Afganistan] [Capture Cage]
46: Blandford's Fox (SR) (Map) (YT-Timelink) - [Afganistan] [Capture Cage]
47: Honey Badger (SR) (Map) [Africa] [Capture Cage]

Old List:

As many request: Fixed finaly the List!

08 Sep 2015 09:33

You should add the names of each animal back to the list. Also the Leopard tortoise always shows between outpost 17 and the codetalker house. The Russian tortoise also shows in the west of the desert. The Black stork also shows at the LZ east of da wiallo village during the day time.
By Treb1e on 08 Sep 2015 16:40
Would be a lot of work again and I don't think this is necessary since you can't see the names if you haven't captured them anyway... and since the space and the formatting options here are limited... it would look more unclean.
By King fiShiZ on 08 Sep 2015 17:31
yeah just thought that if people only had one or two left they wouldnt know the number, just the name of the animal. also the tortoises seem to have specific locations despite being in all habitats so maybe a little note for them would be good.
By Treb1e on 09 Sep 2015 05:54
As I said above, it's the same Order as in the Encylopedia, if your missing the last one, it's Nr. 47. Your normally don't see the Name either...
By King fiShiZ on 09 Sep 2015 06:24
Great guide. If you go the encyclopedia they will show you the numbers in the order he posted.

1 - bat
2 - hyena
3 - ?????
4 - wolf

That's an example of how it's listed. So if your missing the 3 - ???? Then click on the 3 in his guide. Pretty simple to understand actually.
By Fiction0713 on 09 Sep 2015 23:42
Good guide. Even helps with common animals such the "leopard tortoise" which was my last animal.
By Jobber on 10 Sep 2015 09:26
I cant find the African Bullfrog. Tried it a dozen times and nothing. Every single animal shows up in my list but it also says I am still missing three animals, any ideas? :(
By Notarzt on 11 Sep 2015 11:17
Don't worry about the negatives, people on this site can be pretty special for a number of reasons. They may not merely like something about the solution. Might be something wrong with it, just not to their liking, because another solution is better in their opinion etc. If it helps, it helps that's all that matters. Thanks for posting.
By AG Bucky Barnes on 11 Sep 2015 12:47
Nice guide clap
By HellCreeper666 on 12 Sep 2015 05:05
Good shit thanks! +1
By BLAZE VII on 16 Sep 2015 12:05
Yea just ignore the downvotes, people are probably just salty that the achievement isnt super easy.

Is there anyway to see which you already have?
By Chronic Killer on 16 Sep 2015 23:11
By Chronic Killer on 16 Sep 2015 23:16
Haha yeah that too, they blame YOU because the achievement isn't easy laugh had that one lmfao
By AG Bucky Barnes on 17 Sep 2015 11:22
I have everything listed in the encyclopedia but it says 42/47, anyone know what to do?
By Chronic Killer on 18 Sep 2015 14:06
Heres the answer to the question I just asked, go to customize while in acc, go to emblem, select front, go to animals, and the ones there with question marks are the ones you need.
By Chronic Killer on 18 Sep 2015 14:15
^ you can just switch the Display and look where you have no Images of the Animal. But your Methode works too
By King fiShiZ on 18 Sep 2015 16:07
Might help if you have the animal names since they aren't actually numbered in game. I'm going to guess that's what most of the downvotes are for although it's a dumb thing to downvote for.
By Elite1111111111 on 21 Sep 2015 06:10
Why am I having so much damn trouble finding this stupid leopard turtoise?
By BiGPaPaRu on 23 Sep 2015 19:49
Another vote from me to add the names to the list. It'll take you like 5 minutes tops..
YES it looks that way in-game, but this is supposed to be a helpful guide. It's not very helpful when we gotta count down our in-game list ourselves just to try to match up with the guide
By redjarman on 24 Sep 2015 22:12
Pretty sure the location of the African bullfrog is slightly different location, just a little further north east
By the games masta on 03 Oct 2015 09:02
Dude, the guide is great. But when people look at your list they are looking for what the are missing and the easiest way to figure it out is to see what animal comes before it and find that on the list. I thought I posted this before. But I guess not. Seriously add the names and you might be able to reclaim top solution.
By ScottMacFreedom on 15 Oct 2015 09:57
Yeah, it's because of the numbers. It's hard to tell what's what if you don't name them.
By MTTLXNDR on 18 Nov 2015 19:23
i didnt downvote, but maggiotta has it right, there is no animal name and no number ingame, u gotta manually count to see each animal u look up
By Markyshizzle on 04 Jan 2016 08:17
Great guide. Thanks for putting it in the order they are listen in game. Makes it so much easier to see what you're missing.
By CompanyOfWolves on 09 Feb 2016 15:40
This guide has some great info but it's silly that you don't take the time to add the names, how long can it possibly take you?? It's a pain to have to keep counting down the animals. No vote from me.
By xMANNY FRE5Hx on 29 Mar 2016 17:41
I'll add my name to the list of people who'd like to see the animals names added to your list! You've held out this long without bothering though, so I guess everyone will just have to carry on counting from the top or the bottom. Still not down voting tho as this is still better than the other solution!
By BusyRich on 27 Apr 2016 17:12
fixed :)
By King fiShiZ on 05 May 2016 15:49
I love how the Fat-Tailed Gecko is listed as "everywhere" and "common", yet it took me the longest to finally capture one.

The Tsuchinoko? Drop 8 cages at the top of the map (east of the mine in the river) - catch 7 of those bad boys in one go.

Honey Badger? Caught 8 at the area southeast of the oil fields with 1 extraction.

Okapi? Literally ran into these buggers multiple times while doing missions. Super rare my arse!

African Fat-Tailed Gecko? Could not catch one for the life of me. Dropped cages everywhere, and would end up with 8 gerbils nearly every time. My animal conservation platform must be overrun with gerbils...
By a Fi1thy Casual on 22 Jul 2016 13:36
This is by far the BEST solution--the animals are in order with the encyclopedia!! I can't believe the other guy ordered them differently... angry
By Shadow 00 Fox on 27 Sep 2016 04:57
For those struggling w/ the leopard tortoise: the strategy presented in comment #8 here was super helpful:
By M1ght33 J03 on 10 Apr 2019 03:47
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This achievement will take quite a bit of time to finish. However, if you follow this video (credit to PowerPyx) you will finish it in relatively good timing. Here is the video:
Here is the timeline given in the comments:
#1 - Gerbil - 0:05
#2 - Long-eared Hedgehog - 0:35
#3 - Four-toed Hedgehog - 1:05
#4 - Afghan Pika - 1:44
#5 - Common Raven - 2:17
#6 - Trumpeter Hornbill - 2:54
#7 - Black Stork - 3:25
#8 - Oriental Stork - 3:56
#9 - Jehuty - 4:55
#10 - Griffon Vulture - 6:02
#11 - Lappet-faced Vulture - 6:43
#12 - Martial Eagle - 7:33
#13 - Karakul Sheep - 8:08
#14 - Cashmere Goat - 9:00
#15 - Nubian - 9:44
#16 - Boer Goat - 10:35
#17 - Wild Ass - 11:14
#18 - Grant's Zebra - 11:54
#19 - Okapi - 12:35
#20 - Gray Wolf - 13:19
#21 - African Wild Dog - 14:08
#22 - Side-striped Jackal - 14:50
#23 - Anubis - 15:26
#24 - Brown Bear - 16:22
#25 - Himalayan Brown Bear - 17:19
#26 - Deathstalker - 18:47
#27 - Emperor Scorpion - 19:21
#28 - Oriental Ratsnake - 19:55
#29 - Black Mamba - 20:29
#30 - Tsuchinoko - 21:00
#31 - Rainbow Agama - 21:37
#32 - Namaqua Chameleon - 22:10
#33 - Leopard Gecko - 22:40
#34 - African Fat-tailed Gecko - 23:14
#35 - African Bullfrog - 23:49
#36 - Russian Tortoise - 24:25
#37 - Leopard Tortoise - 25:01
#38 - Bechstein's Bat - 26:15
#39 - Rock Hyrax - 26:50
#40 - Tree Pangolin - 27:24
#41 - Sand Cat - 27:55
#42 - Caracal - 28:28
#43 - African Civet - 29:01
#44 - Marsh Mongoose - 29:30
#45 - Red Fox - 30:01
#46 - Blanford's Fox - 30:29
#47 - Honey Badger - 31:02

07 Mar 2016 00:00


25 Sep 2015 06:02

This Trophy is for collecting all 47 species of wild animals found within the game. Some can be fultoned out, but many require a capture cage. When using a cage, please keep in mind that the animals won't actually be captured until after you return to the ACC (helicopter).

I take no credit for the following video, but found it to be extremely helpful in tracking down every last creature. My only addition to it would be to suggest placing eight traps at every spot. This not only increases your chances of snagging the specific animal you're looking for in a given area, but also helps with rounding up anything else that might be in the area.


31 Jul 2016 01:10

1 Comment
One more hint:
Do not worry about those animals labeled as "UR" or "SR". If you follow the guide and place all your cages at the indicated location, you will get them all with 1 try as long as your cage is fully upgraded. So suggestion here is to leave this trophy until late game when you have the highest level capture cage.
By bard8392 on 22 Sep 2016 01:15
At a point in the game, you'll be able to extract animals and add them to a separate deck of Mother Base. To meet the requirements of the trophy, you must extract every species of animal in the game. The are 47 species of animals in the game. PowerPyx has constructed this video guide showing where and how to obtain these animals:

I recommend bringing Diamond Dog with you while searching for the larger animals. D-Dog detects animals, adding a waypoint to your screen. Also, some of these animals, such as Jehuty and Anubis, have Side Ops or mission tasks that revolve around catching them. As such, I recommend pursuing this trophy in your cleanup run following the missions and Side Ops.

I use my tranquilizer pistol and sniper to take down large animals and either pick them up using or using the Fulton on them for larger animals. You will also be using capture cages extensively to capture small animals, which work very well when you place eight in close proximity. After placing the traps, you can immediately leave the area via helicopter, as the traps handle the extraction for you. Note that you will have to pay the deployment cost every time you do this, so keep a minimalist loadout so as not to harm your GMP too badly.

You can see which animals you have or haven't extracted through your iDroid. Navigate to the Mother Base menu on your iDroid, then scroll down to Database, then Encyclopedia. Animals you've obtained will have an image of them when you hover over their menu entry. Animals you've encountered, but not obtained, will have an entry, but no image. Finally, animals you haven't encountered at all will simply read '???' as their entry.

There are a total of 47 wild animal species that you will need to capture for this achievement. Take note however that there are three distinct ways to capture animals throughout Afghanistan and Africa. The first, and most prominent method is by placing down Capture Cages across the terrain. It’s worth noting that though it takes a while to obtain, you’ll want a Grade 4 Capture Cage when going for this achievement. Secondly, some animals will need to be put to sleep with a tranquilizer weapon and then extracted back to Mother Base via a Fulton extraction. This is common for larger animals such as wild dogs, sheep, and bears. The final method, used for small animals that cannot be extracted, is to put them to sleep via tranquilizer rounds and then pick them up manually as if you were picking up a blueprint or weapon.

Since most of the animals will be captured via Capture Cages, it’s recommended to always have this piece of equipment sorted in your loadout, as well as placing them out frequently during your first playthrough of every mission. It’s important to know that animals will only ever be captured in these cages when you extract a mission via helicopter or flee the hot zone on foot or by vehicle. If you choose the option under the Pause Menu to “Return to ACC," the game will not register the capture of any animals.

Fortunately, none of the animals are missable and you can work on this achievement at anytime provided you have that Grade 4 Capture Cage; whether that is naturally over the course of your playthrough or in free-roam. Also, you can keep track of your progress in the iDroid by following these steps: MOTHER BASE > DATABASE > ENCYCLOPEDIA > WILD ANIMALS.

Be sure to utilize the video guide below, courtesy of PowerPyx, if you’re missing a few animals and/or want to grind this out quickly once you have your Grade 4 Capture Cage.


There are a total of 47 wild animal species that you will need to capture for this achievement. Take note however that there are three distinct ways to capture animals throughout Afghanistan and Africa. The first, and most prominent method is by placing down Capture Cages across the terrain. It’s worth noting that though it takes a while to obtain, you’ll want a Grade 4 Capture Cage when going for this achievement. Secondly, some animals will need to be put to sleep with a tranquilizer weapon and then extracted back to Mother Base via a Fulton extraction. This is common for larger animals such as wild dogs, sheep, and bears. The final method, used for small animals that cannot be extracted, is to put them to sleep via tranquilizer rounds and then pick them up manually as if you were picking up a blueprint or weapon.

Since most of the animals will be captured via Capture Cages, it’s recommended to always have this piece of equipment sorted in your loadout, as well as placing them out frequently during your first playthrough of every mission. It’s important to know that animals will only ever be captured in these cages when you extract a mission via helicopter or flee the hot zone on foot or by vehicle. If you choose the option under the Pause Menu to “Return to ACC," the game will not register the capture of any animals.

Fortunately, none of the animals are missable and you can work on this achievement at anytime provided you have that Grade 4 Capture Cage; whether that is naturally over the course of your playthrough or in free-roam. Also, you can keep track of your progress in the iDroid by following these steps: MOTHER BASE > DATABASE > ENCYCLOPEDIA > WILD ANIMALS.

Be sure to utilize the video guide below, courtesy of PowerPyx, if you’re missing a few animals and/or want to grind this out quickly once you have your Grade 4 Capture Cage.

King fiShiZ ‘s guide is absolutely excellent in showing where to find all of the animals. There are some details regarding capturing worth mentioning though.

In order to trigger a trap, you HAVE to perform a manual extraction; By calling in and boarding a chopper, catching a ride on a fulton extracted container, or completing a mission by exiting the hot zone. Returning directly to the ACC through the menu will NOT work. You can still trigger a trap by aborting a mission through manual extraction, at the cost of some hero points.

Any fulton extracted animals will count as soon as the game saves, same as any other resource. It’s just triggering traps that are finicky.

The rarity system for trapping animals is incredibly misleading; for some it means that you will always have a certain chance to catch them, for some it means that they’re only available in a specific spot but they’re 100% guaranteed in those spots, and others mean that you have to be in the right spot AND you only have a certain % chance to catch them (most infamously the Leopard tortoise).

Some animals can also only be caught on certain surfaces, like the Blanford’s fox that is only caught on rocks. So if you’re following the map guide and you’re not getting the capture you’re looking for, try another surface!

Also if you call in the chopper before it has a chance to leave the map, it arrives much faster and doesn’t cost any GMP. Good luck!

26 Jul 2023 23:48


12 Sep 2015 08:11

Also, many may not pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to develop cells of a higher level, as this will allow them to catch rarer animals
By berdish1 on 14 Feb 2016 20:53
I managed to catch it on the 2nd try using this video
By Korobken on 15 Jul 2018 16:19
Only from the video that he posted above was Salem able to catch the turtle. Before this I suffered for 3 hours
By Fear2105 on 19 Feb 2016 21:41
It is possible to catch a leopard tortoise as indicated in the powerpyx video, but go higher, use bait where there is more vegetation and not water. my video
By Salem on 06 Oct 2015 02:44
Problems may arise according to the video guide, where the animal will not be caught.
I had this happen with Blanford's Fox. You need to clear out the side ops near this area and place traps on the rocks, not in the dirt.
By Petech on 15 Sep 2015 16:52
According to the video, I tried to catch a Leopard Tortoise 20 times, I don’t know how related, but after I ordered rain I still managed to catch one.
If you have 46/47 and all the lines are marked, look for the animal without a picture.
By soma on 13 Sep 2015 04:37
According to the Power Pyx guide, I found everything except the last fox (46 47 in the list of animals), the place near two trees does not work, you need to place the trap on stones nearby, I caught as many as 8 of them at once
(info taken from
By himeo on 12 Nov 2017 23:19
From the very beginning, develop a trap for animals and bait (as available) and every time you go out on any task, place everything everywhere and throw bait around the traps. Thus, do not miss the landscape you need and by the end of the game you will collect most of the living creatures. Well, catch those animals that you see, of course. You need 1 individual of each species - Snake has a bad ark.
By PsyGoDuck on 04 Oct 2015 22:57
for people who have run out of the black carrots needed to use the cage trap.

After you beat the game, 'bandanity' will be available to you. upgrade it and take it on a mission. After this, the trap will stop wasting resources (carrots) and will become infinite as long as the 'bandanity' is worn on you. For the effect to work, you need to have at least one black carrot.
By Mikey_Sorrow on 14 Sep 2015 21:02
I caught a leopard tortoise only from this video others did not help. I also set it to be night and rain.
By Tron2 on 27 Sep 2015 13:15
I got the turtle the first time using this video:
By LETSROCK911 on 11 Feb 2017 01:46
When catching animals, I used bait, there is a suspicion that it increases the chance of capture. I caught a leopard turtle according to the second video on a dotted path, placing traps left and right along the dotted line, throwing bait over the entire area, time and weather are unlikely to affect it, randomly, plus its rarity is extraordinary. I spent about 40 forays, be patient...
By zZzSINzZz on 28 Sep 2015 12:18
Nobody wrote the main thing.
After setting the traps, you can fly away from the mission and at the end they will show you who fell into the traps.
He set traps while simultaneously completing side missions.
PS Bandanity does not give endless traps.
By MOPE4ok on 29 Aug 2020 19:32
Possible bug of the game on PS3, when all the animals are collected, but the statistics say 97% (46 / 47). The missing animal can be viewed through the clothing patch editor: Home base > Edit > Emblem > Foreground > Animals
Text guide (ru), where all types of animals and their habitats are discussed in detail.
List of all animals according to the game database:
By TiamaTiK on 19 Jan 2022 00:24
Personal observation, the game most likely has some kind of limit on issuing rare animals in one sitting. The point is this, the only thing I needed to reach platinum was a trophy to collect animals, so I sat down and began to methodically collect everyone from the power video, stumbled on an imperial scorpion, couldn’t catch it for an hour, eventually killed it and went to bed. The next day after work, I tried to catch him in his usual place and lo and behold, I caught him the first time. Inspired, I began to finish off everyone else and stumbled on the long-suffering leopard tortoise, spent two hours catching it from various videos from YouTube and fuck it... in the end, the next day after work I launched the game and caught as many as two the first time. Conclusion, either do this trophy quietly during the passage, or if the animal is not caught, do not drag it for three hours, wait until tomorrow.
PS I caught all my missing animals, and this is about half the list, from the POWERX video, the only thing he messed up was catching the fox and turtle, which were mentioned above.
By gambit184 on 11 Sep 2019 21:06
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12 Feb 2016 07:15