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Completed all key Dispatch Missions.



How to unlock the Deployment achievement in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN - Definitive Guide

Key dispatch missions are (offline) dispatch missions that have a yellow dot next to them, in the Combat Deployment menu. Many of the first ones only require troops, but eventually you start needing vehicles for them. These ones will have a picture of the vehicle you need. I believe the first one needing a vehicle needs a truck.

The last 5 or so dispatch missions require the
These ones also require Walker Gears. Most of these have a really bad success rate. I did most of them with A++ combat units and they only had a 55ish percent chance. With S ranks it was only like 65%. Because of this, I would wait until late game to do these, or at least only ever use your worst people on them.

Another thing of note is that the later dispatch missions take 2 or more hours. These hours only count down when you're actually on the game, so failing can make this rather tedious. This is why I went with the A++, because they were my worst people but I still had over a 50% chance.

Comment from the games masta - If you abandon a mission, you do not lose your
but it will remain unavailable until the mission SHOULD have finished. All Walker Gears are lost.

16 Sep 2015 19:06

Any chance we could get the names of the deployment missions incase people are wondering where they stand?
By ScottMacFreedom on 04 Oct 2015 05:01
Im in over 200 hours and most My teams are level 70 but My best S rank Soldiers ALWAYS fail the last or 2nd last deployment. I have a 55% success rate If i use My S rank Soldiers of My Combat team. I think It's the last One i need. " prevent a coup d'etat" It is called.
By FL trooper be on 03 Nov 2015 10:10
I mean it's bound to happen to someone. 55% chance doesn't necessarily mean you'll get in 2 or even a few tries. There's a 5% chance you'll fail it 10 times in a row and that's still pretty high.
By Elite1111111111 on 03 Nov 2015 16:20
Yeah, You were right. Got Th win after 7 tries lol
By FL trooper be on 14 Nov 2015 08:27
Yeah, I mean you could have gotten a higher chance with better troops but it's not worth the risk to me.
By Elite1111111111 on 14 Nov 2015 16:33
This achievement sucks. I had to try 4 times the Oilfield mission, I'm now at my 5th try on the Warhead mission and I still need the last one after this.

I mean, what kind of 55% chance of success is this? This is great game, but it has some incredibly stupid achievements.
By SiegfriedX on 03 Feb 2017 16:55
Just more questions from this achievement and your solutuon, you don't give any information about those missions from which mode is from principal mission, secondary missions or deployement game ( and online or not ), and how many missions you have to do to have this achievement !
If i see for today, i have 25 mission with yellow point online and one not online, i play some of them online next week but after finished this 4, i always have 25 to do ...
By jeffcall23 on 17 Nov 2017 09:38
1. The section you need to use is literally called 'Dispatch Missions.'
2. When the game came out, there weren't any yellow missions in the 'Online' section. The achievement has an 'offline' flag, so that should be your hint there.
By Elite1111111111 on 17 Nov 2017 10:26
Are these the missions that take DAYS to finish?

Nevermind, I saw a yellow dot one even though it had a white "lettered" title..
By Warboy925 on 07 Jan 2018 01:37
if you do abandon the dispatch mission, you’ll lose the battle gear for the remainder of the duration that the mission was due to end, eg if 1 hour left you wont have battle gear available for deployment again for 1 hour. Also, all walker gear are left in the field (though the game does warn you of this when abandoning a mission).
By the games masta on 21 Sep 2015 14:33
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First of all, key dispatch missions are dispatch missions that have gold text and gold dot next of them.

I've read that there about 20 key dispatch missions for you to do in total, but I cannot verify that, because when I was playing I wasn't counting the total number of key dispatch missions that I did.

However what I can confirm is that for the key dispatch missions they're all fairly easy usually about a C or D rank challenge. (Except for the last 5)

After a while, you will get a couple of key dispatch missions where you need to have trucks. (Later mission will require tanks.)

The LAST FIVE Key Dispatch missions all require walker gears, and are S rank difficulty.
Whenever I used my rank A or below soldiers, I would always fail. I wouldn't stand a chance of winning unless I used a team of at least all A+ ranked people.
(easiest way to get A+ or above people is by fultoning specialists during missions and in side ops that you discovered by interrogating soldiers or just by using your binoculars)

The last 5 (and only difficult) Key dispatch missions are listed below:
- Rescue the peacekeepers
- Eliminate the dictator
- Recapture the oilfield facility
- Secure the bridge heads
- Prevent the coup d'etat (Final one)

12 Nov 2015 22:44

Key Dispatch Missions, designated at the top of the combat deployment mission selection screen with yellow dots/text, act as off-screen missions that your combat units will engage in once you’ve given them the go-to order. These missions net grand rewards to your Mother Base, though the risk involved is usually very high. Several of these key dispatch missions will require a fine amount of A, A+, A++, and higher-ranking soldiers in order to achieve success. At times, you will also need certain vehicles before the mission can commence, such as trucks, Walker Gear, or Huey’s Diamond Dogs Battle Gear.

Once you start to get towards the final few of these missions, the success rate will drop to around 50-60% and the missions themselves will last around two and half hours. Due to this high risk, it may take multiple attempts and several lost combat units before you finally complete the mission and unlock the next one. While the number of key dispatch missions is uncertain as of now, completing the final mission, Coup d’etat, will unlock this achievement.


Key Dispatch Missions, designated at the top of the combat deployment mission selection screen with yellow dots/text, act as off-screen missions that your combat units will engage in once you’ve given them the go-to order. These missions net grand rewards to your Mother Base, though the risk involved is usually very high. Several of these key dispatch missions will require a fine amount of A, A+, A++, and higher-ranking soldiers in order to achieve success. At times, you will also need certain vehicles before the mission can commence, such as trucks, Walker Gear, or Huey’s Diamond Dogs Battle Gear.

Once you start to get towards the final few of these missions, the success rate will drop to around 50-60% and the missions themselves will last around two and half hours. Due to this high risk, it may take multiple attempts and several lost combat units before you finally complete the mission and unlock the next one. While the number of key dispatch missions is uncertain as of now, completing the final mission, Coup d’etat, will unlock this achievement.

Note: You should absolutely take this trophy into account before beginning your platinum run. The Dispatch Missions take a while to complete, and you have a good few to finish for the trophy.

Shortly after gaining access to Mother Base, you will be able to send Diamond Dogs soldiers on missions overseas. On the Missions screen of your iDroid, select Combat Deployment. Here, you can send your soldiers on timed missions. The very top option in this menu is a 'key' dispatch mission, and the only ones that are required for the trophy.

Later into these missions, you'll find that they get very difficult and require S rank soldiers to yield a victory percentage of more that 50%. You can see this factor when you select a key dispatch mission and are hovering over a squad to send. You can also create a custom squad in this menu by pressing and selecting soldiers with .

Also, some of these key dispatch missions require vehicles or gears, one of which, the Battle Gear, is unlocked automatically after some time. Some missions require that you extract vehicles via Fulton as a part of mission tasks, so I recommend acquiring the required vehicles by doing this instead of attempting to stumble upon them by luck in the open world. Also, if you abort a dispatch mission before it's completed, then you will lose the vehicles used in it. If this includes the Battle Gear, you lose access to it for several hours, and therefore cannot attempt the dispatch mission again for that time.
After Huey builds a super-tank at your base during the game, a mission to send personnel with this tank will appear in the “External Missions” menu (it will be marked with a yellow dot).
After completing several of these tasks you will receive a trophy.

12 Sep 2015 08:51

RomZZes correctly noted that to get the trophy you need missions with the Huey tank.
By Silamax on 27 Sep 2015 15:21
If you play with an online connection, there are external online missions where you can recruit legendary S+ soldiers, which will increase the chance of completing the last key external missions. If the chance of success is less than 60%, then it is better not to tempt fate, there is a high chance of losing strong soldiers.
By CrazyValenok on 05 Jan 2016 20:24
It took four or five missions with the Huey tank
By Mega4uvak on 11 Dec 2017 12:28
To complete these missions, you will need S++ rank soldiers, as the possibility of failure is very high.
By Aragorn-371 on 09 Oct 2015 08:32
To successfully complete an external task, the chance of success must be 58 or more. Please note that soldiers with direct contracts cannot participate in external assignments. Periodically send high-ranking fighters on missions, they will receive medals and thus level up.
By Valdermag on 31 Oct 2015 17:45
It’s better to buy S++ soldiers with accumulated PMC points and go through with them. I failed the last mission without them 3 times with a chance of 57-60.
But if everything is S++, then the chance is 70+ and everything passes.
By Linkrain on 27 Mar 2017 09:52
56% success is also enough.
Not the first time, but it gets through.
To obtain more powerful soldiers (rank S), you need an appropriate level of heroism.
The easiest way to gain heroism is in the White Mamba mission.
Knock out and evacuate all the children, and use a sniper gun with a tranquilizer to neutralize the sleeping Eli.
In one run you can get about 4,000 heroism points.
In addition, you can steal nuclear weapons from other bases (network mode).
For each weapon disposal +1'000 points, as well as for every 10 warheads disposed of, they give 30'000 heroism points.
Please note that for developing nuclear weapons you will be deducted 50,000 points.

In addition, with the release of the latest patch, S+ rank soldiers can be obtained in external online missions, with a 100% success rate.
By Demon-Sanya on 27 Oct 2015 09:35
Every time before sending soldiers on a mission, open the formation of the squad manually (triangle), on some missions employees are sent not only from the combat squad (L2, R2 in the formation menu), but also, for example: support squad, base development, etc. Random, as a rule, selects not the best soldiers; you can put better soldiers manually by sorting everyone according to the best affiliation to your squad. In this simple way, it was possible to increase the chance of success from a few percent to a couple of tens of percent.
By soma on 15 Sep 2015 07:25
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These are the tasks we need. In the second tab. With tank badge from Huey.
As a rule, coups d'etat are prevented.
For a long time I could not understand which ones exactly.
It took me about three tasks.

18 Jan 2019 00:26