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Completed all mission tasks.



How to unlock the Executed achievement in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN - Definitive Guide

Rather than going into every task, as most are fairly straightforward (the guide suggested in ShadowEchelon91’s solution is very good and should help with most tasks), I have put together some strategies and tips that should present the easiest and most efficient way to complete mission tasks:

• I highly recommend doing the tasks on your second playthrough of missions after s-ranking them. By now you should be familiar with the mission layout plus you can use rank voiding items such as stealth camo and infinity bandana to make life much easier (just make sure you’ve developed the highest level stealth camo that regenerates battery)
• Tasks where you have to listen in on conversations can be problematic if not approached in the right way. Just be sure to follow mission objectives step by step, do not trigger any alert and you should be good (stealth camo will help you here)
• Once a task is complete you don’t have to complete the mission to save progress, but you do need to make sure you trigger a save point. You can do this traveling on foot/ horse to another location such an outpost.
• The mission tasks on subsistence can be challenging due to no items being available for deployment. For C2W, first make sure the air surveillance is destroyed so you can land the helicopter on top of the base, then use the minigun to take out everything. For Occupation Forces, you can intercept and extract the entire convoy on foot – you just need to be quick!
• For the extreme missions where you face the skulls, on metallic archaea use d-walker and gun them down, but keep out of the open areas and away from the skulls smoke. For the sniper skulls on code walker, stealth camo and a silenced tranquiliser sniper rile makes this very easy! Just make sure to extract them one-by-one each time after taking them out (and of course you’ll need to wait for the ability to extract skulls to do so)
• For the total stealth missions, again, stealth camo will be your best friend
• The most challenging tasks are in the quiet exit mission, where you have to extract all 14 tanks and armoured vehicles. Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this but I found the most effective strategy to fulton extract was the following equipment: battle dress, NVG, vehicle stun mines and homing missile launcher (for the helicopter). Keep using the sandstorm weather modification throughout the fight so enemies have low visibility and use the NVG to see where tanks are coming from. Try to keep low as once spotted tanks will target you. You can also use quiet to distract their attention but be careful on how much damage she takes – which brings me to the next task, which is to complete the mission without quiet taking damage. I found it too difficult to extract the tanks and avoid quiet taking damage, so for this task I modified the strategy on another playthrough and used infinity bandana, mines and the rocket launcher. Target the tanks as soon as they appear and lay use mines to help take them out quick. Its likely you’ll die a few time attempting this, so the option will be there to use the chicken hat and following this then the lil chicken hat. I suggest you use it, as the less fire you’re taking the more likely you’ll be to succeed!! Good luck!

If there are any other tasks you are struggling with please add them in the comments and I’ll update with additional strategy/ solutions.

04 Oct 2015 08:40

Mission 45 A Quiet Exit : An easy way I haven't seen mentioned is to extract all vehicles by running around using the parasite suit with armor cartridges. On this mission only , you can even get an S rank with it when being fast , despite the suit's description stating it voids S rank.
By ZikoLogiKa on 21 Nov 2015 18:58
If you quit out after completing your last mission task, the achievement won't pop until you actually complete a mission.
By ShadowEchelon91 on 25 Nov 2015 14:39
You don't neccsarily need to finish the mission but you just need to hit a checkpoint after completing a task
By the games masta on 26 Nov 2015 07:54
As of Saturday, January 30th, 2016, I'm just a few missions away from finishing all this, does anyone have any bug reports regarding this achievement? I'm planning to finish it all up this Sunday on my stream, so hopefully this will pop for me while I get my last two certificates, all missions finished, and all S-Ranks while doing all mission tasks.
By Crater Bob on 30 Jan 2016 09:38
A quiet exit is weird as the tanks see you even if you are cloaked and there's a sandstorm raging, so thanks for the lil chicken hat tip (I even got seen a couple of times wearing that shock)
By liner bronson on 23 Dec 2016 19:31
On Extreme Back up Back down I can only get two tanks to spawn at the end. The task is to extract three. Apparently this has been a problem for a while because there's a lot of people on other sites talking about it too. Anyone else have this problem? On the regular mission it worked fine but the extreme version does this for some reason.
By BreezyPath0 on 03 Jul 2018 16:56
Im having troubled with traitors caravan...the conversations wont count
By on 04 Oct 2015 16:27
can somebody please help me with the task "Extracted the commander and the soldiers riding in his vehicle (4 total)" from mission 7. I do the objective but it wont count
By WZRD 179 on 13 Oct 2015 07:23
The vehicles heading from Wakh Sind Barracks and Shago Village each have 1 commander and has 2 soldiers in them, so extract them all, preferably before they get to the destination.
By the games masta on 13 Oct 2015 08:14
i think that worked for me.

alternatively wait until the meeting finishes. one commander will leave with with 3 men. follow them and extract them all and you should get the task
By the games masta on 13 Oct 2015 08:17
i finished my last mission task today and it says i have 100% now but still no achievement. all mission tasks are checked and i dont know what to do? any ideas?
By Sniper4Free on 13 Nov 2015 12:18
That's a real bummer. You tried a hard reset? What does the achievement tracker say?
By the games masta on 13 Nov 2015 13:27
nice! i forgot about the hard reset... after hardreseting i played 1 mission and in the ranking screen it popped THX
By Sniper4Free on 13 Nov 2015 17:14
There after three conversations that take place. One at the start at the airport. One at an outpost and one at kiziba camp which is the final destination before the refinery. Make sure you aren't too far away (no more than 100 meters) and you don't cause an alert at any time before the final convo. Best to avoid fultoning guards and stay out of site. Stealth camo will help if you're struggling. Hope this helps!
By the games masta on 04 Oct 2015 19:43
Accidentally deleted my guide instead of clicking the edit button like a scrub, so I'll just leave this here.

The guide at IGN has a good guide for some of the mission tasks that you would never acquire through normal play.

- You can abort the mission after completing the tasks if the game has saved. It usually saves when you approach a new outpost, or during a cutscene.

For A Quiet Exit, I found the extracting vehicles task pretty hard too. However, a super easy way is to die enough to get the chicken hat, then keep dying. After a couple more deaths, it will ask you if you'd like to equip the Lil Chicken Hat. It makes it nearly impossible for the enemy to detect you. Made that task so much easier.
By ShadowEchelon91 on 10 Nov 2015 15:31
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I used the following guides from TimeTravelKiwi, these were not made by me so take no credit for them. They have timestamps to jump to specific tasks.

I personally completed all missions, then s ranked them all and now doing mission tasks.

By this time you can have the infinity bandana giving you infinite ammo and suppressor - found in development>Weapons/Items>uniform
You can also develop Stealth Camo.PP and Stealth Camo. One recharges automatically but while recharging you can use the limited use one then switch back. You can run into bases and nobody sees you. - found in development>Weapons/Items>items

Finally, once you have all mission tasks just chose return to ACC in menu, you dont need to exfiltrate hot zone or complete mission.

Any questions just ask.

16 Dec 2015 23:17

I used this guide on gamefaqs I did not make it. It is very helpful for some of the mission tasks.

04 May 2020 13:12

Hopefully this can help some people smile

Basically If you've just started your game don't worry to much about the tasks just go for s-rank in all missions because later you get far superior weapons/equipment/outfits etc which make it easier.

For 90% of the tasks use Stealth camouflage , the Raiden outfit and Quiet and you should find this pretty straight forward! I would do a few tasks at a time and not try do them all at once as it just makes it harder. Most guides tell you to use ddog but for me thats rubbish, Quit can scout an area and help you take lots of enemies, she wins every time in my book.

I'll share some things I did or that happened during my play through .

Mission 45 A quiet exist

This mission is an absolute c*nt! , it's one of they missions that you will shout all sorts at your tv, soldiers see you when in stealth and even with the little chicken hat they magically still shoot you.
For the task extract 7 tanks and 7 armored vehicles
I equipped the skull outfit, mist, armor , normal stealth camouflage, anti tank stun mine, rocket launcher for the helicopter and an assault rife ( which was pretty useless).

As soon as the mission started I activated the skulls mist and called in the sandstorm weather modification. I told quiet to cease cover fire because she killed a few vehicles and I had to restart the checkpoint a few points. I would run at the Tanks/Trucks with stealth extract them then quickly run back towards the palace to regroup. I would switch quickly between stealth,skull armor and NVG because you can't see a thing from the sandstorm but you need the cover . Place an anti tank mine the one that stuns on your left hand side as a tank comes from there eventually. I also placed about 4 on the rind hand side in a straight line next to the generator because a few tanks drive to the place in that line. Apart from that you need a lot of luck.

Mission 33 Subsistence C2W

After you deploy head right up to the Eastern Communications Post, There is a crack on the wall which leads to a secret path which takes you to the diamonds. Once you have the diamonds keep going around the path and you will arrive on top of the enemy base. Stay on top of the mountain and call in your helicopter for pick up right in front of you ! . Usually the chopper would disappear under enemy fire but in this case the chopper will take out all the guards ! leaving you to extract the container and destroy the transmitter with ease! one thing that happened to me was make sure you identify the transmitter before destroying it or it might not count ! this happened to me. Just look at it through the binoculars. I originally got the prisoners first,if your really struggling just wait until the sandstorm its always early morning in game, although theres only two guards watching the prisoners so after a few tries you should get them unnoticed. The two prisoners are at the left hand side of the base in the first buildings you come to , just watch out for the claymores. The first prisoner is easy its the second who is harder to get.

Hope this helped some people, Any questions message me and I'll try help. cheers


08 Jan 2017 20:24

I highly suggest using this playlist, I helped me so much when I did it on ps3.
By RealBlazeStorm on 02 Oct 2017 17:13
:)) MinTrapCraft you're as bad as an ex girlfriend. CRINGE laugh
By TheRage47 on 03 Oct 2017 10:31
Every mission has a number of tasks, as little as 1 and as many as 8, that you must complete to earn this trophy. Every mission has different tasks, which range from listening to conversations, to rescuing certain prisoners. After completing a mission for the first time, you can view its mission tasks in the Mission List

It is very highly recommended, much like Elite, that you attempt this trophy on your second playthrough. Also, along with that trophy, this will take the majority of your platinum time, easily over 60 hours. Below are a couple tips for certain recurring mission tasks.

As for a guide, I've compiled the following thread, which will tell you how to complete every mission task. It also contains information about required items.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Full Mission Tasks Guide

The trophy will unlock as soon as you complete the mission in which you completed your last mission task. You can also exploit mission tasks by immediately aborting the mission and returning to the ACC after completing them. They will count even if you abort the mission. If you do this, keep in mind that the you should finish the mission after finishing the last mission task in order to unlock the trophy. If you return to the ACC instead, you can complete any mission and the trophy will unlock.

Every main mission within the game has anywhere from 2-9 mission tasks. These tasks are essentially small objectives that are sometimes mandatory to complete, though more often completely optional. Mission tasks can range from completing your main objective (mandatory), to extracting your target rather than eliminating them, listening in to all the conversations a certain NPC enemy may have with your target, rescuing prisoners or extracting wild animals found in the mission’s playable zone, and so on.

In total, there are well over two hundred mission tasks to complete for this achievement. Though that number may seem daunting, you will definitely unlock just about half of them through natural play as you explore enemy outposts during missions and traverse the entirety of the mission’s playable zone. There’s one small catch to missions tasks. When you are playing a mission for the first time, all of the optional tasks will be unmarked on your mission log, so you won’t necessarily know what they are. It is not until you complete that mission and go back to your iDroid’s mission selection list that you will then see an updated list for all of the tasks of that particular mission.

At any rate, this means you can replay missions at any time to finish off any tasks you may be missing. The best part about this is that you won’t even need to complete the mission in full for the task to count as being “completed.” That’s right, when replaying missions, you can complete a task and then pause your game and click “Abort Mission.” This will send you back to the ACC but the tasks you just worked on will be marked as having been completed.

This is a very taxing achievement and will most likely require you to revisit missions countless times, so do not hesitate in using THIS GUIDE as your ultimate resource for mission tasks completion.


Every main mission within the game has anywhere from 2-9 mission tasks. These tasks are essentially small objectives that are sometimes mandatory to complete, though more often completely optional. Mission tasks can range from completing your main objective (mandatory), to extracting your target rather than eliminating them, listening in to all the conversations a certain NPC enemy may have with your target, rescuing prisoners or extracting wild animals found in the mission’s playable zone, and so on.

In total, there are well over two hundred mission tasks to complete for this achievement. Though that number may seem daunting, you will definitely unlock just about half of them through natural play as you explore enemy outposts during missions and traverse the entirety of the mission’s playable zone. There’s one small catch to missions tasks. When you are playing a mission for the first time, all of the optional tasks will be unmarked on your mission log, so you won’t necessarily know what they are. It is not until you complete that mission and go back to your iDroid’s mission selection list that you will then see an updated list for all of the tasks of that particular mission.

At any rate, this means you can replay missions at any time to finish off any tasks you may be missing. The best part about this is that you won’t even need to complete the mission in full for the task to count as being “completed.” That’s right, when replaying missions, you can complete a task and then pause your game and click “Abort Mission.” This will send you back to the ACC but the tasks you just worked on will be marked as having been completed.

This is a very taxing achievement and will most likely require you to revisit missions countless times, so do not hesitate in using THIS GUIDE as your ultimate resource for mission tasks completion.

A couple of tips from me.
1) Mission "Common Language", task "Listen to the interrogation of all prisoners." The interrogation is glitchy. The translator and the soldier come into the house, followed by the Viscount and his guard. The Viscount falls in the doorway and lies there until he becomes stupefied. It's no use waiting. The solution is to wait for the Viscount to arrive and run away from the house. Then go back and face the interrogation. The beginning will be skipped, but it is enough to hear the end of the interrogation for a check mark to appear.
2) Mission "Caravan of Traitors". Tasks "Listen to all dialogues at checkpoints." Never go near the truck! And don’t stand closer than 50 meters from him, otherwise the script with Skals will be triggered. Also avoid anxiety. Dialogues can (and preferably) be eavesdropped through binoculars from afar.
3) The same mission, task “Evacuate the truck driver.” Wait until he sits in it. He will become a driver only after this. If you evacuate it earlier, it will not count.
4) Surrounded by silence, extreme. Task "Win without using firearms." Stealth camo and sleep grenades are ideal. And at rank S it’s enough to call yourself a tank and shoot her from it.
5) Mission "Help and withdrawal". Mission "Evacuate 6 prisoners." Be sure to do it first! One of the prisoners at the bottom of the map (the path between two mountains) will not live longer than five minutes. If they find him, the task will not be completed. Also, do not miss the prisoner being transported in the jeep. He also needs to be saved. One prisoner is walking along the river, one is sitting in the desert, two are at checkpoints. Total 6.
6) Mission "War by proxy", task "Evacuate the column commander" + "Find diamonds hidden by the column commander." Don't shoot down the helicopter!! After destroying/evacuating 6 pieces of equipment, run to the airport and wait for the helicopter to arrive. The commander will arrive on it. There is a glitch in the mission where a helicopter arrives but no one gets out. If it occurs, restart from the checkpoint and rewind a little time with a cigar. But don’t overdo it so you don’t have to look for the commander throughout the entire base. He reveals the location of the diamonds during interrogation. You need to interrogate him 4 times and he will mark them on the map. And then you can shoot down a helicopter - at the site of its explosion there will be the necessary drawings.

02 Nov 2015 17:42

The simplest and easiest way to complete the “surrounded by silence” mission, both normal and extreme, without the use of any weapons. We mark the silent woman with binoculars and order ammunition to be dropped directly on her head. On normal difficulty you will need 2 resets, on extreme difficulty 4-5.
By HeavyCrash on 22 Sep 2017 11:45
Guys, I recommend this website to complete all the objectives of the tasks: , everything is completely described there from missions 1-31 (A.K.A chapter 1).
By XmX on 07 Nov 2017 22:45
Surrounded by silence - completing the task without firearms - may be a bug, but for me grenades and sleep mines were also considered as the use of firearms. I had to use stealth camouflage + hand-to-hand combat, only then it was counted.
By Linkrain on 28 Mar 2017 11:42
Many targets are easy to pass with camouflage. Yes, you can’t get an S rank, but you can easily listen to all the dialogues and similar annoying side effects without straining too much.
I first quickly completed many missions at S rank (speed + no kills, often this is enough), and then, in predator stealth mode, I finished off all the remaining tasks.
By Linkrain on 03 Apr 2017 14:07
Some missions can be completed using the Fog + tasks for rank S.
By ZELKALF on 01 Nov 2017 16:02
I'll add a hint.

Mission 14: The extraction sequence and marking resource boxes is unnecessary.

And also, for those who, like me, unknowingly evacuated not all (there are four of them) boxes and are waiting for them to respawn, I advise you to go to missions 13 and 16 and evacuate the boxes from there. And only after a certain number of evacuated boxes will the necessary ones respawn. By the way, this is not a bug, but a lock of developers to farm resources from one location.
By STIFFLER on 03 Jul 2020 12:15
If you have already earned an S rank in a mission and you still have additional goals, then take the camouflage system and start humiliating!
By MOPE4ok on 01 Sep 2020 04:03
In the prologue you need to go through without using the rapid, you need to turn off the rapid in the settings, if you go through the epilogue without ever firing from the rapid, the goal will not be completed, I replayed the epilogue many times and could not understand why the goal was not counted and even hints I didn’t see this topic anywhere, and then I started rummaging through the settings and saw this tab, turn off the rapid, and the goal was accomplished. I hope this hint helps someone.
By Red_White on 24 Jan 2024 00:15
The camouflage system, which will become available after receiving “Emmerich’s notes” towards the end of the game, is very helpful in achieving all goals.... stupidly, invisible, you carefully run among enemies and complete the necessary tasks....

MISSION 24: CLOSE CONTACT, there is a task “6 Nubians were evacuated near the southwestern guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone”, due to the stupidity of the translation, I searched for these Nubians for a long time, evacuated absolutely all the people from the location to no avail... it turned out that I needed to evacuate the Nubian goats..
By Zdets on 20 Aug 2016 12:45
I don’t know if it will help anyone or not, maybe I’m not discovering America now, but here’s the trick.
It is not necessary to complete the entire mission to the end for the additional task to be counted; as soon as during the mission you have completed the task, the treasured check mark appears, you can simply go to the VCU by canceling the task, the check mark will remain and it will be considered that you have completed it, but after you receive all missions, one hundred percent of the tasks are completed, the trophy may not fall out, in fact, you cheated the game, in order for it to fall out, you can complete any task completely 100 percent without returning to the VCU and everything will be fine, or I advise you to get all the checkboxes by canceling in the VCU, and the last one will complete the task completely and the trophy will be awarded.
By JeryKid on 02 Nov 2016 10:03
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I highly recommend this guy's guides. It goes very beautifully and easily, and also on the wound. The only thing is that he already has highly upgraded clothes, but this does not negate the beauty and simplicity

10 Mar 2016 18:01