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Interrogated an enemy soldier.



How to unlock the Interrogation achievement in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN - Definitive Guide

This cannot be done on any soldier's that do not speak English without you having an interpreter. Therefore I believe the first and easiest way of getting this achievement is on the Side Op "Extract Interpreter (Russian)" which is the first Side Op you unlock. Before using a Fulton on the interpreter hold him up and use LB to select an interrogation option, once you have done this the achievement should unlock.

This will also unlock the "Undertaken" achievement for completing a Side Op.

28 Aug 2015 23:48

I found it can. I interrogated a Russian soldier the cheevo popped and I was told I couldn't speak Russian.
By Roe Parc Ranger on 01 Sep 2015 08:17
Roe Parc Ranger are you sure it wasn't a different achievement because I have just done it; the interrogation options available, went through them all and no achievement so it's as Array Crimson states.

I'd wait until you get the translator unless this is one of those random encounters. I've just "stuck up" another and whilst saying "get down", the soldier responded along the lines of "please, I don't understand Englishski, only speak Russianish'ski", something with a ski on the end of it anyway.
By AG Bucky Barnes on 01 Sep 2015 15:30
You will need to obtain a translator before it is possible to get this one. Trying to interrogate without a translator just means you won't understand the reply given and therefore no trophy.

You will get a Side Op to obtain a translator very early in the game. I noticed it after doing 2 or 3 story missions. Once you complete that side op, you can then complete a successful interrogation for this trophy.

There are 2 ways to do a translation. One is to hold up an enemy that is unaware of you This is done by sneaking up behind and point a gun at them.

Note that if you get seen by the enemy and have to tranquillise them or knock them out then you can press R2 to punch them which will wake them up. Once they are woken up you can point your gun at them.

You then just hold L1 to get the interrogation options.

The other way is pretty much the same, but you hold R2 to put them in a choke hold, then press L1. The choke hold doesn't require them to be held up.

28 Sep 2015 08:22

This achievement can only be done once you have successfully completed the side op for extracting the Russian interpreter. After you have this interpreter in your ranks, you can begin interrogating the Soviets stationed around Afghanistan, gaining intel on key items in the vicinity or the locations of their fellow soldiers.

In order to interrogate an enemy, you will need to quietly sneak up behind them and then hold the right trigger to grab them. Now hold the left bumper and on the left side of the command wheel, you can demand they "spit it out" (for key info) or "where are the rest" (for marking enemy soldiers nearby). Choosing either of these options will unlock the achievement.

Very early into the game you will be taught how to do this. Sneak up behind an enemy and hold when given the prompt. Then, hold and use the to select one of the options on the left. Then, click in to interrogate the enemy. The trophy will unlock as soon as you do so. You can then let go of to either kill, knock out or let go of the enemy.

This achievement can only be done once you have successfully completed the side op for extracting the Russian interpreter. After you have this interpreter in your ranks, you can begin interrogating the Soviets stationed around Afghanistan, gaining intel on key items in the vicinity or the locations of their fellow soldiers.

In order to interrogate an enemy, you will need to quietly sneak up behind them and then hold the right trigger to grab them. Now hold the left bumper and on the left side of the command wheel, you can demand they "spit it out" (for key info) or "where are the rest" (for marking enemy soldiers nearby). Choosing either of these options will unlock the achievement.

The first additional mission is to capture the translator. Just interrogate that same translator and the trophy will immediately appear. If you haven’t interrogated him, then after his extraction you can interrogate any of the soldiers.

11 Sep 2015 12:40

To interrogate an enemy, you need to sneak up from behind, point a weapon at him, he will put the weapon down, hold down the button , without lowering the weapon, and point at one of the options and select it with .

31 Aug 2015 10:39

1 Comment
Not quite so, in addition to the fact that you need to interrogate the soldier, even before this, in an additional mission you need to evacuate using the Fulton system a soldier who will have the skill to translate English into Russian, without this interrogations do not work in the dialogues they write that Big Boss is nothing does not understand without a translator.
By Ezio345 on 01 Sep 2015 02:42