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Obtained all memento photos.



How to unlock the Reminiscence achievement in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN - Definitive Guide

You need to collect 11 Photos to unlock this Secret Achievement. Every Wandering MB Soldier (Extract the Wandering Motherbase Soldier’s SideOps) has a Photo with him. After you completed one Mission (or if you’re at Motherbase anyway) go to the 2nd (US 3rd) Level of the Medical Platform and visit someone (MSG:GZ players won’t believe it). After that someone has seen all then Photos you collected you can find the last one just outside her Room on the Wall, left of the Exit – you can’t show that someone all ten Photos at once, you need to leave the MB every time.

The SideOps will be unlocked after you completed certain Main missions
External image

Wandering Motherbase Soldiers hard to catch?
Play “koi no yokushiryoku” over your iDroid Loudspeaker or use a Cardbox :D

07 Sep 2015 15:32

Where is the 11 Photo, you say it's in the room with you know who right. I can't see it. there is 10 photos on the wall. What do I do?
By Chaos Mythology on 09 Sep 2015 11:23
Sorry outside her Room when you exit, Solution fixed
By King fiShiZ on 09 Sep 2015 11:27
Got it. P.s it's not in the room with you know who. It's the room before,
By Chaos Mythology on 09 Sep 2015 11:27
By Chaos Mythology on 09 Sep 2015 11:28
I have 10 photos, but the door wont open, any other requirements than having the 10 photos?
By FrankCastle492 on 09 Sep 2015 14:04
Yeah, I have all ten two and can't get in the door.
By Roose91 on 13 Sep 2015 23:58
In order togive paz allthe photos youhave to leave The room each time sue resta and smoke The phantom cigar for 24 hours...then repeat The processo...
By Jurik360 on 14 Sep 2015 20:01
If your 2nd floor med door is still locked, complete the shooting practice tutorial for the med platform, for some reason that unlocked it for me
By Newkuu on 15 Sep 2015 13:52
Another way to make it easier to catch those Motherbase Soldier, is to get into the area where they are, and just Phantom Cigar until you go into Reflex. Pop a tranq in their face, and extract. Assuming you are a regular Headshot master, it'll work every single time.
By Edallag on 29 Sep 2015 04:27
The phantom cigar doesn't work all the time for some reason. If she's still laying down, just call in the heli, and from the ACC go back to her and she should be sitting up.
By Kelvin on 29 Sep 2015 07:51
I've completed mission 38 and extracted WMBS 1-8 and given Paz all the photos. For some reason the side ops for soldiers 9 and 10 are not available to me. Anybody else having this issue?
By MITCHHICKS on 01 Oct 2015 11:03
I can't get 8, 9, and 10 unlocked in Side Ops.
By Crater Bob on 02 Oct 2015 01:42
I went back and did about 10 or so other side ops and the one for soldier 09 finally showed up. Just clear a few other ops off your list and it will eventually appear.
By MITCHHICKS on 02 Oct 2015 12:34
I have most of the Side Ops done though, just a few minor enders to some things like Heavy Infantry and Tank Unit ops, and the two Side Ops to retrieve the Children, but other than that, my 8 9 & 10 for Wandering Mother Base Soldiers have still not appeared despite finishing up to Mission 38 in Main Ops.
By Crater Bob on 02 Oct 2015 22:24
Nevermind, had to start bringing back Eli's boys to get the last three WMB missions to open.
By Crater Bob on 04 Oct 2015 11:12
I'm stuck in a loop where I go see her after a mission and she is reading a green book. She drops it. I pick it up. That's it. No opportunity to show her a photo. I have all 10.
By bryan dot exe on 29 Nov 2015 00:17
Maybe look outside her room for the photo on the wall? I can't remember how I triggered her end scene.
By Crater Bob on 29 Nov 2015 01:42
Two easy ways to stun them quickly:
1) use pill to slow time and go for the headshot with tranq
2) use stun grenades
By xMoBBzY on 22 Jan 2016 10:23
Or just use the cardboard box and a specific music tune. ;)
By Crater Bob on 23 Jan 2016 05:18
You posted, "go to the 2nd Level of the Medical Platform", for Americans, its actually the 3rd floor
By Warboy925 on 14 Jan 2018 09:07
i have completed this achievement and nothing popped for me. i have collected the photo outside the room and have all 11 in my encyclopedia. i went back and watched the video with her and all and still nothing. any suggestions??? i dont want to have to play the whole game again just to collect these shitty photos
By deathproof4289 on 12 Jun 2018 14:38
Did you ever find a workaround Deathproof? I've got the same issue
By FFX Brotherhood on 20 Dec 2020 07:00
The achievement didn't unlock for me either
By Gerbill Eatr on 15 Jul 2022 17:05
ffx brotherhood no i never did. sorry i only seen this now ha
By deathproof4289 on 31 Jul 2022 15:12
Anyone know how to fix the glitch where this doesn't f@~*ing unlock after you have viewed all cutscenes and the person you speak to is no longer available. I have all 11 mementos and no achievement. Ballache.
By Thrash Forever on 06 Dec 2022 16:06
Maybe next time just say the name of the person we are trying to find instead of leaving it out. This is a guide forum
By Vital Veins on 18 Mar 2023 08:40
I knew this would happen. Had two "complete this mission" achievements not unlock until I played the missions 2 or 3 times. No achievement for all photos. Unbelievable.
By TruDexterMorgan on 12 Aug 2023 02:17
Well I got it done. Had to delete my save and power through to mission 38 again. 1 nice thing I wasn't expecting was all my GMP and resources were saved so that was cool but ill never ever ever play this game again.
By TruDexterMorgan on 19 Aug 2023 06:57
By DBi Cyrax on 06 Dec 2023 15:38
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There will be Side OPs called 'Extract the Wandering Mother Base Soldiers'.
There are a total of 10 of these. You will unlock another one after a certain mission.
Here's a list of which Side OP unlocks after which mission:

Extract the WMBS 1: Mission 6
Extract the WMBS 2: Mission 8
Extract the WMBS 3: Mission 16
Extract the WMBS 4: Mission 20
Extract the WMBS 5: Mission 23
Extract the WMBS 6: Mission 31
Extract the WMBS 7: Mission 31
Extract the WMBS 8: Mission 35
Extract the WMBS 9: Mission 38
Extract the WMBS 10: Mission 38

A very useful trick into catching the soldiers is hiding/walking in a cardboard box and playing 'Koi no yokushiryoku (Love Deterrence) from your iDroid. You can find this song during Mission 1. I do both at the same time, and it works perfectly. The soldiers will recognize Snake because of the song or the cardboard box, and will salute you, letting you fulton him away.

Every time you extract a Wandering Mother Base soldier, he will give you a Memento Photo.

After this, you need to head for the first Medical platform on your Mother Base, and to the second level. There will be a door where you can go into. This small hallway leads to another door, behind which is someone (I won't spoil who) will look at the photo and tell you some stuff about it. After you've shown a photo, you need to leave and revisit Mother Base before you can show the next, so it's best to show a photo every time you're at Mother Base anyway. After you've shown all 10 photo's the last, and 11th, will spawn in the small hallway on the wall. The trophy should pop after this.

05 Oct 2017 06:56

There are 11 memento photos in the game, tied to the 'Extract the Wandering Mother Base Soldiers' Side Ops. Completing each of these missions earns 1 photo. After completing 01, return to Mother Base's medical platform. Find a door on the third floor of the center building that has a blue light above it. Enter the door and watch the cutscene. Now, you can continue this set of side ops. After completing each op, return to the aforementioned room, walk forward and press when prompted. Complete all ten missions and repeat the above steps with each photo you gather. The final photo is stuck to the wall in the hallway leading into the blue light room. The trophy will unlock as soon as you collect the final photo, but I also recommend repeating the above steps with that final photo in order to conclude this side-plot.

This achievement solution contains necessary spoilers! Read below at your own risk!

There a total of 11 memento photos that will need to be collected for this achievement. Ten of these photos are rewarded for completing Side Ops #51-#60, "Extract the Wandering Mother Base Soldiers." Take note that the last of these Side Ops will not unlock until Mission 38 has been completed. With that said, these Side Ops involve tracking down former Mother Base soldiers and extracting them. The catch with these missions is that the soldiers will run away if they spot you, meaning you'll need to neutralize them from a distance with a tranquilizer weapon.

Alternatively, you can approach them while crouching under the cardboard box and they will instantly surrender to you when you've inch near them. If you want to change things up even more, you can even play the "Love Deterrence" cassette tape (once you've obtained it of course) and turn your iDroid's speakers on. This will cause the wandering solider to run up to you and surrender immediately. Further, you can bring Quiet along for these Side Ops (armed with the Guilty Butterfly) and she will tranquilize the wandering solider with ease once you've spotted the target for her.

Once these ten photos have been collected, return to Mother Base's main Medical Platform and visit the secret infirmary room on the second floor. Here, you can give Paz each photo one by one (as shown in the video). After she reminisces on a photo, you will need to exit her room, smoke the Phantom Cigar for a few hours, and reenter the infirmary to give her the next photo. By the time you're ready to hand in the sixth photograph, she will still be asleep. At this point return to the ACC, complete a few missions, then come back for another visit and continue the photo-giving process.

Once all ten memento photos have been handed over, exit the her room and you will find, on the left-hand side of the hallway, a small photograph taped to the wall. Pick it up and the achievement will finally unlock. For the sake of wrapping up Paz's story, make sure to revisit her once more after obtaining this photo.


This achievement solution contains necessary spoilers! Read below at your own risk!

There a total of 11 memento photos that will need to be collected for this achievement. Ten of these photos are rewarded for completing Side Ops #51-#60, "Extract the Wandering Mother Base Soldiers." Take note that the last of these Side Ops will not unlock until Mission 38 has been completed. With that said, these Side Ops involve tracking down former Mother Base soldiers and extracting them. The catch with these missions is that the soldiers will run away if they spot you, meaning you'll need to neutralize them from a distance with a tranquilizer weapon.

Alternatively, you can approach them while crouching under the cardboard box and they will instantly surrender to you when you've inch near them. If you want to change things up even more, you can even play the "Love Deterrence" cassette tape (once you've obtained it of course) and turn your iDroid's speakers on. This will cause the wandering solider to run up to you and surrender immediately. Further, you can bring Quiet along for these Side Ops (armed with the Guilty Butterfly) and she will tranquilize the wandering solider with ease once you've spotted the target for her.

Once these ten photos have been collected, return to Mother Base's main Medical Platform and visit the secret infirmary room on the second floor. Here, you can give Paz each photo one by one (as shown in the video). After she reminisces on a photo, you will need to exit her room, smoke the Phantom Cigar for a few hours, and reenter the infirmary to give her the next photo. By the time you're ready to hand in the sixth photograph, she will still be asleep. At this point return to the ACC, complete a few missions, then come back for another visit and continue the photo-giving process.

Once all ten memento photos have been handed over, exit the her room and you will find, on the left-hand side of the hallway, a small photograph taped to the wall. Pick it up and the achievement will finally unlock. For the sake of wrapping up Paz's story, make sure to revisit her once more after obtaining this photo.

There are 11 memento photos to obtain. 10 of these are obtained from completing the side-ops "Extract Wandering Mother Base Soldier". Go to the second floor of Mother Base's Medical Platforms main deck. Look around and you will find an area you can go inside, and a scene will trigger. Bring the photos to this location (best done each time you extract a wanderer, as you can only bring one per visit), and once all 10 have been brought, you will find the 11th photo here.

29 Sep 2020 00:00

1 Comment
What if the cutscene was never triggered and I extracted all of them? Will the achievement pop or will I have to go get them all again?
By Father of Mountains on 15 Apr 2024 01:48
1. Complete 10 additional missions "Wandering Mother Base Soldier"
2. Take each photo to Paz and leave the base
3. Repeat 10 times
4. After the 10th photo, we leave her room and there will be an 11th photo on the wall on the left. We select it and get the trophy.

Trophy video

03 Sep 2015 19:02

The pistol helped me by shooting me in the head. They instantly fell asleep and could be evacuated. A dog is required, otherwise almost towards the end they become invisible and will be more difficult to calculate. Checking on the map is also practical
By NekoSusurro on 02 Sep 2018 19:10
I’ll add a hint from absArtInt:
If you light a cigar next to the ward, Paz remains lying further down. To avoid this, you need to leave the room, turn right and go up the stairs to a higher floor and smoke there, then Paz will be available again for a new photo
By TheTosha on 01 May 2020 22:56
To complete the side missions "Evacuation of an old GB soldier" you can use a little trick.
The fact is that these are Snake’s subordinate fighters from the base 10 years ago.
If you approach them with a box on your head, they will recognize you and say, “Are you the boss?” and they greet you. After which they can be evacuated without even stunning them.
I passed by running after them with a rifle, and only after receiving the trophy did I learn that it could have been done easier.
By Romis on 12 Sep 2015 23:01
It is not necessary to leave the base after each photograph taken, I just left the tent and smoked a cigar for about 3-4 hours and you can come back to take it again.
By absArtInt on 07 Sep 2015 13:18
My option is this:
  • We take D-Dog with us
  • We gain the ability to use a sleeping artillery strike
  • We have 33k GMP in stock
When the dog-wolf fires at our target, we fix it on the map with binoculars and call in a gas strike there, wait until it shoots back and the gas disappears (otherwise we’ll fall asleep ourselves) and run to evacuate the target.
By vyacheslavmitin on 11 Mar 2016 09:51
and I just ran after them and punched them in the face while accelerating
By SeriiMac on 27 Mar 2017 09:02
After you give the next photo to Paz, you need to return to it in about a day and give the next one (if you have all 10 photos in your hands). But for some reason, after you smoke a “phantom cigar” and return to it, it’s still there. I smoked about 20 of them until I decided to just leave the base and come back. This was the only way to give her all the photos at once.

Maybe I'm the only one who had this problem, but I'll leave this tip here anyway.
By MorthShooter on 29 Aug 2018 19:44
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A dog with a shocker will help you find it and knock it out without any hassle, the main thing is not to scare the guy off, but in principle even this won’t help him

17 Feb 2018 12:05