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Trusty Steed

Trusty Steed

Raised bond with D-Horse to the maximum.



How to unlock the Trusty Steed achievement in METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN - Definitive Guide

You'll get D-Horse immediately after arriving in Afghanistan and she'll most likely be the first buddy that you'll get the bond maxed out with first.
Now this is quite an easy achievement to get, it just takes some time to do. Please note that this is a similar solution that I'm posting in the other two bond achievements as well.
Now how do you increase the bond of a buddy (sans D-Walker as it is a robot)? Well you do main missions with them as well as side-ops running around the overworld of Afghanistan and Africa. Now you can see their progress at the end of main missions as well as at the sortie screen. IF in fact you do have the meter all filled up but the achievement didn't pop because you got all your buddy progress (or got the last bit needed by doing a side-op) you need to redeploy and then extract yourself inside of freeroam via helicopter, do not just return to ACC after you hit a checkpoint because the achievement will not unlock. Once the game gets back to the loading screen the achievement should unlock.
Do note that you can decrease the bond if you get your buddies "killed", as they will be extracted, by either enemy fire or friendly fire primarily from explosives.

12 Sep 2015 02:54

This is actually the last buddy achievement I'm working on, since the horse feels the most useless. I feel like using buddy actions gets their bond up as well, but all this one can do is poop. Lol.

Btw where did you get your gamerpic? I recognize it I just can't place it.
By Fooga on 13 Sep 2015 23:48
Well I managed to level up D-Dog quite quickly just by using him, I never issued him commands, plus he is quite useful as is Quiet. If I can confirm that I will.
I got it from the Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds, well I paid for it, but I had some of those VIP MS points and spent it on that. The character is from Steins;Gate though.
By PhillyCh3zSt3ak on 14 Sep 2015 02:31
Hey man I wanna know H O W you can get the horse to maximum the fastest way. You actually only explaining what we already know...
By BLAZE VII on 12 Oct 2015 19:20
After getting it, there is no real fast way like D-Dog or Quiet where if you order them to do stuff during a mission or in free roam it raises the bond level. I've looked at several other sites including the MGS wiki and the wiki that IGN hosts and they've said the same things I've already put up. I can speculate that when taking D-Horse on missions and completing most objectives in a mission or getting a S rank helps raise it faster, but I have no definitive proof that actually helps. It seems completing 10-15 missions (depending on if she gets shot or Fultoned out) maxes her out.
By PhillyCh3zSt3ak on 12 Oct 2015 19:57
There were times when I went back and raised a rank to S, her bond went up. And then times when I would S rank a mission first try with her and nothing raised.

Just keep taking her with you and the bond will eventually max out.
By Fooga on 12 Oct 2015 20:08
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You acquire D-Horse at the start of Mission 1. As with the other buddies, using her on missions will increase her bond with you. Once you max her bond rating, the achievement will unlock.

You can check your bond level with your buddies by highlighting them on the Select Buddy option in the Mission Prep screen, or upon completing a Mission on the bottom left of the ranking screen.

As you increase the bond with D-Horse, you will unlock more commands and equipment to use with her. To use her commands, hold cn_LB and use the cn_RS to choose a command. Click the cn_RS to issue that command.

EDIT: I'm not entirely sure why there are negative votes to this solution. If you have an issue with it, please let me know so I can improve it.

04 Sep 2015 10:39

Thanx for info toast
By HellCreeper666 on 05 Sep 2015 01:58
How do you check the bond?
By Dislodged Puma on 09 Sep 2015 01:41
On the bottom left of the ranking screen upon completing a Mission will show your bond with all of your buddies, or when you are selecting them in the Sortie screen.
By TheviusRacoonus on 09 Sep 2015 02:47
I've been stuck on 8/10 with D-Horse, and completed 10+ missions in a row with her, all S Rank. Why isn't it moving?
By Maka91 on 10 Sep 2015 02:53
Are you riding her, and is she not getting damaged? Those can affect her bond with you.
By TheviusRacoonus on 10 Sep 2015 03:08
maybe the negative votes come because you call d-horse a girl laugh
By N3m3si5 on 17 Sep 2015 08:15
Copy/pasted from Quiet's, not to mention that the horse Big Boss used in PW was the Boss' from Snake Eater, which was female, so I didn't bother changing it.
By TheviusRacoonus on 17 Sep 2015 08:17
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I found once I unlocked D-dog and Quiet, that I stopped using the horse. I had unlocked more flight points so didn't have too far to travel. This meant I wasn't boosting my horse up much. To work on this trophy I started replaying the earlier missions. Around 10 or less. Those have the longer distances to travel.

I would just work on getting all the objectives done and S ranks in each. When I got one done, I would move on. If I could I would leave the mission area on the horse too and then start the next mission and travel there by horse, rather than using the chopper. This trophy unlocked when I reached the start of one of the missions, so even riding outside of a mission will progress the horses bond.

I had to replay a few missions to get more objectives for the S rank, so before I had finished the first 10 missions, I had this done.

What is the reason this has 2 negatives? How can I improve it?

16 Oct 2015 08:59

D-Horse is your first buddy, usable from the first mission in Afghanistan.

Your bond with D-Horse will increase as you ride him, by 1% for every 36 seconds of riding. That’s a solid hour’s worth of riding around on his back, so it is a bit of a grind.

Riding during Side-Ops and missions obviously works. I’ve had mixed results with this in Free Roam mode, I’m thinking the time will count if you’ve set up a mission or side op-marker (to commence from the map rather than ACC) on your map, rather than aimlessly wandering.

Hero’s way (Ep 3) is a good mission to get this on, lots of open space to the north of the village with few enemies, no time limit on enemy movement, so you can land to the north, ride around for ages, then snipe the commander and ride back out again. Rinse and repeat.

NOTE: if you hit the 100% you’ll either need to exfil from a mission, or start one and then exfil, for the trophy to register, it will only pop on a results screen.

24 Aug 2021 17:54

You will gain access to D-Horse as a buddy at the start of mission 1, "Phantom Limbs." By extension, out of all three buddies available in the game, D-Horse will most likely be the first in which you raise a maximum bond with. She is essentially a transport buddy, allowing you to traverse the terrain quickly.

Refer below to "War Buddy" for more information regarding buddy bonds within the game.

See War Buddy.
Just go through the levels, taking your horse with you on a mission. And of course - use it.
Having strengthened the connection with the horse to the 5th “level” out of 10 possible, you will be able to give him the order: “lighten up.” Sometimes he helps a lot

01 Sep 2015 14:13

After completing the story mission, the partners' sympathy increases; the partner with whom the mission was completed will receive this bonus, i.e. you can, for example, run with a horse, and before the end of the mission call a dog, which will receive this bonus
By Royo on 10 Sep 2015 04:52
...but the communication level will drop for the partner who was replaced . It's a double-edged sword.
By Silamax on 03 Oct 2015 11:26
I received this trophy when completing tasks for rank S. I took a horse for almost all tasks. to reduce mission time. When I first completed the mission, I mostly took either a dog or a silent one on a mission.
By CrazyValenok on 05 Jan 2016 20:29
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