Metal Slug 3

Metal Slug 3

12 Achievements



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Mission 4 Master

Mission 4 Master

Complete Mission 4 without any miss.


How to unlock the Mission 4 Master achievement in Metal Slug 3 - Definitive Guide

Complete Mission 4 without losing a single life. This can be done in Single Player or co-op.

Now this level is harsh at first but can actually be easier then Mission 3 Master, but still my advice is just to practice, practice PRACTICE!! The first part of the level in the desert is full of flying grenades, bullets and projectiles! Your concentration level will have to be at an all time high to get through the desert without being hit!

If you want to use the Camel that appears at the beginning of the level (Highly recommended!), it comes with a very useful machine gun. Only downside is that its very easy to accidentally press cn_X & cn_A at the same time which makes your camel go kamikaze and run off, then you are pretty much screwed.

Be sure to free Hyakutaro Ichimonji: Solution for Hyakutaro Ichimonji In Metal Slug 3 he can help you out with the pesky soldiers and deal decent damage to the tanks and planes that attack you.

The planes are top priority during the desert part as they fire rockets that can be tough to avoid, you can jump over the rockets but sometimes this can cause you to accidentally 'kamikaze' your Camel. Any soldiers that spawn behind you can be taken out by simply moving back into them with the Camel, but always be on the lookout for the grenades they can usually throw before you can take them out.

Take the tanks out asap and dont be afraid to charge towards them as they spawn, but as always keep an eye on grenades from the soldiers. Also watch out for soldiers spawning behind you who dont throw grenades as they will try to melee you, they have to be very close to you to hit you though.

After the desert section take the lower path ithrough the doorway as shown in the video, open up the chest if you want to as the items will bag you some extra points (if needed).

Once in the Drill Slug dont be shy with the cn_Y button Drill attack against the huge brown slugs (Giant Caterpillar) as you will pick up ammo for the Drill along the way. So long as you stay in the Drill Slug and dont allow it to take too much damage this route is really easy to survive without dying. Along this route there will be two Laser Guns ('L') that you can pick up which can help you a lot against the boss so try to keep hold of these if you want too.

The boss (Sol Dae Rokker) is just another harsh part of this mission, when it goes to fire it's purple beam from its mouth just jump off the castle before it hits you. But dont lean into the jump too hard as you need to time it right to land back on the castle. For the beams it fires when its plate starts spinning this is pretty much down to luck and instant reactions! There is literally split seconds to dodge each beam as it fires a decent number in all directions towards you.

The Red spinning plate means its going to fire red beams at you that go directly for you in spurts of 3 or 4 diamonds. Easy to dodge to quickly shift to the left or right the moment it fires. For the flying spirit dog type things they can be quiet annoying, you need to time your jumps to avoid the explosions which sounds easy but you still need to focus on each dog that's about to attack.

Now hopefully this video can help anyone out who is stuck but I've never took the route that was taken in the video. I'm gonna check this out when I get chance with the Arcade version just to make sure its not a PC only type path. But if anyone can confirm whether it is or not before me that would be much appreciated. Thanks and good luck!

EDIT: This route does work, to use the handle to open up the hatch. Face the handle and press cn_X making sure your character has a hold of the handle continue to press cn_X until the Hatch is fully open. If you can make it past the desert with the camel you can breeze through the level until the boss, but even then the boss is not as bad as it looks.

(Credit to ex76823 for the first video)


07 Oct 2010 23:45

I found this was easy if you take the UPPER path when you get the chance, and don't deviate from it.

Other than that, the camel section was the hardest IMO (right before you take the branching paths), and even the boss is easy if you get the right pattern. Other than the yellow laser... things, his attacks are super easy to avoid.
By on 15 Mar 2011 02:38
I did this mission without any hits, but the achievement didn't unlock -_-

I was playing on Series X, and when I first played this game was on 360.

I played with another player couch co-op, and the 2nd player died a lot. That count for the achievement? I don't remember how I unlocked the other achievements on 360
By Piyi Piyi on 11 Feb 2024 13:23
At the end, what I did was correct, but for some reason the achievement unlocked days after I played (3 to 5 days), and TA says that the achievement unlocked offline even when I was playing online...
By Piyi Piyi on 19 Feb 2024 15:21
Delays in achievements can happen usually on Xbox One. Never really known it to happen on 360.

Was you connected to Xbox Live via the 360 too just to be sure?

I unlocked a 360 achievement a couple of days ago and even though I was connected to Xbox Live via my Series X, the 360 XBL had disconnected and I hadn't even noticed. So my achievement is now scarred with unlocked offline 💔😩

According to the achievement flag it can be unlocked with another player but I'd never tried with anyone else.

Also, bit off topic but I had a Gears 4 achievement take about 15 hours to unlock a couple of days ago. First time I'd had a delay like that in years. Obviously that's an Xbox game but still, could be the typical achievement delay issues that happen now and again.
By Dat Boi Treezy on 19 Feb 2024 17:01
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Now that THAT is out of the way, let me try to help anyone else getting this achievement.

Level 4 is annoying, but its not BAD. Just like in Mission 3, once you get the hang of it, you can just about play without getting hit everytime (IMO, level 2 is prob the most annoying since the zombies are random). The hardest part (IMO) is the first section, the desert area.

I start by getting the camel and getting your way thru the first few guys. The first truck isnt too hard, you can kinda creep up on it without many guys getting out.

After that a few more guys then the 2nd truck with 1 helicopter, you can stand to the right and just focus on the helicopter and it should blow up without even shooting. Make sure to throw some grenades ahead if some guys get too close. Then there are 2 more helicopters, same approach.

After that save the prisoner in the sandbag, he's a lil helpful.

Now there are more guys coming in front and in back, followed by planes dropping grenades, this is where it gets annoying. I stay to the left and try to get the planes first since their bombs are right at your level when you're on the camel. You should also encounter 2 tanks, try to kill em quickly with 2 grenades, without getting hit from behind. Thats the hardest part for me.

Now theres a few more guys from behind and in front and alas you're at the end of this part. THIS was annoying but you have to get a rhythm for the game. You will see 2 tanks coming ahead at the same time 2/3 guys come up from behind while there are 2 helicopters that come a lil later. Get the tanks first. After that you will get another take and he'll come to the opposite side your on so try to stay to the right so he comes ahead of you, and take him out. The helicopters arent that much of an issue, i get them last after the tanks.

Now if you were lucky to get past that part without getting hit you reach the door, go thru it instead of up the platform (there should be a heavy machine gun too from one of the copters).

Kill the first 2 piranah plant things, after the barrels, these flower thingys fall from the air, they're 'semi-homing' if they're next to you, so try to kill/knife them and if they're too close to your right, jump over/around them. Save the 2 guys and get the flame shot, this helps a lot. After that get, move that crank switch and jump down the hole, watch out for that piranah plant. Toss a grenade to be safe.

Now you're in the 'underground' part. IMO this is really easy once you've done it a few times and know what to do. First of all, the little maggot thingies on the floor, if they get close to you they'll blow up infront of you, so if you want to be careful, you dont have to knife them, they'll blow up a good distance in front. So keep going right till you get near the next crank, this is where you'll start meeting bigger enemies.

You'll get those crab things to the right and the left, so stay to the left but watch out for the ones coming from behind. If you have the flame shot, it wont be too hard. Theres about 3 or 4 waves of them. After that once you pass the crank, you'll see 2 more crabs ahead and 1 behind, get the one from behind and the 2 ahead with the flame shot.

Continue thru the level and now its not too bad cuz its mostly maggots that you can knife or flame (You should still have plenty).

Finally you'll get to a part where you'll see some a crab by a wall of maggots, i usually knife the maggot wall then throw a grenade on the crab and save the prisoner. I think he drops a shotgun, which is good cuz its powerful.

Then you'll see about 3 more crabs, easy with the shotgun. After you drop down you'll get some enemies in front and behind, not too bad then you get the 'super crab' enemy i guess. These are are more powerful and stronger than the level 1 guys. I think it takes about 4 or 5 grenades to kill him, so when he comes i throw em real quick. He drops a heavy machine gun.

Once you're past him i think theres a few more enemies then you get into the vehicle. Now you're pretty much safe from here on (minus the boss).

You'll encounter these huge slug thingies, the first one is really strong so shoot him and use that drill thing on him, he should die quickly. From there on, every slug (except the last one) is weak and just shooting it will dispatch it quickly. Be careful of crabs behind you, cuz they'll hit you with their claw so kill the ones in the front, then back, and repeat this until you get to another mega-slug thing.

Finally you get to the last slug, and he's the most powerful, so shoot and drill at the same time and you're good. I think he drops a Laser shot.

After that you'll reach these snail things which are real easy with your vehicle. Just hitting the A button lifts you up to kill the ones crawling on the ceiling. This part in the vehicle is really easy. Just watch out for the little flies. They're easy to kill in the vehicle but will do a little damage if you get hit by them.

I try here to avoid any of the gun pickups except for the Laser shot which the last prisoner holds. One of the big shells holds a Enemy Chaser, which is ok but i like to have a lot of lazer shot for the boss. When you reach him you should have about 450.

Now the boss, not much I can say but all his attacks are random, of the 4 he has. The most ANNOYING one is the yellow diamond thing, because its random and if you move all the way to the right you're bound to get hit. Best bet its to stay underneath it and move left and right little by little. The 2nd most annoying are the wolf ghosts. I tend to die if they get dispatched in the beginning cuz i jump way to early, they're a lot easier when the boss is almost dead and they're faster. The ones you want to hope to get are the red diamonds, because they're kinda homing and shoot where you last stand, so stand underneith the boss and move left, then right etc. The easiest is the beam that turns you into coins.

theres a glitch supposedly where you can get one of the wolfs trapped in the corner the boss never fights back but i never got it to work. Anyway the ending really requires some skill and luck, but if you're familiar with him you'll be ok. I suggest getting to the end, and not shooting him. Learn to dodge his attacks first. Play the level a lot and get a feel for where the enemies come in and any cheap things they might throw your way you werent expecting.

This youtube clip was kinda my guideline when I started 'learning' the level.


BTW, DO NOT PRESS X and A AT THE SAME TIME WITH THE CAMEL! That forces him to run away (just like leaving the vehicles) and will make the beginning of the level a pain in the ass! So be careful when you're jumping and gunning. Also I found that the last part of the sand level was sometimes easer without using the camel but you decide whats easier. (When I got the achievement I was on the camel, but other times I was playing I jumped off and didnt get hit there, i died earlier in the level ON the camel).

13 Jun 2010 04:38