Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001

Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001

32 Achievements


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Clear Mission 1.

5 96.3%
Hairbuster Riberts

Hairbuster Riberts

Clear Mission 2.

5 63.84%
Tani Oh

Tani Oh

Clear Mission 3.

5 46.79%
Shoe and Karn

Shoe and Karn

Clear Mission 4.

5 39.45%
Iron Nokana

Iron Nokana

Clear Mission 5.

5 36.45%
General Morden

General Morden

Beat the game.

10 33.46%


Stand wobbling on the very edge of a platform or cliff

1 21.96%
Pistol Specialization

Pistol Specialization

Hit 1250 times with your pistol during a playthrough (no vehicles).

10 23.37%
Machine Gun Specialization

Machine Gun Specialization

Hit 1250 enemies with a H. Machine Gun during a playthrough (no vehicles).

5 26.35%
Shotgun Specialization

Shotgun Specialization

Fire 100 times with your Shotgun during a playthrough.

10 3.26%
Flameshot Specialization

Flameshot Specialization

Fire 80 times with Flameshot during a playthrough.

10 4.48%
Rocket Launcher Specialization

Rocket Launcher Specialization

Fire 175 rockets with Rocket Launcher during a playthrough.

10 12.82%
River Challenge

River Challenge

Clear Mission 1 in less than 1:10 minutes (Normal Difficulty AES or Level-2 MVS).

10 10.33%
Proud Hi-Scorer

Proud Hi-Scorer

Score over 1.000.000 points.

25 2.63%


Throw over 150 grenades

10 39.47%
The Search of Freedom

The Search of Freedom

Sucessfullly recapture 25 POWs [P1]

10 8.62%


Sucessfullly recapture 75 POWs [P1]

25 2.12%
The Wood and Water

The Wood and Water

Collect 10 prisoners on Mission 1.

10 10.16%
Inner Station

Inner Station

Collect 12 prisoners on Mission 2.

10 10.47%
Winter Prisoners

Winter Prisoners

Collect 12 prisoners on Mission 3.

10 8.33%
Ridge 256

Ridge 256

Collect 23 prisoners on Mission 4.

10 2.12%
Gerhardt City

Gerhardt City

Collect 15 prisoners on Mission 5.

10 2.64%
Final Prisoner Attack

Final Prisoner Attack

Collect 25 prisoners on Final Mission.

10 2.2%
Super Vehicle-001 - Rise

Super Vehicle-001 - Rise

Clear Mission 1 with a Slug Tank.

3 48.62%
Super Vehicle-001 - First Encounter

Super Vehicle-001 - First Encounter

Clear Mission 2 with a Slug Tank.

5 18.4%
Super Vehicle-001 - Winter Attack

Super Vehicle-001 - Winter Attack

Clear Mission 3 with a Slug Tank.

10 9.21%
Super Vehicle-001 - Tank Clash

Super Vehicle-001 - Tank Clash

Clear Mission 4 with a Slug Tank.

10 10.28%
Super Vehicle-001 - City Break-in

Super Vehicle-001 - City Break-in

Clear Mission 5 with a Slug Tank.

10 4.78%
Super Vehicle-001 - Second Encounter

Super Vehicle-001 - Second Encounter

Clear Mission 6 with a Slug Tank.

10 3.08%
One-Man War Machine

One-Man War Machine

Beat the game on Hard difficulty or Level-6 MVS.

25 3.32%
Metal Slug

Metal Slug

Beat the game without using a continue (Hero 3 only).

50 3.05%
Fast Slug

Fast Slug

Beat the game in less than 16 minutes.

50 1.34%