Metro 2033 Redux

Metro 2033 Redux

49 Achievements


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Save 1000 military-grade rounds.


How to unlock the Scrooge achievement in Metro 2033 Redux - Definitive Guide

The achievement "Scrooge" is unlocked by saving 1000 military grade rounds but how to reach 1000 over the course of your 10 hour journey in the metro and the now apocalyptic Moscow?
Well there are a few ways you can earn these rounds quick and easy!
1) Ammo traders. You will generally find these guys around civilian populated areas and will be buying and selling ammo to you. If you aren't going for the achievement for getting a kill with every gun then sell all the ammo you get for the guns you aren't using at the time.
2) search every box, locker, dead person you find throughout your journey as they may very well have the military ammo on them.
3) safes! Now safes are where you can literally strike gold for this achievement as sometimes they may hold ALOT of this type of ammo, I personally found 150 in a safe on the level "FRONTLINE". To open a safe you must search for a key which can be found either somewhere earlier in the level but most of the time will be found close to the safes area and is noticable by the red tag the key has on it.

Warning: DONT spend to much ammo as I got to the second last level and barley found enough to get me to 1000. Also If you're using an assult rifle/sub machine gun class be carefull NOT to use this ammo as it is usable and if you must use it try limit how much you use as it shouldn't take more then a few bullets to kill an enemy.

If anything needs to be changed please let me know! wave

Note: I am currently working on a guide for the safe keys and will post ASAP! :)

03 Sep 2014 12:50

The last 2 or 3 levels contain tons of ammo. I found at least 700 in 3 stashes in these levels plus some more smaller pick ups.
So you could easily spend everything you have at Polis and still get the achievement.

Unfortunately I don't quite remember the first of these big stashes. It was definitely before the safe in D6, where you find 225 ammo. So either in the Caves level or somewhere at the start of D6.
It was in a room where your team mates walk through, so not really hidden either. Contained about 240 ammo from what I remember.
Then obviously the safe with 225 ammo in D6.
Lastly at the very start of the tower level, just after the first time you get up from the ground, there will be a stash near the car containing over 300 ammo.
By Gerbasgamer on 16 Mar 2016 20:09
I had this unlocked at the end of "Level Trolley Combat" and I only gave bullets for the "Generous achievement". I hit every safe though, and also searched lots of places so it's very easy to knock this out early in the game :)
By Sons O Liberty on 01 Jul 2017 20:03
I personally found this achievo very much easier than I expected: I've unlocked it in Spartan mode, as soon as I've opened the save lock in Frontline.
So, as above said by xTGE, look for save and loot them is the key point.
Further I didn't buy anything and sold every ammo I didn't used (pistol, for example, arrows... depending on your favorite weapon style).

Here's a video I found (not mine) with the safe locations:

12 May 2015 07:05


For this trophy you must accumulate 1000 MGRs at one time. This is not cumulative, you should unlock this trophy easily if you regularly loot/scavenge every area and open safes. You can always sell everything you have toward the 1000 requirement and reload the checkpoint to save your MGRs.



In Metro 2033 Redux, there are two types of ammunition: dirty and military-grade. Dirty ammo is the more common form of ammunition you’ll come across throughout the game. On the other hand, military-grade ammo is far more powerful and is even used as a currency system within the metro stations. With this in mind, this achievement is best done on the Survival Mode playthrough since you will be avoiding combat frequently, thus reducing the amount of military-grade ammo used for combat or for purchasing other goods.

In short, you will need to salvage and hold unto one thousand military-grade rounds at once for this achievement to unlock. The following guns can all use military grade ammunition so be sure to check which type of ammo is being used before firing them:

  • Bastard
  • Kalash
  • Kalash 2012
  • VSV

Remember: Try to pair this achievement on the Survival Mode playthrough. Save any and all military-grade rounds you find during your playthrough and try to avoid using it in combat or as currency!



In Metro 2033 Redux, there are two types of ammunition: dirty and military-grade. Dirty ammo is the more common form of ammunition you’ll come across throughout the game. On the other hand, military-grade ammo is far more powerful and is even used as a currency system within the metro stations. With this in mind, this achievement is best done on the Survival Mode playthrough since you will be avoiding combat frequently, thus reducing the amount of military-grade ammo used for combat or for purchasing other goods.

In short, you will need to salvage and hold unto one thousand military-grade rounds at once for this achievement to unlock. The following guns can all use military grade ammunition so be sure to check which type of ammo is being used before firing them:

  • Bastard
  • Kalash
  • Kalash 2012
  • VSV

Remember: Try to pair this achievement on the Survival Mode playthrough. Save any and all military-grade rounds you find during your playthrough and try to avoid using it in combat or as currency!

Military Rounds are a uniqie kind of ammo in that they function as both actual ammo AND as currency.
With that in mind you must have 1000 rounds AT THE SAME TIME to get this trophy and while this ammo isn't totally scarce you must be careful on spending.

The last place you can spend the rounds as currency is in Polis (in the final third of the game) and once you leave that area you can't return later. There's another shop in the church but you can't make sales there, only trade or throw away inventory.
When I made it to Polis on my first run I had 7 or 800-something rounds and was planning to just sell my other ammo, inventory, and guns for the difference; I was shy 42 bullets to reach the 1000 so I planned to do it on my next run and splurged on ammo, gun mods, etc to get fully geared up, putting me in the low 500s.
At the end of the D6 chapter I had over 1000 bullets, most of which were found in that very chapter.
Lockboxes are your best friend for an ammo boost and if you search every toolbox or steelbox you find in D6 you should be fine but don't spend carelessly just in case you overspend that one bullet

09 Jun 2020 13:50

Nothing complicated. Just don’t waste ammo on purchases, and you’ll get it somewhere in the second half of the game. (The trophy is not cumulative, you must have 1000 ammo with you)

02 Sep 2014 10:11

You can safely buy a couple of weapons during the passage and improve them; in chapter D6 there are two “stashes” of approximately 250 rounds each. Received exactly there.
By Sarge992 on 02 Sep 2014 16:27
On the level with the spiders there will be a safe and a toilet key lying inside the urinal. Restart until you get the trophy.
By GOOSESOUL on 17 Sep 2023 22:19
when you are near the tower at the end of the game, there will be a box of ammo near the overturned vehicle, approximately 325
By deniskor_ on 22 Oct 2020 17:02

In any mode, if you open safes, accumulate one at a time, the closer to the end the more cartridges in the safe
By ron999992 on 30 Aug 2016 15:54
Please note: At level D6, as described above, there are 2 stashes (more than 500 rounds of ammunition in total). These two places are located in the same room “Rocket Launch Center”. After the electricity is restored, you will go down there with your team. On the right in this room is a locker with ammunition, and on the left is a safe( Of the 5 closed ones, only 1 opens). The key to it is located in a small room to the left of the entrance to the same missile launch center, on a shelf.
By RN-RAGE on 26 Sep 2014 11:07
All of the above is definitely not true in all cases: I just finished the game on maximum difficulty SurvivalRanger hardcore and in this case nothing helped: I stole cartridges from a musician at VDNKh, didn’t give cartridges to anyone anywhere, didn’t leak them, opened all the safes except Rizhskaya, Forpost and 1 safe at the Black Station, also sold 3 weapons at Paveletskaya, going downstairs and before that took money from the mother of the rescued child, also often sold knives, cartridges for pistols and helling, bombs with first aid kits and of course never shot gold cartridges and never bought upgrades. Let me remind you that in this mode you can find out the number of your cartridges as well as filters only at exchange offices. I also often avoided fights with monsters by running away from them or hiding. As a result, I only had 535 rounds of ammunition in Polis after selling all the extra stuff, and even those 2 “famous” stashes in the command post didn’t help. Thus, in 2 playthroughs of the game I was not able to achieve only this achievement. So I strongly recommend unlocking this achievement at simple difficulty levels and not being fooled by the propaganda that the supposed achievement is very simple.
By FULGRIM55RUS on 08 Apr 2015 01:22
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If you are suddenly afraid of not getting this trophy, then in the Dead City location complete the Ranger/Stalker trophy, and almost from the very beginning of the survival game you will have about 350 rounds of ammunition, all the rest are fully stocked, plus you will also get Helsing.

28 Dec 2017 23:01