Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

68 Achievements


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Duke survives.


How to unlock the Duke achievement in Metro Exodus - Definitive Guide

The achievement will unlock at the end of the “Volga” level if duke survives.

In order to have Duke survive (and unlock the Duke achievement), you’ll have to maintain a good relationship with the locals. Morale has to be either neutral or positive. This means you can’t kill any cultists. It’s OK to knock them out, but killing them will lower the morale, which means Duke might die. So just avoid killing them altogether. Bandits, on the other hand, are fair game, so don’t hold back there.


16 Feb 2019 11:16

By busterfrosty on 07 Mar 2020 07:56
Ok, what does a bandit look like vs. a cultist? And how exactly do you lower your weapon?
By OneBgBdArtemis on 18 Feb 2019 20:47
Cultists normally have a symbol on there clothes and bandits don’t...holding Right on the d-pad should holster your weapon
By busterfrosty on 19 Feb 2019 14:39
Ty. I still can't figure out if these randos out in the Volga are cultists or the ones at the gas station and before that near the rr tracks there's a hut with three of them.....
By OneBgBdArtemis on 19 Feb 2019 17:06
Hmmm I got spotted on the bridge at the end and he didn’t die for me
By busterfrosty on 27 Feb 2019 15:33
Deleted my old comment, other solutions (i.e. PP) were incredibly paranoid about doing certain things during the levels. Literally just don't kill ANY cultists, and your good. Get noticed, knock out as many as you like. Maxed out the game just under a month ago, but with the new Iron Mode I just ran through as unstealthily as possible, but as I didn't kill anyone Duke survived. As long as you don't kill anyone but bandits and mutants, this SHOULD unlock. Nothing else matters.
By NoHeroes94 on 28 Mar 2019 15:35
Just a heads up, Duke joined me on the train out and the achievement didn't pop, may be a bug with this, hopefully won't have this issue on the replay.
By The Lone Ginger on 06 Apr 2019 20:41
Strange, I never killed a single cultists and stealth passed each one yet Duke got killed.
By FullMoonBeaver on 06 May 2019 01:26
Killed some of them when fleeing the church, but rescued the cultist near the bandit radio tower (with the guitar) and rescued the 3 that were captured by the bandits. I also got the teddy bear for the kid. Other than the church, I never killed a cultist, and if I found them in the wilderness (talking about the electric demon, i didnt point my gun at them, and also turned my light off)
By Leo Ascendent on 18 Jun 2019 22:39
I got it this way:

I killed everyone at the church who had a gun (killed a few who surrended - but then started knocking them out)
after that I did all the side areas - released everyone who was captured and killed anyone who shot at me.

on the bridge I got spotted and again killed anyone with a gun - until they surrendered.

if people want to know the difference between the cultists and bandits - put on subtitles as it will tell you as they talk.
By Sky Maniac on 14 Aug 2019 09:12
I got Duke survived cutscene but no achievement, does that mean it's bugged out?
By Echo Yin on 05 Mar 2020 18:39
So this may of just been me but I did all the good acts, didn't kill a single cultists, not even knock them out and he died! Lol
By JoinedGAGE on 22 Jan 2021 04:32
I did kill a few of the cultists but most I knocked out. However, in line with your tip, I saved every villager that was captured by bandits and did not harm any of them. There are a few different areas in the southern part of the map where you'll find two people talking (one at a pier and another of a father and son quarreling over the use of a radio) and when I approached they drew their guns but I holstered mine and they did the same. I'm not sure if you have the option to kill these men based on their reactions but NOT killing them might help swing this achievement in your favor. +1
By Or1g1nal S1nn3r on 16 Feb 2019 18:33
this quite odd. I killed people in both the church and the tugboat and duke still survived. I was on reader however. maybe these events have something to do with difficulty
By MrKoolxDood on 23 Apr 2020 23:27
Thanks for the tips. I took the following approach to this level:

Not 100% sure what had an impact on this achievement but it popped as soon as I jumped on the train.
By TheLightMaster on 20 Feb 2019 03:34
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To further elaborate: You should literally do nothing bad. I had no idea there would be consequences prior to starting, killed a random civvie by punch and killed all of the bad guys in the church. Saved all civvies and harmed no others. Duke died. Time to restart the whole damn 4 hour long level. Killing the catfish doesn’t seem to affect anything. Thanks a lot, Duke. Dying all easily like a nerd. 😭

18 Feb 2019 12:37

Did you kill the bad guys in the church even after they started surrendering? I just knocksd them out once they gave up anc im not sure if I ruined my chance at the achievement or not.
By phoem on 18 Feb 2019 15:00
You most likely ruined it. Please confirm if you were able to save Duke by harming the initial church fighters but saving the prisoners.
By Vudix on 19 Feb 2019 02:33
I fucked it up at the Church in the beginning apparently (based on the dialogue toward the chapter’s conclusion).

I assume that I can just go to Chapter Select and replay the mission and have him survive... In other words, with these types of missables, I don’t have to restart the entire playthrough?
By ClaytThaGreat on 21 Feb 2019 02:24
Yeah, some of these achievements are mistakenly labeled as missable when they're not because of the ability to replay from chapter select.
By Dresden N7 on 21 Feb 2019 05:24
Thanks for the tips. I took the following approach to this level:

Not 100% sure what had an impact on this achievement but it popped as soon as I jumped on the train.
By TheLightMaster on 20 Feb 2019 03:35
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Just to add to what busterfrosty said. You can't do too many things that will give you bad karma like killing innocent people, I believe that if you kill bandits when they surrender will also give you some bad karma. Just be sure to only kill people who are shooting at you. The achievement will unlock once you are at the end of the VOLGA area where you steal the boat and climb up a rope to the cultists area. This is where you will know you are close when you see a big group of them in a speech, just make your way to the top and watch the cut scene. Once you and Duke jump on the train the achievement will pop.

17 Feb 2019 23:59

To unlock this achievement you need to ensure that Duke survives during the final encounter of the Volga level. Here is what needs to be done:
  • During the opening mission to infiltrate the church, DO NOT kill any of the cultists. You are free to knock them out via stealth, but you cannot kill them
  • During the mission to commandeer the merchants barge, you again cannot kill any of the enemies as these are also cultists and killing them will give you negative karma
  • Finally, the mission that ends the level where you infiltrate the bridge to lower it and allow the Aurora passage, again do not kill anyone throughout the mission
  • Don't kill any surrendering enemies throughout the entire level, though you shouldn't be fighting any if you want to maintain high karma
  • Use stealth to knock enemies out or avoid them. If playing on easy you can just sprint to the objective to force the next section/complete the mission as you will not take enough damage to kill you in almost all circumstances
You will know you have achieved this during the final confrontation with the preacher at the top of the bridge when he tells his men to lower their weapons and allow you to pass unharmed.

This can be done via level select, however for it to count towards "Full Strength" it needs to be done during the same full campaign as "Damir" and "Alyosha".
Warning: This is the first trophy that links to Full Strength and ultimately the good ending. Duke meeds to survive during the VOLGA mission.

Here is what you must do in order for Duke to survive:

Step 1 - Escape the church at the start without being seen or killing anybody. Use the melee stealth attack when confronted by a cultist or whilst sneaking up behind them. Do not knock out any surrendering enemies or hurt civilians.

Step 2 - Reach the cult leader using the same approach as above. This is critical to making sure Duke survives.

Bad actions will cause your screen to suddenly dim
Good actions will cause your screen to suddenly brighten
We simply pass the location on the sectarian bridge, stunning everyone, without raising the alarm (shooting).

16 Feb 2019 08:29

Attention, secretive killers, even if you didn’t raise the alarm, they won’t give you trophies, you just need to stun them!
By sconstantine on 16 Feb 2019 10:33
On the Volga, where you need to lower the bridge of the sectarians, we land on it from a boat and walk along the right side as secretly as possible, without killing anyone, but only stunning them with a button and extinguishing all light sources. The trophy will not appear immediately, but only after jumping on the train.
Video guide .
By Psycholirik on 17 Feb 2019 05:47
Not a single normal description. It's different for everyone. And it was not easy to decide how to act. So I’m telling you the most understandable, point-by-point, effective method.

1. We don’t kill anyone in the church, we can only stun them. If they raise the alarm and you are spotted, it's okay. Continuing to stun the sectarians, we go to the lever, lower the boat and sail away. The main thing is not to shoot or cut.
2. Soma didn’t kill, and he doesn’t influence anything.
3. Now the most unclear part. RAILWAY CARRIAGE!!!
I took down the bandits using stealth from a quiet gun, then they noticed me and tried to find me. He sat under the carriage and climbed out to finish them off. He stole the carriage and cleared out all the bandits.
4. Seizure of the barge. At first I silenced the sailors using stealth, and then they burned me and raised the alarm. Well, okay. Continuing to stun without shooting or using a knife, the sailors surrendered, and I captured the barge.
5. On the bridge I was noticed and again sounded alarmed. But he didn’t kill or cut anyone. As a result, the sect leader opened the bridge and everyone left peacefully.

6. I didn’t take the teddy bear or the guitar. He did not clear out bandit camps and did not release prisoners.
The main thing is not to kill civilians (sectarians, sailors).

By yaspas84 on 22 Mar 2020 12:44
By PABarannikov on 12 Mar 2019 10:46
I didn’t kill only the fanatics on the bridge, but at the very end I burned myself and rang the bell, but they gave me the trophy! The prince said at the end, we tried not to kill your people, if anything happens, it means we can’t kill only fanatics!
PS: I didn’t kill the kingfish either
By Alessio on 05 May 2021 12:33
In a side mission where you need to pick up a guitar, if, as you approach the place, you hear a dialogue between two bandits and a sectarian in a cage, then try not to let him be killed! After clearing it, I freed him and received + to karma in the form of a blue flash. I think it will be a plus if they messed up a little somewhere, if not, then forgive me, but there was a blue flash, maybe it will help!
By tetuONE on 27 Feb 2019 01:19
It's not clear what's going on with the game. I saw a friend pass by, kill everyone, and so on - the Prince survived. I walked through stealth, killed bandits, did not touch civilians, only stunned them - the Prince died.
By Kotastros on 03 Mar 2019 16:14
Version 1.00
Out of ignorance of the conditions of this trophy, I killed one or two cultists at the very beginning in the church. Then I read the tips and decided not to replay. As a result, having cleared the entire territory, I found a guitar, a bear, saved prisoners in two camps, did not kill anyone during the seizure of the carriage, on the barge, and did not kill anyone on the bridge itself. Therefore, if someone was knocked over by accident, it’s not scary. The main thing is the overall balance of good and bad actions.
By xPLAYner on 21 Mar 2019 12:09
Killed two armed men in a church. Rescued all the hostages. Didn't kill anyone at the bar or on the bridge. Killed a catfish. The prince did not survive.
By IAmKROGAN on 26 Aug 2021 17:49
Sorry, but almost everything that was said in the tips above is misinformation.
When the player commits good or evil deeds, the game marks this with a screen flash and a sound signal. A good deed is a bluish flash, an evil one is a brown flash .
For the Prince to survive, it is enough:
- don’t kill anyone in the church, and you don’t have to go through it purely in stealth.
- secretly complete the episode with the capture of the barge.
Catfish can be killed. Bandits can be brought down in any quantity (except for cases when the enemy has already surrendered). Even on the bridge you can shoot techno-fighters (kill two or three - the rest will lay down their arms). Actually, it’s very easy to track karma by the presence of brown flashes - if there weren’t any, then you’re doing everything right.
By Dezintegration on 18 Feb 2019 01:30
For the trophy itself, two positive actions are enough. do not kill ordinary people in the sectarian village (which you get to by boat at the beginning of the level) and pass the barge with the sectarian bridge quietly and without killing anyone. It’s not necessary to save all the leftist dudes from the cage.
By MrFox on 27 Feb 2019 11:38
- you can’t touch any of the Local Residents (to death, you can cut them down in some places so as not to interfere - it’s necessary)
-in the Church you can cut down, but not kill, I cut down those who surrendered just in case (although I don’t think it’s necessary)
-The bridge passed in stealth (only knocked out those who specifically interfered)
-cleared 4 bandit camps
-Catfish can be killed
-We also don’t kill anyone on the merchant barge; we can also cut them down.
As a result, Selantius commands his fanatics not to shoot, the Prince is alive.
By himeo on 19 Feb 2019 23:51
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It's simple. Under no circumstances do we kill sectarians at all and approach civilians only with the gun down.
We don’t kill merchants on a barge, we don’t kill sectarians in a church or on a bridge. You can kill bandits calmly. It is necessary to rescue all the hostages from the bandits at 2 points (at the main base, which the Prince will show, and at the tower, where the quest with the guitar is). And then he will survive. And no, killing Soma does not affect the achievement in any way.

18 Feb 2019 00:42

You can, of course, do good deeds, but I personally checked: I didn’t save anyone, the first time I killed everyone in the church, I personally killed everyone on the barge, and went to Silantius on the bridge in secret, the Prince stayed)
By Modeus on 30 Jul 2019 05:50
He cut out the entire church, didn’t save any hostages, didn’t look for a bear and a guitar, animals, mutants and bandits - he used them up as soon as he saw them. Soma killed. He burned himself to death on the barge (in the end, but did not kill anyone), he crossed the bridge secretly, without any alarm at all (it’s not difficult there) - the Prince survived.
PS: I didn’t kill those who surrendered (and didn’t stun them) - there’s a gray flash immediately if you kill someone who surrenders.
By pilot94 on 15 Feb 2024 07:38